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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > YO > YOLK (1)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 162:
162. A sadhu pointed to a mango, saying, "Here are three worlds first the skin, which has no value; next the pulp, transitory yet nourishing; and finally the seed, which can be preserved unto eternity." Thin is the skin, more substantial is the pulp, and mighty is the seed. The egg, too, presents the same analogy The shell, which is a transitory manifestation; the white, which is nourishing though not for long; and then, the fiery yolk. Man represents the synthesis of all the kingdoms, and yet the symbol of the three worlds is everywhere evident. Thus, the custom of exchanging colored eggs on a commemorative day is a most ancient symbol. People have wished to remind each other about the path of the three worlds, about the path of ascent and resurrection. Thus, let us not forget that the path has been marked out even on simple objects.


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