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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OP > OPPOSITION (79)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 168:
168. My Name provokes your enemies to opposition, and My Messengers must help you in your battle. Earthly support is not reliable, but under the shelter of your Invisible Allies you will conquer.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.13:
There are imperfections upon higher planets, but there is not the resistance of matter. It is easier to search there without loosing one's strength in needless struggle. There matter becomes inseparable from spirit, without any opposition between them.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.15:
3.3.15. Seldom do We choose the water routes. The element of water is in opposition to the magnetism of the mountains. The arrows of the lightning pierce the water without accrual of results. But We strive to insulate each current.

New Era Community (1926) - 226:
226. When a man finds himself in an imperfect community, in his fright he turns to opposition - this is wrong. He who understands imperfection must enter upon perfectionment. Let new communities arise as new springs in the desert. Around each spring tender grass will become green and the streams from the springs will eventually flow together in one current. The failure of one community must be grounds for new communal structures. Thus think about new possibilities.

New Era Community (1926) - 230:
230. It would seem that an end has been put forever to the two Western inventions, mysticism and metaphysics. Any laboratory, moderately fitted out, tells enough about the properties of the one matter. But as soon as people go beyond the limits of yesterday's experiment, they begin to cover up their helpfulness with indefinite dusty nomenclature. They rise in opposition, covering with the bugbears "metaphysics" and "mysticism" all the scientific possibilities of the coming day. The metaphysics of yesterday has turned into the scientific knowledge of an average literate man. Mysticism has proved to be a historic fact, and the walls of the tomb have convinced many more, those of broadest consciousness.

