Heart (1932) - 269: 269. But instead of the Subtle World let us vigilantly watch the crude manifestations. Let us not imagine that we are immune against all attempts. We ourselves are the constant objects of attacks. The difference is only that each one meets an opponent commensurate with his forces. But the dark ones utilize every case to attack and strike through their devices. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 249: 249. About one of the Rishis it was said that even at the mention of evil he felt pain. One should not consider such a Rishi an idler, but rather be amazed at his dissociation from evil. Indeed, each one who realizes Fire feels evil with especial keenness as the direct antipode of his being. One must, I say, one must develop in oneself this counteraction to evil, the opponent of progress. One must, I say, one must recognize this boundary which impedes advance for the good of evolution. One may hear about the complexity of such boundaries, but the manifestation of Fire will reveal where is evolution, and where the decrepitude of decomposition. The Fiery World is a true symbol of uninterrupted evolution. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 415: The Teacher will say that it is useless to regret the past, and He will be right, for regrets are fetters. But one should examine why the advice was not applied, and among the reasons we will find fear and selfishness. These vipers can turn the most attentive listener into an unbridled opponent! In his negation he will develop a peculiar bravado, and will cheat in order to justify himself and his deviations. The Teacher knows these human traits, and He will not regret the spilled seeds, for the earth may produce an unexpected yield. We have observed over and over how different listening is from actual application. We look into the future, and in this aspiration We find steadfastness and courage.