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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OB > OBSERVATIONS (184)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.1:
2.4.1. Not in jest are the planets beyond Uranus mentioned. Often the spirit struck by the cosmic whirl cannot acclimate itself and make observations, but this is only a question of time and technique. Our prolonged experiments will prepare for a great deal, as also for lengthy labor. Many of Our experiments require centuries. So if you feel the endlessness of labor, you know one more of Our feelings - all time is filled.

New Era Community (1926) - 169:
Indeed, it is difficult to diagnose a disease in its embryonic state; only examination of the secretions and a picture of the radiations will give determinative results. If the secretions can sometimes lead into error about the true cause, then the hieroglyphics of radiation will reveal the basis of the disease. Each peculiarity of the action of the organism gives a color and sign on the graph. Observations can be carried on in every hospital.

New Era Community (1926) - 240:
True, you will find mistrust everywhere. Indeed, people will speak about the metaphysics of your reasonings, precisely when you will be referring to scientific physical observations. Pay no attention to the arguments of the ignorant. Only one thing is important to consider World Cooperation as an absolute necessity of evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 170:
170. During the development of the centers one feels incomprehensible symptoms, which science, in its ignorance, will attribute to quite unrelated ailments. Therefore the time has come to write the book of observations of the fires of life. I advise not to delay, because it is necessary to explain now to the world the manifestations of the reality and unity of existence.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 194:
Many atmospheric observations can facilitate the building of the future. But unfortunately, one must recognize that even mosquitoes know atmospheric conditions better than men. Yet people think that by claiming the title of king of nature, they have the right to know nothing.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 248:
It is useful to read to children in the schools some texts in unfamiliar languages, observing how an unknown tongue is grasped. The hand easily adapts itself to familiar objects. The consciousness will easily grasp sounds familiar from the past. How many useful observations could be readily made! Yoga constantly teaches this joyous alertness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 378:
When a man sees and feels a fire, self-igniting and unconsuming, he decides it is electricity. When he hears the vibration of a string in the air, or the ringing of a bell where none exists, he thinks vaguely about sound waves. When he sees colored stars near him, of course, he rushes to an oculist. When he sees formations in space, he thinks of meteoric dust. When he receives objects from space, he only suspects his neighbor - his imagination can work no further. Almost never does he pay attention to manifestations within his own organism. Yet it is from just these small observations that a great experience is built. Opinions must not be imposed by command, but should pass through one's own channels of psychic energy. Let us watch closely.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 398:
How many useful observations can be conducted even without advanced apparatuses! Will not a comparison between atmospheric conditions and the condition of humanity provide a key for the reasonable deliberations of rulers? Will not magnetic storms provoke changes in social order? Sunspots, the full moon, the passing by of heavenly bodies, and many other powerful conditions affect the basic functioning of sensitive organisms. Even plants and animals react to cosmic phenomena. Is it possible that humanity, the ruler, is not worthy of attention?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 413:
A multitude of circumstances must be examined. If people who have achieved the kindling of the inner fire would write down their observations about it, they would greatly help many beginners. The common work for humanity requires first of all the protection of individuality. And when all the many ways of kindling the inner fire have been found, the simplest way proves to be the quickest. It is astonishing to see what supposedly insignificant circumstances can help to ignite the flame. One such, which is always present, is a sensitivity to shocks. A straight position of the spine is also of great importance in this. But in the case of chronic curvature of the spine, musk can be used to help ignite the flame. The absorption of musk interacts with phosphorus, which restores the impeded flow of fire.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 450:
One can observe the way in which, in every life, over many centuries, similar vibrations provoke similar sensations. These observations are useful in learning to understand the wholeness of life. If people could grasp the wholeness of life, they would sooner learn goal-fitness and responsibility.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 457:
For a mother these observations are not difficult; she has only to know what and why she is observing. I am not speaking about harmful indulgence, without correct evaluation. The observer assesses the child's abilities unobtrusively, offering seemingly casual impressions of guidance. It can be noticed how joyously the eyes of a child open when its movements and its exclamations about things that are most dear to it are lovingly supported. Derision is the worst educator. Sensitiveness reveals a degree of culture. One cannot make Agni Yogis, one can only open the path for them - the cosmic manifestation does not permit any forcing. But where the flower of fire is ready to blossom, do not hinder.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 466:
466. I advise noting what actions and thoughts are accompanied by the appearance of stars, and what are the colors and dimensions of the stars. These indications are like the bliss of the worlds. The Fire of Space is seemingly metalized, and life becomes filled with the radiance of the prana of reality. One should simply watch the signs without prejudice, and observe to what thought they relate. Certainly they may seem familiar enough to the psychic vision, but one should not lose attentiveness and let oneself think of them as familiar. Only for weak ones can the everyday work on the Teaching be tiresome. The sparks of Cosmos are unique and unrepeatable. We could provide an entire chapter describing observations of these stars.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 539:
At times certain centers cause sickliness, to the perplexity of physicians, since physicians do not think to seek evidence in the nerve centers of a child. However, according to such signs of sickliness and other unusual symptoms, one can judge the true condition of the body and the quality of the spirit. How much good could result from such observations! How many possibilities could be protected, thus enabling the development of psychic energy in the child.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 571:
571. Pay attention to sites at high altitudes, exposed to the winds from snowy peaks. At an altitude of 24,000 feet one can observe deposits of meteoric dust. Under the power of the wind and the rays of the sun, this dust settles into the lower recesses, and changes the properties of both the snow and the soil. It is especially instructive to observe this in places where the ground is rich with metals. The metalization from within and without produces unusual magnetic combinations. Not only psychic energy but also many other energies acquire unique properties in such places. One should value those places in which so many different conditions are united. Observations of the quality of the snow, soil, and plants are not difficult, even with ordinary apparatuses.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 578:
578. The process of deepening and refining one's thinking enables one to conduct remarkable observations of distant communication. You know that a communication enters the consciousness as something separate, and therefore is easily forgotten. You also know that neither tempest nor hurricane can hinder psychic energy, though they can affect the centers, especially the Chalice. It is possible to observe how communications relate to the particular centers, and how the quality of the communications is affected by them. Briefly, the manifold ways of thinking and the varied properties of psychic energy will provide new opportunities for the individuality. Observations conducted under various conditions of locality, temperature, and weather will provide an inexhaustible source for new achievements.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 596:
596. Many people have observed the significance of the successive development of the centers. Incomprehensible labels often have been given to real things. Thus, when you hear the word Abramram, it will be a reminder about the center of the Chalice, where straight-knowledge predestined for the future evolution is concentrated. When you hear about "fiery wings," it will mean the centers of the shoulders. Likewise, the "treasures of the five summits" will be the centers of Brahmarandhra, the wrists, and the knees. When a sudden weakness is felt under the knees, or a strain in the wrists, this will mean the sharpening of the Brahmarandhra. Countless observations can be made that will reveal the inexhaustible qualities of the organism, so shamefully neglected.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 604:
604. In the study of psychic energy, much can be learned about its properties. For example, you have noticed that astral beings can assume any form and produce any image. This has been shown sufficiently in photographs. What kind of energy helps them in this creation? Of course, psychic energy, if already cultivated while they were incarnate. But it is not so much the frightful phantoms that are evidenced as the reaction of our own organism that is important in our observations.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 633:
633. What I told you yesterday about the vision above the Chalice has a scientific explanation. Saturating space with intensified thought, we clothe aspects of our striving with a particular image. Thus, out of elemental matter we create a desired image, which remains near the place where it was created, fortified by our thoughts. The eye of a child or a refined consciousness can perceive this formation. Similar observations are useful in studying creativity of thought. Of course, to be successful one must preserve the aura of the place and unceasingly add layer upon layer to the transmissions. The hour before dawn and the rhythm of chant will be helpful.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 633:
As you have heard, one can observe the growth of hair in a similar way. It is instructive to observe the capillary structure of the hair, as a conductor of consciousness. Also, study of the pores of the skin will provide some very important observations.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 670:
Agni Yoga is ended. There will be additions to the next part, and there will be experiences, and observations upon the seeding and growth of the Fiery Flower.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 56:
Observations of the primary forms of the glacial period and succeeding epochs demonstrate to what an extent the form of a solid body gave evidence of the density of spirit. Therefore, Fire may be accepted as the creator of the higher forms. The Fire of Space is the pledge of the future evolution of Fire. Evolution cannot pursue its course by way of densification; only subtle understanding and the refined cognition of Infinity will indicate the path of humanity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 90:
90. A multitude of forces is acting upon the planet, and the reaction of other luminaries is only a part of these forces. Among the invisible effects, the manifestations of magnetic centers, which are constantly growing, are very powerful. These manifestations will soon be accessible to simple physical observations. Study of their power, tensity and correlation will bring a new science.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 431:
431. The distribution of currents issuing from the centers of magnetic accumulations produces the atmospheric manifestations. The law of interaction of the currents is in general the same as that of the electro-magnetic manifestations. But research and observations are needed, which will enrich humanity with a great discovery.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 434:
434. The passing of magnetic currents over the earthly surface draws the lines of atmospheric changes. The passing of magnetic currents beneath the earthly surface brings into manifestation the earthquake belt. Certainly, observation posts should be established in many places, and their work should be most precise and closely coordinated. You spoke correctly in saying that it is unfortunate that there is no synthesis of achievements and thus much energy and many valuable observations are lost. Hence, the organization of real cooperation upon Earth is very essential.

Hierarchy (1931) - 67:
Beginning with such observations, one can arrive at valuable conclusions which, when accumulated, will bring great benefits to humanity. Because the time has now arrived for especially keen application of the psychic laws. It is time to gather into the chalice of patience all the designs and to remember that each fluctuation of climate and atmospheric pressures also exerts its deep influence upon the psychic laws. Let us apply the most precise scale for weighing our thoughts, and let us remember that each oxidization of metals exerts influence upon the character and quality of thoughts. Smoke, and also the odor of burning refuse or meat, is always harmful. Let us not forget that dust, like particles of decay, penetrates the pores of the body. Let us calmly discriminate in all the details of life, not for self-vindication, but for the investigation of our nature and acceptance of the measures of perfection.

Hierarchy (1931) - 70:
70. Aerolites are not sufficiently studied, and still less attention is accorded to the cosmic dust upon the eternal snows and glaciers. However, the Cosmic Ocean designs its rhythm on the summits. If we begin to think of Infinity, we should pay attention primarily to all that comes from beyond and links us materially with the far-off worlds. How, then, can one venture upon a distant voyage without paying attention to the guests from afar? Also, symptoms of life upon the eternal snows should be compared with those upon the plains. Perhaps the excessive growth of certain glands is caused by the use of water from the snows, which causes a disorder resulting from the action of the particles of cosmic dust. So many useful observations are diffused around us, one must only stretch out one's hand!

