Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 350: 350. People have been taught about the heroes of antiquity. At this change of races, should not achievement shine forth anew? The Shield of Our Brotherhood is ready to protect the search for light. Your best endeavors are nurtured by Us like seeds. Blessed are the paths of beauty; The thirst of the world must be quenched. The miracle of New Life is obscured by tatters, yet it lives. Fear not the scum of life; When the pot is boiling, the scum swirls to the top. On the path of podvig there can be no fear, Yet the fire of the heart illumines the way of truth. The truth of Eternity is in beauty of the spirit. The spirit knows where beauty is. Agni Yoga (1929) - 113: 113. Indeed, human desire forms each one's own tablet of commandments. What the slumbering spirit desires, the awakened one receives. But the tide will carry away the scum of unstable thoughts. Participation in planetary tasks is the best tempering of one's sword. Hierarchy (1931) - 57: 57. Mean thoughts have been compared to crawling reptiles. Nothing is more analogous to this scum of the consciousness. Can one sit calmly in an armchair, knowing that beneath him crawl poisonous snakes and scorpions? One must free oneself from reptiles, and primarily on the path to Hierarchy. Condemnation of and blasphemy against the Lord are irreparable. Thus, each one who condemns the Hierarch must remember that his levity and crime will infect his karma for many ages. Verily, if there is only one way - through the Lord - to the one Light, then only extreme ignorance will allow destruction of this single path. One must assert striving to the Highest as the essence of life and assume a reverent attitude toward this salutary striving. By belittling the Hierarch one may condemn oneself and inflict perilous harm on many near ones. It is time to remember this!