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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AP > APPARATUSES (61)

New Era Community (1926) - 42:
One can begin to strive toward the far-off worlds by following a thread of Light realized by the spirit - this is a very scientific experiment. As has been said, small actions require assistance and apparatuses, but nothing external is needed for a great action.

New Era Community (1926) - 48:
Precious is the action which is not in need of any apparatuses or assistants. He who discovers a precious formula cannot cry it out of the window, because the resulting harm would obliterate the best usefulness.

New Era Community (1926) - 121:
The imperfect ingenuity of some people has guessed at invisible rays and inaudible rhythms. With crude imagination, with crude implements, nevertheless certain cosmic currents have been apprehended. But even a fool knows that the imagination can be refined and the apparatuses improved. Starting with self-improvement you proceed toward Infinity. I shall repeat about the possibilities of improvement so long as the most obdurate one remains unashamed of his limitation.

New Era Community (1926) - 144:
How eagerly is each word about the New World awaited! The striving of new consciousnesses will result in new combinations. We await those who pronounce the new day a desired one - who regard the best past day worse than each new one. They are right; for each new day is clothed with prana of the new evolution. The air, actually changed by the disintegration of the worlds, becomes new. How necessary it is to study the composition of the atmosphere by the most sensitive apparatuses! The composition of the air is a vital part of biology. Up to the present we have spoken roughly about the air, forgetting its psychic reaction.

New Era Community (1926) - 175:
175. You know of many experiments in thought-reading. Western people, being told about it, have no idea how inherent to the East is this psychological quality. In their ignorance they even call it superstition. Whereas, if thought is an organic creation, then it can be laid open. Even meagre physical apparatuses can catch the tension of thought. Even the thermometer and electrical apparatuses react to the rising of thought. Thought even changes the temperature of the body. To such an extent does the psychic apparatus dominate the physical that it is even correct to identify the psychic apparatus as a part of the physical. There exists an apparatus which writes down the flow of thoughts; this flow also is reflected in a radiation and may be detailed by the comparative method. This system is pleasing to Western thinking.

New Era Community (1926) - 177:
You know that physical manifestations react on large groups of people. This cannot be called insanity, but is a particular manifestation of collective unity. One may visualize the reaction of subterranean gases and the dust of atmospheric bodies. Some paralyze psychic actions, but on the other hand there are such exciters that the Pilot must take urgent measures. Speaking about the possibilities of psycho-technics, We have no intention of destroying anyone's apparatuses. We, as Members of the Community, pursue the task of true economy, and each psychic apparatus must be safeguarded. Carefulness is the more needed because often the potential of psychic energy does not coincide with intellect, and it is necessary to determine the quality of psychic possibility. Forcing psychic energy into a direction foreign to it will be a most dangerous aspect of compulsion.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 23:
The Teacher sometimes wears a mask against the gas. Of course the action of the poison is not always the same. But sensitive apparatuses are responsive. Cold considerably minimizes the action of the gases.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 396:
When we have learned to find joy in the new breadth of this responsibility, we will appreciate the importance of thought and will learn to investigate its laws. Many sensitive apparatuses will make it possible to determine the effects of thoughts. Thus, one more treasure will be extracted out of chaos.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 398:
How many useful observations can be conducted even without advanced apparatuses! Will not a comparison between atmospheric conditions and the condition of humanity provide a key for the reasonable deliberations of rulers? Will not magnetic storms provoke changes in social order? Sunspots, the full moon, the passing by of heavenly bodies, and many other powerful conditions affect the basic functioning of sensitive organisms. Even plants and animals react to cosmic phenomena. Is it possible that humanity, the ruler, is not worthy of attention?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 400:
Attention should at last be paid to all that surrounds us, especially now, when cosmic processes are in a state of extraordinary tension. The sensitive apparatuses of our own organisms are in an equally tense state. The tension of the atmosphere prompts people to turn with care and sincerity to the cosmic forces. One should not mock when one does not know enough about what one is mocking. One may as well laugh at the formulas of higher mathematics because they do not help one to cook dinner!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 506:
It is wrong to assume that the waves produced by physical apparatuses do not affect one's nature. The invisible and inaudible waves can act more powerfully than deafening explosions. But a multitude of such dangers will disappear when the inexhaustible source of psychic energy is realized. However, even the idea of the realization of psychic energy is not easy for humanity to grasp.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 523:
523. In the process of the conscious development of psychic energy, there will in the future be apparatuses for the accumulation of this energy; but of course it is the human energy that must be its conduit.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 571:
571. Pay attention to sites at high altitudes, exposed to the winds from snowy peaks. At an altitude of 24,000 feet one can observe deposits of meteoric dust. Under the power of the wind and the rays of the sun, this dust settles into the lower recesses, and changes the properties of both the snow and the soil. It is especially instructive to observe this in places where the ground is rich with metals. The metalization from within and without produces unusual magnetic combinations. Not only psychic energy but also many other energies acquire unique properties in such places. One should value those places in which so many different conditions are united. Observations of the quality of the snow, soil, and plants are not difficult, even with ordinary apparatuses.