Hierarchy (1931) - 133:
133. What benefit can be derived from small experiments and observations! Without wasting time, the disciple can pay attention to a multitude of small manifestations. Every day amidst your usual occupations pay attention to the various sensations of your organism. Each one in his own way reflects the cosmic manifestations, but one should fearlessly notice each sensation. Similarly one can even observe the life of the usual household objects under the influence of a definite hand. Repeat this to those who forget the impact of personality and contact.

Hierarchy (1931) - 159:
159. One can see the unity of all manifestations when the spirit can reflect the best strivings. Space requires observations, and each manifestation is in need of conscious assimilation. Only when the foundations of creativeness are firm can one build for evolution.

Hierarchy (1931) - 365:
365. Observe how each deed reflects upon the fluctuation of karma. It can be perceived how treason in all its aspects calls forth a speedy formation of karma. One can learn much from such observations. How painful it is to see people harming themselves! It can be observed how thought, like a viper, strikes the inner being during these self-defeats. Nothing can avert the consequences, because cause and effect are too close. Thus, only by the fire of the heart can one defend oneself and purify the channel that carries infection.

Heart (1932) - 28:
28. Suggestion can be conveyed by thought, or sound, or by a glance, or increased by strong breathing. What possibilities for scientific observations are contained in these actions! It can be observed how inhaling strengthens sound and the emanations of the eye! Long ago the various properties of the glance of the human eye were noticed. One can, by a series of experiments, observe how far the radiations of the eye act. During these, it will be instructive to watch the combination of the power of thought with the physical emanation of the eye. Only by observation can one appreciate the invisible world of human actions. Complicated is the web woven by the unconscious actions of thought! Do not wonder that thought continues to live in space. Likewise, the physical particles of the glance do not disappear. Learning observation we shall once again remember about the heart and understand the symbol of the piercing arrow. Many arrows pierce the heart, as on ancient images; on them we also see the flame of the heart. Perhaps without arrows the flame is impossible? It can be affirmed that the basis of the manifestation of flame is a blow, like the birth of a new rhythm. The Teacher wishes that the rhythm be accelerando - thus in everything.

Heart (1932) - 131:
131. Now, I advise that scientists pay attention to the sensitivity of the organism to various inexplicable manifestations, for instance, the sensation of goose flesh on one's body. Of course, this can be explained as a nervous contraction. Yet it is instructive to pay attention to whether or not there is something alien in the surrounding atmosphere. These observations are so useful during the investigation of psychic energy. Something intensifies the physical atmosphere and reacts on the surface of the skin and nerves. The physical reaction ought to be investigated chemically as something that precipitates the nervous contractions. Rays and currents are verily so close to the Subtle World! But for these investigations one should learn primarily to pay attention to sensations. Physicians themselves pay less attention than others to the variety of sensations. They divide complex organisms into primitive sections which impede them in making their observations more subtle.

Heart (1932) - 138:
138. Incomplete sleep is not actually insomnia, which is injurious because it tears one away from the Subtle World. On the contrary, an incomplete sleep sometimes leads to the necessary consequences of restraining the impetuosity of the subtle body during the spiritual battle. True, sometimes there may also be no necessity of sleep, but this is a special condition. During sleep the heart can provide very remarkable observations. Gradually one can manifest activity of the heart in connection with participation in the life of the Subtle World. It can be explained how, on the one hand, the heart depends upon and reflects the cosmic pulse; whereas at the time of direct participation in the Subtle World the heart takes on a particular tempo from the Subtle World. Thus, by a series of attentive observations, one can establish the connection of the Subtle World with the Cosmos and the physical world. The role of the human heart is the accumulation and transmutation of energies, but it is important, through experimentation, to demonstrate to humanity the significance of vibrations.

Heart (1932) - 194:
194. Antennas can be adjusted for various waves, but their character is not disturbed because of that. Likewise hearts can catch various currents, yet their essence will be one. This can be observed especially about presentiments. Comparisons can disclose a remarkable scale of human hearts. It can be observed how one event may evoke unfailing effects, but how diverse they will be as to time and quality! One event can provide an entire volume of observations. One heart will grasp the cliche of the Subtle World, another will demand a physical current, and a third will respond only after the event itself. It is one thing to evaluate an event according to its merit, another to exaggerate it, and it is something else to unconsciously reflect it the rhythm of the pulse. No doubt the response of the heart is much more vital than one thinks. Presentiment is not superstition or imagination, but a physical fact. By a slight observation one can foretell an event, for the background of the event is not important; it is its potentiality that counts. Thus, the heart reverberates according to the most varied waves. Is it not instructive to ponder upon these manifestations?

Heart (1932) - 207:
207. How tortuous are many observations of life! One can study the success of outer actions in relation to the heart-striving. Besides, one can study which deviations from strivings react upon the outer waves of the currents. It can be seen how at times a condition, insignificant from the point of view of daily life, has a tremendous influence upon inner action, and vice versa, the slightest unworthy desire may destroy the structure already prepared. But it is not customary to pay attention to the activity of the heart. People are ready to doom themselves to any unhappiness rather than think about its causes. We are also concerned to see how people permit an intolerable trend of thought near the magnetic centers, unwilling to recall that particular vigilance is needed, especially near these centers. Of course, everyone may think about himself, but where there is a step of millenniums, the flutter of butterflies is unfit. One must ultimately learn co-measurement! Thoughts about the Highest give birth to the highest.

Heart (1932) - 219:
219. There is much tension; one must understand how closely the world situation is bound with the work. It is impossible to divide them when the general situation is equal to an unprecedented battle; therefore I command you to remain undivided, imbued with the tension of the moment. There must be no retreat; it is necessary unitedly to press the obsessed ones. If a jest be permitted, one may call this phase of the battle, the battle against obsession. Verily, the dark ones try to strengthen themselves through obsession. But their methods cannot be of long duration, for they disintegrate themselves precisely through obsession. You know how obsession gradually destroys the organism; the paralysis of certain nerve centers is inevitable. Hence, physicians could do so much useful work by directing attention to obsession. Ask the physician whether he did not notice special peculiarities in the eyes of obsessed persons. For one can judge duality of existence by the eyes. But I do not refer to a purely superficial manifestation such as a dull or shifting glance. Other symptoms must be observed. One can also observe symptoms in the walk, the voice, and even a change in the weight. Do not ask psychiatrists about it, because their theories are fossilized, but physicians of the new type can observe impartially. And yet, how greatly such observations are needed, now when obsession is becoming epidemic! Sensing the weakness of human hearts, hordes of sly spirits avidly rush to capture the flavor of Earth.

Heart (1932) - 226:
226. Tumult fills the spheres. Help each one to maintain the balance. The dark ones use all means in order that their front may pierce our lines. We shall not tire of drawing your attention to the extent to which vigilance is needed in small details. Absorb the manner in which one must listen and scrutinize. One can be aware not only of the cunning of the dark ones but also of all the bells and other cosmic signs. They indicate the tension of the atmosphere and Our closeness, and remind one of Hierarchy. One must not be confused if the bells and strings reverberate softly; there are many reasons for this. Also, they might be heard by those who as yet should not hear these battle cries. Therefore, now especially I call your attention to details. It is very useful to study these minute breaths of nature. Besides being relevant to the Great Battle, these observations are needed for the next advance.

Heart (1932) - 324:
324. It is not necessary to regard the individualistic method as unscientific; quite the opposite, it affords accumulation for the intensification of the formula. Thus, the similarity of certain nerve centers to those in animal and other forms is well noted by the ancient Vedas. Thus, observation gave the first foundations for systematic divisions. In the same way, the facts that are noticed by sincere observers will be brought precisely into a system. If, recently, human observation directed its efforts toward spiritualism despite its danger, how much more natural it is to begin observations of the manifestations of energy which in a coarse form are already known. Thus, the position of science not only will not waver but will be broadened in new circles.

Heart (1932) - 326:
326. Striving toward science primarily obliges one to precision of observations. Is it possible to generalize contrasting manifestations? On the contrary, the wealth of that which exists should direct our thoughts toward a multitude of observations. First, let us gather these observations, and let us not be superficial in our deductions. Sufficient advice was given by the Teachings. One can now think about the refinement of our assimilation; thus we shall come closer to the boundary of the Subtle World.

Heart (1932) - 369:
369. I already spoke of the significance of harmonized work, through which even machines do not wear away. One can imagine the beneficent energy emitted by a united work. Astonishing observations can be made by gathering harmonized consciousness into groups. States should have considered such classifications of labor according to consciousness. Such subdividing could create the best page of political economy. Thus, instead of imitations of antiquated dogmas, the essence of action should be approached.

Heart (1932) - 425:
425. On observing the activity of the heart, the average mind will encounter a multitude of perplexities. Thus, it will seem strange to it that even the most refined heart records the most powerful events very slightly, but reacts powerfully to comparatively insignificant actions. There are numerous causes - external and internal - for this, but one ought to distinguish between them wisely. One must take into consideration all counteractions of the currents, but, on the other hand, one must also understand all karmic circumstances, which may magnify or diminish the transmission. One should not be distressed if the law cannot be expressed by a dead letter. On the contrary, the diversity of intervening conditions enriches the possibilities of new observations. Thus, even in schools one should exercise the attention of the small ones, who are often much more honest and flexible than adults; one should only approach them with the attractive proposal that they pay attention to their own sensations.

Heart (1932) - 448:
448. People easily recognize the scientific quality of the lower, Hatha Yoga, but they do not even attempt to bring the highest signs into the circle of scientific observations. Of what use are mechanical siddhis compared to the manifestations of the most exalted heart? The siddhis of the body cannot be applied often, whereas the activity of the heart is an incessant stream. Of course, one's attention should be intensified in order to observe the most subtle manifestations of the heart. But serious experiments also demand attention. Is it not better to become accustomed to attentiveness through one's own heart? These experiments in attentiveness will not be in vain. Above all, they are fitting for the approach to the Subtle World. He who has once listened to his own heart does not see even any end of observations. Observations that are begun in the home will inevitably guide the consciousness of him who observes universally and will indicate the path to the highest worlds. Why write a multitude of formulas without desiring to apply them to life? Contact with the subtlest energies refines the entire being. He who has entered the fiery path understands the refinement, keenness, and vigilance of which I speak.

