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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AP > APPARATUS (125)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 249:
The best apparatus is concealed in the brain. Soon dormant centers will be returned to mankind's use. Again will the tree of knowledge flourish.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 368:
368. The pulse reveals the synthesis of vibrations. Each organism, up to and including the Universe, has its own pulse. The human pulse is strong enough to bring a sensitive apparatus into action. The pulse of atoms creates an energy whose formula can easily be told, But, it is still forbidden to state it because it will lead only to destruction.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.7:
Without lamentations and invocations each one may approach the apparatus of life - not through mind but in spirit. The hands will be stretched out not to entreat but to gather. The call of the Mother will show the Gates whereby it is already time to enter. Just the Call of the Mother. When the whims of childhood are forgotten, only Mother can call.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.6:
2.4.6. For the reason that Our pupils bear within themselves the microcosm of the Brotherhood, there is not an indifferent attitude towards them. In their mode of life the same details as of Our Life are gradually revealed. There is endless labor; absence of the sense of finiteness, even of knowledge; loneliness and the absence of a home on Earth; the understanding of joy, in the sense of realization of possibilities - for the best arrows seldom reach their mark. And when We see the hearts of people who strive toward one and the same garden, how could We not manifest joy? But fearlessness in the face of endless labor is especially important. It is true that from the realization of the infinite possibilities of the human apparatus one feels relief.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.8:
2.4.8. When many earthly apparati will have to be destroyed because of their harmfulness, it will then be time to bring humanity nearer by means of a natural apparatus.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.8:
An apparatus is a primary step. The true conquest will have been made when the spirit will have replaced all apparatus. For man to be fully equipped without a single machine - is it not a conquest!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.20:
At first glance the leaping sparks seem to be only the motion of an apparatus; but they are guardians, ready to repel the enemy.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.11:
2.10.11. Let us speak about the sensitive apparatus.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.11:
Imagine yourself a fine needle, of unusual sensitiveness, which reacts to all changes in the surroundings. The needle is connected with a special apparatus which formulates all surrounding currents. The needle vibrates to all currents, all sounds, all images, and the formulating apparatus records all receivings. The sensitiveness is such that even a thought is registered. For preciseness of the work there is needed a constancy of surroundings. A predominant current creates a state of constancy. It means that the apparatus is adapted to this current. If the current is changed, then often the apparatus even stops; especially if the currents are not harmonized.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.9:
It is easy to attune the apparatus of visible science with the conduits of the Higher World. For instance, clairaudience will be easily understood as the wireless telephone, which will be very soon established. But just then attention will be paid to the differences in the quality of communications, and in comparing the peculiarities of the mediators the practicability of spirituality will be understood.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.9:
As photography will never replace creativeness, so too a physical apparatus can never substitute for spirituality.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.8:
3.5.8. Let us imagine a man imbued with the thought that his two eyes see differently. Of course he will be right, but by this very thought he will ruin his eyesight. Coordination of reflexes is difficult, but it alone assures successful operation of the apparatus. The difference between the eyes is what gives perspective to the thing seen.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.12:
One may weigh, one may analyze up to the most minute particles, but still there remains an imperceptible and inscrutable substance, as irreplaceable as the vital force of a seed. In due time We shall direct attention to certain striking properties of this substance, which can be seen; but now it must be agreed that such an extraordinary substance must be very precious and must have some extremely important qualities - even a fool will comprehend this. Experiment provides certainly the best proof. If we compare two individuals, of whom one dissipates the vital substance while the other consciously conserves it, we will be amazed at how much more sensitive the spiritual apparatus of the second becomes. The quality of his labors becomes entirely different, and the quantity of his projects and ideas multiplies. The centers of the solar plexus and brain are being heated, as it were, by an invisible fire. That is why temperance is not a pathological renunciation but a sensible action. To bestow life does not mean to cast away the entire supply of vital substance.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.14:
Since the significance of the spirit is great, then great value should be attached to thought, the child of the spirit. What significance thought has is shown even by a simple apparatus for study of the spectrum of the aura. The aura changes color not only from realized thoughts but, in the same measure, from the errant flies of our spirit reservoir which do not reach the reason nor the memory.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.21:
The labor of endless perfectionment is ordained by Us. And in moments of difficulty think about Us, knowing that the wireless apparatus will not delay in connecting you with Us. But learn to think and to distinguish the moment of real difficulty. Often people take good fortune for calamity, and vice versa. Expansion of consciousness will affirm spirit-knowledge, and this knowledge will lead to Our Community.

New Era Community (1926) - 16:
It is possible to ennoble the conquest by stripping it of all sporting significance and directing it to labor. Hurry to save the unfortunates, fly for the unifying of humanity! Then will these conquests enter into evolution, for people must bring into ordinary usage the supermundane strivings, not forgetting about responsibility. As yet these conquests remain in the stage of ugly centaurs. When people will comprehend whither and for what reason they must fly, then will it be possible to improve the flying apparatus tenfold.

New Era Community (1926) - 101:
It is easier to observe one sensitive apparatus which fixes the quality of thinking. It is possible to see spirals going upwards or descending into a darkish vapor - the most graphic illustration of the materialistic process of thinking through the quality of inner potential. These simple manifestations have a dual significance first, they detect the ignorant ones who image matter as something inert and lacking anything in common with the seat of consciousness; second, they have a significance for those seekers who will be responsible to themselves for the quality of their thinking.

New Era Community (1926) - 102:
The assertion "I can do anything" is not idle boasting but only the realization of an apparatus. The most wretched being can find the current to Infinity; for each labor, of quality, opens the locks.

New Era Community (1926) - 121:
121. The new consciousness, supported by technical means, will give a powerful impetus to knowledge. Indeed, the community must be a most sensitive apparatus for the process of evolution. Indeed, in a conscious community no individual can make affirmation about an already molded world-study. Every dull barrier is swept away by the sharpened vibration of the collective. Even a hint at completion makes sojourn in the community impossible. Who then will assume the stigma of stupidity?

New Era Community (1926) - 123:
We have spoken about subtle bodies, about magnets, about the luminosity of the aura, about the radiation of every object, about shifting of sensitivity, about change of ponderance, about the penetrating of stratum of matter through another, about the sendings of thought through space, about the actuality of cementing space, about the feeling of the centers, about understanding the word "matter." Much of that which is invisible but perceptible by apparatus must be appreciated by him who wishes to apply the means of technic in life. It is necessary to replace fanciful drivel with sound reason.

