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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SP > SPARED (5)

New Era Community (1926) - 142:
142. Rightly has it been observed that the protection and preservation of the offspring of animals must be provided for. Maternity means the same for them as for humanity. When animals are spared they will repay us in milk, wool and labor. The problem of animals living near man is a very important one. One may visualize how the atmosphere is altered when there are friends around the dwelling. Ask the Arab about the horse or a Northerner about the reindeer - he will speak not as about animals but as about his family.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 8:
The poisoning of Buddha spared Him from deification. The suffering and resurrection - or the transformation of matter - by Christ provided the attainment of the supreme earthly achievement. But no one knew about the disintegration of the body into the atomic state. People thought that His body had been stolen away by His disciples.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 522:
People who have stored psychic energy should be considered as treasures of the nation. Not of its millions of citizens should a country be proud, but of its store of psychic energy. For the sake of even one individual with a store of energy, thousands of average ones must be spared. Like a magnet, each one with an intensified store of psychic energy attracts the embryonic energies buried deep within people. This means that each possessor of conscious energy is himself an embodiment of the General Good. Therefore, let us treat with care every accumulated store of energy.

AUM (1936) - 256:
You may often be asked, "Does the consciousness wear out?" The seed of the spirit is everlasting, the Chalice is filled with accumulations, but the degree of consciousness may fluctuate. The principle reason is indolence in the Subtle World. Such a quality can imprison the seed of the spirit and the Chalice as behind forty locks. Especially subject to such indolence is the weak consciousness, which lives its earthly life without overcoming obstacles and without labor. One can observe how such consciousnesses clutch at the Subtle World; not for two thousand years, but for much longer, would they prefer to be spared a new experience. This is how malevolent deniers come to be born.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 239:
We revere the words of the Thinker. He said, "The sleeping heart is like a tomb. Decomposition is its lot, and its decomposition spreads degeneration. May we be spared degeneration."


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