Heart (1932) - 76:
76. The boundary between the worthy and unworthy is very sinuous; only the heart can find its way through all the fissures of the brain. But now is the time to enter into a realization of spiritual creativeness. Does it not seem strange to many that the Subtle World is still invisible to them, although in the progression of worlds it is already adequately dense? This means that the physical eye is so very crude that it cannot discern even the next stage of the bodily transformation. If people are trying to perfect even the scientific apparatuses, then how desirable is the sensitizing of the human apparatus itself! But without attracting the help of the heart it is impossible to advance in this achievement. He who can feel through the heart can already move beyond the limits of the body.

Heart (1932) - 135:
135. Thought-reading comes from straight knowledge. Not artificial magic, not glaring of the eyes, not the holding of hands, but the fire of the heart connects the subtlest apparatuses. There are two difficulties - the reader may be surrounded by several currents, and the one whose thoughts are being read may think so unclearly that he himself is unable to establish his basic thought. But the reading of thoughts is instructive not only as a phenomenon for the contemporary consciousness of humanity, but as a scientific physical experiment in the transmission of currents. There are so many significant experiments awaiting their turn! You all know of the luminous manifestations, but as yet no scientists have investigated the appearance of these lights. Are they optical manifestations, purely visual, or are they spatial chemical ones? Perhaps this condensation of energy may set the beginning of a new method of lighting. All these manifestations belong to the investigations of psychic energy. Why should one think that humanity is destined to limit itself solely to the one type of cosmic energy called electricity? There may be many channels for the manifestation of this energy. But, of course, it is easier for people first to pay attention to their own microcosm - the heart - in which slumber all the energies of the world.

Heart (1932) - 186:
186. The work of the subtle body proceeds with greater influence away from its physical body; the subtle body can develop its greatest power where the physical currents cannot reach. Of course, from a physical point of view, the execution of distant labor is incomparably more difficult, and actually not all subtle bodies will dare these remote flights. One can judge the difficulty with which the physical body reacts to far-off flights by the perspiration, even in cold surroundings. I praise the attention paid to these physical manifestations. Even physicians usually overlook many characteristic symptoms, but true science can advance only by the comparison of facts. When indicated tension, I had in mind not muscular tension, but that of the heart. One may record outstanding success when, after such tension, the heart does not manifest special pains. Such adaptation of the heart is not easily attained. Foolish people assume that the training of the heart and consciousness can be hastened at will, but these apparatuses must be adapted very wisely and patiently when we cognize Infinity.

Heart (1932) - 463:
463. The disturbance of climatic conditions is evident. But people superficially remark about sunspots or the shifting of Earth's axis. Such assertions are made by the most cowardly, but they do not even realize what they are saying. The wiping out of civilizations, the annihilation of life by which the planet was visited more than once met with precisely the same theorizing. Thus, also, people did not care to notice the signs of disarray, and continued superficially to argue about prolonging the sapped-out conditions of life. Now, also, among innumerable misconceptions people ask why in studying the highest knowledge the heightening of sensitiveness and peculiar pains become inevitable. If they were told that because of their heedlessness the chosen ones suffer, they would not believe it. They will not admit that in themselves they represent condensers and transmuters of energy. Thus, when numerous such apparatuses are damaged, the distribution of energy is disturbed and only a few sensitive hearts take on the pressure which should have been apportioned throughout the entire world. The solar natures take upon themselves the pressure of the fiery energy, and must be responsible for millions of drones.

