New Era Community (1926) - 112: 112. It is a most useful thing to be able to combine the tenderness of love with the austereness of duty. The new life will not be deterred by contrasts. It will not exert compulsion with one yoke, but will bestow breadth of receptivity. It is not fitting for people to sit in a chicken-coop. It is time to know the planet and to assist it. People cannot lull themselves by calculating how many years are yet left before the sun will be extinguished. A great number of various conditions may upset all calculations. It also cannot be forgotten that people can gnaw each other in two. This consideration must not be forgotten, since malice is deluging the Earth. Hierarchy (1931) - 147: 147. When the fate of the planet is being determined, the forces are distributed along the poles of Light and darkness; therefore, each spirit must guard itself from faint-heartedness. To side with Light means to walk with Us under the Banner of Hierarchy; to side with darkness means to walk under the yoke of the black banner. Thus, in time of battle one should fierily realize Our Might and build a lawful affirmation of life. Only thus can the challenge of the dark ones be accepted; for when the spirit is immune to faint-heartedness and treason, victory is manifested. Thus, let us be affirmed upon Hierarchy. Heart (1932) - 500: 500. The heart was always regarded as the focal point of life. Then people, in their hearts, become cognizant of the Yoga of Hierarchy, in other words, the link with the Supreme. Now there has been set down the Yoga of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds; such cooperation of the heart appears as a new condition in people's consciousness. Precisely, we must not remain within the boundaries of abstract ethics. The events and indisputable conditions lead mankind toward new paths; therefore We so greatly advise discarding the yoke of habit, and an understanding of our unique times. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 152: 152. Whoever is unable to comply with the conditions of the Teaching of Knowledge dwells in fear. One has to see the aura of fear in order to understand how absurd this feeling is. Such an aura is not only agitated but coagulates, as if frozen, and deprived of vibrations, it hangs like the yoke of a criminal. One should pay attention to the photographing of radiations. Even phosphorescent fish are easily photographed. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 323: 323. Your judgment is correct in regard to the need for an exodus from the festering cities and for a proportionate distribution of the population of the planet. If humanity is fundamentally a fire-bearer, is it possible not to understand how very necessary is the wise distribution of this element? It must be understood that the illness of the planet depends to a great extent upon human balance. One should not abandon vast spaces and gather in fratricidal congestion on infected and blood-soaked sites. Not by accident did the ancient chieftains found their camps on virgin sites. Today, science itself favors the normal peopling of free spaces. None will be forgotten or excluded, and the very forces of nature, called into cooperation, will render healthful Earth's diseased condition. Then only may one hope that labor will be valued, and that, instead of hired laborers, co-workers will be born. People's thinking will also undergo a reformation when the focus of thought is directed to an even distribution of labor over the entire face of Earth. One should regard this as a guarantee of the only solution. Otherwise people will only shake off the yoke, not finding the Truth that dwells in their hearts. Fiery is this Truth! Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 474: 474. Let us say to all traitors - you have convicted yourselves. The fate of traitors is indeed self-imposed. Unendurable is the yoke of a traitor. Whither then so many unfortunate ones? They are disguised as beggars, thieves, murderers. Usually in their pouch are to be found old debts. The traitors do not understand what debts they are paying. But manifestly they bear the weight of payment. Brotherhood (1937) - 166: 166. Once again let us affirm the distinction between cooperation and Brotherhood. I note a puzzlement about this, as if the two concepts were identical. But they are different steps. Cooperation is definitely expressed in outward action, but Brotherhood is conceived in the depths of the consciousness. Co-workers may differ in the degree of consciousness attained, whereas brothers will sense each other precisely according to consciousness. Brothers may not be working together outwardly, but their thinking will be strongly knit together. They will be united freely; their unity will not be a burdensome yoke or a bondage. But precisely these brothers will understand unity as a powerful motive force for the good of the world. It is impossible to place limits upon such unity, for its basis will be love. Thus, cooperation will be a preparation for the realization of Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 505: Whoever understands Brotherhood as a yoke, let him speedily depart. Whoever bows dejectedly before the Gates of Brotherhood, let him quickly turn back. To be able to rejoice at Brotherhood will indeed be a wise joy. Brotherhood (1937) - 529: 529. Habit is second nature - a wise proverb indicating to what an extent habit dominates man. Precisely, habits render a man immobile and unreceptive. One can suppress habits, but it is not easy to eradicate them. People are continually encountered who boast of their victory over habits. But observe the daily routine of such victors, and you will find them slaves of habit. They have become so imbued with habits that they do not even feel the weight of such a yoke. It is especially tragic when a man is convinced that he is free, whereas he is really shackled in the fetters of his habits. It is most difficult to cure a sick man who denies his illness. Each one can name such incurable ones among people known to him. Yet in order to assimilate the concept of Brotherhood, mastery of existing habits is indispensable. Under habits We have in mind not the service for good, but the petty habits of selfhood.