New Era Community (1926) - 131:
Indeed, as you well remember, the correlation of auras with the spatial substance gives quality to the result. Precisely, not the size but the color gives a particular approach to the action. The size of the aura will give tension to the action, but the path will be determined by the color. Thus, it is impossible to set any specific way of action under an alien color combination. A causal predetermination causes a mixture of rays and paralyzes the will. The infirmity of many workers is explained by the mixture of heterogeneous color groups. Here would be very useful a simple physical apparatus for the determination of basic radiations. Think, what an alleviation for the workers and what a deepening of intensity - true economy! Besides the increase in productivity, it is necessary to perceive how the correlation of colors will affect the well-being of the workers. A great deal of malice and misunderstanding will disappear, without threats and prohibitions.

New Era Community (1926) - 138:
When we know that the enemy is attached to us we can look upon him as a foolish member of the household. Thus, penetrate into the essential nature of the enemies and you will find a place for them. They may serve beautifully as the legs of your workbench. Out of the obstinacy of ignorance they intensify their forces in order to stick to you. But you have nothing to conceal because you work for humanity, and the enemy must become an imitator or else perish. This perishing, indeed, is not by your hand but is from a spark of the world apparatus. Therefore I insist on fiery striving.

New Era Community (1926) - 151:
Apparatus for photographing the physical radiations will soon be given to children as holiday presents, and the wiseacres will again warn the children against a dangerous occupation "One may live nicely the whole life through without knowing oneself."

New Era Community (1926) - 158:
You yourselves have performed the experiment with the hazel branch and have been amazed how this most ancient and primitive apparatus became tense, trembled, and went into motion, reacting to underground waters and minerals. Indeed, the source of this obvious reaction lies not in the branch but in the human apparatus. With what detail and fervor must one study, therefore, the reaction of each locality upon man and upon entire groups of people! Many regions are replete with popular rumors about the peculiarities of character of their inhabitants in some places people suffer from goitre; in some they lose their teeth; in some leprosy makes its nest; in some the spleen becomes blighted, or the heart becomes enlarged, or the character sluggish; in some places there is vigor and animation. A great number of such features catch the eye. It may be observed that these peculiarities are not a matter of racial or climatic conditions. The very structure of the ground underfoot may contain the principal causes of the differences in popular characteristics. There is a broad field for study if approached with keen eye and without prejudice.

New Era Community (1926) - 174:
The tale about an invisible city with the ringing of bells recalls the man who was not aware of an important sensation, as a result of a transfer of sensitiveness. Perhaps My example is not yet clear to you, but the principle of transference of sensitivity can be amplified to include entire nations. Through this principle many dangers may be avoided. If it be admitted that the human organism is a most powerful psychic instrument, then it is impossible to attribute the same power to the physical apparatus. The physical apparatus is subservient to that higher energy which we call psychic construction. This energy may be compared qualitatively with light alone.

New Era Community (1926) - 175:
175. You know of many experiments in thought-reading. Western people, being told about it, have no idea how inherent to the East is this psychological quality. In their ignorance they even call it superstition. Whereas, if thought is an organic creation, then it can be laid open. Even meagre physical apparatuses can catch the tension of thought. Even the thermometer and electrical apparatuses react to the rising of thought. Thought even changes the temperature of the body. To such an extent does the psychic apparatus dominate the physical that it is even correct to identify the psychic apparatus as a part of the physical. There exists an apparatus which writes down the flow of thoughts; this flow also is reflected in a radiation and may be detailed by the comparative method. This system is pleasing to Western thinking.

New Era Community (1926) - 175:
I reiterate that attention to the possibilities of the psychic apparatus is undeferable.

New Era Community (1926) - 177:
You know that physical manifestations react on large groups of people. This cannot be called insanity, but is a particular manifestation of collective unity. One may visualize the reaction of subterranean gases and the dust of atmospheric bodies. Some paralyze psychic actions, but on the other hand there are such exciters that the Pilot must take urgent measures. Speaking about the possibilities of psycho-technics, We have no intention of destroying anyone's apparatuses. We, as Members of the Community, pursue the task of true economy, and each psychic apparatus must be safeguarded. Carefulness is the more needed because often the potential of psychic energy does not coincide with intellect, and it is necessary to determine the quality of psychic possibility. Forcing psychic energy into a direction foreign to it will be a most dangerous aspect of compulsion.

New Era Community (1926) - 180:
If a mote in the eye turns into a beam, then a feather from the wing of a bird in the space produces thunder in the far-off worlds. How then to explain, to occidental minds, the sensitiveness of the cosmic apparatus? How to explain that forced explosions are more ruinous than the destruction of a heavenly body, for the destruction of a heavenly body takes place in conformity with all the surrounding conditions. You yourselves do not place a factory over a dangerous cavern, but select a better place - and We also speak about the best conditions.

New Era Community (1926) - 210:
In Our old letters you have read how true Our prognosis of social events has been. Even today you have confirmation about the state of consciousness in the World. The sensitiveness of Our apparatus permits reading the waves of incautious thoughts of the world. It is exactly like an editorial room.

New Era Community (1926) - 221:
221. When We speak about the formation of psychic energy into a conscious weapon, it may be asked, "With what to begin?" One must begin with realization of its presence. For this realization it is necessary to begin with one of the most fundamental concepts. Sometimes this unfittingly has been called faith, but it is better to call it trust. Faith corresponds to self-hypnosis. Trust conforms to self-analysis. Faith is indefinite in its essence. Trust confirms infallibility. We proceed by the path of infallibility. It is no superstition to cognize the power of the human apparatus. It is enough to ponder upon the processes of thinking or of a reflex, or even of digestion. One could easily note the action of nerve centers, yet something unifies their activity unconsciously, without entering the boundaries of the reason. This organ has been called the spirit, but again this definition is not clear, as in it there is no striving.

New Era Community (1926) - 231:
Perfectionment may appear to be a clerical concept, but We understand perfectionment as the improvement of a real apparatus. Improvement of the apparatus in all its entirety is worthy of humanity.

New Era Community (1926) - 231:
Through understanding of the physical apparatus people must strive toward improved forms.

New Era Community (1926) - 233:
233. Many times have we conversed about the broadening of consciousness and about the acquirement of may useful qualities. How then does this growth take place? If it is difficult to perceive the growth of one hair, it is much more difficult to detect the growth of consciousness. It is a mistake to think it possible to keep track of the growth of consciousness. As it happens the observing apparatus undergoes the same tension. Certainly, its antennae always search ahead. It is impossible to lose one's attainment if the dynamical factors have not been paralyzed. Thus, it is possible only on rare crossroads to inspect one's fundamental changes - this is a gift of evolution. One should not let dynamics pass into painful self-control. In actions and in results is cognized the right direction. Therefore We prefer even a mistaken action to inaction.

