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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PL > PLEAD (4)

Hierarchy (1931) - 17:
People plead for Good. The Cosmos affirms humanity not as the manifestation of one who receives, but as a receiving creator. Thus is the step laid, and the spirit of a creator can construct powerfully when the might of tension reaches to the summits of Cosmos.

Heart (1932) - 554:
554. The savage in his prayers pleads primarily for mercy for himself, whereas, the wise anchorites pray for beneficence for the world - therein lies the difference between a savage and the wise ones. This should be set into the foundation of all thoughts. It is neither fitting nor useful to plead for oneself. Only the crude heart presumes itself to be the most important. But it is much wiser to pray for the world, in which you yourself will also find a drop of Bliss. Especially now it is necessary to proceed along the great path, only thus can the heart be reached.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 519:
519. It is truly amazing when a mechanical giant attempts to strike the fiery heart, but instead carries the stones for his own tomb. This example is often repeated, but on each occasion one should rejoice over the victory of Agni. People plead for a miracle, but numberless miracles are all around them. They have merely to cleanse their eyes of irritation.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 136:
Hypocrites will plead, "Who are we? We are so small! How can we help the Great Light?" But it was said long ago, "Each breath should praise the Lord."


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