Heart (1932) - 480:
480. If some one begins to complain about the intangibility of the Subtle World, point out how exceedingly erroneous is this statement. The wings of the Subtle World touch people more often than it is customary to think. But people themselves brush off the invisible flies and an invisible web. Often people also fight against an intrusive thought and turn around with the question, "Who calls me?" A multitude of subtle but entirely real sensations fill life. Because of their physical reality many of them can even be studied with comparatively crude apparatuses. As you know, the feeling of invisible webs over the face can be distinctly and enduringly felt. It would seem that for physicians who occupy themselves with research in the domain of psychic phenomena, this sensation should be very significant. Why not experiment with such people by means of various apparatuses, regarding pulsation, character of secretions, regarding the heart and the receptivity of the skin? The subtle element will also indicate a kind of tremor near the person under observation. Thus, one could begin useful observations by groping, but the chief trouble is that usually such experiments are carried on sporadically, without unwavering iron patience. The Subtle World demands striving, not convulsions.

Heart (1932) - 504:
504. Verily, it will soon be necessary to save ourselves from the chaos of the elements. But even this disaster can be considerably mitigated by the education of the heart. We ask the physicians of various lands to concern themselves with the study of the heart. There are so many sanitariums for all kinds of illnesses, but there is no Institute of the Heart. This is due to a lack of education of the heart. For even ignoramuses do not give second place to the heart. Yet heart ailments outnumber cancer and tuberculosis. It is necessary to have sanitariums for heart ailments, where one could devote oneself to immediate observations. Of course, these sanitariums should be located in various climates and at various altitudes. One can see how an entire legion might be occupied with needed research work connected with mental problems together with agriculture and other specialities.

Heart (1932) - 514:
514. If a simple motion evokes memory, then special conditions of the Subtle World are necessary for illumination. One may notice with astonishment that sudden illuminations do not depend upon rational conditions. Illumination descends in quite unexpected moments. One can even notice a series of the strangest motions, pressures, and thoughts, as if coming from the outside. Psychiatrists should investigate this condition. Valuable observations could be accumulated that will help us to approach the conditions of the Subtle World. Of course, a sensitive heart will perceive this state of illumination by the quality of the pulse. The sacred knowledge has nothing in common with somnambulism and spiritualism; the state of illumination is an absolutely natural one. These fires of the past and the future have only to be noted. In the Subtle World one must also refine the consciousness. Hence, each educating of the heart is a gate to the highest worlds. We fear that these undeferrable advices will give place to everyday conventionality. Someone will say he knew this long ago and will go to the bazaar. You may then ask in overtaking him, "Why, then, do you not ponder upon the heart and think about Fire?"

Heart (1932) - 517:
517. The observations of the flowers of the Subtle World are very indicative; they point out how creativeness in the Subtle World is accessible to the flaming heart. Verily, there it is easy for the conscious spirit. It can create without effort, transforming the earthly images into a better form. But this creativeness is not one-sided; through this process better images are also implanted on Earth.

Heart (1932) - 519:
519. Verily, the fixing of an impression upon the third eye is the foundation of creativeness. Not only the old Buddhists, but the most ancient scriptures demanded the training of observation. A heart bereft of the treasure of observations dissipates a great deal of energy, where great caution should be manifested. A teacher must develop observation through the most beautiful objects. Especially unpardonable in man is a fleeting glance, which neither notices anything nor bestows anything. Will not the chemism of the glance be a most beneficent problem for a true scientist?

Heart (1932) - 529:
529. People ascend peaks in order to study cosmic rays. Probably they have not taken into the slightest consideration the composition of the mountain itself. And certainly they did not contribute to the experiment by study of their own energies. The experiment can either be strengthened or almost disrupted by a disorderly combination of observers. I am astonished at how extensively people rely on dead apparatuses, forgetting the effect of their own living energy. The fluctuations of the most precise apparatuses in different hands are worthy of observations. Even the most sensitive chronometers work differently in various hands. Of course, such simple evidence arouses the derision of dwarfs. Is it possible that they have so low an opinion of themselves that they do not admit having any emanations of their own? It seems they do not regard themselves as having the image and likeness of Divinity! Yet even pigs have emanations.

Heart (1932) - 543:
543. Man manifests the most disgraceful spectacle by starting to read a book with a firm intention not to take into consideration its contents. From this issues the remark, "I know everything, everything is old." Yet the simplest advice has remained without application. It can obviously be seen how even the most essential observations were specifically neglected in order thus to depreciate the Teaching. One may light-mindedly deride, but not a single Indication can be disregarded. We speak now about the education of the heart; but will we not hear from the most stupid that they knew about it long ago? Whereas they think more about cutting their nails than about the heart. Heart attacks are most often caused precisely by failing to think of the heart, and we are ready to succumb to any overindulgence rather than admit to ourselves respect for the heart, as the center of existence.

Heart (1932) - 584:
584. Much of that which is quite familiar remains uninvestigated. Have perspiration and saliva been exhaustively examined? We read of poisonous saliva. We know of beneficial saliva. We have heard of the varied properties of perspiration, and yet neither of these secretions has been investigated. The sweat of labor and the sweat of overeating will not be alike. The saliva of anger and the saliva of aid are different, but these symptoms are primitive. Every human state produces a special chemical reaction. In studying this truly cosmic multiformity of the microcosm, one can arrive at an understanding of the physical and spiritual worlds. With an intelligent man the reactions will be varied. One can learn how greatly the sweat of prayer and of high, heartfelt aspiration differs from the sweat of self-interest. The sweat of him who runs to help is completely different from the sweat of the hastening murderer. In comparing such contrasting reactions, the products of psychic energy can be traced. Thus the future scientific achievements are close. Of course, the investigator himself should manifest sufficient sensitiveness. He will have to detect different emotions and, through honest comparison, clarify many confused conceptions. The connection of secretions with changes in the aura will also enrich the experiment. Besides, there will be no need of vivisection or other tortures. The investigator could visit all possible localities of human activity and collect natural and not forcibly induced testimonies. The most difficult will be investigating the products resulting from prayer and higher aspiration - in other words, with the most important expressions. But also in these manifestations the one who desires will find the real treasures. You have noticed the evidence of perspiration in connection with the movement of the heart, this especially is a rare example of the aspiration of the heart. Thus, advise young physicians and scientists to pay attention to the urgency of these observations of the fiery diseases of which We have already spoken. These observations will be very useful. One should not forget about the coming fiery epidemics. Many elaborate reminders are spread throughout the history of humanity. Especially now, when the utilization of unstudied energies has reached significant proportions, one should think of the possibility of the rebounding blow. The scientists should pay attention to the peculiarity of many diseases. They cannot be explained merely as a condensation of the social vortex. The causes are far deeper, and Our Advice about the education of the heart is very timely.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 64:
64. It is necessary to realize the difficulty of discerning the different currents. Many would not be able to distinguish the intricate variations of currents and rhythms. I highly commend Urusvati for attention to the currents - only thus can one accumulate observations. In two years' time it will be possible to inform about one of the most complex currents, which cannot be withstood without precious accumulations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 99:
99. During every illness one can apply thought as a means of healing or relief, but such thought should eject the sickness from the organism with full force, without hesitancy or delay. However, if such force be lacking it is generally better not to think about the sickness at all, but to leave to the lower Manas the carrying on of the inner battle. It is most harmful to waver in thought and to visualize a victory of the sickness. In such cases it is better to distract the attention of the patient from his condition. When people speak of the fatal outcome of a sickness, they themselves bring it closer. The least serious sickness can assume dangerous proportions if nourished by thought. Observations should be made in hospitals concerning the effect of thought upon the process of illness. Even the healing of wounds depends upon psychic energy. Thus we arrive again at the very same Fire generated by thought. All treatments by rays, thermal action, and applications of light comprise the same fiery influences, which are weak in comparison with the power of thought. Hence , the most vital advice is to develop fiery thought.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 123:
123. The state of illumination is called "fiery aid." This state of consciousness should be approached with all the senses refined. Indeed, it may be noticed that sometimes I speak about things that are almost the same, but in this "almost" is contained one complete turn of the spiral. If you compare all these "almosts," you can discern the stratifications of the consciousness. It is not very easy to assimilate the rhythm of these strata, which differ individually. Yet through many observations it is possible to understand what a most subtle substance our consciousness is. Precisely, I emphasize refinement of the stratifications of consciousness. People often imagine that Fire is something turbulent, unencompassable, almost terrifying, thus they themselves plant fiery thickets. "As you call, so shall the call be answered."