New Era Community (1926) - 242:
242. One is obliged to encounter people who ridicule each word unintelligible to them. Their receptive apparatus is covered with callouses of ignorance. For example, if to them is said - "Shambhala," they will take this concept of reality to be a fetish - superstition. What are the signs of the time of Shambhala? The signs of the age of truth and cooperation.

New Era Community (1926) - 264:
264. Before departing accept a small reminder; it will not constrain the wayfarers. Knowing the place to find co-workers, you will never remain alone. It would be senseless to leave co-workers in ignorance. What then compels strangers not to trust to communication with Our Community? Either complete ignorance or envy. They wish to be admitted to the Central Apparatus, not having the slightest idea as to how to make use of it, and not thinking how responsible a matter it is to approach the Source of Energy. Affirmation of the Teaching of life permits approach to the most perilous levers. But without practical experience no explanation is of assistance.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 22:
When We speak of the need for fortifying the apparatus of thought, We are warning against the unbridled assault of the elemental forces. Certain periods of planetary existence are subject to assaults of the elements. The one resistance to them is a consistent striving of people toward a renewal of life. This saturation of thought will permit concentration on the Teaching and, like a smiting sword, will cleave the clouds of unapprehended chaos. Thought can protect against the elemental forces, otherwise the balance would be so greatly disturbed that cosmic catastrophes would ensue. Would a year of famine, of drought, of disease not be the result of mass degeneration of thought? One man's thoughts are not enough to resist the elements. A new trend in consciousness cannot yet give the needed form to conscious thought. Only complete realization and responsibility will make it possible to inject power into thought. Otherwise there will be tension without realization, like sails taut in the fury of the whirlwind.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 131:
How, then, without a study of all the surrounding processes, can one unravel the knots of the apparatus of thought? Somewhere pink rays flashed out, and a prepared uprising of an entire nation died down. Somewhere the currents of the oceans changed, and altered the patterns of world trade. These are crude, obvious examples, but how many more subtle causes and effects fill space and furrow the strata of humanity!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 139:
The human word is ineffectual in expressing the nature of Brahmavidya. One may partially penetrate it with the spiritual sight by facing the outburst of rays with closed eyes. The growth of the fire of Brahmavidya will later permit perception with open eyes of those components of the rays that are imperceptible to any physical apparatus. This possibility is already akin to the domain of communion with the far-off worlds. It flashes up as unexpectedly as each illumination of consciousness. It does not respond to forced development, but comes when sufficient sensitivity of the organism has been developed. The Teacher does not force this possibility, but He rejoices when the sight is carried from darkness to light.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 144:
144. Vessels brimming with spirit! Thus do We call those people who, on the basis of the experience of past lives and their decision to attain, expand their consciousness and thereby enter into an understanding of the foundations of evolution. If this definition seems unscientific to some, say, "Can't one compare a great toiler in the spiritual realm to a Leyden jar?" Of course, for thus is the outer energy accumulated, and in due time a discharge follows. Hard is the strain when the potential is ready but the time has not yet arrived, because the sensitive apparatus has already absorbed especially dangerous particles related to Primary Matter.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 201:
201. There exists the false impression that a yogi possesses unfailing health, as it is usually understood. But can a sensitive instrument be made from a sturdy log? Does not the value of the strings of the vina lie in their ability to resonate to the finest intervals of tone? Equally resonant is the sensitive apparatus of the yogi. Indeed, to him alone are known the indescribable fleeting pains, which, like the tuning of the strings of the vina, transform his being.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 241:
It is a joy to know that our bodily apparatus can obtain the needed restorative energy. Fatigue from the past is happiness for the future. A new reinforcement of energy is always an advance over the past. This means that fatigue is our friend. It is because of it that the wise serpent sheds his skin. The serpent knows that the success of this regeneration depends on rest, and does not strike during the new growth. Therefore, the person who knows what in him is fatigued will wisely prescribe rest for himself, summoning other of his centers for his work.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 442:
442. Certainly, the wisest course is to partake of food only when the body has need of it. Also, food taken just twice daily is sufficient. But in view of the circumstances of present-day life, this is difficult to follow. Therefore the stomach can be given its work at specified times. The most harmful is consumption of food at any time with no real need. An orderly life is not something shameful, for one must carefully protect the apparatus built through the ages.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 485:
Where is the boundary of the action of fire? Are not the magnet and fire related? What nourishes the essence of the magnet? Even now people do not possess an apparatus for measuring the tension of the Fire of Space. But metals can be found that are sensitive to the fiery waves. Many reactions which until now have seemed to be of the most rare and refined quality will soon astonish by their primordial nature. People always notice the most evident elements first. As yet they have not tried to distill the all-penetrating energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 506:
506. Besides cosmic conditions, emotional disturbances also influence telepathic communications. This instability, fully understandable because of personal and surrounding concerns, intrudes itself into the line of communication. Likewise, an eagerness to anticipate the communication causes tremors in the fiery conduit. But still, no physical apparatus compares to psychic energy. The waves produced by a physical apparatus can overburden certain layers of the atmosphere and cause new calamities, if psychic energy is not used.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 524:
We could even now provide an apparatus that accumulates psychic energy, but who would be the conduit? And how many could appreciate the application of this energy in life?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 4:
4. Human consciousness can be directed toward the disciplining of unbridled and unconscious thoughts. But to impart too much is difficult when so many minds are creating chaos. The development of straight-knowledge will help humanity. When straight-knowledge will dictate where is chaos and where Infinity, when straight-knowledge will distinguish a cosmic manifestation from an arbitrary one, then humanity will become the possessor of the key of knowledge. We appreciate that science produced the telescope, but the telescope of straight-knowledge penetrates into Infinity. Your telescope demands expenditures and exertion, but when one possesses the sensitiveness of Our apparatus one penetrates everywhere.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 212:
In the consciousness of men, a precise distinction must be made between an instrument manifested for diverse purposes and an affirmed Mover of evolution. When We speak of the transmutation of the fires, it must be understood as the assertion of the most intense Fire of the Cosmic Magnet. And when humanity will understand all the creative power of the spirit of an Agni Yogi, it will be possible to reveal how all centers vibrate in response to cosmic events. The instrument used for simple photography cannot possibly be compared to an apparatus reflecting each breath of the Cosmos. Therefore, let all who strive to Agni Yoga search for the higher understanding of the open centers. Many advanced spirits were consumed by their incapacity to contain all fires in an earthly shell. Not easy is the path of an Arhat!

Hierarchy (1931) - 38:
38. Each growth of spirit requires burdening through circumstances. There exists an ancient legend that out of human sufferings are created precious stones. Thus it is, and when I say, "Burden Me," it does not mean that I bring a sacrifice, I am only multiplying the power of the spirit. Likewise, people must realize how much closer the latest discoveries bring them to the solution of cosmic problems. For every call flashes throughout the worlds; and as the ordinary photographic apparatus can make a print of the astral world, so every wave of any current can unite the threads of the far-off worlds.

