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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SC > SCINTILLATES (3)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 145:
145. The entire cosmic life is permeated with subtle energies. The driving force of creation creates the forms of Being in eternal vibration. The Universe scintillates with the treasures! Cosmos discloses that stream which touches each striving spirit. Subtle energies demand the subtle understanding upon which the sympathetic vibration with the Cosmic Magnet is set up. In creation, the spirit unites with the Cosmic Magnet. The strata of the Spatial Fire determine the earthly strata. But it must be perceived how this confirmation differs from actual absorption. When an asserted truth runs current with the plan of the Lords, then each cosmic vibration can be discerned. But when an assertion expresses only human irrationality, then the receiving of the energy results only in an opposite manifestation.

Hierarchy (1931) - 231:
231. When space is saturated with fires, each cluster scintillates in the centers; therefore, a sensitive organism feels all approaches, and each change of cosmic currents is reflected upon the centers. The affirmation of consonance acts upon the centers, and each vibration reflects on a particular center. Likewise, each planetary event is reflected; and during revolutions and shiftings a sensitive organism resounds to each affirmation. Science will take up the question of consonance, and it will be possible to determine exactly the action of intuition in accordance with the sensations of the centers. Only by such investigation of consonances will it be possible to determine the cause and cooperation. Hence, the study of consonances is the science of the future.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 418:
418. Achievement and testing have a deep scientific significance. The fiery element requires pressure; it scintillates during tension, and therefore labor is a fiery action. Indeed, achievement, as the crown of labor, is the most radiant tension of fire. Let us apprehend labor in all its significance, as both mental and physical. Knowing how to respect the degree of each labor indicates a containment which is suitable for the Fiery World.


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