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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PROMISES (16)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 27:
27. I bestow My Wisdom upon you. I am not a bridge built of promises, but verily the Light that calls to you. I teach love. My disciples must realize happiness in the love of Christ.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.17:
2.3.17. Let us end the holiday and begin labor. Let us determine what to do. To act. In this eternal action is Our holiday. But you, following Our example, should act without distress. Resolve to act in calmness, bearing in mind that Our spring flows through you incessantly. And when you ask yourself - where are They Who made promises? We are standing behind you; and We rejoice, measuring the growth of the flower of your aura. We rejoice because this is Our Garden. Beyond bounded vistas the Light unites the hearts.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.5:
3.5.5. It is possible to issue decrees, to make promises, and to intimidate; but only understanding impels. What could replace the understanding of applicability?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 137:
Sometimes even decent motives can draw unworthy individuals to a worthy person - a sort of overloading of a ship with unfit cargo. But the helmsman must guard the quality of the cargo and cut away the unfit. Especially avoid empty promises; these promises cling to the ship like barnacles. Recognize the merits of the worthy one, but do not burden him with promises. A united group must avoid mutual promises. A realization of the future structure should be the sole basis for unity. I speak not of magic circles but of the influence of real groups.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 146:
146. Every false accusation, suspicion, or statement immediately burdens the sender. It is foolish to hope that the consequences of a lie can be averted or hidden. Precisely these consequences root themselves, just as promises do, in a karma that must inevitably be outlived.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 278:
278. Often the Teacher finds himself in a very difficult situation with a pupil. The pupil promises to follow all the instructions of the Teacher, but no sooner is one received than reasons are immediately found to alter it. The Teacher experiences a similar difficulty when He is accused of being inactive. Imagine the situation of an archer when he is tensed for his shot and behind him someone cries, "Why does he not shoot?"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 457:
457. One can sometimes notice in children strange and fleeting glances, as if they see something unexplainable. Sometimes they may speak of a fire, of stars, or of sparks. Of course, adults usually attribute this to illness or foolishness, but attention must be paid to just such children. As is known, younger children can easily see astral images and, furthermore, especially sensitive ones can even see the fires of space. Such organisms should be carefully observed from their early days. Be assured that in them lie the promises of Agni Yoga, and if placed in pure surroundings, they will freely fulfill these promises in an exemplary way. Chiefly, their minds should not be polluted with outworn ideas, nor should fear of the unusual be instilled in them.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 143:
143. Resurrection of the spirit can be manifested in any sphere whatsoever of vital activity. Any step can become the stimulus for this purification. But resurrection of the spirit requires real action. Words or promises or intentions do not cause resurrection of the spirit. Rightly have promises have been pointed out which were not intended for fulfillment. Resurrection of the spirit can be affirmed only by true strivings for action. On the path to the Fiery World one must remember how it is possible to attain resurrection of the spirit.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 258:
258. The cleansing of space is reaching into all undertakings. The time has come to make evident the forces marching with the Light and those marching with darkness. Indeed, the temptation of the Prince of darkness is therein that he promises repose, but We say - it is the last hour! Only an accelerated purification will make possible the salvation of the planet; indeed, this is not a matter of eons, nor even of many years. Actually fiery explosion will save the planet. Fiery explosion must be displayed in every manifestation. Only the cleansing of space, only the purification of the consciousness, only the purification of the Teachings, will produce the manifestation of purified explosions of the spirit. True, the darkness is becoming dense, but when the tension of the forces of darkness reaches its limit, then will the Forces of Light affirm Their might. Thus one should be prepared for the acceptance of great tension. Light conquers darkness!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 571:
571. The black lodge has the sole aim of harming Our works and disrupting the planet. People are usually enticed into the black lodge by promises of long life, for great is the fear of death, and also by promises of riches and of great power. Especially nowadays is being developed a desire for long life. People do not think about the life of the Supermundane Spheres as they are greatly attached to the Earth. Among the dark suggestions passion and greed will be apparent; out of them is born the very lowest treachery.


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