Hierarchy (1931) - 294:
294. Sometimes one can demonstrate the most complex laws by means of the simplest apparatus. The law of karma is complex, but take the Ruhmkorff coil or any other electric coil and you will get a graphic image of karma. The current runs along the spiral uninterruptedly, but the protective winding is subject to all external reactions; moreover each thread contacts the thread of the preceding round, carrying upon it the consequences of the past. Thus, each hour changes karma, for each hour evokes the corresponding past. Thus, one can contact the entire line of past experiences.

Hierarchy (1931) - 326:
326. Synthesis must be understood as the apparatus of the laboratory of life. Let us remember this definition. The mind that has achieved the stage of synthesis becomes productive, moral, unifying, non-irritable, capable of manifesting patient cooperation with Hierarchy. How can one explain the advantage of synthesis to one who does not ponder upon Eternity and stupidly shuts himself off from all calls? He will never understand that what is said also concerns him. Satisfied, he will garb himself in a suit approved by a tailor and be at ease, having acknowledged the tailor's hierarchy. But let us not offend the tailor because people have invented many disgusting hierarchies.

Heart (1932) - 76:
76. The boundary between the worthy and unworthy is very sinuous; only the heart can find its way through all the fissures of the brain. But now is the time to enter into a realization of spiritual creativeness. Does it not seem strange to many that the Subtle World is still invisible to them, although in the progression of worlds it is already adequately dense? This means that the physical eye is so very crude that it cannot discern even the next stage of the bodily transformation. If people are trying to perfect even the scientific apparatuses, then how desirable is the sensitizing of the human apparatus itself! But without attracting the help of the heart it is impossible to advance in this achievement. He who can feel through the heart can already move beyond the limits of the body.

Heart (1932) - 291:
291. With keenness, it is possible to observe many scientifically significant manifestations. One can observe how blows upon the aura not only react upon the eyes but also upon the sensitiveness of the skin, especially near the shoulder-rays. So, also one can notice the emanations of light from the most unexpected materials - from wood, linen, glass, rubber, and many objects that do not conform to the usual laws. Of course, you know that so-called electricity represents the most coarse form of the visible energy of Fohat. But when the accumulator - the purified heart - permits passage of the manifestation of the subtle Fohat, then light of a special quality emanates from any surface. Fohat is accumulating everywhere, it is only necessary to reveal it by a sufficiently sensitive apparatus. Only the heart can be such an accumulator. Of course, this cannot be easy when, from a tiger to Fohat, it is necessary to assimilate a multitude of energies.

Heart (1932) - 376:
376. Certain people feel the heart as something isolated within them. Such a sensation may be very useful in developing the unifying substance of the heart. When you desire the heart to transmute a certain influence, you should first transmit this task consciously to the heart; you will then sense that the heart will be felt as a thing isolated. Not a pain, or a pressure, but the sense of a self-sufficient apparatus will denote the presence of the heart. Thus it must be when the heart assimilates foreign influences in order to transmute them and prevent the poisoning of the entire system.

Heart (1932) - 377:
377. A scientist may ask how one arrives at immunity of the heart. His question will be a correct one. The heart, with all its indisputable potentiality, will not reveal itself without a conscious immunity. The balancing of the heart with the consciousness gives impetus to the unifying substance. To this end, the scientist can begin a twofold approach he can purify the consciousness, for the physical ballast does not as yet help the consciousness. Only thought purified by art and liberated from servility can give efflorescence to the consciousness. Here I call attention to the condition of liberation from slavery. One must be liberated precisely from all forms of slavery. As to the second condition for the scientist, he must feel the heart as an independent apparatus and begin to observe the reactions and reflexes of the heart. Then will also come the first heralds of success - precisely the stars of light; they will teach still further observation.