Heart (1932) - 480:
480. If some one begins to complain about the intangibility of the Subtle World, point out how exceedingly erroneous is this statement. The wings of the Subtle World touch people more often than it is customary to think. But people themselves brush off the invisible flies and an invisible web. Often people also fight against an intrusive thought and turn around with the question, "Who calls me?" A multitude of subtle but entirely real sensations fill life. Because of their physical reality many of them can even be studied with comparatively crude apparatuses. As you know, the feeling of invisible webs over the face can be distinctly and enduringly felt. It would seem that for physicians who occupy themselves with research in the domain of psychic phenomena, this sensation should be very significant. Why not experiment with such people by means of various apparatuses, regarding pulsation, character of secretions, regarding the heart and the receptivity of the skin? The subtle element will also indicate a kind of tremor near the person under observation. Thus, one could begin useful observations by groping, but the chief trouble is that usually such experiments are carried on sporadically, without unwavering iron patience. The Subtle World demands striving, not convulsions.

Heart (1932) - 482:
482. Would it not be regarded as a strong psycho-physical manifestation when the bed, the armchair, and the table shake from healing vibrations? It is not astonishing that sometime these are mistaken for the tremor of an earthquake. Skeptics will often identify this sensation as dizziness. Vibrations also provide material for experimentation. With even primitive apparatuses one can observe the vibrations of heavy objects. From such crude examples one can proceed to the organisms of people, which vibrate through all nerve centers. You are aware of these vibrations and accept them as entirely natural, but do not let us flatter ourselves with the hope that multitudes of people wish to know them. Yet all teachings are aware of them and speak definitely about them. Even primitive teachings gave an important significance to vibrations. Thus, when thinking of the heart, let us unfailingly remember the powerful healing through vibrations

Heart (1932) - 529:
529. People ascend peaks in order to study cosmic rays. Probably they have not taken into the slightest consideration the composition of the mountain itself. And certainly they did not contribute to the experiment by study of their own energies. The experiment can either be strengthened or almost disrupted by a disorderly combination of observers. I am astonished at how extensively people rely on dead apparatuses, forgetting the effect of their own living energy. The fluctuations of the most precise apparatuses in different hands are worthy of observations. Even the most sensitive chronometers work differently in various hands. Of course, such simple evidence arouses the derision of dwarfs. Is it possible that they have so low an opinion of themselves that they do not admit having any emanations of their own? It seems they do not regard themselves as having the image and likeness of Divinity! Yet even pigs have emanations.

Heart (1932) - 556:
556. You will not be astonished at My confirmation that black magic is increasing greatly. Of course, this is one of the weapons used by the opponents of Light. They gather conscious and unconscious co-workers. Conjurations, incantations, and also all the accumulations of the dark ones, are broadly utilized. In addition to the dark centers previously indicated to you many small circles are arising, often based on the most primitive rituals. But general harm is great. Of course, white magic possesses the most powerful formula - but above all formulas stands the energy of the heart. All formulas and conjurations presuppose mechanical apparatuses, remaining within the confines of the lowest teachings. But now, when the forces of darkness are so aroused, the forces of the heart are set against them in opposition. It can be noticed how gradually the rituals of white magic were carried to the highest concepts of Fire and the heart. The dark ones do not possess these strongholds. Only the pure heart can act. Only the link with the Hierarchy of Light can kindle the inextinguishable fires. Thus, the opposition of the heart to all dark forces will be the sign of victory. I affirm the might of the heart and from your experience you know how close and powerful is this weapon of Light. The fiery sphere cannot be approached without the flame of the heart. Initiation by fire is only for the pure heart.

