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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RO > ROLL (9)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.13:
No one denies the value of matter, but it is inconceivable that on a locomotive the wheels and the boiler must quarrel. It seems that the better the boiler works the better it is for the wheels. But the one in charge of the wheels might think that they are the most important part of the organism and invite everyone to take a ride on the wheels, ignoring the fact that without the steam power the wheels can only roll downhill.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 460:
460. One should not laugh at the fact that certain yogis make use of a bamboo reed or a roll of papyrus during levitation. Certainly it is possible to achieve similar results without these physical aids. But if someone requires a feather in his hand for levitation let us not deprive him of this small assistance. The essential is not to be found in the feather or in the roll, but in thought, in fiery energy. There are many symbols which can evoke energy, and everyone can look for the nearest conductor. Thus, the gypsies require water or melted wax, but the essence lies in their psychic energy, which is very strong in this race. It is easy to derive instructive observations from them. Unfortunately, one must watch carefully their scrupulousness. Very often the increase of energy, which is an atavistic accumulation, is connected with a mediocre consciousness. But the physician and scientist must investigate all possibilities. Similarly, many northern races can provide interesting material, especially in Norway, Karelia, Scotland, and among the Eskimos. Of course, even primitive glimpses of this energy are useful to the scientist.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 521:
521. When I say - guard the health, by that I am not sending you to a physician, and I urge you not to be alarmed. By no means would We develop a sickly hypochondria. We wish to preserve your health. No one can say that it is unnecessary to guard the health. The carriage must roll along the ordained path toward the beautiful goal. Take away everything pertaining to Karma and the goal will be really beautiful. But with which do people mold the larger Karma - the inner or the outer life?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 607:
607. The Fiery World is both difficult and easy to imagine. There is no break between the Worlds. The Subtle World bears the same relation to the Fiery as does the dense to the Subtle. Besides visible manifestations there can be invisible approaches. Likewise in the earthly World, sometimes only the pulsing of the heart denotes the presence of a subtle being. The eye very rarely notices, as it were, certain flashes, usually attributing them to chance. Likewise in the case of the rarest spiritual people, it is possible to see a sort of diadem of light above their heads. Such a manifestation is very rare and denotes the crystal of spirituality. The aura itself seems to roll up into a ring. Hence the ancient idea of the crown, as a sign of distinction, had a deep significance. One should not be astonished that lofty manifestations can become apparent in the most difficult hours. The Laws of the Fiery World are inexpressible.

AUM (1936) - 153:
153. Each man bears a secret within himself. Rarely does the curtain of the past roll back - only when subtle energy abounds during one's earthly life. Only by transcending the boundary of Earth is man enlightened in the realization of a portion of his secret. Remarkable is the process when subtle energy reveals the Chalice of accumulations; the memory is suddenly illumined, and the past stands out in all justice. Amazing is the extent of man's transformation at the moment when he leaves the earthly sphere. People call this death, but it is really birth; therefore, how pitiful it is when the subtle body sojourns long in sleep. Especially noteworthy is the transition wherein consciousness is preserved. Then it can be clearly imagined how the earthly tatters fall off and the imperishable accumulation emerges, revealing itself to be a true treasure. It can be understood why this most subtle treasure cannot be revealed amid crude conditions.

AUM (1936) - 304:
304. Earthly cares are like stones rolling down a mountain. The lower down they roll, the more violent the impact of the landslide. Would it not be better to ascend to the very summit where there are no falling stones? Upward striving also transforms our attitude toward earthly cares. Even though they continue, their meaning is altered.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 81:
An idler will not understand the kind of motion We speak of. He prefers inactivity and wishes for the cosmic motion to roll him along like a dead grain of sand. True, we are all less than grains of sand in Infinity, but each movement of the consciousness will be a great cooperation. It is not easy to instill in people a love of motion, but they must remember that We work continuously, and thus manifest the motion of the Universe.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 232:
It is impermissible to speak in the marketplace about the awareness of Light. An initiate will not disclose his precious experience. No one can compel him to utter the unutterable. This is the difference between an initiate, and a deceiver, who knows how to roll his eyes and sing sweetly about visions that only he can perceive. True messengers are not talkative.


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