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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OP > OPPOSITES (9)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 261:
261. He who fears for his life cannot be a hero. And he who pointlessly wastes his life will not be a hero. The hero carries the vessel with care, ever ready to offer it for building the future world - as in everything, the weighing of opposites. A yogi will understand this. He will understand the value of restraint, yet will never be satisfied. The hero is truly insatiable for achievement and hungers for action, yet is ready at any time to restrain himself. He acts for spirit, but does not detach himself from Earth. Unstoppable, never retreating, he will not abandon what he has begun, and will not initiate any action that is less than selfless.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 371:
Between the two Origins - Light and Darkness - the protective auric net shines like armor. Truly it is the boundary between Light and Darkness! We shall thus approach the Buddha's Teaching of the Golden Mean from a different angle. A line divides the Origins. Like lightning, it emanates from the one principle of the Primary Source. As both a defense and a bridge, fire unites the opposites. People should value the power of this union! Whoever masters it is a conqueror of Darkness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 413:
Pure striving produces flashes of fire. One has to observe these beginnings and the conditions that accompany them. For this purpose a true ability to observe keenly should be developed. It is not easy to achieve the ability to observe. The conditions aiding these fiery manifestations are different for each individual: cold or heat, sound or silence, light or darkness, all such opposites can produce equal results.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 501:
The most valuable experiment that one can conduct is an experiment upon oneself. It is both centrifugal and centripetal. These simple truths must be repeated. It is precisely in the offering of one's own spirit for the sake of humanity that both sacrifice and acquisition are contained. Unconnected opposites will not form a circle, and without the circle there can be no rotation. Each turn of a spiral, seen from above or below, will appear as a circle. All complexities in the picture will vanish for us if we strive into the future.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 140:
140. Humanity is saturated with cravings. When the spirit yields to the asserted cravings, the step into evolution is limited by the visible. The opposite striving of the spirit establishes the step of affirmed evolution. The two opposites are always mutually confirmed. While one part strives to possess the visible, the other part strives toward the invisible. Thus, in an epoch of cosmic reaction, humanity may be divided into slaves and those who strive for cosmic possession and by those who carry the cosmic fires. Thus, Our Carriers of Fire so battle, and the clutching hands are of the slaves bereft of spirit. Only those striving to Infinity can understand the beauty of Be-ness.

AUM (1936) - 438:
438. Desperation is bad, but there is another measure of extreme intensity which is necessary for attainment. Externally it can almost be identified with the limit of despair, but in essence they will be opposites. Despair is destructive, but the extreme limit of tension is constructive.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 26:
We are always on guard. Not an hour passes without the need to stop somewhere the vicious attacks of the dark ones. Do not think that they attack only Our followers. They try to destroy all constructive work, and because of the law of vibrations, they are able to find the seed of good so hated by them. One should not ascribe omniscience to them, but they do sense their opposites. Our Work is made difficult by the expenditure of energy needed to counter the attacks of the dark ones. They know that ultimately they cannot overcome Us, but they absorb the energy that is being sent into space. When We ask for unity and trust We are calling for help for a speedy victory.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 116:
116. Urusvati knows that there is a correlation between battle and creation. From the mundane point of view these concepts would appear to be opposites. But We say that creation is the dispersing of darkness, therefore there exists not opposition but a correlation between these two seemingly opposed concepts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 223:
223. Urusvati knows that the human consciousness is formed from subtle accumulations. It will seem almost too simple if We tell you that each incarnation, like a medicine, is intended to cure a particular unhealthy feature of the individual. The color white may seem equally simple, yet it contains in itself all colors. It may astonish you to observe succeeding incarnations that are extreme opposites, yet without sufficient polishing a precious stone has no luster. Thus, everyone should remember how difficult it is to deepen the consciousness.


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