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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OC > OCCULT (20)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 418:
418. I wish to name your sickness - it is called occult fever, a manifestation with which We are well acquainted. It is increased by fatigue and by changes in the organism. One must carefully go through this period. During the battle I surrounded you with a dense aura. This is similar to chloroform; afterwards you must rest.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.6.8:
1.6.8. Mothers, in their wisdom, foresee the occult conditions at the birth of a child. The mother's spirit knows how the enemy tries to harm the new wayfarer. During the transitory time of gestation it is easier to send the poison. It is easy to stir the mother's anger and to fill the home with the dust of discontent.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.12:
3.4.12. Determination conditions the law of occult facets. Even a stone is cut in facets for the manifestation of the inner fire. Likewise, the path to the Light is divided by clearly discernible lines. Of course, instead of facets one can always make heaps of broken stones, but this is deplorable.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.13:
3.4.13. About occult murder.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.13:
Invisible slayings are incomparably more numerous than the bloody ones. Out of hatred, out of ignorance, out of fear, men implant poisoned arrows, the force of which is great. One of the best means of defense is the concept of an occult circle. But the best remedy must be taken according to exact indications.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.4:
The second kind of community knows about the plan of earthly evolution, but does not connect this plan with definite action and date. These are circles of political idealists; certain occult organizations; some learned societies; and - rarest of all - clerical bodies.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.8:
In a tensed tempo of labor there is concealed a remarkable occult quality. No tension of the will whatsoever can yield the results attainable through strenuous labor. The tempo and saturation of rhythm can coalesce with cosmic tension.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 303:
You will be told repeatedly about the awesome occult mysteries, but you will approach simply, confident in yourself. We regard knowledge of one's own situation as the first condition for battle. The unknown becomes familiar when it is approached. It is of no use to speak of it beforehand, when even its boundaries are unknown.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 336:
336. Truly, the luminaries act upon each other. Certainly, the power of the striving of the rays, and their effect, depends upon the combination of the luminaries. When the structure of a luminary is based upon the manifestation of pure Fire and of the subtle energies, the luminary possesses an advantage and can attract to itself the saturated Spatial Fire. Thus, Uranus, possessing the properties of the subtle energies, transmutes other energies. Great is the occult power of the rays of Uranus!

Heart (1932) - 155:
155. There are many occult books, but the majority of them cannot be utilized now. The chief reason is that everywhere they take into account only some specially chosen people. But Our Teaching has in mind all, all, all! Only through these calls to all can abstract ethics be replaced by the Teaching of Life.

Heart (1932) - 465:
For photographing the aura other, mechanical methods are also useful. Before taking the photograph it is useful to take musk, which stimulates the currents of energy. It is useful to have a black velvet screen and to manifest solemnity if it is feasible. It would naturally be absurd to crowd the room with casual, curious visitors. It is necessary to cleanse the very atmosphere of the room with eucalyptus oil. Thus, not only the occult conditions but the purely hygienic ones should be foreseen.