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 132:
132. Western physicians talk without cause about the difficulty of working with Us. We have never been opposed to experimental methods. On the contrary, We welcome each unprejudiced action. We approve when a member of the British Medical Society speaks about accurate methods of research. We are prepared to assist the Russian scholar in his work on immunization and immortality. We rejoice when the Japanese surgeon makes use of astrological dates. We are giving assistance to the Latvian physician in discovering the ocular symptoms of obsession. We are ready to assist each one, and to rejoice with each one. Indeed, We unceasingly insist on observations, and We direct to attentiveness in every way. We speak about reality; We affirm the absurdity of abstractness. Thus, We wish that physicians and scholars of the West would consider justly Our collaboration. It must be understood that the time has come to clarify the facts by discarding the husks. It is time to acknowledge that many superstitions are still growing in the backyards of isolation. Thus, to superstition will belong the condemnation of all that is "not mine." The liberation of thinking will indeed be the adornment of true knowledge.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 137:
137. Add, when writing to the Latvian physician During observations of the eyes of the obsessed he must not lose sight of the fact that an observed symptom may change. At the approach of fiery energy, the symptom may disappear, as it were. The obsessing agent may begin to rave, or it may withdraw, taking the symptom with it. Therefore, the observation should be carried on without sending the fiery energy beforehand, otherwise this action will turn into expulsion of the obsessor. Such an action is excellent in itself, but it is beyond the scope of the oculist. The same reaction is sometimes observed in skin diseases which, under the influence of fiery energy, alter their appearance and even disappear. Let us not forget that obsession is sometimes manifested cutaneously, or by twitchings of the face. Nevertheless, the Latvian physician deserves praise, for it is not easy to perceive the crystals of brown gas.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 239:
239. By means of his fiery nature man can discover subterranean ores and waters. This occult attribute has already become an accepted factor. Since such an application of fiery energy is possible, it means that there can also be many other manifestations of Agni. Combinations of fiery energy with sound, color, or with other fiery branches of the one great Fohat vouch for the regeneration of the entire world outlook. Let people simply draw near to the streams of fiery Uruvela. Everyone possesses the fiery energy to some degree. The applications of Fohat are numerous; not only people of the fiery element but even those belonging to the other elements can draw from the chalice of Fohat. If the experiments of thought upon plants have shown remarkable results, then there can also be observations upon the effects of thought on a flame. Under a current of fiery thought, a flame can begin to approach or recede. The Egyptian Mysteries pointed out the special power of thought that has been sent through flame. In this advice was contained the recognition of the fieriness of thought. Thus, one can turn the attention of people to the Fohatic spheres.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 244:
244. Creativeness in the Subtle World differs considerably from earthly conditions. One is obliged to become accustomed to so-called mental creativeness. True, thought in its convolutions can produce very dim, flickering outlines. Stable forms depend not only upon the force of the will but also upon former observations. As minerals through a fiery process produce well-formed crystals, so, too, fieriness is needed for creativeness. Like everything else, it is accumulated gradually and it belongs to ineradicable accumulations, therefore it is never tardy in coming.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 262:
262. Recently one may have noted that people often catch radio waves without a receiver. Though this may be useful for scientific observations, on the other hand We are displeased with this mixture of currents. Let humanity become accustomed to transmitting and receiving thoughts. But it is not useful when the fiery substance is mixed with intruding coarser currents. True, such a manifestation indicates to what an extent the fiery element is already intensified in humanity, but it will not be of benefit if, unrecognized, it breaks into undesirable regions. Indeed, these outbreaks may reach such proportions that they can become destructive. I affirm that fiery epidemics can begin precisely from such disturbances. When I speak of equilibrium and goal-fitness, I wish to remind about the harmony of all life.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 280:
280. The physician must also be warned to be cautious with the obsessed. When approaching the obsessed, one should remember not to hold even the conjecture of obsession too definitely in mind. One must not forget that an obsessor is highly sensitive to thoughts, once he suspects that his presence is discovered. He can express his malice in many ways. By destroying an obsession one can make many enemies, therefore one should conduct one's observations without personally disclosing the fact.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 282:
282. Without doubt there exists a link between the hand at work and the Chalice, which reveals itself through radiation. And if such a link is perceived, one may be congratulated upon one's ability to observe. I equally value observations of the battle between Light and darkness; the stars of Light and darkness are quite apparent and denote a cosmic battle. One can foresee how in the course of time an astrochemical basis for many manifestations will be found. And each record of them will be of great service in the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 312:
312. Evidence from the most recent researches should be valued. When people begin to soar into the highest strata and penetrate into subterranean caves, synthetic conclusions may be expected. Do not neglect observations on the effects of the lower strata of the atmosphere. In fact, one should take into consideration literally the whole of relativity, which can only enrich one's deductions. It is necessary that amidst all this relativity we find uses even for half-burned slag. Wherever Fire has been active, everything can provide valuable observations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 396:
396. When I indicate the beneficialness of gratitude, I do not mean that someone is in need of it, but that in itself it contains the chemism of bliss. One must analyze the chemism of various emotions; such observations will help in finding psychic energy. Not vitamins so much as the fiery energy must occupy the imagination. The revelation of the essence of human existence cannot be regarded a something occult! One should attract many minds to these researches; they will also observe in passing other useful peculiarities of feelings. Thus, one should first establish the direction of evolution. There cannot be two directions of progress. There can be but one true direction, and all other efforts will be errant. This should be remembered, because many confuse individuality with the general stimulus of the epoch. If a given epoch must strengthen in the consciousness the power of psychic energy, no machine can screen the imperative advance of the world.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 409:
409. Record all unusual events. Only by such records can one preserve many remarkable manifestations; otherwise they vanish in the dusk of indifference. What if your most precious biographies had not been set down? Now you would not know them, and many inspirations would not have been kindled in your hearts. Thus, do not be ashamed to write down, however briefly, that which seems to you of special significance. Do not weigh whether it is small or big, but judge it by its unusualness. Indeed, unusualness will yield many observations of the Fiery World. Each spark of it is in itself significant.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 411:
411. The language of the spirit is essential for the Subtle World. Its essence lies in the subtle nature, but it is possible to become accustomed to it even while in the earthly state. Such orientation is a useful fiery test. The school must discover the resourcefulness of pupils by test of giving one word, and later on comes the task of understanding at one glance. The later experiment will be closest to the Subtle World. In addition one can develop a sense of relativity by addressing one's interlocutor according to his nature. Thus, in an earthly conversation each one adopts the best language for his companion, taking into consideration his state of consciousness. Every schoolteacher knows how multiform must be his language in order to make friends of his pupils. But besides the school, in any home one learns to discern the thoughts of the mistress of the house. Thus, in the midst of daily life, characteristics of a subtle order are manifested. One has only to take note of them, to penetrate into them, and to expand these observations. But for this, one should be imbued with reverence for the future and learn to love the principal factor of the Subtle World - Agni. I insist on the expression, "to love fierily," only thus can one assimilate this element which is so difficult for Earth. Our discourses should first of all lead to an understanding of the Subtle World and, as its apotheosis, bring one fearlessly to the radiance of the Fiery World. We rejoice when, amidst the earthly sojourn, the dimensions of the Subtle World are established. Through this, we bring Earth to a closer cooperation with the far-off worlds, in other words, we participate in the process of evolution.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 451:
451. The approach of the fiery and subtle beings is characterized by a tremor of the heart and a sensation of cold or heat. But, then, if we are continually surrounded by beings of the Subtle World, why do we sense them only occasionally? Herein is comprised the law and the quality of thought. If these beings approach us - in other words, think of us - we sense them not only with our fiery centers but even physically. It is customary to speak of the hair standing on end from fright, but this is not fright; it is a particular reaction of energy, somewhat similar to electricity. At the basis of such a feeling also lies thought. Not suggestion, but the qualities of thought give rise to these feelings. Even a physical glance makes a man turn his head. How much more powerfully, then, must the fiery energy of the Higher Worlds act! It means that there is before us an entire series of useful experiments and observations as to how and on which centers the fiery energy of the Higher World acts. One should note also that a sensation of cold is experienced at times, and likewise one should observe whether a similar sensation is felt near an electrical machine in motion. The study of external reactions to thought must occupy the attention of scientists.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 452:
452. Not only do thoughts themselves produce physical manifestations but condensation of the energy which is sent produces powerful reactions. You definitely know about the sensations from the manifestation of light. The oppressive feeling from the black stars or the feeling of calmness from the blue ones is quite distinct. You also know that such sensations do not emanate from you, but are received from space. The world of thought is the heritage of the future. Investigations of thought also will lead to psychic energy. One can begin the observations from various points of view. Therefore I direct your attention to different approaches to the same subject of light-bearing thought.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 460:
460. One should not laugh at the fact that certain yogis make use of a bamboo reed or a roll of papyrus during levitation. Certainly it is possible to achieve similar results without these physical aids. But if someone requires a feather in his hand for levitation let us not deprive him of this small assistance. The essential is not to be found in the feather or in the roll, but in thought, in fiery energy. There are many symbols which can evoke energy, and everyone can look for the nearest conductor. Thus, the gypsies require water or melted wax, but the essence lies in their psychic energy, which is very strong in this race. It is easy to derive instructive observations from them. Unfortunately, one must watch carefully their scrupulousness. Very often the increase of energy, which is an atavistic accumulation, is connected with a mediocre consciousness. But the physician and scientist must investigate all possibilities. Similarly, many northern races can provide interesting material, especially in Norway, Karelia, Scotland, and among the Eskimos. Of course, even primitive glimpses of this energy are useful to the scientist.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 461:
461. Meteoric microbes should not be surprising. The assertion that life is in everything merely expands the horizon. If a microbe can come flying out of space, then how many other new observations are to expected! The very fieriness of space affords new conclusions about Fire as a vital substance. One must urge the scientists to live in greater harmony, lest precious observations be dispersed through hostility and denial.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 462:
462. Why is it so difficult to correlate observations from the different fields of science? The time is approaching when complete accord between scientists from the most diverse branches of science will be required. It will be necessary to combine new rediscoveries of ancient cultures with mechanical and physical observations. Skeletons of giants will be found together with objects which will require the most manifold observations. And finally, the ancient knowledge of the firmament will be needed in connection with strange changes on our planet. Sound unity is needed, in order to expand the horizon of new investigators.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 544:
544. But who, then, will help gather useful examples? One can enumerate them, but too few physicians take the trouble to note, among the cases under their observation, the action and significance of Fire. I do not advise Our physician to make all experiments and observations on himself. He may become exhausted through overfatigue. He has a great number of examples around him.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 568:
568. One can carry on useful observations of the refinement of sensitivity to fiery manifestations. It is useful to note how our palm or our forehead senses human radiations at a distance. Such sensitivity varies, as does thermoradiation. Closing one's eyes and ears, by degrees one can sense the radiation of human heat at a considerable distance. Such observation is an affirmative demonstration of man as the focus of fiery energy.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 5:
One may remember now these myths, which foretold the contamination of the planet. Indeed, why do people investigate to little the chemism of the air? Even with earthly apparatus one may record the condensation of destructive substances. Of course not always can these currents be detected, just as is the case with the photographing of the manifestations of the Subtle World, which will not always be successful, but with patience much can be recorded. The Fiery World does not easily lend itself to earthly observations.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 10:
10. Pay attention to the so-called transitory states of the organism. The state between sleep and wakefulness provides a very significant field for observations. One may notice how amidst earthly thinking fragments of thought of a different order intrude, objects seem to vibrate and the earthly perception is altered. Few admit the thought that this different kind of perception is the thinking of the Subtle, and even Fiery World. As the manifested world disappears, one awakens to the voice of the Subtle World. Amidst various transitory states one can notice the lightnings of the Higher Worlds. Thus, one should attentively observe the special resoundings. Amidst earthly conditions one should not merge into these manifestations, because equilibrium is of first importance, but the receptacle of an expanded consciousness must find a place for manifestation of all three worlds. Only thus shall we become accustomed to the understanding of the fiery thought. Fire, as a visible element, often impedes the realization of the fiery thought, but the manifestation of Agni is not a match. Yet every fiery manifestation first of all reflects upon the thinking process. Meanwhile pay attention to the origination of the visible Fire - the bright energy whirls in spirals, so that even in a small flame one may see the process of intervention of an outside energy. The moment of blending of the inner Fire with the outer one can be called resonant in beauty.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 16:
16. As in Heaven, so on Earth. One foundation of Be-ness verily permeates all existence. Precisely this foundation should help humanity to understand the Hierarchy of Infinity. Who then will doubt that in every earthly object is expressed someone's will? Without will no earthly object can be created, nor set into motion. Thus it is upon Earth, and it is the same in the Higher World. Since the existence of the planet as an earthly stronghold requires an impulse of will, it is just as comprehensible that the whole systems of heavenly bodies require the same. Such will of course is more readily comprehensible to an expanded consciousness. But even the average human will can serve as an example of a microcosm. One need not go too far in special calculation, but if we take as a unit the human will at its highest tension, then it is possible to estimate the force of the impulse of the planetary will. One may be involved in innumerable ciphers, in calculating the will-impulse of a whole system. Such a problem would be an introduction into the Grandeur of the Ineffable. So useful are the observations, therefore, upon will power, when thought sets into motion this cosmic energy. The abode of Agni is the furnace of Cosmic Power. One should not be overwhelmed at the innumerable digits in the calculation of the Magnitude. Figures merely express that of which we are conscious, but the fiery heart, without figures can strive along the path of assimilation of the Grandeur there where word is naught.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 37:
You also correctly observed the consequences of improvement in currents. But even such observations are accessible only to the refined consciousness. One may contrive not a few explanations to avoid noting the higher current, but the developed consciousness in such a case will send its gratitude into space. Truly great is the effect of every expression of gratitude! People must accept this law as a living link with the Higher Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 128:
128. A renewal of energies is required in everything. The most powerful manifestations are in need of higher currents. Schools have the task of developing in students the understanding of the unity of the elements. It has been thought that the composition of the air is the same everywhere. People have thought like this up to the present, otherwise they would have taken suitable measures. People drink water and say - it is simply water; fire is simply fire. But even fire could be investigated from the point of view of the Fiery World. Beginning with the diversity of electrical manifestations, it is possible to arrive at the luminosity of objects and animals. One can find in certain species of fishes interesting degrees of luminosity. If we begin to analyze the composition of this luminosity, we can see, besides the ordinary processes, something indescribable, especially among deep water creatures. Amidst these compressed organisms appears one of the qualities of the subtlest Fire. Thus it is possible to observe comparable data upon antipodes. Amidst rare factions of the air and amid ethereal explosions similar differentiations of Fohat are glowing. Beings of the middle strata cannot endure the pressure of the oceanic depths, just as they are not adapted to ethereal vibrations; nevertheless certain hints may be found in observations which are already taking place. With sorrow did We follow two scientists - one descending into the depths, the other striving to the heights. Both had useful problems, but neither of them had in view the study of the degree of Fire, as an element. Naturally, their attempts were inadequate. Remarkable are the depths, and the heights still more so. But the basis of striving was right. Gradually there may be found apparatus sufficiently protective, but if the problem of spatial Fire will not be dealt with, again useful possibilities will be lost. In the fiery body we observe a great deal, but only with the help of Hierarchy. But it would be extremely opportune if scientists would put before themselves the problem of the Fire of space. Even by means of hints they would arrive at the realization of the pressure of the fiery element. Our disciples sustain it by the prophylaxis of the heart, but for the crowds, hints from various sources are needed. Crowds will perish from the fiery element. Why then do they not attempt to learn about this element?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 176:
176. Amid observations upon the deplorable consequences of negation, one should not blame certain well-intentioned people for applying their own force first rather than trouble Hierarchy. It may seem at times that people act from self-confidence, when, as a matter of fact, they are filled with reverence for Hierarchy, and above all they strive to apply their own forces in order to conserve every ounce of Higher energy. They do not even pronounce the name of the Teacher, and they guard their mantram in secret. One should regard very carefully the various modes of reverence. One should affirm all that aspires to the Light. With Us only negation is rejected. Indeed, the very existence of man, who thinks and who contains the subtlest apparatuses, is a real miracle, which could not be without a past, and hence not without a future. The Fiery World is the predestined future. Who, then, will hesitate on the path, knowing the great destination? Who, then, will not respect the present incarnation, knowing that it will aid the ascent? Who, then, will disdain the Subtle World, knowing that there is the testing of thoughts? Thus, our brief sojourn here has been bestowed as the best aid toward a speedy advance to the Fiery World. In some way one should combine the urgent problems of life with the highest resolutions. Actually the earthly life hinders speedy realizations. People dream about the mechanical prolonging of life here, instead of cultivating a joyful readiness to approach the goal. The Teacher brings the consciousness of the disciple, by the shortest path, toward the attainment of the Fiery World. The Teacher affirms all that which may, even indirectly, bring closer or unify useful consciousnesses, in order that each action contain within itself the necessary amount of conditions of approach.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 246:
246. The scholar is almost right in attributing life to the chemism of an organism, but he loses sight of the crystal of psychic energy. True, this most subtle substance is also a chemism of its own kind, but the approach to it is a special one. Ordinary scholars, among many true conclusions, miss the principal one, not so much because of opposition as from inability to imagine such concepts. You yourselves have seen two physicians to whom there was offered the greatest opportunity for unrepeatable observations. You saw how unable they were to appreciate these possibilities, and that they obviously evaded the chief consideration, while babbling absurd formulas. Cooperation lies in mutual solicitude and hearty labor.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 269:
269. The singular expression which you observed on the portraits pertains to the domain of Hiero-inspiration. Already in remote antiquity this spiritual penetration was understood. In ancient Egypt portrait images were used as a means of communion at a distance. Sacred Images likewise respond to spiritual communion. But this natural manifestation should be understood simply, as one more grain of knowledge, and not as magic or sorcery. No one can draft a boundary line to limit the knowledge of the spirit. No one has such an imagination as to be able to realize where the magnitude of energy could be cut short. Hence, one should conscientiously note all the understood details of various manifestations. One must rejoice at all such realizations, because these fiery beacons lead to the Fiery World. Consequently, on such paths one should apply great vigilance. One must accept reality as it is. Not distrust nor sleepiness, but the good eye and the opened heart lead to understanding of the new manifestations of the Fiery World. Observe how much the expression of the image becomes changed, and in the course of time you can compare this with events. It is needful, of course, to carry out observations upon people who have for you a special significance, and whom you know. The manifestation of such alterations of expression was called by the Egyptians the mirror of the soul.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 458:
458. There are good tears and ugly tears - thus did ancient Egypt discriminate. The first are from rapture, from love, from achievement; the second are from anguish, from malice, from envy. Not long ago a scientist turned his attention to the difference, depending upon the impulse, in the composition of tears. Indeed, secretions differ widely in nature when contrasting feelings introduce harmful or good ingredients. But tears, being a very pure manifestation, can yield especially useful observations. Of course such observations require time and patience.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 459:
459. You have seen dark spatial spots. Likewise you know the turbid formations resulting, as it seems, from spatial combustion. Also, you know the radiant spatial formations. Everything becomes alive and is flamingly transformed, likewise do one's senses vibrate. The experienced observer knows that his eyesight sometimes grows dim and then again clears up. The same thing happens with the hearing, the sense of smell, touch and taste. Thus can be observed complete mobility of all our functions. In fact such fiery nerve-responsiveness to the Macrocosm represents a refined condition, but only a few take into consideration such a conformity with the external world. Imperfection of consciousness obstructs all observations.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 493:
493. It is difficult to think about the Fiery World without mobility of mind. He cannot take in all the sparks who does not know how to turn about in resourcefulness. Thus one must reflect upon the fiery link with each manifestation of life. People little study the manifestation and reaction of electricity on the nervous system. Each man can investigate upon himself how a current of electricity reacts on the quality of his pulse. Spatial electricity and condensed magnetization will react differently. The pulse will show a quality of significant tension. In general one should not reject any observations made upon oneself. People may be lacking in power of observation, but knowledge of oneself is instructive.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 599:
599. You remember the remarkable case of the small boy who, while blindfolded, preformed amazing things. But the solution is simple - he was blind from birth. People did not appreciate his aptitude when his blindness was revealed to them. As if, in view of his condition, he really had no capacities. It can often be seen how people pay attention to the most non-essential circumstances, ignoring the principal one. Certain aptitudes of the blind are wonderful and worthy of observations. Such a state is sometimes called the fiery sight.

