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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SI > SIGNIFIED (7)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 462:
The inner surface of a four-sided chalice was covered with silver and its exterior plated with red copper. The chalice was filled with pomegranate juice. The affirmation of attainment was signified by the raising of the chalice. Then the juice was poured out to all four sides, as a symbol of unconditional readiness to serve the General Good.

Heart (1932) - 196:
196. Imagination is the result of the accumulation of experiences. This is sufficiently known. But there may be vast accumulation, and instead of imagination there will nevertheless be evidenced only lustful desires and irritation. Affirm that imagination cannot form itself without the participation of the heart. Hence, inner or outer creators will be those who have wisely correlated the accumulations with a manifestation of the fires of the heart. Thus one should tell all children in all schools, in order that not even one tenet of the Teaching might become abstract. You yourself also see how logically the manifestation of spirit is developed. You know how first, the fiery sword glows completing the aura, but afterwards it penetrates the entire being. The symbol of a sword corresponds especially to the Great Battle, when all spiritual forces gather under the Banners of the Lords of Light. Similarly strengthened with this hour is the red-golden light, which thus is closer to the golden sediments of prana. All the forces are signified in the flaming heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 226:
226. During the transmission of thoughts, the difficulty arises not so much from the sender, but in the reception. The sending takes place through tension of the heart and will, hence it depends entirely upon the sender himself. But the recipient is usually in other conditions. Not only may he be mentally overburdened but his thought and consciousness may be absent. Moreover, the most unexpected currents can intersect space and thus distort some portion of the sendings. In order to even partially avoid this impediment, We teach alertness and vigilance. When the consciousness becomes used to these conditions, the receiver remains tensed and open. This method of continuous vigil is not Ours alone, it was already employed in remote antiquity. Each initiation into the Mysteries contained the question, "Is thy ear open?" Such opening signified primarily the ability to maintain keen vigilance. The condition of intersecting currents was avoided by striving toward the Hierarch, with whom a contact was established. True, harmful attempts can be made with intent to break off or to fasten upon the currents. Besides the already indicated aerial conduits, it is possible to avoid eavesdropping by means of mutual striving - this is like galvanizing the conduit. Thus, it is possible by degrees to achieve many useful things. Moreover, let us not forget that these achievements are ineradicable.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 258:
258. You may have heard that wise people, in an hour of danger, have sometimes exclaimed - joy, joy! This exclamation could not have signified mere self-delusion. They knew about the treasure of joy and, as it were, wished to draw therefrom a kindling of feelings necessary for achievement. Ghosts are not needed there where exists a sacred link with Hierarchy. One can borrow out of the Treasury inexhaustible forces, but they should be evoked flamingly. No one can oppose the joy of achievement. One should not submit to violence, but joy is a consummation. Thus, let us cultivate it as one would most precious blossoms, but let us not belittle it with the suspicion that it is an illusion. No, we know how joy resounds through the channel of Kundalini. We cannot often explain in words whence arises this joy, as a forerunner, but it comes to visit us on a light-winged ray of Hierarchy. Who knows from what Infinite Source sounds the call to joy? How many know that already the time of manifestation of joy has approached? But the law is immutable, and therefore joy is a special wisdom. How long ago this was said! But in spiral evolvement it gradually becomes real and comprehensible. Likewise grows the heart, and the consciousness, and fiery wisdom. We do not see how the grass grows, but we perceive the evidence of the growth. So too with the joy of achievement.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 309:
309. Likewise each traveler can fill space with useful ties. Even in antiquity, the dwellers of a community, after a certain amount of time, went separate ways for a while. Such an outspreading fluid network has an enormous salutary significance. One must send not only thoughts but also psychic energy over great distances. The ancients called such a fluid network the fabric of the Mother of the World. Therefore, when the Head of the Community proclaimed the approach of the date of departure, the manifested co-workers rejoiced, for this signified that the net of psychic energy was already strong.

AUM (1936) - 112:
112. It is rightly understood that so-called sacred animals were not deities, but were a natural consequence arising from local conditions. Even now people often speak about some sacred obligation meaning thereby, not a religious rite, but a useful moral action. The conditions of antiquity often required a special attention to certain animals, or trees and plants. Sacredness signified inviolability. Thus was preserved something rare and necessary. The very same protection contemporary people call "preserves." Thus, one should refer very carefully to concepts that are not clear. So much has been added to the province of religion that, because of its antiquity, superficial observers are completely unable to distinguish the fundamental from the stratifications around it. The temple even now is a gathering place where, along with ceremony, barter and sale take place, and local matters are discussed. The same piling up of confusion is still taking place. Therefore let us not be excessively harsh toward the term sacred animals and other long-forgotten archaic symbols.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 396:
Space resounds continuously. From the keynote of Nature and the music of the spheres, to the groans and roaring of space, a trained ear can perceive all sounds. We call them trumpet calls and can define the quality of the spatial tensions accordingly. It should be noted that in ancient times people knew how to pay attention to the signs of space. They did not understand the precise meaning of the signs, but they certainly understood that the music of the spheres resounded only when the currents were propitious, and that the groaning signified malevolent currents. Thus one may at times hear the trumpet call without knowing its cause.


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