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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PL > PLEADING (2)

AUM (1936) - 139:
139. In the world treasury are many covenants and legends which affirm the Higher World. People cannot justify themselves by pleading a lack of indications guiding them to knowledge. It is usual to hear complaints of the lack of knowledge as to the path to the Higher World. Such laments are hypocritical! These disgruntled ones will not take the trouble to seek out the Source. One may notice to what an extent aspiring people, even under the most unfavorable conditions, find strength to discover the Light. We watch over such light-bearers who overcome the most incredible difficulties.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 34:
Those who judge by ordinary relative measures cannot discern causes and effects. I speak not only about the tension of labor but also about the vigilance that enables one instantly to weigh and decide what moment and which action are the most necessary. Each plea for help brings with it the emanations of the past and the aroma of the future. One should blend these harmonies in the consciousness and understand the meaning of disharmony. We should not help a man who is ready for evil, and must help one who is suffering. Contradictions often conflict, and only knowledge of the past will provide the balance. Nevertheless, no plea to Us is rejected, for by making such a request a person expresses his recognition of the Higher World, and the fact that such a Reality lives in space. We will not ignore a pleading voice. We will not reject any prayer, but will gather all salutary substances in order to offer goal-fitting help. In this is contained a special vigilance.


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