New Era Community (1926) - 232:
We permit certain of Our discourses to be written down, not to draw reproach or opposition but for the consciousness of those who have at some time heard about Our Community - who have learned something about an unrealized dream which somewhere has been brought into life. In the night hours someone was tormented with thoughts and forthwith enhanced the legend. To them is it needful to transmit Our discourses.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 512:
512. With each experiment, resistance caused by the presence of lower matter can be noticed. By purification or expulsion one can eliminate this harmful lower matter. Human existence is subject to universal laws. Does not the dullest opposition appear with every progressive step? Is not one forced to destroy irrationality and decay through the tension of fire? Just as in laboratory experiments, one must separate and remove all dead by-products.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 90:
90. When the entire Cosmos works for unification, why does humanity proceed in opposition to the destined? There is direct correlation throughout Cosmos. Humanity contravenes itself and its destination. When one can combine the most differentiated manifestations of Cosmos, then one can develop within oneself the sense of the work for the General Good.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 141:
141. Cosmic creation collects those aggregates which can be confirmed as a potential of the highest essence. The essence of the higher force is evinced by every intense spiral movement and in each expressed and concordant combination. The Cosmic Magnet can assemble the properties of the elements which belong to one nature-element. The Magnet cooperates fully with the elements, manifesting exactitude in the collecting of energies. When you see formations of life which do not manifest beauty, know them to be manifestations of opposition to the Cosmic Magnet. Correspondence between form and striving is ordained by Cosmos; hence, it can be said that the approaching time and the pull of the Magnet will bring forth new forms.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 58:
58. True attainments are attested by the striving to cognize the Will of Highest Reason. It is difficult to accept a cosmic direction without understanding the Will of Highest Reason. Three-fourths of human strivings are directed against Cosmic Ordainments. The human spirit is not penetrating beyond the boundaries of visibility, and the opposition to the Will of Reason is leading to destruction. True, cosmic law ordains the replacement of one thing by another. Certainly, in this ordinance is contained the spirit of renewal. Certainly, the principle of renewal comprises in itself the law of perfection. Therefore, the shifting asserted by humanity advances very slowly into evolution. The potentiality of the past gives birth to the future. Immeasurable is the growth of potentiality! There where the shifting leads to new progress, all forces are strained. There where the past was imbued with opposition, cosmic purification is established, Thus, the shifting of the manifested epoch of destruction will assert its consequences. They are inevitable, and the potentiality will erect its step.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 142:
142. Upon the cosmic scales there are manifested two main causes, which uphold the cosmic organization. Each cause predicates the reorganization of the world. The effects of the cosmic causes are strained according to the substance. Thus, upon the cosmic scales rests the evolution of the world and its dark opposition. When the world is being reorganized, the dark side creates impediments. Let us see how the forces for the accomplishment of world tasks are affirmed across the span of millennia. When the Carriers of Light affirmed the manifestations of the Covenant, the potentiality of their striving was infused into the spirit of humanity. When the striving of despotic conquerors was asserted under the law of egotism, man sank into a sphere of restrictions, and darkness propelled him toward self-destruction. Hence, the self-renunciation of the Lords flamingly leads humanity. It is the principle of self-destruction that brings on a new step of evolution. Thus is the path of the world cleared. Over and above all consequences radiates achievement, and the path of self-destruction leads to the lower spheres. Thus, even darkness affirms the step of Light.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 155:
155. When the creative rhythm strikes Earth, naturally the opposition is intensified. Each luminary is so powerful that its rays reach Earth. Each cosmic manifestation evokes opposition from the energies. During world reorganization, cosmic striving is transmitted to humanity. Therefore, two cosmic courses are so vividly manifested. The guidance of the Origin of Light attracts all the necessary elements. The guarantee lies in the Cosmic Magnet. The direction of opposition is seen in the urge to destruction. Thus, the guarantee of the Cosmic Magnet builds the future.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 156:
156. When the cosmic creativeness is tensed, the idea of reorganization is asserted. Hence, each creative effort encounters a pressure. Therefore, each striving has its opposition. Thus, Our tasks are in step with the Cosmic Magnet. Our Covenants build the future. Therefore We say, "Maitreya creates through the Cosmic Magnet." Thus, all opposition leads to victory. Verily, when My Spirit manifests a magnet identical to Earth's, victory can be affirmed. Let us remember the doubled magnet!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 161:
161. The reorganization of the world stirs up multifold rushing vortices. Each reorganization evokes the strokes of the cosmic rhythms. The rhythm of The Wheel of Life is so powerful that resistance to it cannot be asserted. The cosmic whirl intensifies all oppositions but the power of Reason engulfs the forces generated by opposition. Thus, the obstacles are swept away by the rhythm of cosmic whirls.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 162:
162. The reorganization of the world strains all forces of the dark ones. Each wave of evolution strains the forces of stagnant intent. When the world is divided into Light and dark forces, is it possible that the affirmed resultants will not be born? The cosmic creativeness is intensified through battle, and the battle proceeds upon all planes. Therefore, the manifestations which are closest to Us show themselves first of all as forces which stimulate opposition. Therefore I say, "The predestined will be fulfilled, the preordained will be fulfilled." One should preserve the joy of the future; one should affirm victory!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 181:
181. When a new karma approaches, a better step in the progress of evolution is affirmed. All new steps have been affirmed as an ascent. Only the human hand threatens the affirmation manifested by Cosmos. Only the human hand works its opposition to its predestination. Therefore, the striving to regeneration should be the motive power of the nations. Verily, under our own eyes shiftings are affirmed. Thus, Light smites the darkness. I so affirm!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 220:
220. When the shifting of the countries is being affirmed, all energies are strained. As threads, all the tensed forces are gathered and the various strivings are forged; hence, every spatial thought alarms the adversary. Each thread has its defined boundary, and each force has its orbit. Thus, cosmic thought which is woven from the vibrations of the Cosmic Magnet forces the invincibility of action. The demolition of energies contrary to evolution is saturated with self-destructive opposition. Thus, limitless creativeness proceeds above the destruction.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 236:
236. Only when the spirit adheres to the creativity of the Cosmic Magnet is it capable of aspiration toward creation; only then are possibilities drawn to it. Only when a straining spirit bears an affirmed world task does it create intensively. Constructive striving always evokes opposition; hence, there are such battles under Our Shield. But victory is inscribed upon Our Shield.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 295:
295. People are afraid most of all of expansion of consciousness. Everything within the boundaries of the customary is very close to man, and each new thought arouses opposition. Therefore, when We send someone for an achievement, We first impart the urge toward a new consciousness. Only limitless striving toward expansion of consciousness and reaching for the unusual can advance the consciousness toward evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 326:
326. The law of striving carries all affirmations. Striving toward Good avails itself of all higher paths, but wrath, which is in opposition to the Cosmic Magnet, adopts the basest ways. Hence, the dark forces in Cosmos are intensified by the lower spheres. At the moment of decisive shifting, the creativeness of nations is vividly expressed, and Cosmos strains the forces of Light for victory. Thus, the streams of Light conquer in limitless cosmic action.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 367:
367. Verily, a great page! Verily, the Banner unfolds powerfully. Verily, when the world is in convulsion We intensify the forces of the higher means. But the front of opposition uses the lowest means. Therefore, the most powerful possibilities are being brought forth. Hence, Tactica Adversa is Our measure.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 372:
372. Each intensified force has its affirmed opposition. Each intensified force has its purpose. The bridges consolidated by the enemy are the best ascent. Only when all adversaries are strained in opposition can the greatest plan be introduced into life. Thus, every foundation employs Tactica Adversa.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 433:
433. Forces acting in direct opposition to each other are mutually annihilative. Forces acting in parallel and in the same direction are effective in their sum total and forces acting in opposition are decreased in proportion to the angle of divergence. Why cannot people acknowledge that this fundamental law of physics is also a fundamental law of cooperation!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 444:
444. The growth of consciousness consists in the discrimination in the qualities of the energies. Only through this knowledge can the spirit determine the cosmic creativeness. Hence, the knowledge of the spirit leads to the discrimination in the qualities of energies. Thus, the subtle centers of an Agni Yogi know the ordainment of the Cosmic Magnet., Therefore, the enemy fears greatly Our knowledge. Hence such opposition and hence so many obstacles and so many great victories. Thus, We saturate the space.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 483:
483. During the building of cosmic structures all outer decisions are tensed by inner fires. During the shiftings all forces which must depart are strained by the quality inherent in the designated fire. Therefore, the forces which come into life must saturate each manifested opposition with their fires. Thus, the entire cosmic construction is based upon transmutation, and the creativeness of Cosmos is perpetually transmuting.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 498:
498. As a counterbalance to these engenderments, the fiery spirits build the structures of Light. Hence, as the opposition to darkness, the Carriers of Fires create the best karmic actions. This is why Our Carriers of Fires are so strained. Our Mother of Agni Yoga vibrates in all centers. Thus, We create a new step. Thus, We enhance the best possibilities.