Heart (1932) - 569:
569. The scientific basis of the effect of the human glance provided an opportunity for further investigations. After investigation of the effect upon the human organism, of course attention should be paid to the precipitates of the human glance upon inanimate objects. If a glance reaches the state of poison, there can be a similar stratification upon water and upon all types of objects. In fact, the significance of the conjuration of water lies not in the rhythm of the words, but in the glance. Certainly this reaction may be good or evil. As usual, the evil meaning can be more easily sensed, as in the case of imperil, but after having discovered evil the good will also be detected. Thus, one may approach an investigation of various mutual reactions. Is it not thrilling to observe the effects upon various objects, when armed with contemporary apparatuses? The ancient legends about the chalices of the world or the blessed pieces of cloth gain a different rational significance. But the observers should be advised not to stop at the first steps. Let them immediately expand their field of experimentation. Will not the observation of the piercing of the atmosphere by the human glance or thought lead to many conclusions? And will not the reaction of the same energy at various altitudes be instructive? One can begin with crude manifestations, as was already done with the evil eye. But it is better not to delay observation of the benevolent eye. One may discover the most beneficial results. One ought to concentrate on these.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 29:
29. You have seen Our apparatuses for measuring the compression of fire. The erupting flame records a terrific pressure. The fiery essence is under the pressure of many atmospheres; in order to burst into flame, the mass of compression must be overcome. If the flame has formed and burst forth, it indicates that the pressure and the power of the flame are extraordinary.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 651:
651. How many unalterable truths have been rejected! They say eternal life does not exist. Yet it exists. They say the Subtle World does not exist. Yet it exists. They say no intercourse between the worlds exists. Yet it exists. They say no Higher Guidance exists. Yet it exists. Thus dark deniers would screen the light from the heart. But no lock exists which can debar the heart from achievement. One should not only discuss and read, one should also sense the warmth of the heart. This warmth of the heart can be measured; this means it is accessible to simple apparatuses. Agni will point the way to that land where the victory of the heart is preordained. The Fiery World summons to victory.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 166:
166. Upon pressing or rubbing of the eyes colors appear which act as crude reminders of the radiance of the centers. If a coarse contact can produce evident illumination, then contact of a higher energy can certainly bring beautiful colors of the spirit. From the gross to the very highest it is necessary to cognize the saturation with spatial Fire. One should become accustomed to conscious acceptance of spatial accessibility. However, one should adapt oneself to such a merging. Let us not forget that ancient revelations were given for the betterment of life, and for the refining of consciousness. Thus the bond with the Higher Worlds was maintained directly. But later, because of the breaking away, quests for mechanical methods began, for the purpose of preventing a complete severance of the communion. It should be born in mind that during Kali-Yuga such methods became ineffectual, and even a mixing with the lower strata of the Subtle World took place. But Satya-Yuga, by its very nature, requires communion with the Higher Worlds. Therefore, in preparing for Satya-Yuga one should turn again to direct communion with the Higher Worlds, by applying true Ethics. This is needed for destined discoveries which cannot be given to an animal consciousness. I will not weary of reiterating it, for each hearth of enlightenment of the spirit is important. Where, then, can be the paths to the Fiery World, if not through the decrees of Ethics? Surely Hatha-Yoga does not lead to the Fiery World. Enough of preparations - one should hurriedly strive toward the Higher Worlds. Let each of our cells contain millions of millions of currents. Not for somnolence have the subtlest apparatuses been given. Not for the sake of doubt are there being made calculations involving such huge figures. They surely remind one about Infinity and the saturation of all that exists. Thus let us be imbued with thoughts about Spatial Fire, about the possibilities of our being. Satya-Yuga cannot draw near without fiery signs.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 176:
176. Amid observations upon the deplorable consequences of negation, one should not blame certain well-intentioned people for applying their own force first rather than trouble Hierarchy. It may seem at times that people act from self-confidence, when, as a matter of fact, they are filled with reverence for Hierarchy, and above all they strive to apply their own forces in order to conserve every ounce of Higher energy. They do not even pronounce the name of the Teacher, and they guard their mantram in secret. One should regard very carefully the various modes of reverence. One should affirm all that aspires to the Light. With Us only negation is rejected. Indeed, the very existence of man, who thinks and who contains the subtlest apparatuses, is a real miracle, which could not be without a past, and hence not without a future. The Fiery World is the predestined future. Who, then, will hesitate on the path, knowing the great destination? Who, then, will not respect the present incarnation, knowing that it will aid the ascent? Who, then, will disdain the Subtle World, knowing that there is the testing of thoughts? Thus, our brief sojourn here has been bestowed as the best aid toward a speedy advance to the Fiery World. In some way one should combine the urgent problems of life with the highest resolutions. Actually the earthly life hinders speedy realizations. People dream about the mechanical prolonging of life here, instead of cultivating a joyful readiness to approach the goal. The Teacher brings the consciousness of the disciple, by the shortest path, toward the attainment of the Fiery World. The Teacher affirms all that which may, even indirectly, bring closer or unify useful consciousnesses, in order that each action contain within itself the necessary amount of conditions of approach.