Heart (1932) - 561:
561. The great law is to transfer the heart from the category of ethical abstraction to a scientific motive force. The evolutionary step of understanding the heart has to begin in the days of Armageddon, as the sole salvation of humanity. Why are people unwilling to sense their own hearts? They are willing to seek within all vagaries, but reject the closest. Even though they call the heart a machine, let them observe all characteristics of this apparatus. We are not insisting on the moral significance of the heart - this is indisputable. But now the heart is needed as the bridge of salvation to the Subtle World. It should be affirmed that a realization of the qualities of the heart represents the most vital step for the world. Never as yet has it been regarded as salvation. Let him who remains deaf accept all consequences! It should be understood that now the human heart lends itself to unusual possibilities of observation. The catastrophic condition of the lowest spheres of the planet reflects its effects upon the activity of the heart. One should not fear the previous epidemics, but should be aware of the entire sequence of sufferings caused by faulty prophylactic of the heart. To comprehend this as vague prophecies is the worst thing. On the contrary, these conclusions should be accepted as emanating from the most precise laboratory. All circuitous ways should be rejected. One must accept the foundation of the heart and understand the significance of the focus. Digressions are unfit, and doubts admissible only where man has not attained an understanding of the heart's beat.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 21:
21. The human eye does not see the most powerful electric vibrations. The same is true with regard to fiery gradations. Incidentally, this circumstance always hinders the Teaching of Fire. The smaller manifestations of fiery energies will be sensed, and thus admitted, but higher and more refined manifestations will become imperceptible to the modern apparatus, and to the consciousness which has not karmically approached the element of fire. But contemporaries do not readily admit the imperfection of the apparatus and especially their own inexperience. The lack of such acknowledgement becomes a great obstacle, and instead of moving forward valuable time must be spent in instilling an understanding of the nature of Fire. However, during these reiterations about the concept of Fire, a useful accumulation takes place, which will be indelibly inscribed upon the brain. Whatever is done, at least let those who cannot assimilate through the heart perceive through the brain. Our duty is to proffer the shortest paths, but patience will be found to follow the longest roads also. The chief requisite is steadfastness, when in your heart you yourself know that there is no other way; therefore The Subtle World is achieved only by means of Fire. Thus, knowledge of our essential nature is not only in knowing but also in sensing.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 91:
91. Let us mentally collect all the fiery approaches, let us examine the signs of inspiration or illumination. We will find identical signs indicating the common foundation, which actually lies beyond. And so it must be, the fire of the heart comes into contact with the Fire of Space. Only thus can be effected the conception, or more correctly, the impregnation of thought-creativeness. Moreover, one must manifest the highest respect for the complexity of the apparatus that forms the contact with Fire. The most delicate golden networks of nerves are almost imperceptible to the eye. One must peer into them with the third eye in order to remember them forever and be imbued with respect for them.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 92:
92. The golden network, seen by Urusvati, forms the foundation of the Chalice; one can judge the delicacy of the inner apparatus. Thus, refinement can turn thought toward consideration among human beings. People should not offend one another. In the name of Fire no offense should be given. Not all adjustments are effected with a hammer; small implements and careful touches are also necessary. Again an old truth, but as yet scarcely applied.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 205:
205. The knowledge of vitamins is a sign of the coming age. But to the physical substance of vitamins one should add conscious psychic energy, and then numerous questions of physical and spiritual healing will be solved. Thus, one can begin to accompany the taking of vitamins with a corresponding thought. Even upon the simplest physical actions one can notice the influence of thought. For instance, one may throw a ball with an unvarying physical effort, but by accompanying it with different thoughts, the force imparted to the ball will of course vary. Thus one can observe how greatly we either hinder or augment even our ordinary actions. One must introduce similar experiments in schools in order to demonstrate the power of thought upon simple physical apparatus. Vitamins themselves pertain to the domain of psychic energy. In other words, they belong to the fiery sphere, meaning that their fusion with fiery thought produces a most powerful combination.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 208:
208. You are amazed that before the earthquake measures were taken for the elimination of the heart spasms. Does not feeling primarily guide such telegraphy? Precisely the vital substance of straight-knowledge does not require any conventional apparatus. But of course it is necessary to reciprocally nourish this substance. Urusvati's thoughts were actually the best nurture for this current.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 213:
213. Swelling and sensitiveness of the glands is especially evident during school years. Physicians endeavor in every way to drive this manifestation inward, or they remove the glands. But hardly anyone has thought of the fact that the special sensitiveness of the glands is due to fiery manifestations awakened by new tension of the brain and heart. It is neither a cold, nor the stuffy atmosphere of quarters, but the new activity of the fiery centers which causes the tension of the glands. Also, a similar tension reacts upon the surface of the skin. Of course, treatment by means of pure air reduces the tension, for the fieriness of prana corrects the unbalanced condition of the glands, establishing a fiery harmony. But each removal by force of a fiery apparatus undoubtedly has a powerful effect in the future, lowering the sensitiveness of receptivity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 251:
251. Each physical apparatus has a perfect analogy in the Subtle World. Moreover, it can easily be perceived how simple it is to augment the power of an apparatus by invoking Agni. Thus it is possible to reperform a great number of experiments that turned out unsuccessfully. The experiments of Keely and even the apparatus of Edison remained imperfect for the Subtle World, because the energy of Agni was not applied; in one case because of a surrounding suspiciousness, in the other because of personal unbelief. It has been said that even a candle is not lit without faith.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 260:
260. If have just watched a pupil of Bekhtereff experimenting with the transmission of thought to a distance, but he could not master even the simplest condition. He could not dissociate tension from the irritation that clogged his apparatus. While he thought that he was exerting himself, in reality he was only irritated, presupposing that nothing would result. While his thinking was theoretically correct, he could not separate his emotions. Moreover, pseudo-materialism which assumes that everything is for everybody under any circumstances, interferes. Certainly, this may be possible after the evolution of two more races, but now it may be likened to an elephant's load on the back of a cockroach. The understanding of psychic energy is confused. Even though it be called a material hammer, let it at least be realized. The name does not matter. One can cite a mass of names, but crudity will not diminish because of them. The increasing coarsening of psychic energy is the most terrible epidemic.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 392:
392. Let us turn once again to the consequences of malice. When a half-blind mole gropes his way about the underground of the Subtle World, he may stumble into discharges of Fohat. These strong discharges, which are like lightning, are very painful. You have seen the electric armor of the spiritual battle. The striving of the psychic energy shakes the entire being. One cannot touch or even approach such a living apparatus. In conformity with such tension the entire surrounding sphere is charged. Destruction and extreme pain will repel each dark one who approaches. Thus, it should be repeated once more that malice plunges one into darkness, and darkness is full of dangerous surprises.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 5:
One may remember now these myths, which foretold the contamination of the planet. Indeed, why do people investigate to little the chemism of the air? Even with earthly apparatus one may record the condensation of destructive substances. Of course not always can these currents be detected, just as is the case with the photographing of the manifestations of the Subtle World, which will not always be successful, but with patience much can be recorded. The Fiery World does not easily lend itself to earthly observations.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 88:
88. The science of atmospheric influences must undergo considerable changes. One may notice in contemporary apparatus unexplainable tremors which seemingly do not conform to other indications. Such traces of astral whirls bring to the Earth very significant effects. Besides, in this way are affirmed the relations with the Subtle World. Indeed, among the tensions of the Subtle World there may be such pressures that their reverberation even agitates manifested matter. First of all such waves are reflected upon the fiery centers. You yourself could observe how, despite the cool weather, the centers gave indication of great pressure. One must compare this with the reaction to the distant events, which also call forth vibrations of strong tensions. But the astral whirls are observed even less than telepathy. Scientists are unwilling to admit that in their physical considerations a factor of the world beyond can have any significance. But the effect of such whirls sometimes is almost equal to that of a bolt of lightning. I will not conceal the fact that strong cooling currents have had to be applied in order to counteract the reaction to such whirls. We stand on guard and are ready to send rays, but the pressure of the currents of the Subtle World is unprecedented. They are fighting with the forces of darkness and one must have imagination in order to picture to oneself the magnitude of this battle.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 128:
128. A renewal of energies is required in everything. The most powerful manifestations are in need of higher currents. Schools have the task of developing in students the understanding of the unity of the elements. It has been thought that the composition of the air is the same everywhere. People have thought like this up to the present, otherwise they would have taken suitable measures. People drink water and say - it is simply water; fire is simply fire. But even fire could be investigated from the point of view of the Fiery World. Beginning with the diversity of electrical manifestations, it is possible to arrive at the luminosity of objects and animals. One can find in certain species of fishes interesting degrees of luminosity. If we begin to analyze the composition of this luminosity, we can see, besides the ordinary processes, something indescribable, especially among deep water creatures. Amidst these compressed organisms appears one of the qualities of the subtlest Fire. Thus it is possible to observe comparable data upon antipodes. Amidst rare factions of the air and amid ethereal explosions similar differentiations of Fohat are glowing. Beings of the middle strata cannot endure the pressure of the oceanic depths, just as they are not adapted to ethereal vibrations; nevertheless certain hints may be found in observations which are already taking place. With sorrow did We follow two scientists - one descending into the depths, the other striving to the heights. Both had useful problems, but neither of them had in view the study of the degree of Fire, as an element. Naturally, their attempts were inadequate. Remarkable are the depths, and the heights still more so. But the basis of striving was right. Gradually there may be found apparatus sufficiently protective, but if the problem of spatial Fire will not be dealt with, again useful possibilities will be lost. In the fiery body we observe a great deal, but only with the help of Hierarchy. But it would be extremely opportune if scientists would put before themselves the problem of the Fire of space. Even by means of hints they would arrive at the realization of the pressure of the fiery element. Our disciples sustain it by the prophylaxis of the heart, but for the crowds, hints from various sources are needed. Crowds will perish from the fiery element. Why then do they not attempt to learn about this element?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 159:
159. Correct is the comparison of the quality of the substance of thoughts to that of gases. Each gas, besides its already disclosed qualities, has many others which lend themselves to investigation by physical apparatus. No one dares to affirm that the effect of a gas has already disappeared, it can only be said that our apparatus no longer registers the effects of the gases. But to what extent a gas transmutes the space into which it penetrates, and how much influence it has on human beings, no one can say. Likewise, the limits of the field of expansion of thought absolutely cannot be defined. Similarly, no one can determine physically to what extent thought can influence life. It is amazing how the life of strongly hated persons sometimes is not subject, as it were, to danger. There are many reasons for this. Perhaps this person is needed for the Karma of an entire country. Perhaps the thought is not strong, and unrhythmic. And finally, perhaps the accumulation of thought will begin to act not immediately, but tomorrow. Earthly measures are in this case also relative. Especially is the thought weakened by the lack of understanding of Karma. Many efforts are needed in order for man to keep in mind the beautiful law of cause and effect. One advice may be given - nowhere to yield to the counsels of malice.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 218:
218. Ur. has seen and taken part in Our Fiery labor. Thus, We not only observe but also control fiery tensions. Centers of observation are situated in several floors of Our tower. Many forces have been collected to oppose the fiery attack. Satan is very anxious to make an end of the Earth, in order to concentrate his forces on the Subtle World, which cannot be destroyed in the same way as earth. Thus the Proprietor of Earth through present treachery is betraying the Earth. He is a poor Proprietor in that he cultivated such a nature within himself. He causes Us double labor by keeping up the fires of chaos. Ur. has seen not a few apparatus; but over and above them stands psychic energy, and therefore We are so careful with it just now.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 220:
The apparatus which were seen by Ur. are of enormous force; they are condensers of fiery tension. Thence comes the idea of the swastika. Scholars must review the ancient signs; in them will be found hints of many of Our apparatus.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 432:
432. The process of cosmic reaction is constantly growing, yet the adaptability of the earth grows worse. One may observe that scholars are beginning to recognize the effects of cosmic currents. It is not to be wondered at, since the currents are becoming so much stronger! The manifestations of the heaven's radiations, and even the rainbow, have a big significance for the surroundings. But I speak precisely about manifestations not subject to measurement by present day apparatus.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 437:
437. Intuition and so-called sensitivity will pertain to the Fiery World. People are not occupied with the question why only certain persons are gifted with sensitiveness. In an apparatus indicating fieriness it is possible to observe also the endowment of intuition. Likewise, the manifestation of the oscillations of a pendulum denotes straight-knowledge, in other words, fieriness. Not seldom do We speak about the same thing under different names. It is not easy to fix in the consciousness the fact that such a distant fieriness is close to all life.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 448:
448. If a psychiatrist were to collect cases of unusual ailments he undoubtedly would perceive points of contact with the Fiery World. If a specialist in neurology would assemble the facts about inexplicable occurrences, he could assist in the study of psychic energy. Even the apparatus of our physiologist in Calcutta can furnish hints toward the same energy. Different names are employed but the meaning is the same. People do not like to hold to already existing terms, and thus they merely complicate the study.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 483:
483. Everyone knows how difficult it is to discover the cause of failure in a very complicated apparatus; somewhere something has been bent, and its performance yields no results. No one observed precisely when took place some small negligence. But it has taken place, and it is not only necessary to stop all operation but also to take the whole apparatus apart. So it is in the Fiery World resist it with the least carnal desire and all relationship will be violated. But worry not the little ones, otherwise they will begin to fear such an element. Fire loves courage and impetuousness. But the courageous hero will not belittle himself with carnal thoughts. Impetuousness will help one to fly over the dark abysses. There is much darkness, many chasms, many dark traitors. Let Light shine above the darkness!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 498:
498. Is it possible to want to have false thoughts? When the day of photographing the aura comes, many will attempt to replace their habitual thoughts with something more beautiful just invented. Indeed, people know how to shed simulated tears. Petty cunning individuals will try to conceal their essential natures, but the film will prove to be quite revealing. A remarkable experiment will take place. Hypocritical thought will only make the picture worse, spattering it, as it were, with dark spots. Thus, new cunning will not be successful. Sincere, inherent thought produces clear rays. The needed sacred aspirations will have clear colors. Soon advancement will be made in the photographing of the aura. But it is difficult to reconcile the polarity of the photographer with the photographed person. Many trials will be required. Likewise is needed a particular, as it were, ozonizing apparatus, for purifying the surrounding atmosphere.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 501:
501. You already know that objects can be made to change place by thought or psychic energy. The ignorant ask - why is not the fiery energy of thought subject to everyone and at all times? Ignorance can even reach the extent of such nonsense. A child asks help of an adult where his own strength is inadequate, but ignoramuses are not ashamed to ask such silly questions. In the Subtle World everything is moved by thought, but the dense World only rarely admits subtle qualities. The laws of such admissions are complex and not always are such invasions into the Subtle World admitted. Apparatus which can confirm the physical reaction to thought can be only very primitive, because the nature of employment of fiery energy lies not in the domain of the will but in that of the heart. The heart does not admit evil, but the will can occasion calamities. When the World will come to realize the value of the heart life, then will the flesh be transformed and draw near to the laws of the Subtle World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 541:
541. A true mechanic is he who does not turn the wheels of the machine of some one else. Because of his love for the work, a natural mechanic tries to improve each apparatus with which he works. Devotion to the Fiery World must include the refined observation of all its manifestations. But it is possible to pass by the most significant manifestations without paying attention to them. Space is linked with each human organism, but do many pay attention to such reactions? If a sensitive organism re-echoes distant earthquakes and eruptions, and trembles at atmospheric manifestations, the same thing occurs before great events. Already long ago was it said that the better people will become specially sensitive, while the rubbish of Kali Yuga will grow deaf and dumb before the great events.

