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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SH > SHORES (12)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 221:
221. We know the tides of the ocean, And no drop shall overflow the shores.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.10:
There should be no comparison with the past, for a wrinkle of the past is usually a nest of errors. One can sail past alien shores; one has only to admire the world of light bestowed upon all that lives. Light is the best bridge between the visible and the Invisible.

New Era Community (1926) - 48:
Indeed, as a sealed vessel, as an unplundered mountain, as a bow tensed with an arrow - thus stand! And as a drink from the vessel is flaming, and as the mountain is inexhaustible, and as the arrow is lethal - thus act! For who dares to affirm that difficulty is not the speediest attainment! Rivers of milk will turn sour, and shores of

Agni Yoga (1929) - 47:
We saw how the red flame of revolt turned into nothing more than smoke in the hearth. We saw the many banners of light resewn to cover layers of prejudice. We became aware of how lofty edifices were used for bazaars. Timid ignorance has woven its nets and feared, above all, to push away from the mossy shores covered with decayed bones.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 624:
624. What shall one do with those straying from the Teaching? Leave them, do not violate their will. Maybe the currents of life will again carry them to your shores. Each separation is painful, but the ways of consciousness are so varied that it is not wise to impede them. Let the spirit strive freely, taking responsibility for its own failures.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 38:
38. If we compare the work of Cosmos with the work of man, we may find the closest correlations on our planet. Let us see wherein cooperation with the elements has been realized. The vegetable kingdom takes what it requires for its growth. The cooperation between man and the cosmic riches is clear. From the animal kingdom we take what is necessary for our existence, accepting it as being customarily due us. When man built his dwellings upon the lake shores and hewed them out of the rocks, he subordinated the world to himself and proudly dominated it. Now the same man dominates, but, having been enriched by all manner of subtle means, he has progressed toward an understanding of the riches of Space.

Hierarchy (1931) - 166:
166. Verily, humanity is a link between the worlds. One should be used to that thought and try to apply it in life. It is strange that physicians do not avail themselves of the opportunity of becoming carriers of health, applying the knowledge of nerve centers, because precisely these centers are the spiritual antennae and magnets. Even a physical magnet is placed in a special vicinity in order that it may not lose its strength,. Do not the nerve centers deserve similar attention? And must not people especially protect the representatives of the next race? The bridge between the shores is especially protected. One may demand of man, "Friend, do not evoke earthquakes."

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 273:
273. The study of reciprocal intercourse among people is true social science. The relations between man and man studied in sociology do not reveal all interrelations. Sociologists do not study the manifestations of spiritual reactions. They leave this to psychology. But this science, in addition to being superficial, usually studies separate individuals, whereas it is necessary to study the expressions of sociality, for the spiritual influence is unusually powerful and its contact with cosmic processes leads to the solution of many problems. One should assiduously compare crowds and also learn how to compare their actions with nature's resonator. One should not overlook these powerful factors. It is not enough to know the effect of a volley of cannons; this is too elementary. It is far more important to know the effects of a crowd's glances or its shouts. One should realize that these waves reach remote shores by way of all the fiery currents. Thus, one can discover the causes of many unexpected occurrences, but this demands observation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 332:
332. One should not only look forward to the advent of the densified subtle body but one should strive with all one's forces to become conscious of the Subtle World. Not only is the Subtle World to be realized but we must be filled with daring so that we may gain a perception of the fiery forces. We should become accustomed to the thought that sooner or later we are destined to reach the Fiery Shores. Thus, let us learn to cast the largest net in order to obtain the best catch. Not only in dreams but actually in the midst of daily labor we must direct our thoughts to the distant fiery manifestations. Otherwise, upon finding ourselves in the Subtle World, we will still have difficulty in cognizing the fiery radiance. Not only the eye, but consciousness itself must become accustomed to light. People suffer most from an inability to direct themselves forward. A limited consciousness only looks back, and therefore often begins to retrogress. "The Kingdom of Heaven, the Fiery Kingdom, is taken by storm" - this truth was pronounced long ago, but we have forgotten it and have dismissed each daring aspiration. Many precious indications have been confounded. People have distorted the concept of humility, so needed in relation to Hierarchy. For their own convenience people have made naught of it. Indolence was not ordained, for one must strive with all daring and labor toward Fire, the Beautiful. There is no earthly object of such value that the Fiery World should be renounced for it.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 344:
344. How then shall the heart endure if it be aware of all the terrors performed? How shall the heart beat when it hears the wailing of a multitude of hearts? Neither the past nor the present will enable it to sustain all the oppressive burden of the World. Only the future in all its fieriness will carry one over to the new shores. Only by casting forward the saving anchor can we make our landing. The farther we cast the anchor the more easily and vigorously do we transfer our consciousness into the Fiery World. For the sake of that World we can improve the consciousness, enlighten the heart, and think about the Good. Nothing else can provide safe conduct for man through all the fields of horror. People do not comprehend the quantity of created misfortunes. The deadening of psychic energy makes people insensitive to reality. Insensitiveness to reality is one of the most frightful epidemics. People turn away from current happenings, and think thus to prolong an existence agreeable to the body. They do not even know how to think about the future. But without the future heroes and regeneration are inconceivable. Therefore, on every occasion let us point to the Fiery World as the goal of existence.

Brotherhood (1937) - 429:
429. Even in the course of a short human life there can be noted the disappearance and appearance of islands, the shifting of lakes and rivers, the death and birth of volcanoes. One can see a continual advance of some shorelines and the recession of others. No one can say that over several decades a marked alteration of the planet's crust does not take place. Now if, during a half-century, you take the recession of shores known to you and prolong it over the hundreds of millions of years of the planet's existence, you can see what enormous alterations could have taken place. Let people take note of these figures known to everyone and marvel at the change of conditions on the planet. Such evidences are very useful for unreasonable people. Even up to the present the most ancient periods are subject to suspicion, for people do not think about hundreds of millions of years; such calculations are prohibited by the distorters of ancient symbols. But the young generation should be made to confront the great problems. Motion will be the basis to start from. Let our planet, with its great motion, be converted into a small globe. Let us not be afraid of realizing ourselves to be in the vortex of Infinity. Then, too, the concept of Brotherhood will prove to be a steadfast anchor.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 14:
Earthly blessings are evident, but the supermundane worlds are invisible, as if in the clouds. Each experiment in approaching the Subtle World can help to clarify the concept of Infinity. Even an ordinary person can be dreamed about simultaneously in various parts of the world. There is nothing impossible in the subtle body manifesting simultaneously in distant places. The study of man's nature will provide direction and broaden the consciousness, and people will sail to Our shores in natural ways, with no need for their former vessels. Let Santana, the current of life, carry the expectant travelers to the new shore.


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