AUM (1936) - 50:
One should not be surprised if, in speaking of prayer, emphasis is put on the need of mindfulness of the vibratory conditions. Such investigation of all the attributes of communion with the Higher World will be the true path. The heart should not be forgotten amidst observations, for all the other aspects must be subordinated to the heart.

AUM (1936) - 123:
123. Indispensable is the participation of the wise physician in all especially beneficial manifestations. Let it not be thought that We evade scientific observations; on the contrary, We value each scientifically founded thought.

AUM (1936) - 129:
129. One must rejoice at the approach of each physician who desires to study the foundations of the rapprochement of the worlds. When the triple sign leads to triunity, then observations upon the human organism become necessary and undeferrable. The basis of threefoldness can be expressed throughout the organism. The physician must be informed about the Subtle World and the Higher World. Only from such considerations can he apprehend the subtlest conditions of the organism. And for him Aum will not be an empty sound.

AUM (1936) - 158:
It is necessary to understand to what an extent such natural observations can broaden the human concept of life. Prayer is transformed into spiritual communion, and reverence will not be dogmatic but vital and filled with love.

AUM (1936) - 163:
Observe and compare events. These observations help one to understand the laws of conformity and concatenation. The Teaching gives intimations which are confirmed by reality.

AUM (1936) - 164:
164. Why do physicians pay so little attention to atmospheric pressure? They send patients to health resorts or to the seashore or to the mountains, but they do not forewarn them that the quality of the air may be completely altered by reason of the reaction of currents. There exist various bureaus and scientific observations posts, but they should also broadcast information useful to the medical profession. Good health must be protected by the state.

AUM (1936) - 172:
However, man is not concerned in his ordinary life with such observations; either he completely denies the instructiveness of his sensations, or he yields to an artificial tension which cannot be considered natural. Hence, it is so necessary to seek equilibrium; if it is difficult to maintain it, then one should at least remember to strive for it.

AUM (1936) - 176:
176. In psychic investigation one absolutely essential thing has been forgotten - a comparison between the consciousness of the lowest savage and that of the loftiest thinker has never been introduced. Indeed, such a task requires lengthy observations. And the distinction between such consciousnesses will be striking. It will enable one to judge not only the multiple diversities of humanity but it will also direct thought to the consciousness of the animal and vegetable worlds.

AUM (1936) - 177:
It is possible to carry out many experiments in speech and thought, but such investigation requires prolonged time and special patience. Who will sacrifice himself for the purpose of tenaciously continuing observations without visible results? One should also know that results may appear in an unexpected place. Moreover, the laws of psychic energy are sometimes difficult to grasp. Their operation extends far beyond the scope of the human imagination.

AUM (1936) - 206:
206. During experiments upon psychic energy, one should pay attention to the different shades of the manifestations. Primarily, observation will reveal a general design, but the attentive observer will detect a great number of original details. For example, you have discerned an unusual cruciform movement above the brain of the one observed. In reality, such a movement is very deplorable. It signifies either an advanced stage of obsession, or madness. Likewise one can also observe that in an extremely brief interval the reaction may be sharply altered. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out repeated observations. Psychic energy, like the waves of the ocean in its multiplicity of currents, is influenced by many conditions from within and without. It is very important to observe such temperature curves of the spirit. It is likewise important to observe when this same reaction appears - for both the living and the dead. The reason for such manifestations are many. It may be that life has already flown away; it may be that sickness is in possession of the organism; but in any case such a manifestation merits attention.

