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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VI > VISUALIZE (25)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.18:
When men began to visualize Christ as an inaccessible idol, there began a period of visions of Christ in most realistic forms. He appeared as very close to men, entering into their daily life. Briefly speaking, every popular error is corrected. In the day of woman's humiliation one may trace the appearance of the Divine Mother.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.19:
Since seas can cover the mountains, and deserts can replace the sea-bottoms, then is it impossible to visualize the miracle of populating the desert? A ploughman, a simple husbandman, gives rest to his field, permitting it to become covered with weeds. Likewise, in the Great Plan the places of harvest must be alternated. It is befitting for the new to be upon a new place.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.20:
I can visualize a present-day minister of state or a Roman Pontiff driving up to Our Towers in a motorcar! Is there more of comedy or of tragedy here? In any case, a simple Mongol will be found to behave with more dignity, for in him the nerve of receptiveness has not been ruptured.

New Era Community (1926) - 142:
142. Rightly has it been observed that the protection and preservation of the offspring of animals must be provided for. Maternity means the same for them as for humanity. When animals are spared they will repay us in milk, wool and labor. The problem of animals living near man is a very important one. One may visualize how the atmosphere is altered when there are friends around the dwelling. Ask the Arab about the horse or a Northerner about the reindeer - he will speak not as about animals but as about his family.

New Era Community (1926) - 177:
You know that physical manifestations react on large groups of people. This cannot be called insanity, but is a particular manifestation of collective unity. One may visualize the reaction of subterranean gases and the dust of atmospheric bodies. Some paralyze psychic actions, but on the other hand there are such exciters that the Pilot must take urgent measures. Speaking about the possibilities of psycho-technics, We have no intention of destroying anyone's apparatuses. We, as Members of the Community, pursue the task of true economy, and each psychic apparatus must be safeguarded. Carefulness is the more needed because often the potential of psychic energy does not coincide with intellect, and it is necessary to determine the quality of psychic possibility. Forcing psychic energy into a direction foreign to it will be a most dangerous aspect of compulsion.

Hierarchy (1931) - 90:
90. One more useful exercise Become accustomed to not being astonished or surprised at anything. But this should not be understood as the stifling of the spirit. On the contrary, in the complete readiness that gives birth to foresight, stand vigilant in the entire tremor of realization. Many wondrous things are approaching. One can understand them in accordance with one's own desire and one's own consciousness. But it is still easier to receive them through the Image of the Teacher. If you can visualize the Image of the Teacher in your consciousness with the most complete clarity you can transfer your consciousness into His, and thus act, as it were, through His Power. But for this, one must visualize the Image of the Teacher with utmost precision, even to the minutest detail, so that the Image may not falter, or suffer distortion, or change its outline, as frequently happens. But if, following the exercise of concentration, one succeeds in invoking a constant Image of the Teacher, through this one may gain the greatest benefit for oneself, for one's nearest ones, and for the work.

Heart (1932) - 63:
63. The heart that has consecrated itself to righteousness radiates benevolence continuously, independently of the volitional sendings. Similarly, the sun's rays are not sent with premeditation. The heart that has pledged itself to evil will thrust out arrows consciously, unconsciously, and continuously. The heart of goodness sows about itself health, smiles, and spiritual bliss. The heart of evil destroys warmth and, like a vampire, sucks out the vital strength. Thus, the activity of hearts, good and evil, is unceasing. Upon the lower plane of Being the conditions of good and evil differ from their significance in the Highest World. One can visualize a glowing furnace of Light and a yawning gorge of darkness. Thus awesomely the swords of the demons and the Archangels are crossed! Amidst the flashes of battle, how many hearts are drawn toward Light and darkness!

Heart (1932) - 64:
64. It is necessary to visualize clearly the constant radiation of the heart. It is necessary to understand why the presence of evil hearts is so painful to good hearts. Neither a smile nor a forced grin of evil will conceal the emanation of the heart. The assertion of good in the heart does not exclude just indignation; but irritation is the domain of evil. Only striving to Hierarchy can determine the boundary between many feelings.

Heart (1932) - 437:
437. People are especially concerned with the question - why did the founders of spiritual Teachings not escape various physical illnesses? Usually this question is asked by those who are themselves greatly contributing to such illnesses through suspicion, condemnation, and all manner of opposition to spiritual labor. But put this investigator into a poisoned room and he will at once be taken ill with a hundred ailments. Of course, one must visualize the intensity of the organism during spiritual labor. In its desire to help, it absorbs the surrounding conditions like a magnet. The transference of another person's illness to oneself is not a fairy tale. During this process it can be noticed that the pain is not transferred correspondingly, but strikes the tensest or weakest centers. The pains described in the lives of the saints should not be regarded as exaggerated. On the contrary, they are as intense and varied as humanity itself. But what alleviates these sufferings? Besides the silver cord of the Hierarchy itself, the very heart often gives the sign for the healing ray to begin. We are often astonished that doctors pay no attention to the people who visit the sick. Perhaps one half of the cure would consist not in medicines, but in the ejection of the harmful elements which are so plentifully brought in by those who come bringing spiritual contagion.

