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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SC > SCENE (2)

Heart (1932) - 148:
148. Again one will come with a question, "Why is so little said about the Subtle World in all scriptures?" Be assured, much is said everywhere, but people do not wish to notice this. Upon ancient icons one can see green spheres representing the earthly, and red spheres, the fiery - in other words, those of the Subtle World. Upon one icon one can see a whole scene in green tones and alongside it the red world of the angels. What could be more graphic? All prophecies are filled with messages about the Subtle World. Even in the Koran the Subtle World is not forgotten. It is impossible to name one Teaching where there is not a place allotted to the life of the Subtle World. Because of the horror before everything invisible, people stuff their ears and close their eyes, preferring to remain in ignorance. But can one think about the heart, about psychic energy, without remembering about the Subtle World, vast and so indivisible from the dense world?

AUM (1936) - 183:
183. Again about reactions. You may have heard of an experiment of a certain chemist which illustrated the conflict of influences. He invited some friends to listen to some well-known authors; at the same time he prepared several chemical compounds conducive to laughter or tears, irritation or sympathy. In the midst of the most emotional passages of the reading the chemist filled the room with a contrasting gas. The result was that the listeners laughed during a funeral scene, wept during a joyful one and during a description of peaceful events they became bellicose. Thus, at the conclusion of the experiment it was strikingly apparent to what an extent words had been conquered by something unseen and unheard.


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