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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OC > OCCULTISM (3)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 229:
229. When it is asked, Are the worlds habitable? reply affirmatively. True, from the earthly point of view, there is not residence everywhere, but in the sense of existence the worlds are habitable. Actually, all these different evolutions are not always accessible to each other. Yet it will not be a great mistake to say that all manifested space is habitable. The microscope indicates life throughout the entire planet; the same law applies also to space. Let us turn again to the harm of killing. Each explosion violates the equilibrium of many beings invisible to us. Not millions but incalculable billions are injured by war. One must not forget all the atmospheric turbulence from gases and explosions. This is not occultism, but scientifically sound common sense. Thus, let humanity not forget about the counterblow.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 455:
455. One may stress further that people should not be astonished that they themselves must place the final stone in the mosaic. This law is the more just since usually there is scarcely the desire to set even the first given stones. Much has been given and much is not applied. It has been stated clearly that many mechanical formulas must be reanimated by fiery energy. But, as before, people call this occultism and fear even to think about such experiments.

Brotherhood (1937) - 219:
219. Let us tell him who strives for practical occultism to reflect about incarnations, about the mystery of birth and of change of existence. It is inadmissible to by-pass manifestations of great significance. Such manifestations, before the eyes of all, can inspire thought about the essence of Be-ness. It is impossible to disregard such remarkable manifestations as the transmission and reception of thoughts. Not for derision are the recountings about little children who appear with remembrance of former lives and who can perceive the thoughts of others.


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