Heart (1932) - 460:
Thus in simple words was the Command given; thus has the path to Infinity been laid through the knowledge of one's self. But is it possible that we have not gone beyond the ancients, and that we were not able to visualize the path of the tremor, the path of eternal motion? You correctly remarked that the potency of motion is the pledge of perfection. Therefore, a static state devoid of tension and striving will not uplift the thought of humanity.

Heart (1932) - 547:
547. Healing against the will of a patient exacts an unlimited amount of strength. Even without opposition, simply through lack of understanding, much strength is dissipated. Nevertheless, even this exhausting method of healing may be successful despite the non-understanding of the patient. Many cases can be cited when Initiates suffered greatly after having healed forcibly. Naturally in these days, the tension and dissipation of strength are unusual. Hence, if you feel tension or fatigue do not be ashamed to lie down. During the unprecedented battle the heart must be guarded. This advice is given to all. One should visualize the entire smoky surface of Earth, in order to understand the need of a protective armor.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 99:
99. During every illness one can apply thought as a means of healing or relief, but such thought should eject the sickness from the organism with full force, without hesitancy or delay. However, if such force be lacking it is generally better not to think about the sickness at all, but to leave to the lower Manas the carrying on of the inner battle. It is most harmful to waver in thought and to visualize a victory of the sickness. In such cases it is better to distract the attention of the patient from his condition. When people speak of the fatal outcome of a sickness, they themselves bring it closer. The least serious sickness can assume dangerous proportions if nourished by thought. Observations should be made in hospitals concerning the effect of thought upon the process of illness. Even the healing of wounds depends upon psychic energy. Thus we arrive again at the very same Fire generated by thought. All treatments by rays, thermal action, and applications of light comprise the same fiery influences, which are weak in comparison with the power of thought. Hence , the most vital advice is to develop fiery thought.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 520:
520. The vulnerability resulting from injury to the aura is terrible. One can imagine how one breach in the aura leads to the mutilation of its entire structure. Drowsiness, which can be noted when the aura is rent, originates from the consistently increased activity of the fiery energy when directed toward external radiations. During the process of restoration, the organism, and especially the heart action, is in a state of depression. For this reason I deem caution necessary in one's actions as well as during the counterblows. During the battle why should one burden the hearts of friends? One could perform numerous experiments revealing how the violation of the radiations has actually been reflected upon the heart. People accept with reluctance advice about observing caution in regard to their own radiations; but even prior to their being photographed, science is already aware of the existence of these radiations from every object. One should have full respect for the human organism and understand that each shock harms the astral body primarily. Besides, if organisms have worked together for a long time in unity, they can injure each other even more severely. And such injury will be not only of each other, but also will be reflected upon others near to them. One should therefore most assiduously eliminate all conflicts. One can visualize a dark legion which makes an onslaught upon each break in the aura. It is dreadful to feed such vermin with the inner layers of radiations. The protective net alone blocks the attack of the dark forces. Each breach in the aura also threatens one with obsession. Let us therefore be even more cautious.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 597:
597. And so, the greatest misconception lies in the fact that people prepare themselves for death instead of educating themselves for life. They have heard often enough that the very concept of death is vanquished. They have heard often enough of the need for changing the seven sheaths. It has been sufficiently emphasized that these changes take place with the closest cooperation of Fire. This means that one should assist the fiery transmutations, since they are inevitable. Why spend ages and millenniums on that which can be accomplished far more quickly! We should prepare our consciousness for the fiery receptivity of our concentrated bodies. If something is subject to a fiery action, let this good be accomplished in the shortest possible time. Thinking about such transmutation in itself greatly helps our organism to assimilate this process into the consciousness. You already know that accepting something into the consciousness means a bodily assimilation also. In our general conceptions it is high time to become accustomed to the scope of the Fiery World. We are amazed at the difference between an idiot and a genius, but our imagination falls short in extending this divergence into infinity. Our imagination is equally uneducated in visualizing the closeness of the Fiery World, obscured solely by our body. Rarely do people see the highest spheres of the Subtle World, but those who are worthy to behold the splendor of the mountains and seas of the Subtle World, and the radiance of its flowers, can visualize the purity of the Fiery Kingdom! One can also imagine the omnipresence of the Fiery World, when even during physical existence one can project the subtle body to different places simultaneously. Thus let us become accustomed to the Fiery World as the only destiny of men.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 40:
40. Besides the borrowing of energy, the signs of absence and dizziness pertain to the fiery reactions. Likewise are epidemics of neuralgia and of seeming rheumatism nothing else but actions of the fiery centers under the pressure of the spatial Fire. Not soon will people consent to investigate such epidemics under the sign of Fire. People usually like to dissect, but synthesis is difficult for them. Yet it is already time to pay attention to every disease which yields to suggestion. One must clearly visualize the cause which creates physical pains, but which disappears under the influence of suggestion. Why are physical sensations subject to psychic influence we shall come to the conclusion that one element is the determining factor - Fire, which penetrates both the psychic and the physical domain. Even meningitis gives way under suggestion. This seemingly incurable affliction retreats before the power of Fire. Of course suggestion is first of all a fiery concentration. A man who causes such a fiery reaction thus calls forth a tension of the injured organs. Therefore the power of hypnotic suggestion must be greatly developed, but must be subject to state control. Something similar to the control over the Egyptian priests, who had the right to employ suggestion but who had to give full account of their actions in the temple assemblies.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 63:
63. Every unification can take place only on a cooperative basis. To admit but an element of conquest, suppression and humiliation, means that sooner or later these horrible shadows will turn into destructive monsters. Therefore no act of violence can enter into the construction of the Stronghold. One may find the power of joy in cooperation, but such cooperation requires the art of thinking. Who will distribute the forces for productive labor? Only he who is able to visualize a useful cooperation. He must know how to imagine such labor in common, but, as you know, imagination must be cultivated. The task of every school is the opening of a well-founded imagination.

