New Era Community (1926) - 180: If a mote in the eye turns into a beam, then a feather from the wing of a bird in the space produces thunder in the far-off worlds. How then to explain, to occidental minds, the sensitiveness of the cosmic apparatus? How to explain that forced explosions are more ruinous than the destruction of a heavenly body, for the destruction of a heavenly body takes place in conformity with all the surrounding conditions. You yourselves do not place a factory over a dangerous cavern, but select a better place - and We also speak about the best conditions. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 295: 295. You know that during suggestion one should not wave the arms or stare at the patient. In general, it is not necessary even to look into the patient's eyes, but one should project the will from heart to heart. Only afterwards should one proceed in applying one's will from the center, in the needed direction. It is absolutely useless for the patient under suggestion to know what is taking place. In fact, the preparations for suggestion often set up an undesirable counteraction. Besides, although the patient may believe that he is ready to submit to the treatment, his Manas will resist the intrusion. The longer both consciousnesses are mutually balanced, the more potent the suggestion will be. However, the experiment should not be announced in advance; each treatment should take place unexpectedly. But physical conditions must be favorable. The temperature should be average, moderate, without the irritation induced by heat or cold. The air must be pure, and it is advisable to have a light aroma of roses or eucalyptus. One should arrange inconspicuously that the patient be comfortably reclining in an armchair. A bed is less suitable. Everything sudden or noisy should be shunned in order to avoid the possibility of a shock. It must not be forgotten that during suggestion the subtle body is in a state of great tension and attempts to leave the body. Therefore, one should with all possible caution forbid its leaving the body. Naturally, all commands should be mental and not oral. Western hypnotists scoff at the idea of a mental command; they think that words and fingers can dominate the will. But let us leave them to their occidental blunders. In certain primitive tribes the patient was smitten on the forehead with a club. Such an act also subjugated the will. But where there is the Teaching of the Heart and of Fire the methods must be different.