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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SO > SORROWED (2)

Hierarchy (1931) - 81:
81. It will be asked, How must we direct our prayers to the Highest One if the Image of the Lord is constantly before us? Say, Precisely through Him address yourself to the Highest One. Besides, if you have reached the state of keeping a constant Image of the Lord before you, this question cannot disquiet you at all. When we reach a conscious communion with the subtlest energies, much of that which did not find its place yesterday becomes fully comprehensible today. Thus we learn to rejoice and to be calm, where yesterday we sorrowed. It is useful to observe how our consciousness is purified through everyday labor. Now especially the tempering of these swords is timely, because the air is filled with fire. Only the Image of the Lord can rotate all centers and serve as a Shield. Let us not be afraid to repeat about swords and shields, because We desire peace and the reign of spirit. As victors cease to remember their enemies, so We do not count them; and a forest will not suffice to liken them to trees.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 35:
We remember Our incarnations. We must remember them, not for Ourselves, but for the sake of all those whom We have met and whom We have resolved not to forget. The encounters of travelers on earthly paths bring close the most varied people. The expectation of dates, the joy of meeting, the sorrow of parting - none of these human feelings disappear. Those who rejoiced or sorrowed together do not forget for many centuries.


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