Hierarchy (1931) - 134:
134. The Cosmic Magnet attracts all energies that are shifted to a new center. Thus all outworn energies are shifted, yielding their place to the new ones. Therefore, at the change of forces all divided forces are lost in the cosmic process. Only Light and darkness are in opposition and are intensified in the cosmic conflict. Hence, striving should be saturated precisely with the fire of attraction, and one should seek Light against the black lodge with the entire impulse. It is necessary to shield oneself with devotion to, and realization of, Hierarchy and to dare against the darkness with all the levers of spirit and heart.

Hierarchy (1931) - 335:
335. Humanity must carry out a multitude of urgent experiments. Imperil must not only be recognized as the calamity of the departing race but the contagion of imperil should also be studied. It will be possible to ascertain that imperil acts at far distances and can affect the subtle body. Imperil clashes like a dissonance with the Fire of Space. People who depart from Earth with a store of imperil create for themselves a torturous existence; the Fire of Space rushes upon them, for harmony means adherence to the foundations. Each opposition to the foundations calls forth the counteraction of the Fire of Space. Thus, one should admit that personal irritation is an excrescence of the departing ones. But it must be noted that people often do not wish to heed their own irritation, though the dangerous poison does not diminish because of that.

Heart (1932) - 23:
23. Each one of you is acquainted with special types of preachers who having gathered all the bones of other writings depart with them into oblivion. Reason collects detailed proofs, but the purpose of these accumulations remains undisclosed, for the heart is silent; thus, we call them the silent in heart. Moreover, these preachers, giving others innumerable counsels succumb to faint-heartedness at the first opposition. Verily it is only the heart that bestows immortality. The affirmation of the heart is already the revelation of the future. Far from the heart are those who themselves fear counsels gathered by the reason. The ancient Teachings speak of the holy madness. Consider this as a counteraction to the frigidness of calculations; consider it the vital beginning above the conditions of deadliness. Those who deny the Teaching are not far from falling into the abyss. Those who affirm Truth, even with imperfection, are already on the path. During crossing into the Subtle World they will not regret that they called the heart to life.

Heart (1932) - 168:
168. It is impossible not to notice the opposition that each conscious motion toward Light encounters. Besides the usual movements from the dark ones, one can also notice the work of Chaos, and in this law of the counteraction of the Non-Manifest is contained our self-consolation and experiment in patience.