AUM (1936) - 97:
Thus, let us not close our eyes to reality. The law of incarnation is just. The kernel of the spirit is inviolable and eternal. Infinity affirms Eternity, but everyone can visualize Infinity - which means everyone can realize Eternity.

AUM (1936) - 532:
532. A special damage against the broadening of consciousness is committed by the man who opposes spirit to matter. Indeed, one may often hear that matter is thecondensation of spirit. Such a definition is easy to listen to; but, besides the essence, the coarse evidence stands firmly upon the ancient division. It is not easy for an obscured imagination to visualize all the states of spirit. It may be recalled how a certain savage bruised a friend with a stone and then asked pardon, because he thought that a piece of spirit would not cause pain.

Brotherhood (1937) - 136:
136. Knowing how to deal with people according to their consciousness is a lofty quality. One should not forget that the majority of misfortunes proceed from a lack of such commensurateness. It is impossible to propose even very excellent things if they are above someone's consciousness. It is inadvisable to speak to an unprepared man about harmony or vibrational combinations. Who can foresee what such a man will visualize under the concepts of harmony or vibrational combinations? But he can understand it if told about carefulness toward his surroundings. The simplest concept concerning solicitude will be a firm basis for each cooperation of Brotherhood. It is desirable that every cooperation be a nursery of care. In this is expressed also attentiveness, solicitude, compassion, and love itself. How much strength may be conserved by care alone! So many cosmic reactions of the spirit may be regulated upon the use of the most simple care. It is impossible even to imagine to what an extent the aura of the home is strengthened where solicitude is definitely maintained. In many people the understanding of Hierarchy is completely obscured, but even in such cases solicitude will help to set the situation right - merely by being solicitous toward each other! This is no great obligation, and yet it is like a cornerstone.

Brotherhood (1937) - 147:
It may be that certain objects appear to be unnecessary at some given hour, whereas tomorrow precisely these may make the journey easier. There are to be found people to whom the simplest word proves to be the best key. It is impossible to visualize the great diversity of human consciousnesses. It were better that those who know be bored for a while than that someone be forever repulsed. New approaches to perfectment are unexpected, and new co-workers are not easily recognized.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 10:
Remember these conditions as you visualize Us when sending thoughts to Us.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 62:
62. When in her subtle body, Urusvati usually appears in a purple Grecian garment. The color of one's garment usually corresponds to the color of the aura, and the style of the garment is taken from the era to which the spirit feels closest. Everywhere in the Subtle World the beauty of one's garment is expressed clearly in thought. In the world of thought we usually wear the garment of a former life. Those who have not preserved a clear memory of the past frequently have difficulties in the Subtle World. They remember only random parts of their many garments of the past, and thus create an ugly mixture. They feel a need to create a garment for themselves immediately, but their undisciplined imagination can visualize only scraps of their attire. Seeing different garments on others, the newcomers begin to rush about in thought, and each thought-wave evokes an unexpected fragment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 85:
Truly, We are Brothers and Sisters born of Fire. Therefore, when you visualize Us, surround Our Images with fire. And We will recognize you by the fiery seed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 306:
People, through their own efforts, can become self-disciplined and moral, and produce healthy emanations. They should not burden themselves with rituals, and should realize that only inner striving will bring them to perfection. Let them learn to project thought to a distance. Let them visualize the Image they revere. For such inspiration rituals are superfluous. Everyone, in the purity of his own heart, can commune with the Teacher. Thus can Earth be filled with good aspirations. Such people will not be left in solitude, for the ultimate goal of Goodness will unify all seeking hearts.


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