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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RA > RADIATED (5)

Heart (1932) - 1:
1. To behold with the eyes of the heart; to listen with the ears of the heart of the roar of the world; to peer into the future with the comprehension of the heart; to remember the cumulations of the past through the heart; thus must one impetuously advance upon the path of ascent. Creativeness encompasses the fiery potentiality, and is impregnated with the sacred fire of the heart. Therefore, upon the path to the Hierarchy, upon the path of Great Service, upon the path of Communion, synthesis is the one luminous path of the heart. How can the manifested rays be radiated if the flame is not affirmed in the heart? It is precisely the quality of the magnet that is inherent in the heart. The highest creativeness is imbued with this great law. Hence, each consummation, each union, each great cosmic unification is achieved through the flame of the heart. By what means can the foundation of the great steps be laid? Verily, only through the heart. Thus the arcs of consciousness are fused by the flame of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 457:
457. The flow of heart energy is often felt on the right side of the organism. The energy strikes the Chalice and from there naturally is reflected upon the right side of the organism. The temples, the neck, shoulders, knees, extremities evidence a sensation which is very close to physical outflow. Incalculable is the amount of energy thus radiated from the fiery heart. Hence, the Teacher often advises caution. It is difficult to determine in advance exactly the beginning of this outflow, because the spatial magnets and attractions often demand simultaneous projections into various parts of the world and various spheres. If the calls upon the heart energy could be connected with an electric bell, a continuous ringing would often result, varying only in its intensity. Such experiments will undoubtedly be made, but the experimenters will rarely agree that it is the energy of the heart, attributing it rather to some kind of nervous contractions. It is not long since one might have been burned at the stake for such a telegraph.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 92:
92. It should be remembered that the New Firmament can become visible. Quite some time ago I mentioned that a new heavenly body is approaching, but as yet it is concealed from observation. It must not be forgotten that the energy radiated by humanity is necessary for the proper motion of the planet. But when this energy becomes poisoned it weakens the protective net of the planet and thus upsets the equilibrium of many luminaries. The waves of vibrations are altered and the planet loses part of its self-defense. Thus humanity itself is master of its own destiny. But when there comes the destructive period of so-called godlessness, then the mass of energy which is usually sent into the higher layers is shattered and becomes the material for the brown gas.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 181:
181. As the Fiery Guards stand on watch, so do powerful Dischargers purify space. All Cosmic Battles are saturated with forces proceeding from all the Centers of the Cosmos. The Centers, flamingly intensified, are building all cosmic affirmations. When We speak about fiery Centers of the Cosmos, one must have in mind those fiery strivings which are radiated by the centers of the great manifested Arhats in the distant and the earthly spheres. Without these fiery centers of the Saviors of Mankind it would be impossible to hold back events until the designated date. Verily, great is this labor in the defense of humanity!

AUM (1936) - 571:
571. Inwardly man distinctly knows the energy inherent within himself. When he hurts himself, he massages the bruised spot with his hand. When he wishes to attract attention, he stamps his foot; he knows that precisely the extremities emit energy. In stories it is related that sparks flashed from a blow of the hand, and fire radiated on the ground from someone's footsteps. Yet it is difficult for man in his daily routine to recognize his own power.


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