Heart (1932) - 437:
437. People are especially concerned with the question - why did the founders of spiritual Teachings not escape various physical illnesses? Usually this question is asked by those who are themselves greatly contributing to such illnesses through suspicion, condemnation, and all manner of opposition to spiritual labor. But put this investigator into a poisoned room and he will at once be taken ill with a hundred ailments. Of course, one must visualize the intensity of the organism during spiritual labor. In its desire to help, it absorbs the surrounding conditions like a magnet. The transference of another person's illness to oneself is not a fairy tale. During this process it can be noticed that the pain is not transferred correspondingly, but strikes the tensest or weakest centers. The pains described in the lives of the saints should not be regarded as exaggerated. On the contrary, they are as intense and varied as humanity itself. But what alleviates these sufferings? Besides the silver cord of the Hierarchy itself, the very heart often gives the sign for the healing ray to begin. We are often astonished that doctors pay no attention to the people who visit the sick. Perhaps one half of the cure would consist not in medicines, but in the ejection of the harmful elements which are so plentifully brought in by those who come bringing spiritual contagion.

Heart (1932) - 478:
478. Let them smile at Our Advice about the heart. The most difficult for them will be to accept the dimensions of everything, beginning with their own hearts. But We know how to await understanding. The character of people is known to Us. Therefore We place our confidence in the power of patience. Asserting courage, We will not forget patience. It is a solace to know that patience overcomes any irritation. In the intensity of patience a special substance is created which, like a powerful antidote, neutralizes even imperil. But, of course, patience is not a lack of feeling. During criminal indifference, benevolent reactions are not evident. Patience is a conscious tension and an opposition to darkness.

Heart (1932) - 484:
484. A "black heart" was always considered as the symbol of great peril. Only the most unwavering courage could resist this misfortune, but such courage was rarely found. The degree of courage is tested by the force of the peril, and true courage waxes stronger in accordance with the intensity of the danger. She, Our warrioress, knows the degree of courage of which I speak. When the dark legions are attacking, the consequences vary. During injury to the entity, obsession results; whereas the purified spirit may be subject, not to obsession, but to illness. You have read how our Brother, already on a high step, nevertheless became ill from dark opposition. Such consequences must be remembered because the battle is great. Of course, the effects of the dark arrows may be lessened, but personal caution is needed nevertheless. The same striving must be applied for the acquisition of courage as a remedy against the black poison. Indeed, physical weakening does not mean spiritual weakening; on the contrary, the expenditure of spiritual riches sometimes becomes unlimited.

Heart (1932) - 547:
547. Healing against the will of a patient exacts an unlimited amount of strength. Even without opposition, simply through lack of understanding, much strength is dissipated. Nevertheless, even this exhausting method of healing may be successful despite the non-understanding of the patient. Many cases can be cited when Initiates suffered greatly after having healed forcibly. Naturally in these days, the tension and dissipation of strength are unusual. Hence, if you feel tension or fatigue do not be ashamed to lie down. During the unprecedented battle the heart must be guarded. This advice is given to all. One should visualize the entire smoky surface of Earth, in order to understand the need of a protective armor.