AUM (1936) - 17:
17. All manifestations of spatial thought should be remembered. Each one can sense at times something like an invisible cobweb upon his face. It is possible for each one to feel a touch or to turn to a call inaudible to others. Man can hear radio waves without any apparatus, which means that other waves can also be registered by the human receiver. It is very important to observe that sensitivity can even affect a physical wave. Just so is it possible to receive the thoughts of the distant worlds.

AUM (1936) - 216:
216. There are people who can detect radio waves without an apparatus. Taken alone, such a faculty represents no special achievement, but it furnishes a useful comparison with transmission of thought; the basic energy is identical. If the far cruder transmission of radio waves can be received, the next step is entirely possible. People are continually receiving thoughts from space and translating them into their own language; yet even such a simple truth needs to be repeated.

AUM (1936) - 303:
I deem that science should also aid in this procedure. Apparatus already exist for the measuring of blood pressure; there will also be apparatus for comparing the organism in its overburdened or inspired state. It can be proven that a man who is unmolested by the influence of the three vipers mentioned above works ten times better; besides, he preserves an immunity against all illness. Thus, again it is possible to be convinced graphically that the psychic principle prevails over the physical.

AUM (1936) - 339:
339. Each discharge of secretions, each exhalation sends out emanations of psychic energy. Each man lavishly saturates space, therefore he is obligated to show concern about a better quality of psychic energy. If people would understand that each breath has a significance for space, they would take care to purify their breathing. With the simplest apparatus the emanations of psychic energy can be demonstrated. One can see in the swings of the pendulum of life how continuously the energy vibrates. The same means shows the radiations called the aura, which indicates that particles of the aura are being sent out ceaselessly into space, and psychic energy continually weaves a new protective net.

AUM (1936) - 375:
375. Energy can be applied decisively in all cases. It can indicate the degree of magnetization of objects or water. Like a most sensitive apparatus it can instantaneously record the fluctuations of currents at far distances. It can follow the thoughts of each line of a manuscript. It is an index of the quality of radiation. In good hands it is an instrument of good.

AUM (1936) - 383:
It can be observed that a man may affirm his mood to be the very best, when an apparatus will show irritation or other bad feelings. Not from falsehood will the man be concealing his inner feelings, but usually from failure to know how to distinguish his sensations.

AUM (1936) - 395:
Many well-thought-out symbols have been left for our interpretation. The study of symbols will provide a conception of the profundity of ancient thinking. Though remains of ancient adaptations are rarely found, such as apparatus, yet in symbols it is possible to see something far more profound than people care to admit. Still, excavations sometimes yield parts of objects which are not understood.

AUM (1936) - 428:
Scientists do not admit that the mere presence of certain people is equal to the strongest apparatus. Experiments are not performed that could note graphically the different reactions which result from different people. Indescribably useful is each experiment with psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 446:
446. There are many touchstones. It is possible to test the consciousness of people by the most fundamental concepts. Tell them - evolution and development, advancement and achievement; and without any apparatus you will perceive how such a call is received. It must be accepted joyously, courageously, and with inspiration; but most often you will note faltering, doubt, and self-pity.

AUM (1936) - 495:
495. Similarly inexperienced are those who suppose that quietude is possible in nature. The concept of quietude is altogether lacking. Only the beginner poets sing praises about silence, themselves contradicting it. But science has ascertained radio waves which are registered by certain people without apparatus. Psychic energy opens up the inner hearing. Space cannot be silent, it is filled with the sounding of all three worlds. It is full, for there is no void.

AUM (1936) - 497:
497. Picture to yourself how an ignoramus approaches a complicated machine. He does not think about the meaning of the apparatus but clutches at the first lever, not realizing the consequences. Exactly comparable is the case of a man who has remembered only one detail of the entire Teaching and is amazed that he does not see the whole effect. Just as careless handling of the machine threatens the ignoramus with ruin, so does a man who disregards the essence of the Teaching find himself in danger.

AUM (1936) - 520:
520. Between radio waves it is sometimes possible to distinguish intruding voices. Of course, those are the voices of some people accidentally caught by the apparatus. So, too, among voices from the Subtle World are heard more and more often the voices of the living. Hostile ignoramuses wish to take advantage of this circumstance in order to deny communications from the Subtle World. But they forget that psychic energy is one and the same everywhere. It cannot be either dead or living, because it is fundamental. Thought is invincible, and it vibrates in space.

AUM (1936) - 521:
521. Many times the end of the world has been proclaimed, but the planet still exists. The ignorant will again find therein cause to triumph, but they also scoffed on the eve of the fall of Atlantis. Moreover, disastrous collisions more than once have threatened the planet. Sensitive apparatus were able to foresee this circumstance. Even a short time ago the planet escaped collision by an extremely narrow margin.

AUM (1936) - 567:
567. The radioscope records one side of luminosity; but the same apparatus can confirm the influence of psychic energy upon the degree of light. It can be observed that a different nervous state of the observer will alter the radioactivity. Thus it can be said that the psychic energy of man and mineral cooperate, being one. The manifestation of joint action or of breakage of current depends upon the so-called mood of the man. Even recently such an affirmation would have been called madness, but now there are certain persons who already understand such collaboration of energy, while others fear to ridicule it - thus knowledge progresses. It is especially necessary to recognize that a good frame of mind is already the half-way mark to success.

Brotherhood (1937) - 48:
The time will come when physicians will discover what conditions are most advantageous for the action of psychic energy. One should not presume that psychic energy can act identically under all conditions. As there are people upon whom the most powerful poisons have no effect, psychic energy also is assimilated in different ways. If receptivity will not be developed, then man will lose his most precious apparatus. But for receptivity one must establish in oneself constant alertness. For such a quality nothing supernatural is required, one has only to be attentive.

Brotherhood (1937) - 162:
162. Ancient philosophy advised thinking about the far-off worlds as if taking part in the life on them. These indications have been given in various forms. Wherein lies their essential point? They cannot be an abstraction. The insistence in the indications about such participation shows that thought about the far-off worlds has great significance. The rays of the planets are powerful, and they exert influence upon humanity. But thought assimilates powerful currents, and in the thought process humanity can profitably accept the far-off worlds. Indeed, for such perception it is needful to think of them as about something close at hand. Thought creates around itself a particular atmosphere; in it the planetary currents can be transmuted to act beneficially. Whereas, the same currents, when met with a thought of negation, will yield grave consequences. It need not be considered that one must think incessantly about the far-off worlds. What is important is to direct to them a basic thought, and it will naturally flow along in a definite direction. Thought is of two kinds: the outward and the inward. The manifestation of outward thought can be recorded on an apparatus, but the inward thought is almost undiscernible, though it shows color and chemism.

Brotherhood (1937) - 317:
317. An electrical apparatus produces discharges when energy is accumulated in it. There is no intention to shock certain people, but the discharge reaches those nearby. Likewise, a counterblow of psychic energy smites those who contact it with evil intent. The bearer of it does not wish to strike anyone, nevertheless the primary energy sends off discharges when a hostile force opposes it. Thus, the counterblow is not sent, but is evoked by the hostile force. Of course, where the primary energy is more powerful, the blow will be more crushing. It would be an inexcusable mistake to blame the bearer of the powerful energy for destroying someone. Not so, the assailant shatters himself.

