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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STINGS (9)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 379:
379. The heart of the dawn proceeds, amid stings. Reflect, reason, spread the web of thought. Hearken to the unceasing Command. No miracle can be undone, Nor can the summoned ones be expelled from their new home.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.16:
It means that instead of receiving stings and wounds, he is immersed in his own ocean, and alien colors are seemingly absorbed by the accumulations of his aura. But the difficulty of these accumulations is that they cannot be superimposed from without and can be only evoked from within. Therefore, it is a good sign when the flame of the spirit radiates its own color.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 384:
384. Warnings are useful in all cases. Earthly ailments ought to be anticipated. It is impossible to provide people with a panacea if the conditions of life are not purified. People dream about deliverance from cancer, that spiritual scorpion, but they do nothing to preclude its germination. You already know that the remedy given to you is one of the best against cancer, but it is also necessary to make use of vegetarian diet, and not to indulge in irritating smoking and drinking. Furthermore, one must expel imperil, and then the indicated remedy will be a good shield. But people usually do not wish to renounce all the destructive excesses, and they wait until the scorpion stings them. Likewise do other terrible diseases spread, as the dark gates are held open for them.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 114:
114. The fabric of the protective net is strung by the most diverse energies. Each spiritual center is based upon the collection of precipitations of the subtlest energies into the protective net. All the centers are transmuted and saturated by fire, which weaves the threads of the protective net. Thus, this shield is an affirmation of all cosmic currents, which are refracted in the protective net. Each blow upon the aura may be reflected, as a boomerang, upon its sender. When the protective net can reflect all the Higher Fires, then, indeed, can be fused in this furnace many manifest blows. Each striving consciousness must weave its own protective net. One may deflect many blows and painful stings if the protective net remains impenetrable. The immunity of the spiritual centers may become complete when the protective net is continually nourished by fire from within. Hence, it is so important to be solicitous about the tension of the protective net. Psychic energy, aspiration of the spirit, and fiery transmutation will supply the needed fabric for the protective net. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember the power of this Shield.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 114:
114. Urusvati is well acquainted with the so-called sacred pains, and also with other painful sensations whose origins are not known. One should look for the cause of these strange pains in one's contacts with the Subtle World. Just as the gross body can receive "shocks," which are followed by painful reactions, so can the subtle body be influenced by various forces which it then transmits to its physical counterpart. Many nervous reactions are linked to the reflexes of the Subtle World. One cannot remain physically insensitive to experiences in the Subtle World. One is subject to many painful reactions, similar to stings, which in turn will affect the nerves and cause pain in the nerve centers.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 288:
288. Urusvati knows that many small stings can be more dangerous than one strong bite. Considering the present state of the world, this truth should be recognized. People expect great events, at the very least a collision with a comet, yet do not notice the many small daily dangers. They must be reminded that they cause these dangers themselves by their constant quarrelling. This warning is not given in the name of a higher philosophy, but simply for the sake of physical safety!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 288:
There were no periods in antiquity that compare to the present era of total global confusion. While in ancient times perhaps thousands were involved, today there are hundreds of millions! Try to imagine the difference in the power of the emanations, and the myriad invisible participants that everybody is surrounded by. Let us not attempt to calculate the multitudes causing disorder in the earthly sphere, but rather consider the innumerable invisible stings.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 288:
Especially disgusting are the emotions evoked by small stings. During great calamities feelings of self-sacrifice or heroism may be aroused, but in time of decay there is only wasted energy. I affirm that the worst part of Armageddon is in the decay of organisms. During strong disturbances the Guidance can be increased, but what can be done about gangrenous aggravation?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 293:
People should remember that their undisciplined striving causes suffering to their Guides, who receive poisonous stings, so to speak. We must point out that a considerable degree of the burden comes not so much from direct hostility as from undisciplined striving. We especially stress harmony in thought transmission, and the need for each one to concentrate his entire consciousness.


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