Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.3: Our envoy once urged a queen to act more in accord with the laws of the time. Our envoy has counseled a young inventor. Our envoy guided a promising scholar. A list can be shown of persons who have received monetary sendings. These are all facts, attested by physical documents. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 7: Eternally moving, eternally striving, eternally aspiring to the heights, eternally manifesting vigilance, affirming Truth, manifesting the radiant thread of the Mother of the World by the armor of infinite beauty, assailing the darkness of ignorance, promising to the abode of humanity the glory of the stars - thus walk, saying, "World, I wish to accept all thy gifts; I wish to fill to the brim the chalice of attainment; I wish, O Lord, to drain the chalice of the Wisdom of Thy Covenants!"