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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > MI > MILES (4)

New Era Community (1926) - 16:
He who can fly at a speed of 400 miles an hour or who can fly higher than others, acquires the psychology of a boxing champion, and the realization of spiritual responsibility leaves him.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 396:
396. In the West much is said about the transmission of thought to a distance, but the application of this action is absolutely unknown. For instance, in order to prove it, two stations are established that must work simultaneously; and the distance between them is calculated, as if the power of thought could be affected by miles! The most essential part of the experiment is overlooked, namely, the effect of the thought.

Heart (1932) - 187:
187. One should know that work at a distance of a thousand miles already liberates the subtle body from the burden of physical fluids. Of course, for the subtle body these thousand miles are nothing, but the physical reaction is measured by earthly units.


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