AUM (1936) - 207:
207. Aum, in its higher vibration, leads the consciousness into the best condition for observations upon psychic energy. One may rejoice when by simple methods it is possible to take up a very important and graphic experiment.

AUM (1936) - 230:
230. I always advise writing down various observations; from them, in time, a valuable chronicle may be compiled. Such writings are helpful in the study of the history of evolution. For example, I will remind you of one such writing. An experienced observer relates his meeting with a prominent leader: "During the conversation I observed that the latter seemed to be in a drowsy state. At the same time, around him could be distinguished an indistinct cloud which waved and moved about. One could understand that the subtle body had almost emerged from my companion; yet he was imperturbable, making plans for his coming departure. Upon saying farewell, he drew a ring from his finger and suddenly asked me to take it in remembrance of him. Within three hours my friend was killed by an evil plotter. The question arises - if the subtle body witnessed the preparations for the murder, and the spirit already gave me the ring as a token, then why did not the consciousness also give warning of the plot? Evidently we have to do with a very complex law of the Higher Wisdom." Thus an observer wrote in the French language.

AUM (1936) - 251:
251. If all the experiments with psychic energy were to be collated, a treasure-trove of access to the Higher World would be at hand. Nothing supernatural or dark should encumber such observations. This research upon the great psychic energy should be natural, honest and useful.

AUM (1936) - 269:
Psychic energy is precipitated upon all objects. Its sediments correspond to the precipitations of space, therefore it is possible to study not only the state of a personal energy but also that of the collective energy. For this it is necessary to experiment with snow or rain water. In the general course of observations many new combinations will be produced.

AUM (1936) - 295:
295. The speed of thought transmission at a distance is incredible. But conditions exist which retard even this lightning-speed energy, namely an atmosphere poisoned by imperil. Observations upon thought can yield remarkable deductions pertaining to both the physical and the psychic. One can see how evil thought engenders imperil, a physical substance; the same substance is also involved in psychic transmission, and can even retard the speedy reception of the sending. Thus, imperil can progressively complicate the effects of thoughts. Pay attention to the fact that imperil is born of egoism, but that it acts beyond self upon broad masses. This means that egoism is criminal not only as regards the egoist himself but also in relation to people at large.

AUM (1936) - 295:
Many of the most useful observations are made during experiments with thought. Precisely such reflections constitute the opposition of egoism. Each suffering is already an advancement.

AUM (1936) - 308:
308. At times during a convalescence, one may observe that something impedes the process. It may be surmised that the patient himself is retarding the efforts of the organism by a negative attitude, but it is possible to be convinced that other causes exist outside of man's sphere of influence. Spatial currents can be strong determinants of any reaction. In hospitals, where observations upon many individuals are possible, there should be expert observation of the causes of different reactions to the same medicine. Many clues for this may be found in spatial conditions. It should not be thought that a clear blue sky is necessarily an indicator of useful currents; it may be that a threatening, clouded sky carries better currents.

AUM (1936) - 309:
Such a reminder is even more timely since science, despite its speedy growth, has not accomplished a tenth of what was ordained for it during this period. Much of this must be ascribed to the inertia of humanity. But for all that, it is distressing to see that the most advanced of scientists are not appreciated. People wish to investigate space; modest stratosphere excursions, telescopic observations, the study of the luminaries - all revolve within a vicious circle, because psychic energy is unrecognized. Without it, the boldest flight remains a childish diversion. Without psychic energy, the pathways of space will be difficult to discern.

AUM (1936) - 311:
311. Stations are established in various countries to investigate atmospheric conditions. In fact, meteorological observations in widely remote countries have much significance.

AUM (1936) - 311:
With equal precision should observations upon the manifestations of psychic energy in different countries be coordinated. It may be observed that at times in the most remote lands simultaneous surgings of spirit flash out like reflections of some higher causes. Similarly, simultaneous depressions of spirit may be expressed among the most diverse people. Such mass manifestations must be studied. But there are no institutes to undertake such an important task. Perhaps individual observers may be found who realize the importance of such comparisons, but their efforts, being uncoordinated, generally founder in confusion and doubt. There appear to exist societies consecrated to the higher wisdom, but they have no scientific sections.

AUM (1936) - 315:
315. You have a wide correspondence with various countries. If your friends begin to record such notes about psychic energy, an important comparison can be made, not only of the facts themselves but also of the individual attitude toward them. Likewise, climatic conditions and local events necessarily infuse a characteristic note. The entire variation of conditions of life can be observed by means of such writings. The steadfastness of unwavering attention helps to deepen observations.

AUM (1936) - 333:
The pendulum of life shows by its motion the variation of psychic energy. Just as precisely will the chemism of feelings be determined. The manifestation of the fluctuations of psychic energy shows how continuously vibration goes on, and how it records even the small deviations of energy. So, too, the chemism of feelings cannot be constant. In the microcosm of man it can be observed how intensified are the manifestations of cosmic vibrations. It should not be thought that all these observations are unnecessary; on the contrary, does not perception of the nature of man lead toward the perfection of mankind?

AUM (1936) - 341:
It should not be thought that somewhere enough has been done for education. Knowledge is so much an expanding process that continual renovation of methods is required. It is frightful to see petrified brains which do not admit new attainments! No one inclined to negation can be called a scientist. Science is free, honest, and fearless. Science can instantly alter and elucidate the problems of the Universe. Science is beautiful and therefore infinite. Science cannot stand prohibitions, prejudices, and superstitions. Science can find the great even in quests of the small. Inquire of great scientists how many times the most stupendous discoveries have been made in the process of routine observations. The eye was open, and the brain not dust laden.

AUM (1936) - 346:
346. Observations with the pendulum of life will show the great significance of psychic energy. The simplest means can awaken the most profound perceptions which lie in the depths of the consciousness. Besides, it is especially important to observe the spatial vibration, which acts as a wireless telegraph. Each hour there can be manifested the quality of spatial currents; these describe the condition of entire nations.

AUM (1936) - 348:
348. Frequently, identical attainments are simultaneously manifested in different countries. Research workers, writers, artists, all of a sudden take up the same task. Indeed, it may come from without, but it can also be communicated from a distant co-worker. It can fly through space telepathically and inspire him who is sufficiently attuned, therefore it is useful to jointly carry on observations. Much escapes observation, because people cannot recall the moment when something inspired them, but according to the theme of their labor it is possible to discern the bond between their consciousnesses. For experimentation with psychic energy it is very important to investigate such similar consciousnesses.

AUM (1936) - 355:
355. All experiments with psychic energy promote discipline. It is necessary to recognize discipline as the salutary rhythm. The most significant experiments may be cast aside without attention. Something already begun may be interrupted. Any compulsion exerted upon psychic energy is contrary to nature. Let us mention experiments with photographs. If the first picture was not successful, the undisciplined consciousness is disappointed. But where there is disappointment no experiments are possible. Many conditions can interfere with the first attempts. Faint-heartedness whispers that one should not continue the quests. Fear of appearing ridiculous can ruin the most useful observations.

AUM (1936) - 356:
356. Amidst observations upon psychic energy the pendulum of life can provide an extremely remarkable experiment. But for such observations one must have disciplined energy. It is not useful to apply the pendulum of life so long as energy has not entered a state of tension. Even a strong potential energy will not be useful so long as a natural accumulation of it has not taken place. All such experiments concern subtle energies and therefore are extremely sensitive.

AUM (1936) - 360:
360. Observe what kind of manifestations are most difficult for people to accept. Among such lawful manifestations, which are especially difficult to perceive, is the timeless speed of thought transmission. Even observations upon the speed of transmission of radio waves do not convince people. They cannot accept the fact that thought does not require time. No one is willing to understand that a mental question can instantly receive a response.

AUM (1936) - 365:
One has to grow to love these observations in order to strive selflessly in heart without weariness and vulgarity.

AUM (1936) - 366:
Is it not astounding that people do not study their own basic energy? Truly, it must vibrate to every manifestation. Only through an attentive attitude can new qualities be revealed. One should not be satisfied with those observations which have been made in the past. Each period bestows its own subtle observations.

AUM (1936) - 367:
367. You were able to observe how much influence currents have on psychic energy. Likewise you could notice how quickly currents change and a completely different tension of psychic energy is affirmed. Such observations should be carefully kept in mind. People do not know how to conform their actions with the spatial currents. They imagine that even the study of the currents of space is some sort of supernatural sorcery. You would be rightly amazed that many sensible people who study psychic manifestations nevertheless remain isolated units who have no influence on the masses.

AUM (1936) - 370:
One should educate oneself in the realization of the qualities of psychic energy. If someone says that he has already read enough about the properties of psychic energy, pity the ignoramus. Of course, nowhere, up to the present, could one acquaint oneself with the study of the actual basis of existence. Observations were isolated, and the observers sometimes even subjected to persecution. Many precious conclusions have not been published and have perished in scattered manuscripts. You act rightly in referring to the acquiring of knowledge with benevolence.

AUM (1936) - 377:
In antiquity people already knew about the power of united force. Sometimes single observations were united in general investigations; and thus an entire chain was formed, and each observer placed his hand on the shoulder of the one in front of him. It was possible to see unusual oscillations of energy; intensified force resulted from the concordant striving. Thus, when I speak about unity, I have in mind a real force.

AUM (1936) - 381:
381. Observations should be carried out not only on concordant factors but also upon disjunctive manifestations. Many-sided experimentation is valuable. It is impossible to predetermine at the beginning of an investigation precisely what ingredients will be required for augmenting the effect.

AUM (1936) - 405:
405. Observations upon psychic energy depend upon the inner honesty of the observer. He alone can judge as to when he has refrained from anticipation; he can judge as to when he has avoided a desire.

AUM (1936) - 455:
Thus at different times people have accumulated considerable data, each one according to his own character. Put together similar observations and you obtain very significant exhibits. Besides, it may be seen that peoples of early times displayed considerable power of observation, possibly even greater than at present. It is necessary to investigate how the properties of great energy have been collected and recorded.

AUM (1936) - 468:
468. Let us firmly remember the qualities of psychic energy. When beginning observations upon psychic energy, people frequently forget its basic properties. They complicate even the simplest investigations by their own habits. Instantaneousness is a fundamental quality of psychic energy, but people have been accustomed to suppose that lengthy thought is the strongest. In such a way they lose sight of the fact that time is not needed for thought.

