Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.10: 3.3.10. I rejoice to see how the lightning flashes of foresight regarding the people's welfare sparkle amidst your thoughts. These thoughts have to be launched into space. If you could daily spare half an hour for the future! Verily, the bonfire of your thoughts would receive Our welcome. Agni Yoga (1929) - 273: It can be noticed in the astral world that those with a half-developed consciousness do not strive upward. An ordinary level of consciousness is sufficient to spare them from suffering, but not enough to inspire acceptance of their duty for self-sacrificing work. The same can be observed in the growth of the spirit. The first calls are pleasant and benevolent, and, like a child, the cared-for beginner has no responsibilities. But consciousness grows and the spirit becomes worthy of special tasks. These tasks contradict the outworn ways of mundane thinking, and therefore involve new difficulties and dangers. Agni Yoga (1929) - 413: 413. Placing the Teacher's seat in the most revered spot in the home is not a superstition. This is the place for the One invited to the Holy Supper. He may arrive at any moment, and it should be made clear to Him that He was awaited. This constant mark of expectancy and readiness is like a call through an open window. Amidst constructions and battles, let us spare enough time for a fleeting smile. Heart (1932) - 497: 497. You will be confronted with the question - Why does the manifested help appear precisely upon the brink of the abyss? There are many causes for this, among them karma and the desire for self-perfectment, yet from another angle, the cause lies in the tensity of heart energy. For cooperation with the Highest Forces tensity of the heart is needed, but it usually begins only when the tension reaches its extreme limit. This means that if the heart energy were manifested as it should be, cooperation would be achieved earlier. Thus we arrive again at the education of the heart energy. Let us remember that this education should begin with the minutest sensations and the most usual actions. This circumstance complicates the situation, because people usually like to say, "Let me fight a giant, but spare me from catching fleas." Yet giants are rare, whereas fleas are innumerable. One must pass through these dark swarms. The house has to be protected from them. The venom carried by the giant is less than that of the flea. Furthermore, the appearance of the giant evokes unusual courage; yet courage is also necessary against flies and fleas, and usually people suffer from flies rather than from giants. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 385: 385. An aviator, having attained a record altitude, is still filled with dissatisfaction. He then resolves to try for greater heights. Dissatisfaction is the gateway to Infinity. Dissatisfaction should be valued to the full extent. Pleasure is neighbor to contentment, whereas joy is wings to Infinity. The fiery Teaching must preserve each kindling of the fires and guard against all extinguishers. Satisfaction is the sign of mediocrity and ignorance. Not satisfaction, but joy in eternal labor is the destiny of the great and ascending one. Nowadays fools may laugh when We speak of eternal ascent. Even the grave will not spare the fool from Eternity. Only a puerile brain could fail to understand that the earthly garment is not consummation. The fires summon to the uncognized, and even the blind see these lights. Do not fail to ask the blind about the fires. Some of them see fiery signs and understand their connection with the heart. Thus, the calls of dissatisfaction lead to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 69: 69. Certain insects and reptiles choose to perish, only to be able to bite and release their poison. Similarly, the servitors of darkness are ready for the most disagreeable consequences, if only they may create poisonous evil. One must firmly remember these creators of evil, who often do not spare even themselves for an evil deed. Many instances can be revealed of the carrying out nevertheless under the suggestions of the dark ones of a premeditated evil that could not be advantageous to the evil doer himself. The devices of the dark ones must be exposed. For example, sometimes one finds in the vicinity of certain places corpses of some people or animals. The dark ones know that for the attraction of the forces of the lower spheres decomposition is necessary, and they ingeniously arrange such centers of confusion and decay. For this reason I have for long advised not to keep in the house decomposing meat and decayed plants, nor stagnant water. People seldom pay attention to such dangers, which are confirmed even by our contemporary physicians. AUM (1936) - 99: 99. It is especially difficult for people to discern what is most important in themselves. If a physician locates a malignant internal tumor, he hastens to cut through the external layers so as to forestall the danger, but the coward will want to spare his skin and will perish from the continued growth of the tumor. If it is necessary to choose, let the most essential be preserved. Similarly, in turning to the Higher World, time must be found for reflecting on the most important. Brotherhood (1937) - 190: 190. The stupid are capable of affirming that Our Brothers sow sedition and uprisings, whereas actually They are applying all efforts to conciliate the peoples. They are ready to carry on the heavy service of forewarning in time the persons upon whom the national destiny depends. They do not spare their forces in hastening to bring tidings. At the cost of disagreeable methods, They bear the Light, which the forces of darkness are trying to extinguish. Yet the sown seeds of good will not dry up, and in the ordained days the seeds will flourish. But what should those people be called who harm the good? They are capable not only of impeding Advice but of interpreting as failure the most natural consequences. By what measure will the stupid appraise effects? Why do they take it upon themselves to judge where success or failure has appeared? What could happen without the assistance of the Brotherhood? It is hard to imagine the evil interpretation that accompanies each Great Service! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 64: 64. Urusvati reveres the dates. Do not be surprised that We return to this question of dates, which are so important in Our Inner Life. Many dates can be communicated to people, but the majority will not be able to benefit from them. For their egoism impedes, and causes them to apply all indications only to themselves. The date of a great event may be indicated, and they will awaken at that time in their beds and ask with irritation, "Where is that special event?" Also, people do not understand that indicated events often take place on another plane. Irritation and perplexity disturb the atmosphere; they serve no purpose, and clearing them away drains the energy. If only people could spare the energy that they turn to their own benefit! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 111: 111. Urusvati realizes the multiformity of the Great Service. This great concept of Service is usually completely misunderstood, or if accepted at all, it is mistaken for monastic monotony. But the Great Service responds to earthly needs, and the true servant of humanity must know all conditions of life. He must spare the feelings of the ignorant, he must soothe the desperate, and must appreciate the various fields of labor in order to be able to give wise encouragement. In this way Service will bring benefit everywhere, and the servant of Good will know how to find the word that will lead people to a brighter future. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 335: The question may arise whether We ever encounter these enemies. Certainly, and We must not only constantly battle with them, but sometimes even converse with them. They miss no opportunity to approach Us during Our journeys, and attempt to sap Our energy for their own use. It is fair to say that the dark forces do not spare themselves. They courageously endure the pain caused by contact with Our energy, and are quite prepared to sacrifice themselves. It is lamentable that the so-called servants of Good are not nearly so devoted to their cause.