Heart (1932) - 471:
471. People regard the Teaching of the Heart as having the least foundation. But can one regard the current of the heart energy as an occult thing? On the contrary, there is nothing more precise than the beat of the heart. The sensitive heart leads to the renewal of consciousness. At least show respect for the heart in its work.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 239:
239. By means of his fiery nature man can discover subterranean ores and waters. This occult attribute has already become an accepted factor. Since such an application of fiery energy is possible, it means that there can also be many other manifestations of Agni. Combinations of fiery energy with sound, color, or with other fiery branches of the one great Fohat vouch for the regeneration of the entire world outlook. Let people simply draw near to the streams of fiery Uruvela. Everyone possesses the fiery energy to some degree. The applications of Fohat are numerous; not only people of the fiery element but even those belonging to the other elements can draw from the chalice of Fohat. If the experiments of thought upon plants have shown remarkable results, then there can also be observations upon the effects of thought on a flame. Under a current of fiery thought, a flame can begin to approach or recede. The Egyptian Mysteries pointed out the special power of thought that has been sent through flame. In this advice was contained the recognition of the fieriness of thought. Thus, one can turn the attention of people to the Fohatic spheres.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 396:
396. When I indicate the beneficialness of gratitude, I do not mean that someone is in need of it, but that in itself it contains the chemism of bliss. One must analyze the chemism of various emotions; such observations will help in finding psychic energy. Not vitamins so much as the fiery energy must occupy the imagination. The revelation of the essence of human existence cannot be regarded a something occult! One should attract many minds to these researches; they will also observe in passing other useful peculiarities of feelings. Thus, one should first establish the direction of evolution. There cannot be two directions of progress. There can be but one true direction, and all other efforts will be errant. This should be remembered, because many confuse individuality with the general stimulus of the epoch. If a given epoch must strengthen in the consciousness the power of psychic energy, no machine can screen the imperative advance of the world.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 61:
61. The art of thinking must be developed in schools. Every art is in need of exercise. Likewise thinking must be strengthened by practice. But such a deepening should not be burdensome nor tedious, therefore the instructor in such a subject must be truly enlightened. It may be seen that the most terrible calamities in the history of mankind have arisen from the inability to think. There may be found a multitude of examples wherein spasmodic thinking and unbridled feelings have let whole nations towards the abyss. On the other hand, laziness of thinking and slow-mindedness have destroyed accumulated possibilities. The Leader must provide in himself the example of a constant broadening of thinking in order to approach foresight. Of course, foresight results from Communion with Hierarchy. But Communion itself requires alertness in thinking and a clear striving. The art of thinking should not be understood as an occult concentration. There is nothing mysterious in the art of thinking and in the refinement of consciousness. Only a lofty quality of consciousness will affirm the path of the thinker. And no one will say that the thinker is a special genus. Every child can be directed towards thinking. Hence one must regard the art of thinking as the health of the nation.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 60:
60. Religion and science must not be considered separate in their essential nature. Subtle study of matter and the atom leads to the conclusion that vital energy is not electricity but Fire. Thus science and religion merge upon a single principle. Matter is affirmed as a fiery substance, and no thoughtful spirit will deny that the higher force is Fire. Science cannot destroy the concept of the divinity of Fire, nor can any religion impose an interdiction on the subtle analyses made by science. In this way, then, the understanding and the harmony of the concepts of religion and science are affirmed. A subtle parallel can be drawn between science and religion, which will reveal all the higher stages. Therefore, it is so important that scholars should be in possession of subtle occult receptivity. But only a refined organism can possess this divine perception which is not developed from without but from within. Therefore, all the great discoveries for the good of humanity will not emanate from enormous laboratories, but will be discovered by the spirit of scholars who are in possession of the synthesis. We, the Brothers of Humanity, see the results which direct all quests along the right channel. Of course, the gift of the synthesis is not always bestowed, but those selfless zealots who do possess the synthesis are in no need of specialization. We see and foretell great results from the synthesis of spirit of the zealots. On the path to the Fiery World one must revere the Bearers of Synthesis.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 398:
398. So, too, the fire which menaced the Mother of Agni Yoga on the heights was a synthetic discharge of spatial fire. Besides fiery transmutation, this fire, as it were, transmuted all the surrounding atmosphere. This occult and physical fire, verily, expiated all the manifestations which had been accumulated in that space. The subtle organism has many functions. The functions of the fiery spirit are so diverse. The Agni Yogi unburdens space and absorbs all emanations. He is a mighty warrior, battling with darkness, and he is that power which the dark pack is endeavoring to destroy.

AUM (1936) - 261:
261. You have observed that the psychic energy stratified upon an object can be eradicated neither by distance nor by other conditions. This but imposes the greater responsibility on man as the bearer of such power. This was told long ago, but the occult expressions have not enabled people to realize the significance of the force of psychic energy. What right has man to defile the surrounding space with his impure thoughts!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 107:
107. Urusvati knows that most diseases come from suggestion. They may be attributed to autosuggestion, or to suggestion from a distance, about which little is known. Just as one can heal from a distance, one can also inflict disease. In the future, science will prove the existence of powers of suggestion, but at present very few understand that disease can be caused by suggestive thinking directed from a distance. It is significant that thought can be direct or indirect, and that the arrows of thought can pierce the cells of an organism that is predisposed to illness. The so-called evil eye has a concrete, occult meaning. A particular thought may not be intended to cause a specific painful reaction, but the energy of an evil will strikes at the weak part of an organism, and overwhelms its self-defense.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 318:
Although We often tell people that thought is like lightning, they seldom understand what is meant by such a statement, believing it means that they must think quickly. We are not referring to the speed of reasoning however, but to the lightning-speed of psychic energy, which helps in contacts with Us. Psychic energy should not be accepted as a vague, occult idea: it is the very essence of existence. We try to impress upon human consciousness the importance of this natural essence of life; unfortunately, people do not like to look for natural causes, even of the greatest events.


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