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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SC > SCINTILLATING (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 151:
Make an effort to compare the physical radiations of a babbler and a leader for the General Good. How scintillating is the radiation of the leader, what direct arrows spurt from his shoulders, and what purple waves flow outward in defense and engender new might! But the radiation of a babbler is furrowed with zigzags, the ends of which turn inwards.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 73:
73. Sound and color are among the principal fiery manifestations. Thus the music of the spheres and the radiance of the fires of space are the highest manifestations of Fire. Hence, it is impossible constantly to hear the sounds of the spheres or to see the scintillating fires. Such frequency of emotions would separate the earthly body from the fiery one to too great an extent. Thus the equilibrium so needed for Eternity would not be created. It is true that in consciousness we should separate our four bodies in order that their functions may be divided. The disturbance of equilibrium leads to premature destruction of the lower body.


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