Brotherhood (1937) - 412:
412. Each arch has its apex. Disturbing it causes the downfall of the entire arch. Similarly there is in life the Highest Contact without which life turns into chaos. Is it easy to sense this point of Infinity? Few have sensed it, but because of this the manifestation of Infinity has forever illumined their consciousness. Great is the concept of the subtlest energies that uplift the consciousness. It is impossible to call them other than subtlest. Earthly apparatuses do not detect them. No one has seen them, but some have been convinced of their presence by an indescribable feeling. It would seem that earthly forces are forever separated from the subtlest domain, yet for all that our planet is on the eve of realizing the higher energies if humanity so desires. In this condition is contained the chief affirmation of the possibility, for each possibility can be rejected by the insanity of the will. But it is inadmissible that the highest point of the beautiful arch be destroyed by madness. Let each one recollect the best moments of his life. Is it possible that even a cruel heart will not be softened! Let each one sense in his own life the contact with the highest point of beautiful energies.

Brotherhood (1937) - 515:
515. Not only was levitation well known in remote antiquity but it was also understood rationally. Amid the ignorance of the Middle Ages even a thought about flying apparatuses was regarded as sorcery. Only now do people look back with pity at the ignorance of the Middle Ages and accept aviation as something natural. But did the grandfathers of the present generation think similarly?

Brotherhood (1937) - 515:
I mention this because many attainments are as yet in a state similar to that of the Middle Ages. In a short time auras will be photographed, thoughts will be measured, there will be apparatuses to determine emanations, yet at present only a few people admit such possibilities. Not so long ago television was an idle tale, people considered it inaccessible, yet they promptly accepted it as a factor in their comfort. One may surmise that the measuring of thought and determining of emanations will not be pleasing to many who have become accustomed to concealing even their own age.