Heart (1932) - 556:
556. You will not be astonished at My confirmation that black magic is increasing greatly. Of course, this is one of the weapons used by the opponents of Light. They gather conscious and unconscious co-workers. Conjurations, incantations, and also all the accumulations of the dark ones, are broadly utilized. In addition to the dark centers previously indicated to you many small circles are arising, often based on the most primitive rituals. But general harm is great. Of course, white magic possesses the most powerful formula - but above all formulas stands the energy of the heart. All formulas and conjurations presuppose mechanical apparatuses, remaining within the confines of the lowest teachings. But now, when the forces of darkness are so aroused, the forces of the heart are set against them in opposition. It can be noticed how gradually the rituals of white magic were carried to the highest concepts of Fire and the heart. The dark ones do not possess these strongholds. Only the pure heart can act. Only the link with the Hierarchy of Light can kindle the inextinguishable fires. Thus, the opposition of the heart to all dark forces will be the sign of victory. I affirm the might of the heart and from your experience you know how close and powerful is this weapon of Light. The fiery sphere cannot be approached without the flame of the heart. Initiation by fire is only for the pure heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 65:
65. Last night's current is one of the highly tensed Fiery reactions - the so-called dual arrows. The past heavy current of Mahavan also has a significance for this new tension. It is given as a special defense against grave reactions. Thus, one can arm oneself fierily, provided the spirit itself accepts such an armor. This acceptance is essential for the cognizance of the Fiery World, because the gates may not be opened where there is opposition.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 46:
46. The Earthly World in its essence is antagonistic to the Subtle World, because every chaotic state threatens subtle constructions. The same difference exists between the Subtle and the Fiery World, for the sediments of the former are not in the nature of Fire. Therefore every fiery thought receives an opposition from both the subtle and the earthly world. But one can conquer this condition only through fiery tension, because the fire of spirit is needed for the consuming of chaos and its transmutation. Fire is not directed there where reason tries to argue with chaos. The fire of the heart penetrates through chaos and transmutes it into a useful substance. The laboratory of the heart is powerful, and thought itself must be purified by Fire.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 173:
173. Let it not be thought possible to deny the Invisible. It has been said that there does not exist action which can produce no consequences, but this is particularly true of negations. One may often ask oneself - why is the evolution of the world so slow? Negation will prove to be one of the principal causes, for it is deadly. Like doubt, it cuts off all the ordained possibilities. People given to denial eventually have to outlive its consequences. Truly, negation is like a millstone around one's neck. Enough has been said about it in the Teaching. But now, especially, the Earth is infected with negation. Let multitudes of people imagine that negation is only a sensible criticism, but negation is not a judgment, it is like ashes banking a grate fire. It suppresses, but does not elevate. Only broadening of consciousness can shame the denier, but as a rule such a torpid state terminates in a grave illness. In many cases a physician should attentively converse with his patient prior to treatment, in order to ascertain his mode of thinking. Each illness from negation reveals the need of suggestion in order to arrest the destructive process. Some may ridicule the fact that for the treatment of cancer and tuberculosis it is necessary to begin with suggestion. Of course, physicians who do not possess the power of suggestion will protest in every way, and they will be highly provoked upon hearing that diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys, the gums, and rheumatism depend largely upon the state of consciousness and require suggestion first of all. It therefore follows that it is necessary to regard suggestion and autosuggestion seriously. Both processes are of a fiery significance. Thus negation is in opposition to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 246:
246. The scholar is almost right in attributing life to the chemism of an organism, but he loses sight of the crystal of psychic energy. True, this most subtle substance is also a chemism of its own kind, but the approach to it is a special one. Ordinary scholars, among many true conclusions, miss the principal one, not so much because of opposition as from inability to imagine such concepts. You yourselves have seen two physicians to whom there was offered the greatest opportunity for unrepeatable observations. You saw how unable they were to appreciate these possibilities, and that they obviously evaded the chief consideration, while babbling absurd formulas. Cooperation lies in mutual solicitude and hearty labor.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 307:
307. Yet it is possible to weaken the harm of black magic to a considerable extent by conscious opposition to it. When one's heart transmits news about an attack, and the dark stars are revealed, one must calmly and fearlessly turn to Hierarchy. Many attacks are stopped immediately. But it would be a mistake to neglect the natural signs of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 417:
417. The ancient prophecies say "When all becomes darkened, then people fancy that everything is permitted them." Actually darkness makes people insane. Daring is not madness. Everyone who dares is conscious of ordained possibilities, but the madman manifests opposition to the law of Existence. There is a fine boundary line between madness and daring. The torch of the heart is needed in order to find this boundary. Having once entered the domain of madness, one can hardly turn back again to a wise daring. Rishi were daring; saints were daring; but they did not admit madness, for it is first of all hideous. It leads to obsession, with all its dark consequences. How ugly is the picture of the obsessing entity trying to expel from the body the subtle vehicle! There can be nothing more hideous than the spectacle of two subtle bodies disputing about one earthly envelope.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 212:
212. Tension of all the energies of the spirit is manifested during the collision of forces. Actually, only a spirit impelled to creativeness can be conscious of that power which is contained in counteraction. How, then, to affirm fiery kindling, and to intensify each channel of fire? The attraction of all conformities takes place when all fiery currents are aflame. It is necessary to accept the law of counteraction as a stimulus of creativeness; the stimulus which intensifies each construction. Attraction of spirit is developed precisely by the fiery tension of all forces. In fact, each inscription in space can enter into life as magnetic opposition to the forces of darkness. Ascending on the path to the Fiery World, let us remember about striving in the higher tension of spirit, when on the brink of the abyss, when on the summit, when before a dark wall. Thus let us tense all forces.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 319:
319. Action depends upon the tension of that sphere in which the spirit abides. As intensity of striving affirms the power of action, so does resistance saturate action with the essence of the consciousness. The different planes require different measurements in the expenditure of energies. Where the dense World requires exertions, the Subtle World not only does not require them but allows easy locomotion. The dense World affirms that force which overcomes all resistance. But in the Subtle World the principal lever is the accumulation of spiritual aspiration. To overcome opposition in the Subtle World is possible only through spirituality. It is wrong to think that the Fiery World is merely a reflection of the Earthly World. For, while the strata of the Subtle World represent the reflections of the earthly strata, in the Fiery World there are strata which preserve earthly spheres in their evolutionary growth. In these strata are marked out all the currents of evolution. They are not only the Treasury of the records of space but are also the Cosmic Laboratory. Such strata occupy the loftiest spheres. The ascent of man depends upon his attraction to these spheres.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 348:
348. Humanity has so far departed from a true contemplation of the World, that all that exists becomes illusory. Do, indeed, people wish to know those roots of evil which destroy constructiveness? Closing the eyes to the existence of evil and its source abases man to a still lower level. The fact that the evil principle exists as opposition to Light is long since known. Just as good is manifested in limitless ways and aspects, so also is darkness. True, mankind prefers the way of unmanifested evil. Indeed, such darkness is very attractive to the small consciousness because it is not necessary to expiate flamingly its actions; and the personifications of evil assume such an attractive application! The consciousness of mankind is truly deprived of co-measurement! Therefore only the purified consciousness can accept Light and its antithesis - darkness.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 400:
400. The store of psychic energy is inexhaustible, and during spiritual strivings its strength is multiplied. At the time of spiritual aspiration this energy becomes a constructive impulse for new supplies. The properties of this fiery energy are thus multiform, and its potential surpasses every other energy, because the life contained in it can transmute all other energies. Psychic energy in its activity can overcome each opposition if it be consciously directed. The manifest source becomes exhausted only when it is not supported by conscious striving. Through attainment of the spirit, through fiery saturation, this sacred fiery source of life intensifies all vital functions.