AUM (1936) - 546:
Through such observations it is made manifest that a strong current becomes a kind of magnet for a weaker one, hence the confluence of several waves. A sensitive receiver will sense the oscillation of the complicated vibrations.

AUM (1936) - 552:
552. The mother can lay the first foundations for the investigation of psychic energy; even up to birth of the child, the mother will take note of the whole routine of life and of feeding. The character of the future man is already defined in the mother's womb. Certain peculiarities that predetermine character can already be observed in the desires expressed by the mother herself. However, in this case it is necessary to make honest observations. But the capacity of observation itself needs to be cultivated.

AUM (1936) - 552:
Thus, again We direct attention, not to theories and dogmas, but to experiments and observations.

AUM (1936) - 553:
553. Fatigue is increased by external conditions. Such observations are also needed. The manifestation of depression or weariness can take on an epidemic character. Whole districts, even countries, can prove to be in a zone of tension.

AUM (1936) - 554:
It is a mistake to think that only adults with shaken nerves can serve as objects for observations. Actually, through the undisturbed force of their psychic energy, children willfurnish the better experimental possibilities.

AUM (1936) - 586:
Likewise, let the investigator be not worried by a peculiarity of his own energy, in comparing it with the experiments of others. Certain people are inclined to exaggerate, but others through modesty, underestimate; thereby they frequently lose sight of their most valuable qualities. One should be armed with patience and devotion for the observations. One should not yield to unsteadiness and impulsiveness, which so often lead to irritation.

AUM (1936) - 598:
Humanity already recognizes the subtle energy. People do not know how to study it and apply it to life, yet the concept itself is unquestionably manifested in different fields of science. A multitude of proofs are coming in from all sides. Already quite a few skeptics do not dare to object and ridicule. Not far distant is the time when the unity of the fundamental energy will be acknowledged. The individuality of the energy will be no obstacle to its study but will delight searching minds. Epidemics of obsession will be arrested by physicians. From fragmentary observations deductions will be drawn and life will receive many conscious ameliorations. Open to those who knock; give help to the sick; set aright the one in error; but be careful with the scratching ones. Especially when you are striving for unity, leave behind every trouble-making thing, for it is not suitable to higher communions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 30:
30. The same awakened energy enables people to provide themselves with calmness in observing events. An investigator must not be irritated or agitated during observations. The manifestation of calmness will be a sign of Service. It is impossible to be devoted to Service if one's essence be billowing like waves under a cross wind.

Brotherhood (1937) - 152:
152. The stratification of observations over the extent of many lives, laid in the depths of consciousness is called dormant wisdom. It would be possible to carry out remarkable experiments by studying when man is drawing from his storehouse of knowledge. It is possible to make a comparison with atavism, which is manifested through several generations. Thus are displayed hereditary racial traits. But throughout his spiritual journeys man accumulates his own load, which he guards within his consciousness. It is instructive to observe the acquisitions of knowledge and inclinations already manifested in childhood, which cannot be explained in any other way except as former accumulations. The more so is it necessary to observe such individual propensities; they may indicate endowments which may later be damaged by an ugly upbringing. Dormant wisdom was already noted in deep antiquity, when questions of spiritual incarnation were sensibly understood. Intellectual advance resulted in a loss and impeded the development of the hidden forces of man.

Brotherhood (1937) - 224:
224. It is impossible to determine who may forcibly suppress searching observations. One should not cover the Light when it shines from the depths of cognition. Let the Light find the ordained paths. During a decline of morality, the attacks upon Light are unavoidable.

Brotherhood (1937) - 225:
225. The domain of the most subtle energies is inexhaustible. It is possible to speak of learning about it but not of having the knowledge of it. I am speaking not for your disappointment but for your encouragement. If we make a cartogram of human penetrations into the frontiers of the distant energies, we find a very irregular line. People have hurled themselves into space, unsupported either by their fellow-men or by the Higher Forces; there has resulted the picture of a diver who has been let down at one point of the oceanic bottom and who has to give an elucidation of all underwater life. It is needful that all possible manifestations be observed and referred to laboratory investigations. So many times it has been said that a single investigator cannot succeed in observing all the threads of energies. Very often the spontaneous feeling of a child could prompt the necessary investigations. Not casually do I speak about physicians and schoolteachers; both have around themselves a broad field for observations. They can draw the attention of those around them to the loftiest subjects. They can be of much use to science, just as are meteorological stations. The most ordinary people can hear about the various small manifestations, but who is to say where is the small and where the great? Often only one link is missing in that which constitutes a very important observation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 255:
255. Besides, people do not wish to observe how the process of thinking is dependent upon changes in surroundings. Such observations can make manifest many physical reactions, and along with this they may reveal that among visible influences others are continually to be perceived, invisible yet extremely powerful.

Brotherhood (1937) - 277:
277. Each true worker sometimes experiences, as it were, the fall of all his work into an abyss, moreover an abyss which is unfathomable. Thus the spirit of the worker suffers a most dangerous predetermination. A weak one senses the abyss and falls into despondency, but a strong one recognizes the touch of Infinity. Many observations and experiments confront a man before he can encounter joyfully the face of Infinity. Gone will be regret for human creations which have been dissolved. They, even the most sublime ones, will be dispersed in Infinity. The earthly mind does not realize where its accumulated treasures can be made manifest. A man wishes to bring good to humanity, but instead of the fruits of his labor there lies before him an unfathomable abyss. A formidable mind may shudder at that, but the tempered, manifested warrior of labor sees before him, not a chasm but the radiance of Infinity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 314:
314. Attentive observation is the more needed, for it is impossible to picture to oneself how an important manifestation can take place. Only a very refined organism can sense, as it were, a call; it will be desirous of making sudden observations. It is necessary to be prepared to respond to such a call.

Brotherhood (1937) - 330:
330. Frequently there occur fallacies about the names of energies. People cannot understand why the primary energy is called by different names. But there may be names which were given by different peoples. Moreover, the manifestation of different aspects of it has been identified by many definitives. It is impossible to establish a single designation for manifestations which are so very diverse. In the history of humanity it can be traced how attentively people have detected the subtlest shades of this same energy. It would seem that at present observations ought to be deepened, but in fact it proves to be almost the opposite. People are attempting to justify themselves by the complexity of life, but it is more accurate to explain this as aimless dispersion of thinking. The more should one repeat about the art of thinking. If it be not sufficiently developed in schools, then the family must come to its assistance. One should not allow man to become scatter-brained, that is to say, irresponsible.

Brotherhood (1937) - 334:
334. It is possible to carry out many observations of radiations. It can be proven that over and above the radiations that are accessible even to photography, there exist still more subtle light waves that can be detected by a more refined apparatus. The effect of the waves spreads over great distances. Moreover, the possibility is explained of tearing away portions of the basic aura within the limits of subtle waves. Though it is rare, yet forceful people can see portions of their own auras. Such manifestations are rare because usually a man does not see his own radiation. It may be pointed out that such sendings of radiation are linked with thought-sendings. Thought, in passing through the aura, carries with it a portion thereof. Particles of the aura can be left on the interconnecting thread. Whoever sends many thoughts tears away a great number of particles from his aura. Therefore such mental labor is truly an achievement. Self-abnegation is also contained in that the pierced portions of the aura are easily subjected to the influence of opposed currents. But the restoration of the tissue requires both time and the expenditure of energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 352:
352. One may hear about lucky and unlucky signs from those who study the chemism of the luminaries. Actually, there cannot be fortune or misfortune for the whole world. Thus, it is vain to think that an unlucky day would plunge the entire world into inaction. Nevertheless, if the chemism is tensed and weighty, one should manifest caution. Observations and cautiousness can yield the best results. It is better to remain circumspect on a day of ill fortune than to lose sharp-sightedness on a fortunate day. Incorrect understanding of astrology has led to many afflictions. Let us not forget that the chemism of the luminaries cannot exert an equal influence on everything and everyone. On the heights, on the ocean, and under the earth there cannot be identical reactions to the chemism. The science of the influence of the luminaries will become great when it shall be assimilated without prejudice.

Brotherhood (1937) - 370:
370. If there could be more confiding relationships between people, many scientific observations could be confirmed. Let us turn to the question of identical thoughts flashing out simultaneously in different corners of the world. So many accusations of plagiarism could be refuted! But right now we call this to mind in connection with the diffusion of thought. The springing up of identical thoughts, ideas, and images can convince one of the existence of thought-energy. This comparison may indicate atavism on the part of different peoples.

Brotherhood (1937) - 446:
446. Some people write down the changes in their attitude toward their surroundings. Such notes are useful, for they induce one to ponder on the evolutionary movements which are taking place. Let us not be afraid of making mistakes in such observations. It may be that a casual mood arbitrarily colored an observation, but even through the superimposed colors, movement can still be felt. Precisely such movement, as a symbol of life, will guide man.

Brotherhood (1937) - 466:
466. It is impossible to understand why even the simplest observations are overlooked. For example, in studying aromas insufficient attention is paid to the usefulness or harmfulness of different very pleasant odors. All flowers have a particular designation, yet so-called perfumes bear conventional floral names. No one is concerned about the usefulness of the perfumes, but the essences used to make them up are sometimes almost poisonous. It is regrettable what the teaching about color and aroma has turned into when people propose to use arsenic coloring or deadly aroma!

Brotherhood (1937) - 474:
474. It is advisable to observe the methods of the invasion of chaos. Many suppose that the very concept of chaos excludes any system. A representation of chaos as completely formless will be untrue. Even in each life it can be observed how subtly chaos creeps in. It intrudes as an actual decomposing force. "The Invasion of Chaos" could be the title of an extremely instructive book of observations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 475:
475. Spatial voices have been mentioned under various names in the Scriptures of all peoples. Let us not delve into why such voices have been attributed to the most diverse sources. Right now it merely needs to be kept in mind that knowledge of these voices goes back to remote antiquity. One should not assume that people of the most diverse cultures could be mistaken or be intentional liars. Science has already mastered wireless transmission, which is being continually improved. Moreover, thoughts are being studied, and remarkable observations are already resulting, but for all that, ignorance has so greatly increased that it is necessary to reiterate even the simplest truths.

Brotherhood (1937) - 526:
526. The rapprochement of the worlds will proceed under the sign of the science. One should realize that many details of the great process appear to be disconnected and unexpected. Indeed, this seeming disconnectedness only appears as such to the human eye. In reality, the system of manifestations is quite exact. Let the most diverse scientists carry out their observations. It is obvious that at no time up to the present have quite so many phenomena been taken note of by scientists. Let them, for the time being, be accepted as utilitarian; the main thing is that these observations be recorded on the pages of science. Eventually these fragments will be brought together in one system. Thus, out of disparate facts broad domains can be established, subject to scientific determination.

