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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SI > SIGNIFIES (14)

New Era Community (1926) - 51:
51. When I repeat one word many times, this signifies a filling of space. With loss of rhythm there has been a degenerating into mumbling. The wash of waves breaks down rocky cliffs. Likewise, in a procession there must be the rhythm of sound. Rhythm of sound keeps a crowd from empty prattle.

New Era Community (1926) - 212:
212. He who affirms the Community contributes to the hastening of the evolution of the planet. Each and every petrifaction and immobility signifies a return to primitive forms.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 260:
Also, one should reconsider the true correlations of sound and color. There is a stage in the development of psychic energy called luminous, when the essence of a being begins to emit light. This "resounding" of light is evidence of a degree of proximity to the realization of the far-off world. Thus the color green in the aura signifies the ability to perceive the essence of things. And other powers are unexpectedly gathered from space. And the manifestation of light, radiating and "resounding," is a bridge to the Fire of Space.

Hierarchy (1931) - 158:
Learn how to guard the thread with the Teacher and to fill the heart with the Lord. It must not be forgotten what is essential for an unswerving ascent. Neither works, nor circumstances, nor character, nor diverse reasons may erect barriers between the disciple and the Teacher. The manifestation of the Teacher signifies the initiation of the shortest path. To reject the Lord is to betray oneself.

Heart (1932) - 483:
483. And when I speak of caution, I also have vibrations in mind, because many cross currents may create venomous combinations. Therefore, it is so important to know whence the vibrations come, in order to accept them with the heart. Wondrous is the current of the heart; being better than the telegraph it comprehends fusion. The cognition of Hierarchy also leads to this. One must understand what signifies consciousness in the entire being.

Heart (1932) - 589:
589. Many times have I warned against fear and treason; this must be remembered from an evolutionary point of view. All the substances of fear are contrary to fire. He who conceals within himself the embryo of fear must not approach Fire! All fruits of fear will be reduced to ashes by fire, hence striving to fiery energy signifies the renunciation of all fear. One must take as an example those valiant hearts who not only do not flee from the fiery dragons but approach them fearlessly. Let us remember the vision of September 13th; it signifies in the most vivid way the impetuousness of the approaching fiery elements and proves how the courageous ones will welcome them. Every vision will have significance.

Heart (1932) - 591:
591. Each despair signifies limitation. The heart signifies Infinity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 646:
646. Churning is a symbol of cosmogony. He who has accepted so simple a process as the symbol of a great action, has verily understood the correlation between microcosm and Macrocosm. On the physical plane spiral rotation is the basis of the accumulation of substance, and thought also acts in an identical way. From the Summits down to chaos, Space is intensified by the spirals of consciousness. Thought spirally transforms itself into substance, permeating all Cosmos. One must understand and accept the transformation of thought into substance. This welding preserves the supply of substance, for thought is inexhaustible. On Earth much benefit may be reaped from the realization of the substantiality of thought. People are especially fearful of overtiring the brain, but this is absurd because thought cannot cause excessive fatigue. Mental disease is caused by numerous other excesses. Smoking, drinking, sexual overindulgence, lack of sleep, overeating, irritation, a wearying depression, envy, treason, and many horrors of darkness cause the overstrain which is ascribed to mental labors. As a prophylactic force, thought not only does not occasion fatigue but contributes to the interchange of higher substances. To blame thought for overfatigue is equivalent to expulsion of Agni from the heart. Both conductors connect humanity with the Higher Worlds; one must value these threads without which one can sink into chaos. In the West, religion signifies the link with God, with the Highest Principle; this means that every tie must be cherished, and the most important intercourse will be through the fiery thought process. Therefore, one must free oneself from the fear that thought can cause fatigue. But if you notice fatigue during the process of thinking, seek other causes; usually they are nearby. Perhaps the cause is not in you. Perhaps poisoned air has entered through the window or the firewood is not pure. Petty causes often produce grave consequences, and it is especially deplorable that a light-bearing thought should be regarded as the source of fatigue. Thought is health, renewal, interchange of substance - thus let us understand the salutary quality of thought.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 648:
648. The "fiery embrace" signifies the formation of a planet when a complex of chemical aggregates sends forth its cooperation toward the embrace of Fire. Should not man, as a microcosm, strive toward the "fiery embrace"? Through a fiery embrace man is drawn toward the highest concepts. He begins to seek fiery substance in all his surroundings. Thus he surrounds himself with fiery consonances, recognizing in the most varied objects a principle close to him. To observe the objects surrounding a man with opened centers is to perceive fiery harmony. One must pay attention to the habits of fiery people; with all their broad outlook, they are sensitive to their surroundings. They sense to the point of pain much that remains unnoticed by others. Not without reason is it said that it is difficult for fire during a whirlwind. It is precisely the earthly vortex which strains the centers. But this essentially does no harm; on the contrary, it creates a useful tension. A fiery man feels deeply the evanescence of earthly existence, and with all his being knows about the higher path. Nothing can divert the fiery man from his goal. Neither by day nor by night does he forget his predestined path. He is indifferent as to where his ascent will be accomplished. The condition of his body has lost importance for the striving spirit. Let us not understand this as referring specifically to the lives of saints, but let us regard the fact of such achievement as possible in life. Many signs are bestowed on humanity, only let us not forget them. Each of you remembers these landmarks which are scattered throughout different years of life. When the Tablets are revealed, one must just read them and courageously walk on toward the Light.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 419:
419. Why do people only sometimes sense physically the presence of subtle beings? They are surrounded by them, yet they rarely sense them. Here we touch upon a very remarkable fact. Earthly beings feel it when the subtle dwellers contact their consciousness, either because of their own desires or because of affinity of auras. Then people experience that trembling which for the ignorant turns into terror but which for those who know signifies the stimulation of the fiery element. Not many, since childhood, can consciously recognize this tremor, which has even been called sacred.

AUM (1936) - 206:
206. During experiments upon psychic energy, one should pay attention to the different shades of the manifestations. Primarily, observation will reveal a general design, but the attentive observer will detect a great number of original details. For example, you have discerned an unusual cruciform movement above the brain of the one observed. In reality, such a movement is very deplorable. It signifies either an advanced stage of obsession, or madness. Likewise one can also observe that in an extremely brief interval the reaction may be sharply altered. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out repeated observations. Psychic energy, like the waves of the ocean in its multiplicity of currents, is influenced by many conditions from within and without. It is very important to observe such temperature curves of the spirit. It is likewise important to observe when this same reaction appears - for both the living and the dead. The reason for such manifestations are many. It may be that life has already flown away; it may be that sickness is in possession of the organism; but in any case such a manifestation merits attention.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 113:
Blessed are those who, while in the gross body, are already prepared to accept the manifoldness of the worlds. Do not think that such acceptance comes easily, for one must be spiritually experienced to be able to accept Reality. The word "accept" signifies the very essence of evolution. There are even cultured and educated people who cannot comprehend the many and varied worlds, and therefore do not have access to the Subtle World. Subtle feelings can never be forced.


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