Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 309: 309. Amidst fetters, amidst the slaughter, Amidst silence, amidst revolt, Amidst those afar and near, Remember Me. The Power is ever with you. Disciples, does the sea shell fear the velvet rolling of the waves? Be not afraid of the tide. Agni Yoga (1929) - 59: 59. The lengthiness of the Teaching is in inverse ratio to the measure of consciousness. The broader the consciousness, the shorter the formula. For those who are near, a word, or even a letter, is sufficient. The first command is like rolling thunder - the last is in silence! Heart (1932) - 18: 18. Interruption of rhythm is due to many conditions, but the essential means of avoiding this perturbation is in unity to direct oneself to Us, where lies the decision of everything. For comparison - as a grain of dust arrests a tremendous wheel, so the breaking of rhythm interrupts the current. However, just now is a date of great tension. Thus the possibilities are so near, events already gather like a rolling ball, and terror will appear as salvation. Heart (1932) - 485: 485. During the Great Battle one must be very much on one's guard. The chief consideration will be the conviction that behind one is the threat of wavering, which begets treason. One should recall how gradually We revealed the qualities of the heart and prepared you for the great actions. One must forever remember that Our Indications are not abstract. One must also understand that Yoga is given in time. Not rolling bodily on the ground, not the consumption of physical poisons, but, as was long since revealed, spiritual poison is consumed by Agni Yogis for the salvation of the world. The black hearts will not understand this Great Service. For them physical poisons are far stronger than spiritual ones. This must be repeated untiringly. Then courage will combine with caution. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 2: 2. While observing the fiery signs one may note certain subdivisions of people. Some strive eternally and cannot exist without this uplifting movement - be assured that these belong to the element of fire. Even though they err, they cannot remain inactive. Observe them, and you will invariably discover the flaming force. But do not seek the creative Fire in the inertia of earth, the rolling undulations of water, the gusts of air. We do not wish to extol the fiery people unduly, but in truth it must be said that they move the world. One should not forget that these people do not find it easy to be in the midst of all other combinations. What is said about the Fiery Angel with scorched wings is correct. When he rushes to save the world, his phosphorescent wings brush against the rocks of Earth and are scorched, and the Angel is weakened thereby. Thus is disclosed the marked difference between the earthly world and the Fiery. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 508: 508. Yes, yes, yes, the seeds of good remain in the spirit, but not sufficient attention is given to them. People remember about accumulations; but, not having preserved their spiritual understanding, they strive to accumulate earthly objects. In the depths of their spirits men know about flights into the Infinite, but, having forgotten the significance of the far-off worlds, they wander aimlessly about on the earthly crust. One should not speak against earthly objects, which are products of creation; one should not speak against travels, which can be the highest schooling - the entire earthly existence must be comprehended from the level of the Higher World. Can one perform only useful actions in earthly life? Of course one can. It is easy to imagine an entire life as a continuous stream of usefulness to others. Santana is not a meaningless rolling of stones. It is like a stream feeding the adjoining fields like a brook bringing cleanliness to the hearth, like rain making the sown seeds come up. Thus, one need not be a special sage to imagine a life useful in all domains. When the fiery waves shall compel people to seek safety in the towers of the spirit, they will regret with loathing each useless incarnation. In consternation they will try to gather crumbs of positive thinking. What is the use of offering advices not to dissipate precious energy! One must think about the approach of very unusual times. Neither cruelty, nor robbery, nor treason, nor falsehood will help one to withstand the fiery waves. Not shame so much as suffering will compel quests for salvation. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 578: 578. Even during Earthly life people transform their appearance through their passions. How greatly is this quality of justice magnified in the Subtle World! You have already seen how the dwellers of the Subtle World are transformed - some become luminous, some become darkened and even disfigured to the most horrible extent. With very few exceptions no one on Earth cares to see in this self-transformation the law of justice. People do not realize that they must take the necessary precautions in time, at least for the sake of their own appearance. Each thought honeyed by a hypocritical smile flowers according to its merit in the Subtle World. And if Agni has not been called into action, the ugly grimace of the true personality is almost ineradicable. Moreover, few of those disfigured by malice have enough sense to turn toward the Light in time. According to the law of progression, they keep rolling down into the dark abysses until a sudden reversal takes place, often inducing a reaction in the darkest one. AUM (1936) - 304: 304. Earthly cares are like stones rolling down a mountain. The lower down they roll, the more violent the impact of the landslide. Would it not be better to ascend to the very summit where there are no falling stones? Upward striving also transforms our attitude toward earthly cares. Even though they continue, their meaning is altered.