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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > LE > LESSONS (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 121:
121. Accept the harsh lessons with a smile.

New Era Community (1926) - 92:
92. Menacing hands do not reach you when you proceed surrounded by the spiral of devotion. If through lower physical sight the eye could see the armor of devotion, then the man would already not be in a state of lower consciousness. Lessons of former lives do not reach closed eyes. Verily, without wings over the abyss remains each one who approaches Our Community in an outworn consciousness. Each one who attempts to approach Us in pride will be struck as if by an explosion of ozone. But how to explain that We do not smite, that the proud one smites himself? In the same way perishes he who enters a powderhouse in metallic footwear. Knowing how to use steel spikes on shoes makes a fair runner, but any workman will advise to wear soft slippers when walking on an explosive surface. Hence, there is needed a buffer for a saturated atmosphere.

New Era Community (1926) - 114:
114. People study the life of bees, of ants, of monkeys, and they are amazed at migratory birds, at their order and precision of course; yet from all this they draw no deductions for the betterment of earthly life. Natural history must be taught in schools as completely and attractively as possible. By examples from the vegetable and animal kingdoms one should give to understand what treasures are contained in man. If the comparatively lower organisms sense the fundamentals of existence, then so much more must man apply his efforts for a successful improvement. Many valuable indications are revealed everywhere. From the very first lessons let pupils rejoice at the wonders of life. Likewise let them apprehend how to make use of flights and of clairaudience. Thus, clairaudience will be a natural condition. Likewise the Subtle World will be studied, along with subtle energies. There will be no dividing line between physical and metaphysical, for all exists - which means that everything is perceptible and cognizable. And so, superstitions and prejudices will be shattered.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 326:
326. Certain agitators hope that by continuously overthrowing everything they can insure their own property. These thoughts are highly indicative of plunder and dismemberment. It is quite inadmissible to think of attracting the fiery element for the purpose of plunder and destruction. I repeat, these are the ways of ignorance, which must be abandoned. Let him who has cut down a tree immediately plant another in its place. Let the gardener reap with one hand, sow with the other. The simple rules against plunder must be among the first lessons taught at school. The teacher must prepare the spirit for the most fiery assimilations. Only by constantly affirming the ways of the future can one prepare the warriors of the spirit.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 581:
581. A mother told her son about a great saint, "Even the grain of sand beneath his foot becomes great." It came to pass that this saint passed through the village. The boy followed his footsteps, took up a pinch of dust therefrom, sewed it in a bag and wore it around his neck. And as he recited his lessons in school, he always held this relic in his hand. The boy was filled thereby with such inspiration that his answers were always remarkable. One day when leaving the school his teacher praised him and asked what he always held in his hand. The boy replied, "Earth from beneath the feet of the saint who passed through our village." The teacher commented, "This hallowed earth serves you better than gold." A neighboring shopkeeper, hearing this, said to himself, "What a stupid boy to take only a pinch of this golden earth! I will await the passing of the holy man and collect all the earth from where he trod. Thus I can obtain the most profitable merchandise." And the shopkeeper waited in vain for the coming of the saint. But he never came. Greed is not akin to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 71:
71. Bribery must be eradicated by all means, but one cannot rely upon punitive measures. They help little. In the lessons in Ethics in schools the thought must be affirmed that bribery does not conform to the dignity of man. One should observe very attentively whether such symptoms of corruption are making their appearance. Next to bribery in shamefulness is the non-fulfillment of duty. But this crime is assimilated so early that one can only counteract it by beginning from childhood. Let children get used to the work of grown-ups. The quality of labor will create the realization of duty. Every negligence, forgetfulness and evasion can be condemned only in one's own heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 216:
One must await the time when during lessons in psychology counsels about mass reactions will be given. People are willing to join an organization, but they are averse to cultivation of their own will.

Brotherhood (1937) - 142:
142. Do not lead away to the distant planets people who are wavering. They will stumble because of ignorance. Let them first fortify the consciousness through lessons on Earth. Let them learn about cooperation, about trust, about discipline. A useful assignment concerning the betterment of life can be given to people. Let us not cut short the people's tasks, which would only lead them into new confusion. It is not the exceptions that need to be taken into account but the multitudes. Therefore, let us give at first the most undeferrable. What sort of Brotherhood could there be without the foundations?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37:
We travel on far-off worlds where We gather many lessons in fearlessness. The alien conditions of the planets' unusual atmospheres can affect the heart of the visitor. Our Sister Urusvati knows the sensations of these distant flights. She knows the particularly difficult feeling upon the return of the subtle body. There are always complications and much courage is needed during these experiences. One should consult Our records of these distant flights to recognize the degree of daring they require.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 450:
The most intemperate people can be quite reasonable and pleasant in their exchange of thoughts in the Subtle World, whereas in their earthly life they would never be so open-minded! They remember fragments of their experiences in the Subtle World, which, even though very small, convey some new understanding in their essential being. Such lessons brought from the Subtle World are of great benefit to people in the various situations of their lives.


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