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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SC > SCENT (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.14:
Simple reasoning will show how impossible it is to take earthly things along with one. But they have been created with the participation of the spirit; hence, one should not despise them. How can one pass by the flowers of nature? But the creations of labor are also the flowers of humanity. If their scent and color are imperfect, one can but regret it.

Heart (1932) - 570:
570. The scent of Balu will recall to you the curative purification of space. When the lower strata are so sullied, the emanations of the heights carry fragments of the sediments of prana. Prana cannot be produced artificially, but its natural sediments purify space.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 423:
423. Striking phenomena can be observed around spilled blood. Animals not only sense the blood but fall into agitation and terror. It can be noticed that even dried blood produces the same symptoms as fresh blood. Precisely the fiery emanations of blood are unusually strong. Not by accident did the most savage sacrifices require blood, as a means of excitement into intoxication. Likewise the black mass needs blood as a strong stimulation. For such purposes animals are used. The resulting sharpening of scent for the invisible is very strong, the more so because blood attracts many lower entities.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 561:
561. A sensitive dog follows from afar the traces of his master. So too in man exists this fiery sensitiveness, but he tries to suppress it with reasoning. Whereas not a few people will acknowledge that they sometimes sense inexplicable odors. Perhaps it is that the Subtle World sends aromas but they are rarely noticed. People are more quickly conscious of an animal scent than of supermundane aromas.

AUM (1936) - 237:
237. It has been rightly observed that certain plants have the aroma of musk. It is useful to gather information about such plants. They will not possess all the valuable qualities of the life-giver, musk; nevertheless the useful quality of preserving vigor is inherent in them. One may sometimes observe that neighboring plants begin to take on the same scent; the roots and soil may serve as conductors.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 221:
Animals, and especially dogs, sense the presence of strong subtle manifestations. One may ask whether they recognize subtle entities mainly by sight or by scent. Their sight is not as acute as their scent, which is very precise. One may also ask what type of dog has a stronger sense of the Subtle World - of course, the long-haired ones, because they can accumulate more electricity. Similarly, people who collect more electricity can sense more strongly the presence of subtle entities, either at night or by day.


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