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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STINGING (1)

Brotherhood (1937) - 193:
193. Harmony is not always attainable, even if it is proclaimed verbally. It is a common error to think that harmony can be established by reason. Few realize that only the heart is the abode of harmony. People reiterate about unity, but their hearts are full of stinging arrows. People repeat many sayings from various ages about the power of unity, but they do not try to apply this truth to life. They reproach the whole world for dissensions and at the same time they themselves are sowing disunity. Verily, it is impossible to live without the heart. Heartlessness cannot find a harmonious abode. Not only do the sowers of disunity harm themselves but they also infect space; and who can foresee how far such poison may penetrate?


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