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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MI > MILESTONE (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 13:
Each step of blessed daring must be cherished as a milestone in the progress of humanity. We do not give attention to monastic utterances. Thomas had no need to climb to the stake - his task was to proclaim not the forbidden but the inspiring formula.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 419:
419. We know about teraphs. We know that a teraph can be astral or material. The astral teraph is higher than the material one, just as the astral world is higher than the material world. Only very developed beings can have an astral teraph, whereas material teraphs can serve any conscious spirit. The teraph is a model of an actual event or thing. A navigator can more easily understand the behavior of his ship by studying a model of the vessel. Looking at the image, people, in a way, come into contact with what is absent. Even humble fortunetellers request first of all an image or an item closely connected with the subject. These objects direct their psychic energy, in order to increase its effect, like a beacon or a milestone.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 419:
With material teraphs, one must have a special image for every need. But the astral teraph has the advantage of serving all needs and of taking on different appearances as required. Therefore it is like a milestone, marking one's steps in the development of consciousness. The astral teraph is a product of the crystallization of psychic energy, just as the material one is a product of physical effort. The chief action takes place during the creation of the teraph, for it is then that the psychic energy is most tense. Even though the astral teraph is superior, We can describe the technique of creating a material one.

Heart (1932) - 515:
515. It is dangerous not to feel any responsibility. To be a temporary traveler is also dangerous, for we are all just timeless beings bent upon ascent, like propelled heavenly bodies. Hence, each apostasy is abnormal, as are crime and evil. Each one ascends according to his nature, and responsibility becomes not a burden, but wings. Yet as soon as one wavers, the same responsibility becomes a milestone about one's neck. Moreover, even with no responsibility we cannot swim in the ocean of the elements. This is not a moral, but a life belt. A farewell is only a new, welcomed reunion. We are not temporary, but infinite beings.


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