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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OP > OPPONENTS (13)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 137:
137. My Hands overflow with bounty, but opponents must be stopped. I shall manifest the power of My Teachings to those of narrow mind.

New Era Community (1926) - 219:
Yet the world community is ordained - it means that elements which do not hold the concept of the community must be convinced of its immutability. Is not one persuaded through words? Yet it is not the words but the thought that convinces and regenerates the consciousness. Thought can be sharpened only by psychic energy. The development of this energy will provide an outlet for the builders of the community. If they themselves are convinced of the immutability of the community, no one can prevent them from sending powerful thought for the purpose of convincing the opponents.

New Era Community (1926) - 219:
It is necessary to understand the significance of psychic energy in the approaching evolution, and to study scientifically its manifestations. There is no need to test it by the method of spectacular tricks. With all solicitude and responsibility should one approach the discovery of humanity's treasure. There is not much time for turning many opponents into useful co-workers. True, if you approach them with frightening warnings, this will be crude and unworthy of true community members.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 311:
Two who sit at one table, opposite each other, cannot be opponents if they follow the same Teacher. Inclusiveness and tolerance are one. Only treason cannot be tolerated.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 315:
315. The undertakings of man show potentialities of all degrees and direct all strivings into a center of tensity. The manifold human undertakings are strained by various essences. In evolution, the battles for the treasures of Space are clearly defined. Thus, the advancement of the grades of energies is within the power of humanity, and the degree of retardation of evolution rests also in the hands of man. Verily, two categories intensify the world of action. The Carriers of Fire and the opponents of evolution both assert the evolutionary battle. Thus, the progress of humanity proceeds by way of the battle of evolution.

Heart (1932) - 105:
105. In the book Heart one must speak about even such simple matters as a living fire. The best people are content with electric light, forgetful of how many sicknesses are brought on by energies that are purposely sealed. So with rays. Why do they not notice that x-rays react upon the heart? So, too, they do not care to notice the influence of metals upon the heart. Many experiments are needed in order to learn even slightly to control destructive conditions. People wish to be relieved of sicknesses, but they hasten to multiply them. We should not be regarded as opponents retarding discoveries; on the contrary, We summon new discoveries.

Heart (1932) - 215:
215. One must not fear the dark attacks. There is a multitude of dark allies, but they are like the branches of a torch. I affirm that it is the destiny of the dark ones to be the opponents of Light. But I am giving the summons for unity, and therein will lie a great experiment. One must give testimony to the world; and is not the temple of the spirit a testimony? I affirm a new understanding of Hierarchy. I affirm a new battle for the Banner of Light.

Heart (1932) - 399:
399. Defense is still not resistance. All dream of the development of resistance. Non-receptivity is only a weak degree of resistance. Immunity is in the heart, and even active resistance is not in the brain. Only the energy of the heart makes a man invulnerable and carries him over obstacles. Thus, one should remember the heart as a weapon. Precisely - the heart is the weapon of Light! But let them not suspect Us of being opponents of the brain. Let the good ploughman, the brain, labor over his sowing. Let him nurture the seeds and bear the thought, refined and sharpened by battles. But the contemporary perilous state of things has been created by the perverted thinking of the brain. Therefore let us turn to the heart once again as to our judge and leader. Whoever shall aid his near ones to find the path of the heart shall also find his own perfection.

Heart (1932) - 556:
556. You will not be astonished at My confirmation that black magic is increasing greatly. Of course, this is one of the weapons used by the opponents of Light. They gather conscious and unconscious co-workers. Conjurations, incantations, and also all the accumulations of the dark ones, are broadly utilized. In addition to the dark centers previously indicated to you many small circles are arising, often based on the most primitive rituals. But general harm is great. Of course, white magic possesses the most powerful formula - but above all formulas stands the energy of the heart. All formulas and conjurations presuppose mechanical apparatuses, remaining within the confines of the lowest teachings. But now, when the forces of darkness are so aroused, the forces of the heart are set against them in opposition. It can be noticed how gradually the rituals of white magic were carried to the highest concepts of Fire and the heart. The dark ones do not possess these strongholds. Only the pure heart can act. Only the link with the Hierarchy of Light can kindle the inextinguishable fires. Thus, the opposition of the heart to all dark forces will be the sign of victory. I affirm the might of the heart and from your experience you know how close and powerful is this weapon of Light. The fiery sphere cannot be approached without the flame of the heart. Initiation by fire is only for the pure heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 300:
300. Can Light form an alliance with darkness? It would have to extinguish itself in order to become united with the opposite principle. Let a Leader of Light not consider taking into his camp the extinguishers and opponents of Light. Light cannot magnify darkness; likewise darkness cannot enhance the Light, consequently such unions contradict Nature.

AUM (1936) - 417:
417. You will encounter two types of opponents of equal rights - one, an admirer of the rule of the harem, who says that age-old customs should not be disturbed; the other, indignant at the past, will demand supremacy for herself in everything. Both will be remote from evolution. It is impermissible to drag past offenses into the future. It is impermissible also to preserve the ossification of an outworn way of life.

Brotherhood (1937) - 274:
274. If someone assures you that he is neither for nor against something, regard him as being against it. Among these voiceless ones there are far more opponents than among the shouters. People hope to conceal their opposition under a mask of hypocrisy. Therefore it is especially valuable when a man has the courage to speak his opinion. However, for correctness of appraisal it is needful to realize Brotherhood as the lever of the world. One should not recognize only one's own personality, because isolation does not exist, and he who tears himself away falls into the lower strata and injures himself.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 381:
We often smile at our heated opponents, for in each of them there is a particle of affirmation. But on the ice of indifference no flowers can grow. This explains why, in the Testament, the Lord chose the cold and the hot ones, and spat the lukewarm ones out of His mouth. Some will not agree with this. The fact is however that He does help those whom He rejects. How is it possible to convince the lukewarm one that he is potentially full of fire, and that his apparent tepidness can be ignited into a great flame? Opposition turns into affirmation; this is the pattern of existence. But those who in the Testament are called lukewarm do not easily ignite.


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