Brotherhood (1937) - 516:
516. The physicians of antiquity determined the quality of emanations by the application of plants and metals. They also made use of certain breeds of dogs which were very sensitive to the emanations of man. But nowadays the simplest apparatuses, such as an electrical machine, will record on a screen the rhythm and quality of emanations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 2:
2. Urusvati has seen many of Our apparatuses. In appearance they do not differ much from those in use elsewhere. However, the way they are used is different, for psychic energy is applied. It has long been known that some apparatuses will operate only in the presence of a particular person, and now there are even people whose organisms can substitute for entire complicated apparatuses. Man is growing accustomed to his inner forces.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 2:
Man has always been afraid of anything mysterious, forgetting that the key to the mystery is within himself. One must free oneself from all impeding conditions or circumstances, which are different for everyone. Progress depends upon free will that is directed toward good. The power of good compels even machines to act not for themselves, but for humanity. Thus, Our apparatuses function with Our collaboration.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 3:
Let the ignorant deride the repositories of the Brotherhood. Let the egoism of ignorance regard Our repositories as the treasures of misers. In truth, each object is for Us a useful apparatus, and can be used for important observations. It is especially valuable to observe the relationship of ancient auras to later emanations. Sometimes a total opposition between objects, or a mutual sympathy between them, can be observed. In Our many experiments with ancient objects, We observe not only with spiritual vision but also verify by the use of Our apparatuses. This is not so-called psychometry, but a science of radiations. Just as you can observe the usefulness of fruits and plants, We can study the language of objects by their radiations. One can thus observe that few religious artifacts have beautiful radiations, for they were too often created with self-interest, and then fell into even more mercenary hands.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 4:
We have apparatuses that assist the transference of thought over a distance. People would be astonished to see that certain apparatuses that are familiar to them are here applied quite differently. The application of psychic energy can transform the simplest of motors.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 13:
People find it difficult to become accustomed to the idea of a mental interchange of thought. But among Us such a state is absolutely natural, and serves to simplify Our relations. One thought can often replace an entire exchange of words. Even in daily life, those who have lived together for a long time understand the thoughts of their companions. Certain exercises can, without apparatuses, enable one to understand the thoughts of co-workers. We speak only about what We apply in Our lives.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 15:
15. Urusvati was amazed to see Our tension when sending ideas to remote distances. We are actually charged with electricity in order to increase the Primary Energy, and use unusual electrical apparatuses to create the special environment needed for the sending of thought. It can be seen that psychic receptivity may be increased in electric power plants, but such a saturation of the environment with electricity can also cause fiery sicknesses. Everywhere harmony is needed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 16:
Each earthly house has its own atmosphere, and one can observe that where more labor is performed, the atmosphere is more saturated. In the Brotherhood, where everyone manifests the greatest tension, where there are so many powerful apparatuses, and where so many different experiments take place at the same time, the atmosphere is most saturated. Do not forget about the stores of chemical substances and about the healing plants, both of which have exceedingly powerful emanations. One can avoid aromas, but emanations are unavoidable. Great harmony must prevail in any place from which ideas are sent into space.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 20:
20. Urusvati distinguishes the currents that are favorable from those that hinder. One can imagine the reactions of crowds that are seized by one emotion. At some time We will reveal experiments that were carried out in the midst of crowds, and the results will show over what great distances the energy of crowds has its effect. The mood of distant crowds is also felt acutely in Our Abode. Not without reason do We insist upon the necessity of maintaining a friendly unity. Even purely physiological experiments produce varying results because of the chemistry of the participants, and sensitive apparatuses will change their vibrations at the approach of even one person. This means that the confused and angry aura of crowds can disrupt the most important experiments, and this causes Our blood-tinged sweat.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 22:
The significance of the heart is great; in the future it will replace the most complex apparatuses. Verily, in the New Era people will appear whose organisms accomplish this. At present, people invent robots, but after this mechanical fever has abated man's attention will turn to the powers within himself.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 39:
It is better to question detractors than to leave them in a paroxysm of blasphemy. It is truly said, "It will be asked of you, and you will have to account not only for the evil words that were spoken, but also for all the kind words that were left unspoken." Many sayings from antiquity teach humanity the simplest truths, and they are as new even today. Thus let us be cautious with the concept of Brotherhood and not forget that sensitive apparatuses record every word about the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 46:
We consider it most important to preserve pure thinking. This is possible where burning evenly exists. Thought is sent when there is a developed ability to concentrate. There are special apparatuses that enhance the concentration of thought. They are useful for sending thoughts to great distances. You may be surprised to know that these apparatuses are made by fusing various alloys. This fusion was considered from ancient times to be a special science, and an alloy was called a choir of metals.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 49:
