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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RA > RADIATES (27)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 21:
21. A pure prayer ever ascends. At the feet of Christ it blossoms, silvery and radiant. With pure blue flame glows the Calling Word and radiates the Chalice of Exaltation.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 72:
72. The Spirit of Christ breathes across the desert of life. Like a spring It wears Its way through the solid rocks. In the milky firmament It radiates in lights beyond counting, and rises upward in the stem of every flower.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 174:
174. Yesterday we approached the question of the aura. Each one perceives the astral world through the color of his own aura. The fuller the harmony of one's aura, the truer the astral image. He whose sense of duty is acute will see this before aught else. As those who are attracted by love will be borne to the Realm of Love, and transported, will comprehend the joy of Beauty. Only the gem that radiates all hues of Truth can reflect the full Splendor of the Future. Yet we must also appreciate the pure stone of one color.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 320:
320. In the mist you will find the way, for I am with you. Know the unfathomable character of eternal creation. The formless Form, the soundless Sound. Behold the joy of creation and rejoice at the Wisdom of the Creator. The Glory of the Eternal Being radiates in the stars, and His Might is symbolized in Earth's highest summits. Amidst valley and mountain, amidst forest and plain, will you wander in search of your Teacher. O foolish one, why seek so far? I am here, your Teacher.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.16:
It means that instead of receiving stings and wounds, he is immersed in his own ocean, and alien colors are seemingly absorbed by the accumulations of his aura. But the difficulty of these accumulations is that they cannot be superimposed from without and can be only evoked from within. Therefore, it is a good sign when the flame of the spirit radiates its own color.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 425:
I love it when the fire of love radiates so much that one can overcome any obstacle!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 606:
Much is spoken about prana; but pure prana is inaccessible on Earth, except on the heights, where few dare to stay. At the lower levels the prana is mineralized and is subject to the influence of discordant magnetic waves. Certainly, a change of residence can lead one to more beneficial combinations of prana, and may have a healing effect on the condition of one's nervous system. Unfortunately, so far the air in homes is generally regarded simply, as either pure or impure. In fact, every change of air has importance, since it affects different groups of nerves. Our Brother who was a shoemaker occasionally changed his trade to gardening. This is wise, for the seed growing into a sprout radiates psychic energy of particular tension. One should remember this. After the pralaya of night, the morning sun acts with special vitality in calling forth the psychic energy. Similarly, the awakened life of the seed, like the dawn, sends forth its emanations of prayer. Let us note carefully all benevolent influences.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 620:
The mountain of the Mother of the World does not know its summit. Shall we fear it? Shall we be terrified at its unapproachableness? Or shall we rejoice that Amrita is inexhaustible? Amidst all the world's measurable concepts, the Incalculable radiates its light. Shall we be displeased by the coolness of the far-off wind that comes from Infinity? In the sweltering barrenness, let us not turn away from a life-giving stream.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 119a:
The Arhat proceeds carrying the power of the Cosmic Magnet in his heart, and I affirm that when this power, of the Magnet, receives both polarities, Be-ness radiates. Cosmos creates; it creates the beauty of Be-ness. I can term the manifestation of striving a cosmic magnet.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 114:
114. The wealth of humanity consists in spirit-creativeness. The principle of cumulation lies in spirit-creativeness. The principle of striving lives in spirit-creativeness. Therefore, the Cosmic Magnet can be sensed through the spirit-creativeness. The growth of spirit-creativeness in man is affirmed by the cumulation of the Chalice. The Cosmic Magnet knows the guiding power. The pledge of the future lies in spirit-creativeness. Yes, yes, yes! Therefore, We vouch for the impelling force of Our actions. Thus, that which was founded by Us will give new dates to the world. Therefore, the predestined will come. The Crown of Existence radiates with all cosmic fires. Thus, life for an Arhat is variegated as the radiation of the cosmic fires. Yes, yes, yes!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 128:
Upon each field, upon each action, upon each manifestation, the cosmic blending radiates. Each vibration is strained by the pull of the Magnet. Therefore, the Sacred Action lives in every cosmic manifestation.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 142:
142. Upon the cosmic scales there are manifested two main causes, which uphold the cosmic organization. Each cause predicates the reorganization of the world. The effects of the cosmic causes are strained according to the substance. Thus, upon the cosmic scales rests the evolution of the world and its dark opposition. When the world is being reorganized, the dark side creates impediments. Let us see how the forces for the accomplishment of world tasks are affirmed across the span of millennia. When the Carriers of Light affirmed the manifestations of the Covenant, the potentiality of their striving was infused into the spirit of humanity. When the striving of despotic conquerors was asserted under the law of egotism, man sank into a sphere of restrictions, and darkness propelled him toward self-destruction. Hence, the self-renunciation of the Lords flamingly leads humanity. It is the principle of self-destruction that brings on a new step of evolution. Thus is the path of the world cleared. Over and above all consequences radiates achievement, and the path of self-destruction leads to the lower spheres. Thus, even darkness affirms the step of Light.

Hierarchy (1931) - 3:
Among people there exists the concept of benumbed Arhats; the poor yogis feed the imaginations of men with their own images. But when humanity shall realize that the Arhat is the highest manifestation of Materia Lucida , it will understand that there is no difference between Materia Lucida which emits Light, and the Matter of Love enveloping all with Light. Humanity invests the Arhat with an austere image, but Materia Lucida radiates Love.