Brotherhood (1937) - 334:
334. It is possible to carry out many observations of radiations. It can be proven that over and above the radiations that are accessible even to photography, there exist still more subtle light waves that can be detected by a more refined apparatus. The effect of the waves spreads over great distances. Moreover, the possibility is explained of tearing away portions of the basic aura within the limits of subtle waves. Though it is rare, yet forceful people can see portions of their own auras. Such manifestations are rare because usually a man does not see his own radiation. It may be pointed out that such sendings of radiation are linked with thought-sendings. Thought, in passing through the aura, carries with it a portion thereof. Particles of the aura can be left on the interconnecting thread. Whoever sends many thoughts tears away a great number of particles from his aura. Therefore such mental labor is truly an achievement. Self-abnegation is also contained in that the pierced portions of the aura are easily subjected to the influence of opposed currents. But the restoration of the tissue requires both time and the expenditure of energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 336:
336. Sometimes one may feel, as it were, vibratory contacts on the skin in various parts of the body, but most of all in the region of the spine; it should be understood that this manifestation is also connected with thought transmission, especially when thought of great tension is under way. Such sensations do not usually draw attention to themselves, but nowadays when thought-energy is under discussion, the physical sensations connected with it ought to be observed especially. A thought that is sent is not always transformed into verbal forms by the recipients, but nonetheless it is imbedded in the mental apparatus and reacts upon the mode of thinking. Such an understanding of thought reception should be noted. Up to this time only thought translated into words has been taken into consideration, but the deepest reaction, outside of words, has remained without attention.

Brotherhood (1937) - 337:
337. In this regard antiquity provides indicative examples. People understood long ago that thought needs not words of a definite language. Mental energy strikes upon the brain apparatus and evokes a sounding understood by the consciousness. Whether such a sounding be composed of words or lies deeper in the consciousness is merely a detail. Through the method of thinking the chief understanding is precipitated.

Brotherhood (1937) - 410:
410. It has already been said that the science of thought transmission at a distance is ordained as an attainment of humanity. However, it must be an authentic science and must arouse a respect worthy of it. It is inadmissible that people should respect a primitive apparatus more than the great energy contained within themselves. Do not think that an understanding of the forces concealed in man has been sufficiently strongly established. There is far too little respect for such forces among illiterate people. They are ready to hurl themselves into the dark abyss of so-called spiritualism, but they do not wish to reflect about the power contained in thoughts. The science of thought cannot be developed if people do not pay attention to it.

Brotherhood (1937) - 561:
561. It will be asked, Can so-called living corpses wander about on Earth for a long time? For long periods, depending upon their animal attraction to the physical world. Psychic energy will leave them, their radiations will become negligible, and a small apparatus will reveal the signs of death. These walking corpses easily fall under the influence of strangers. They repeat empty words of their bygone days, convincing no one. Physicians may vainly examine their aorta, pointing to a valvular disease of the heart. These corpses are sometimes sensed by certain animals. Often these corpses remain as heads of big enterprises, nevertheless their dead husks permeate everything therein. The walking dead are strongly attached to life, for they do not understand the change of condition. They fear death.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 2:
We long ago accepted the principle that each apparatus can be made more powerful by man himself. One can achieve a transformation of one's entire life simply by the realization of the Primary Energy. Over the centuries We have become accustomed to the idea that a concentration of energy can be directed to any domain. Energy, like lightning, unites accumulated forces in its discharge. So-called magical phenomena are based on the same principle. In reality, the term "magical" can only mislead. Any electrical apparatus can be called magical. When Urusvati performed levitation or the moving of objects, it was done not through magic but simply by not impeding the energy. The manifested energy was accepted and then projected. It was united with the cosmic energy, and thus could act.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 3:
Let the ignorant deride the repositories of the Brotherhood. Let the egoism of ignorance regard Our repositories as the treasures of misers. In truth, each object is for Us a useful apparatus, and can be used for important observations. It is especially valuable to observe the relationship of ancient auras to later emanations. Sometimes a total opposition between objects, or a mutual sympathy between them, can be observed. In Our many experiments with ancient objects, We observe not only with spiritual vision but also verify by the use of Our apparatuses. This is not so-called psychometry, but a science of radiations. Just as you can observe the usefulness of fruits and plants, We can study the language of objects by their radiations. One can thus observe that few religious artifacts have beautiful radiations, for they were too often created with self-interest, and then fell into even more mercenary hands.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 12:
Much is said about the rays that make one invisible. The next step will be the invention of a small portable apparatus that will make the one who carries it invisible. We gain invisibility by attracting from space the rays needed for it. This is somewhat analogous to the dematerialization of parts of the body, which you recently heard about. Thus, for many manifestations one must have a mobile subtle body. Flights to the far-off worlds definitely require this mobility of the subtle body, which, in its tension, attains fieriness. This ability can be attained through many incarnations and ceaseless striving. Mobility cannot be acquired by force.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 119:
119. Urusvati correctly senses the disturbance of the currents. We concentrate intensely on the task of maintaining balance during such periods of agitation, for it is essential to protect the apparatus of psychic energy. One may experience a kind of withdrawal of the whole organism or at times feel a burdensome inner bloating. I advise you to eat lightly at such times, but this advice is relative, depending on the individual and the circumstances.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 121:
121. Urusvati knows how persistently We try to impress predestined discoveries upon the human mind. Let us take aviation as an example. One might think that after the flying ships of Atlantis, thought about victory over the air would have been abandoned for a long time to come, but thought about flight was destined to survive. People began to dream about airships, iron birds, and flying carpets. Solomon used a flying apparatus, and, finally, Our beloved Leonardo laid the foundation for scientific aeronautics. Thus one can trace in many fields of knowledge how ideas expressed in poetic legends gradually grew into scientific achievements.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 436:
436. Urusvati knows that methods of treatment by vibration are quite different for each individual. Because the variety of vibrations is so great it is not possible to prescribe them without experimentation, and for this three aids may be used. One is the healer's clairvoyance, another, the pendulum of life, and the third, indications given by the patient while under hypnosis. Only by one of these means can one discover the required vibrations. The treatment itself can take place by means of an electric apparatus, but the laying on of hands may also be used.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 436:
I use a special apparatus, which Urusvati has seen, that requires certain conditions not available to ordinary physicians. This does not mean that treatment by vibration is not possible for them, although under all conditions a particularly sharp perception and flexibility of mind are required. The physician may decide to use one kind of current, then decide quickly that he must alternate it with another. He must also know whether a cooling current or a hot one should be applied. There should be no mistake in this, or undesirable results may follow.


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