AUM (1936) - 295:
Many of the most useful observations are made during experiments with thought. Precisely such reflections constitute the opposition of egoism. Each suffering is already an advancement.

AUM (1936) - 424:
424. Much opposition will be shown to cooperation. Some, through selfishness, will not wish to accept it altogether; others will make use of it for personal gains, but will deny its existence; a third group will unite the concept of cooperation with the overthrow of all order.

Brotherhood (1937) - 204:
204. Gradually it will become known that the legend is the true history; then documents will be found. Each revelation confirms the fact that truth lives on and must be perceived. Since myths live on, then too the history of the Brotherhood will acquire authenticity. It can be noted that information about the Brotherhood is especially suspected. Many circumstances are accepted quite easily, but the existence of the Brotherhood has a particularly striking effect. People are prepared to encounter an unknown hermit, but for some reason it is difficult for them to picture a society of such hermits. There exists an order of truths which meets with special opposition. It is not difficult to understand who is against the concept of Brotherhood. These creatures know perfectly well about the existence of the Brotherhood, and they tremble lest this knowledge reach the people. But all is accomplished in due time. If people do not know, still they are beginning to have premonitions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 274:
274. If someone assures you that he is neither for nor against something, regard him as being against it. Among these voiceless ones there are far more opponents than among the shouters. People hope to conceal their opposition under a mask of hypocrisy. Therefore it is especially valuable when a man has the courage to speak his opinion. However, for correctness of appraisal it is needful to realize Brotherhood as the lever of the world. One should not recognize only one's own personality, because isolation does not exist, and he who tears himself away falls into the lower strata and injures himself.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 3:
Let the ignorant deride the repositories of the Brotherhood. Let the egoism of ignorance regard Our repositories as the treasures of misers. In truth, each object is for Us a useful apparatus, and can be used for important observations. It is especially valuable to observe the relationship of ancient auras to later emanations. Sometimes a total opposition between objects, or a mutual sympathy between them, can be observed. In Our many experiments with ancient objects, We observe not only with spiritual vision but also verify by the use of Our apparatuses. This is not so-called psychometry, but a science of radiations. Just as you can observe the usefulness of fruits and plants, We can study the language of objects by their radiations. One can thus observe that few religious artifacts have beautiful radiations, for they were too often created with self-interest, and then fell into even more mercenary hands.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 15:
Pay attention to what I said about tension when sending ideas. A thought sent to a particular place, or to a certain person, does not require as much tension as the sending out of thought into space, where much opposition is encountered. A fierce battle surrounds such sendings, therefore an electric vortex is needed as armor. Such vortices attract to their orbit certain refined souls, who will then feel a great fatigue, for their energy has been magnetically joined to the general current. Thus, if you feel an unexplainable tension and exhaustion of strength, you may be involved in such spatial sendings.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 38:
We labor to introduce measures for the achievement of equilibrium, but much opposition is encountered. Atavistic traits are manifested in all nations. However, one should not judge by nationality, but must immediately delve into the web of intricate personal relationships. It is unfortunate that woman herself does not always help in this situation. Therefore We value the labor of Our Sisters all the more. They give up the distant flights so dear to their hearts, perseveringly visit families, and speak untiringly to people, conducting conversations that are often burdensome and even boring.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 50:
Let us consider how much opposition is met by everyone who sends useful thoughts. Today Urusvati experienced many of Our intensified currents. Such a change of current indicates the concentration that must be manifested, for each current struggles with its countercurrent. Thus, the most urgent decisions require defense against clever destroyers. Urusvati helped Us through the entire night, and even found time to be in her motherland.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 57:
We continually send thoughts about kindness, action, and labor. There cannot be kindness without action. There cannot be any good where there is no labor. There will be no kindness where there is no opposition to evil. There will be no kindness if we do not accept the responsibility to discern evil, to recognize corruption, and do not lose the possibility of bringing Light. Beautiful are the words, "Light disperses darkness." However, Light must be brought, and this action in itself is full of self-abnegation. Light will also illuminate and dispel frightful monsters, even when they show themselves in their worst aspect. Every light-bearer has to live through those moments. He should not slacken his pace and should look fearlessly upon the monsters. There will be no complete renunciation of fear if the light-bearer averts his eyes in the hope that Light alone will dispel the monsters. It is not only Light but also the Primal Energy that strikes the blow which destroys darkness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 116:
116. Urusvati knows that there is a correlation between battle and creation. From the mundane point of view these concepts would appear to be opposites. But We say that creation is the dispersing of darkness, therefore there exists not opposition but a correlation between these two seemingly opposed concepts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 266:
266. Urusvati knows how vehemently every intelligent achievement is opposed by the fury of ignorance. Truly, the brighter the light, the denser the darkness. It would be wrong to assume that the dark opposition is an illusion. On the contrary, it is a real fury that intensifies progressively and knows no constraint in its tactics.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 266:
It can often be observed that as one member of a family strives for enlightenment, the other members will aggressively mock his aspirations. Indeed, this one member needs all his courage to oppose the rude attacks of the others. It rarely happens that an entire family strives toward the Light in a united effort against darkness. Certainly, opposition to darkness develops strength, but to have to oppose one's own family is an uphill task. There is no greater tragedy than darkness in a family. This is a most urgent problem, which must be resolved, for such families breed the calamities of the next generation.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 286:
To all these insanities will be added the most shameful - the intensified competition between male and female. We insist upon equal and full rights for women, but the servants of darkness will expel them from many fields of activity, even where they bring the most benefit. We have spoken about the many maladies in the world, but the renewed struggle between the male and female principles will be the most tragic. It is hard to imagine how disastrous this will be, for it is a struggle against evolution itself! What a high price humanity pays for every such opposition to evolution! In these convulsions the young generations are corrupted.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 298:
We devote much energy in trying to give guidance to families. We affirm full rights for women, but as soon as these rights are pronounced there is barbaric opposition. Any country that approaches the idea of equal rights will lead in the quality of work. Remember, I said that from little rays will be made a sun. It takes time to manifest quality, and co-workers will come from among the young ones.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 300:
Please understand that the spirals of evolution can be accelerated only if senseless human opposition ceases. People do not always know how to create, but they do indeed know how to oppose, and ugliness, discord, and calamities come into being.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 302:
302. Urusvati knows that at times when the currents of space are in such opposition that the pulse of life is suspended, even many of those who are clearly alive are threatened by death. This danger is even greater when people are ill or suffer from a state of nervous stress.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 330:
Evil influences operate strongly in the Subtle World just as on Earth. Disembodied spirits bring with them from Earth the passions they have not yet outlived. However, such passions are not as dangerous as prejudice, because passion can lead to motion, whereas prejudice is stagnant and inevitably causes corruption. Do not conclude from this that We approve of passions. We only point out that in motion there can be a seed of success, whereas ignorance is quite hopeless. When We say "prejudice" we mean an opposition to true knowledge; this attitude is common not only on Earth, but also in the Subtle World. There are even those of a certain mentality who are convinced that knowledge is the cause of all human miseries.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 335:
Let us look to the past and we shall see that the brightest achievements were the result of ferocious opposition. If truth does not exist, to what purpose does this enemy exhaust itself? But if truth is alive, nothing can hurt it and slander will be its advertisement. We have often told Our adversaries that there is a law that turns their evil efforts into glorifications of truth.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 342:
342. Urusvati knows how persistent are the forces of chaos. They should be resisted consciously, because only through conscious opposition can one overcome them. Two currents can be distinguished - spatial chaos, and the chaos that affects the weak human will. Even good people can become victims of the attacks of chaos.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 346:
There are many books available that deal with psychic phenomena, and We will not waste Our time trying to convince the wilfully ignorant. At present, We only want to point out that psychic phenomena are increasing. One can also see that there is an unfortunate increase in fierce opposition. The forces of darkness are alarmed that the subtle energies are approaching the earthly plane. You must understand that the battle has reached its climax, and chaos is attempting to prevent evolutionary advance. But the New World approaches and nothing can stop the growth of consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 368:
The essential meaning of a society should not be judged by the outward conditions and customs of life which can remain unchanged from one generation to the next, but by its inner growth and striving. You should understand that I am not talking abstractly. I am observing a certain nation in which people are creating a new world-outlook, yet there is a strong opposition that attempts to force the nation to revert to the ancient concepts of past generations. Casual, short-sighted observers tell the most contradictory stories. It would be appropriate to ask these observers from which generation they have drawn their judgments.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 381:
381. Urusvati knows that tolerance is a fundamental necessity for evolution. Every sign of tolerance must be valued. We, Ourselves, could not help people without the highest degree of tolerance. All one's inner fire of enthusiasm must be used for the Common Good, for dull indifference is most deadly. Truly, fierce opposition is often more justified than unfeeling indifference.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 381:
We often smile at our heated opponents, for in each of them there is a particle of affirmation. But on the ice of indifference no flowers can grow. This explains why, in the Testament, the Lord chose the cold and the hot ones, and spat the lukewarm ones out of His mouth. Some will not agree with this. The fact is however that He does help those whom He rejects. How is it possible to convince the lukewarm one that he is potentially full of fire, and that his apparent tepidness can be ignited into a great flame? Opposition turns into affirmation; this is the pattern of existence. But those who in the Testament are called lukewarm do not easily ignite.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 388:
The alternation of the waves of acceptance and opposition is amazing, but the real battle takes place in the supermundane realm, and Great Forces participate in it. It is difficult to discern the boundary between unconditional acceptance and complete negation. At times opposers are closer to the truth than those who mechanically affirm the letter of the law without understanding its meaning.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 417:
In daily life one can often see a primitive personality in otherwise learned people. Because of this We have suffered from human opposition in all Our experiments. It is particularly striking that so many people who regard themselves as modern are actually hopelessly archaic. I affirm that until the cosmic current is recognized there can be no true progress.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 427:
In Our normal work We must set aside time for the reception of communications from a distance. But this is not easy, since an organism that is tensed and refined cannot help resounding to calls from everywhere. Remember that, in addition to any direct appeals to Us, space thunders with world events. And now this cacophony has reached such a degree that it can endanger the human organism. Thought-waves, like arrows, pierce the mucous membranes; the throat, the ears, the eyes, and all other mucous tissues can be affected. There are times when thought-waves are even strengthened by the mutual opposition. One cannot always see the explosions of black projectiles. Unearthly Forces are active in them, but earthly thoughts treble their effect.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 427:
We must postpone many experiments when the world is in such a state of tension. We must quiet the moans, alleviate the pain, and provide counsel. Only the divisibility of spirit enables Us to respond simultaneously to so many varied and urgent events. People do not realize the degree of saturation of the atmosphere. They think that We should be able to do everything, yet they themselves continue in their opposition. These aspects of Our life are little understood.


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