Hierarchy (1931) - 152:
The Focus radiates through the blending of consciousnesses. Our Focus is powerful through the blending of hearts. Our Focus is invincible, so I affirm! Thus, let the Spiritual Focus radiate in the heart of each co-worker. The creativeness of the spirit is inseverably linked with the corresponding striving. Hence, concordance is a lawful manifestation.

Hierarchy (1931) - 204:
204. Into the base of an affirmed orbit there is always set a single will, which binds all manifestations. Therefore, the focus is the radiating source that imbues all with fiery creativeness. Beautiful is the will that imbues with creativeness and impels each energy of the spirit into the higher spheres. Hence, the orbit that is built by the manifested will is expanded by the Spatial Fire through assimilation of the saturated fires and by its correlation with higher spheres. Thus, a great thought brings the spirit to great attraction, and the Will that radiates the highest fire attracts the spirit into the highest orbit. Thus, wondrous is it to be attuned with the Higher Will. Verily, only thus are revealed the orbits of the Infinite.

Heart (1932) - 7:
7. The heart is the focal point, but of all it is least egocentric. Not egoism dwells in the heart, but pan-humanity. Only reason enshrouds the heart with a cobweb of egocentricity. Mercy is measured not so much by so-called good actions, the cause of which can be too varied, but by the inmost kindliness; it kindles the light which shines in the darkness. Thus, the heart is verily an international organ. If we accept light as the symbol of the aura, then its parent will be the heart. How necessary it is to learn to feel one's heart not as one's own, but as the universal one. Only through this sensation can one liberate oneself from egoism, safeguarding the individuality of accumulations. It is difficult to contain individuality with universal containment, but not vainly is the magnet of the heart connected with the Chalice. One can understand how the heart radiates a special light, which is refracted in every way by the nerve substance. For the crystal of psychic energy can be variedly tinted.

Heart (1932) - 63:
63. The heart that has consecrated itself to righteousness radiates benevolence continuously, independently of the volitional sendings. Similarly, the sun's rays are not sent with premeditation. The heart that has pledged itself to evil will thrust out arrows consciously, unconsciously, and continuously. The heart of goodness sows about itself health, smiles, and spiritual bliss. The heart of evil destroys warmth and, like a vampire, sucks out the vital strength. Thus, the activity of hearts, good and evil, is unceasing. Upon the lower plane of Being the conditions of good and evil differ from their significance in the Highest World. One can visualize a glowing furnace of Light and a yawning gorge of darkness. Thus awesomely the swords of the demons and the Archangels are crossed! Amidst the flashes of battle, how many hearts are drawn toward Light and darkness!

Heart (1932) - 199:
199. There are such cosmic tensions that their severe consequences can be averted only by a compress of prana. The heart radiates with a tense light, like incandescent gold. Thus the earthly sphere can be burdensome.

Heart (1932) - 254:
One must guard as a treasure this converse with the Teacher. The one who understands the sacred significance of this communion will not turn to darkness. But how the heart must be guarded lest it sever the silver cord! Nothing can weld it. One can bestow all compassion, but the cord is forged out of a multitude of qualities. As the ancient images were cast from many metals, so is the cord strong through many qualities. But the sweetest communion of the heart with the Teacher is that forge where the mighty fire radiates.

Heart (1932) - 491:
491. You see how powerful is solemnity. You see how, precisely through solemnity, one can attain. Therefore, not only must you advise solemnity but demand it as salvation. We have but begun the path of solemnity. If you succeed in pursuing it, you will see miracles. Already for a month We have been on the solemn ascent. Despite the battle We gather in solemnity. We have rejected everything planted in malice and have collected the manifested store of good. Above all achievements of the heart, solemnity radiates. We sound the summons toward it, We indicate it!

Heart (1932) - 562:
During hypnotism Western scientists sometimes use the energy of the heart, usually without being aware of it; then, even without inducing sleep, the hypnosis becomes especially powerful. Thus, during a spiritual battle one must add a drop of heart energy to everything. One must fulfill this consciously. One can persuade the heart to act. One should not consider these communions with the heart as something childish. Just as a prayer consciously pronounced will act, so can we force the heart to concentrate this energy - this will be the tautened bow. When the fire of the heart radiates and flames with each touch, then the call to the heart may become silent. But during the primary education of the heart we must practice the communion with our center - thus we can justly call the heart.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 83:
People come to Us only by difficult paths. Not one Brother, not one Sister can be named who did not come by a difficult path. Each One could have chosen an easier path, but did not in order to hasten the ascent. One can imagine the atmosphere that is intensified by such labors! The vibrations are so powerful that they cannot be endured by those unaccustomed to them. Joined with the power of the vibrations the unified tension radiates brightly to form a beautiful rainbow.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 83:
The atmosphere of Our Abode radiates in this way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 373:
It is a joyous fact that the essence of human nature strives toward perfection. Man ignores this ever-present impulse, and will even rebel against this prompting of his higher nature, yet deep within the recesses of his Chalice the seed of culture radiates! Sooner or later this seed will sprout; this is why everyone carries within himself a sense of his humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 373:
The Thinker was concerned that His disciples should understand that universal humaneness radiates even in the far-off worlds, and that everyone is a citizen of all the worlds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 399:
The Thinker treasured an image that was sent to Him from India. He said, "People may think that this is made from an ordinary metal, but no! I feel the heart in it. It radiates warmth and is able to heal."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 429:
Often the hand that is writing about a lofty subject radiates a light that can be seen against a white sheet of paper. The radiation then accumulates in the manuscript and imparts to it a special significance. These luminous emanations of light remain for many centuries.


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