Brotherhood (1937) - 527:
527. The current of thought is sometimes subjected to the most unexpected influences and intrusions. A truly honest thinker will not conceal the fact that the discipline of thought may be disturbed at times by extraneous influences. Besides, the force of reaction becomes so powerful that the original thought completely changes direction. Let us not take it upon ourselves to decide why such a reaction takes place. It may be that the force of the thought attracts other similar complements. Perhaps a crossing of special currents takes place? The chief thing is that an outside energy obviously exerted its influence. Such observations often take place in the Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 590:
590. It is essential to accustom oneself to subtle perceptions. Indeed, one should assiduously sharpen one's senses. Sometimes people try to accustom their ear to certain musical chords at varied distances. Even such a simple experiment yields unexpected observations. The very same chords will be perceived differently at various distances, which means that something exists, which intrudes and alters the quality of sound. If there can be changes even in such an ordinary perception, then how many reactions take place during subtle perceptions! People do not even think about them.

Brotherhood (1937) - 592:
592. Because of the inexhaustible riches of nature it is difficult to isolate one portion from the whole. Verily, everything is so permeated with the all-embracing principle that even from a grossly material standpoint one thing cannot be separated from another. Take the tiniest insect, could it be studied apart from its surroundings, without all the causes of reactions and effects? The more difficult it is to study man apart from nature. All the branches of man's knowledge merely bear witness to their artificial subdivision. Biology, physiology, psychology, parapsychology, and a great number of similar subdivisions simply compel one to ask, Where is the man? It is impossible to study the great microcosm without realization of the primary energy. Only such a unified concept can advance observations into a grander scope of man's nature. In this one should also remember the lofty concepts which uplift the spirit; among the first will be the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 3:
Let the ignorant deride the repositories of the Brotherhood. Let the egoism of ignorance regard Our repositories as the treasures of misers. In truth, each object is for Us a useful apparatus, and can be used for important observations. It is especially valuable to observe the relationship of ancient auras to later emanations. Sometimes a total opposition between objects, or a mutual sympathy between them, can be observed. In Our many experiments with ancient objects, We observe not only with spiritual vision but also verify by the use of Our apparatuses. This is not so-called psychometry, but a science of radiations. Just as you can observe the usefulness of fruits and plants, We can study the language of objects by their radiations. One can thus observe that few religious artifacts have beautiful radiations, for they were too often created with self-interest, and then fell into even more mercenary hands.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 12:
What seems like physical torpor is often nothing but the effect of a distant flight. People often do not know how to care for someone in such a condition. In ancient times they would have been thought to have a "sacred" ailment, and people knew how to recognize the symptoms. We have many records of such experiences; in the infinitude of time and space such observations are without number. We record diligently each sensation, although radio waves and electric charges often impede Our observations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 36:
36. Urusvati understands the significance of the calmness necessary for action. People find many ways to explain this quality. Some think that without an effort of the will there can be no calm. Others see calmness as a true innate characteristic, and still others say that a crooked beginning brings a crooked end, or that calmness depends upon the method of labor. All of these observations have a part of the truth in them, but the most basic one, the quality of experience, is often forgotten. An inexperienced seaman is apprehensive when boarding a ship, but after ten voyages he astonishes those around him by his calmness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 99:
It is true that Plato knew the power of thought, but he revealed only a clue to its power, because it was dangerous to give this knowledge prematurely to the masses. Only now are some researchers beginning to realize how accessible are the many hidden qualities of thought. Centuries were required for such simple observations, but now it has become possible to prove that thought is a tangible motive power.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 108:
And now, for example, a school of fish can be glimpsed in the ray. Thought must be unusually clear to create such harmonious forms, for obscured thinking creates monstrous forms. It is most important to look at least once into the treasury of Akasha, but such glimpses are hard on human sight, and We must practice caution with Our co-workers. However, in this book We can record that Our Sister was able to see such treasures of thought-creativeness even while in her physical body. These observations should not be repeated often because people have polluted the lower spheres, and some experiments are dangerous to the health. Our Blue Ray can reveal many subtle forms, but seldom can We allow such manifestations. Urusvati saw this Ray in single combat with the destructive fire. Only in an extreme case can such a powerful Ray be applied throughout the whole world.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200:
"Man usually remembers only dimly his experiences during astral flights, but in the depth of his consciousness he preserves the precious treasures. I cannot claim that I am able to express in words everything that I experience, but, just as a mother feels within her body the first signs of her baby's life, so can all people feel within themselves the accumulation of subtle observations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 207:
The Thinker said, "Learn how to think. Begin with the most simple thoughts. Best of all, learn how to dream about beautiful objects, and learn to dream vividly. Only dreams will develop one's imagination, and where can we go, how can we assimilate the most beautiful observations without imagination? How can we remember in our mundane life the sparks of the Supermundane Radiance if we do not train ourselves to dwell on images? Verily, striving toward the Sublime will train our imagination.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 208:
208. Urusvati knows how instantaneous and unexpected some visions can be. Especially striking to us are the visions in which people appear whom we do not know. There are many reasons for this. These people may not really be strangers, but may have been known to us in the Subtle World. It is also possible that two people will have consonant vibrations that produce simultaneous visions of each other. If people were to write down their visions and share them with people they trust, so much would be clarified. But such observations are neglected, and human consciousness loses an opportunity for practical learning.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 228:
228. Urusvati knows that many remarkable events pass unnoticed because the consciousness is unable to register them. The same thing happens during scientific experiments. Observations of the transmission of thought to a distance will be limited and superficial if the nervous state of those who are present is not taken into consideration. It is not enough for people to come together in a certain place at the same time; it is also essential to maintain harmony and avoid irritability.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 234:
True, We know that researchers will not obtain the results they are hoping for, nevertheless, there will be useful observations. One might hope that their minds would be turned toward the Subtle World and that scientists would then have to come to many new conclusions. They would realize that only by the flight of the subtle body can they obtain the information they seek.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 235:
The work in Our Tower is based on the conformity of two principles, the physical and the psychic. Only thus is it possible to come to correct conclusions. It is hard to imagine the complexity of interplanetary conditions. Aviation in its early stages was confronted with inexplicable obstacles. If we continue our careful observations along these lines we will come upon the most striking evidence. Thus, clairvoyants could be wisely utilized for certain experiments.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 246:
The gifts of nature are more precious when they are received naturally and as the result of previous accumulations. Science will approach Higher Knowledge through such observations. It is essential to acknowledge to what extent nature assists evolution. To force is to act fanatically, or in other words, against nature, and only the consciousness can reveal when one learns and works for all humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 263:
263. Urusvati knows that most people avoid looking into the essence of events and are satisfied with superficial observations. How differently history would be written if real causes and motives, and the true Leaders, whose existence humanity does not even suspect, were revealed! Instead of kings and rulers, there would emerge individuals who had remained in the background, unknown because of prevailing ignorance, or required to go unnoticed because of the law of the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 273:
There are scientists who boldly insist that in all Infinity there is no life except on Earth! It is not enough to call such a claim impertinence: only the crudest egoism can bring forth such an ignorant concept. These scientists make no effort to examine the conditions that exist in Cosmos, and base their judgments upon their own very limited observations!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 287:
How then can the transparency of solid bodies be explained? Each body carries the fiery energy within itself, and during extraordinary intensification this energy is kindled and the density seems to disappear. There are two reasons why such a phenomenon occurs so rarely - the quality of the intensification, and the qualifications of the observer. It is difficult to observe such phenomena while in the physical body because the heart can be overstrained, and only one or two observations at long intervals may be permitted. Therefore, contacts with certain spheres must be maintained with caution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 296:
People improve their telescopes, but the results are insignificant compared with the astronomical scale. Only by combining telescopic observations with clairvoyance will it be possible to focus upon planetary movements that are beyond the capacity of the telescope.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 303:
We watch the process of human thinking and rejoice when the three strata are united in harmony. You must realize that these three layers of consciousness are only crude distinctions, and that in reality there are many more subdivisions. But let us now consider only the fundamental three, so as not to complicate the observations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 346:
When your friends begin to record their extraordinary experiences, please urge them to do it as simply as possible and avoid elaborate descriptions. They should not add their own interpretations but record the facts simply and accurately, with the utmost truthfulness. It is not necessary to place much significance in the fleeting lights that one sees, for they are small details of everyday life. Information should also be gathered from printed sources, although these cannot compare to one's own verifiable observations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 369:
369. Urusvati knows that there are certain individuals who can foresee the direction of evolution. Such co-workers of Ours can be found in different countries and ages. We use them as channels through which We transmit the varying degrees of aspiration that correspond to the needs of evolution. But it should be understood that such striving individuals are rare, and will feel out of place in any generation. It would be correct to think of them not as dwellers of Earth, but rather as guests, filled with memories of better worlds. Indeed, earthly life is not easy for them. They are filled with the spirit of service to humanity, but this concept is little understood on Earth. These toilers cannot find a common language with coarser earthly people. It is to be lamented that time so distorts their ideas, although eventually their words find some degree of recognition. All that I have said here is also true about Our own work, but through the centuries We have become sufficiently aware of the turning of the Wheel of Life. We understand that in motion much is consumed; even huge meteors are burned away, yet some of them succeed in carrying their diamonds to Earth. Only a calm understanding of earthly processes can reveal the whole range of accumulated knowledge. We call such observations a clarification of consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 390:
It is astonishing that medical authorities do not explore the chemistry of the atmosphere. They prescribe seaside or mountain air, but do not investigate the unusual chemical characteristics that permeate the lower earthly strata. I do not refer to poisonous fumes, which are evident and can be easily traced, but to the higher chemical compounds, which can be studied by means of astrochemistry and astrology. The power of astrochemical emanations must be verified. We study this realm, and know that the subtle spheres contain unique possibilities. People on Earth can also participate in these studies, and if these observations are begun now, new treatments will emerge. All that is necessary is an open mind, but earthly habits are the primary enemies of all new investigations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 429:
The teacher should continue to remind the pupil about the vast numbers of natural phenomena that have remained unknown due to ignorance. In Our observations We are particularly saddened by the fact that people often pass by the special, precious proofs of the subtle nature of man without even noticing them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 434:
434. Urusvati is aware of the common misconception that the forces of evil manifest more powerfully upon the earthly plane than the forces of good, and that evil images appear more clearly than the misty forms of the beings of light. However, this is true only from the earthly point of view, and although earthly observations are not without merit, the strength of subtle entities does not lie in their degree of visibility, but in the power of their energy.


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