But the local people also understand the significance of the Forbidden Locality, and protection is thus created. This is necessary because Our apparatuses may require supplies from the cities. Sometimes buyers obtain certain things whose use is unknown even to them, and send such purchases to Us through Nepal. I can tell you this because there is no danger that the route will be discovered. Many fairy tales have been woven about Our Abode.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 77:
Our apparatuses may resemble simple telegraphic receivers, but they are designed for more subtle vibrations. The necessary tension requires an increase in prana. The breathing of Our ozonizers can be likened to the breathing of living beings. Our lighting system, which resembles neon tubing, can burn very brightly. The effect of such mechanical devices can be increased by cognition of the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 91:
In Our Community We use special apparatuses to broaden the capacity of the heart. We would be happy to share this knowledge freely, but human hands would only cause heartache. These apparatuses should not be used without having control of one's thoughts, otherwise the heart would be overburdened. In addition, the surrounding conditions should be suitable. You know how easy it is to contact Us when the fires of the heart are kindled, and the spirit rejoices in exaltation. Beware of irritation and fear, those petty obstructions that not only separate you from Us, but also burden Us. Seek nearby, seek in the small things, seek in everyday life. We are talking about the ways that lead to the far-off worlds. Petty obstructions are out of place in such preparations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 101:
101. Urusvati realizes that, although on the reality of the physical plane some people at times seem alive, from the viewpoint of a Higher Reality they are quite dead. It might seem puzzling that those defined as dead by a Higher Reality continue to move about on Earth. But why should such determinations be limited by only physical manifestations? When Our apparatuses indicate death, this indication is more correct than earthly evidence. We could mention several such "living corpses," each of whom is afflicted by some physical ailment. But their physical condition is a secondary factor, the primary one being the condition of the subtle body, which is ready to leave and may no longer be fully connected to the physical body. Such automatons can no longer be independently creative, and are easily led by others without realizing it. They are strongly earthbound and dread the idea of death, yet sense that they no longer belong fully to physical existence. Usually they are so-called materialists, and fear even a hint of the continuity of life in the subtle body! They may even fear to think about their own deeds. One should be able to recognize these living corpses and regard them as empty shells. I know that they would be enraged if their names were mentioned, and We shall not do this, for you know whom I have in mind. You also know whom We consider to be vacuums.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 235:
One can be drowning in astronomical calculations, yet be no nearer to the far-off worlds. Even spectrum analysis depends for accuracy on many conditions, and mechanical apparatuses are useless in communication with the far-off worlds. Of the billions of heavenly bodies, only thousands can be located, and even the most powerful telescope will be as naught when confronted with Infinity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 363:
There are some who would consider that such communion is labor also, and they would be right, for the exploration of the higher spheres requires much energy. Absolute concentration is required and the apparatuses must be controlled with skill. Recently, Urusvati experienced a powerful shock when one of the levers broke in My hand. Such unpredicted complications often occur, but there is a great difference between the breaking of a lever during routine work and a complication in the apparatuses used for communication. Yet, despite inevitable complications, the labor of striving toward the higher spheres is a true festival.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 382:
382. Urusvati saw the many different apparatuses in Our laboratory, each of which operates with the assistance of psychic energy. The time will come when people will recognize that the functioning of machines is dependent upon the psychic energy of the person operating them. This should not be regarded as magic or something extraordinary. People should know that they transmit some of their psychic energy to every object they touch. If the energy is uncontrolled it operates without effect, but when it is realized and organized it will work more effectively.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 382:
Another factor should be kept in mind, that psychic energy is developed especially during conscious communion with Hierarchy. This communication should be practiced throughout one's entire life, and will then become firmly established. The Image of the Teacher will become ever-present, and the flow of the new, vital currents will be manifested in all endeavors. This will become the foundation of the feeling that people call optimism. Such straight-knowledge helps even machines to do their best work! All Our apparatuses are designed to respond to psychic energy. Not everyone is able to make use of Our methods, but every thinking person can progress on the same path. The difference between Us and others is that, due to lengthy experience, We know how to focus Our psychic energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 396:
We constantly listen to the resounding of space, and experience and patience have taught Us to distinguish the many gradations of sound. We have some apparatuses that enable Us to register even the weakest atmospheric rhythms, but the essential knowledge comes through clairaudience.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 449:
449. Urusvati knows the apparatuses that We use for the concentration of currents that are to be transmitted. These apparatuses are used whenever possible to preserve psychic energy. Of course, transmission can be accomplished without instruments, but the principle of frugality should always be applied. Indeed, there can be moments of such tension that it is necessary to project a current of energy with urgency. People can sometimes sense such tension, but cannot often determine its source.


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