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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ME > MENTAL (134)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.6:
New strivings may be born over the graves of old prejudices - one more conquest. I have already told you of the spirit understanding. When the Ray unites the Teacher with the disciple, then the main understanding is transmitted by the spirit's perception. Not letter, not sign, but infallible spirit knowledge guides the conduct of the disciple. This infallible knowledge is the speediest conduit. Actually it is not a matter of mental decision, it is spirit-knowledge.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.12:
2.5.12. It is impossible to separate the conditions of Earth from surrounding conditions, because the mental world has no narrow boundaries.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.12:
Again one must speak against the astral world, because it is desirable in future to shorten considerably this stage. Now it is unavoidable, but upon development of the spirit the manifestation of the mental body becomes more attainable.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.12:
Devachan is the place of pleasant realizations. But at the same time it is dangerous, because a weak spirit is reluctant to leave so pleasant a station. This station yields the greatest unwillingness to return for more labor. And when the time comes to leave this Valhalla, while the mental body impels one to achievement, the astral body finds the place most comfortable.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.16:
Each monochromatic aura contains within itself three waves, corresponding to the three chief substances: physical, astral and mental.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.8:
2.6.8. The flight of the spirit is not reckoned in hours. The manifestation of the spirit rushing between the planets is beyond time; a moment, because it cannot be extended. Otherwise there results a rupture between the densified body and the mental. But one should remember that the spirit, which acts beyond time, also cognizes beyond the limitation of numbers, and is able to cognize up to the fourteenth gradation of hearing, whereas on the earthly sphere one can attain only up to the ninth.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.20:
Not only does the astral body act but also the mental body. Of course the astral body also emerges, but We do not value the actions of the astral body. We consider the consciousness of the mental body more important. To sharpen the point of this force is not so simple.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.16:
The higher up, the more pleasant the stay; and on the border of the mental plane the spirit can rest, because there the spirit is already subject to lofty attractions. But one must consciously avoid the lower strata. It is necessary that an explosive impulse of the consciousness propel the kernel of the spirit upward as far as possible. Therefore, the moment of transition is so important, for in it one may dispatch oneself to the higher strata. Once the lower strata are contacted, it is very difficult to rise afterwards.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.12:
2.9.12. It is best to strive onward; everyone has his own path. It is useful to attune the organism for receptivity to the Teacher's Teaching. Our Ray is working constantly but concentration of the spirit is necessary. It is best to seek the Teacher's Indications in various manifestations of life. It is good to be able to pray. Prayer, or spiritual communion, is the highest manifestation; but for this, mental refinement and spiritual strength are indispensable.

New Era Community (1926) - 84:
The crumbling of eons shifts entire worlds. For that reason your thoughts are directed toward preservation of mental energy.

New Era Community (1926) - 115:
115. No one dares to stand up against the school, but few there are who think about its improvement. School programs are not looked over for years at a time, and meanwhile discoveries are on the march. New data are rushing in from all sides the air spheres and the depths of the oceans and the mountain treasuries all relate wonderful facts about themselves. Haste is needed, else excavations will alter the data of conventionalized history. In the new schools prohibitions must be removed, in order that pupils may see reality - which is wonderful if truthfully revealed. Broad is the field of mental competition!

New Era Community (1926) - 117:
117. It is absurd to think that perspiration is only a physical manifestation. During mental work a particular emanation valuable for the saturation of space issues forth. If bodily perspiration can fertilize the earth, then that of the spirit restores prana by being chemically transformed in the rays of the Sun. Labor is the crown of Light. It is necessary that school pupils remember the significance of labor as a factor of world-creation. As a result of labor there will be steadfastness of consciousness. It is necessary to emphasize strongly the atmosphere of work.

New Era Community (1926) - 127:
Inexperienced community members have a considerable amount of suspiciousness and conceit, but a community is regarded by Us as an accepted form of life. And We can speak about it with all the lucidity of long experience. We are not frightened by any mental confusion. We have seen enough cosmic refuse and We are not disposed to be a part of it.

New Era Community (1926) - 223:
223. The methods of West and East in thought transmission differ. For suggestion the West has tried to apply direct aggressive action touch, fixation with the eye, loud murmuring of a command, which in their primitiveness remind one of the lower conjurers of southern India. At best such a command is distinguished by temporal brevity, and usually involves the consciousness in only one definite action. The East, first of all, seeks an inner contact with the state of consciousness, which allows the consciousness to be filled more firmly and lastingly. The Westerner tries to pierce one with his gaze, but the Easterner, in sending a thought, will actually not look at one, because the effect of a glance would be to diminish the sharpness of the command. Indeed, the eyes of the sender will be open but he will form a picture of his correspondent, and in that mental image he can more fully encompass his essence. No tension will strengthen the effect, but only immutability of consciousness and trueness of tone of the psychic sounding. A rock splits from a detonation, not only from a blow. It is easy to achieve the most difficult if the consciousness is adequate and tranquility is not disturbed. The trouble is in the fact that people regard tranquility as inaction.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 6:
6. One can visit different planets in one's mental body. Thus is indicated that future step when consciousness will not be confined to the one planet. As we now cross from one part of the world to another, the same principle will be applied in interplanetary crossings.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 7:
7. The manifestation of new rays prompts beautiful additions to Our plans. The densification of the astral body is inconsequential in itself when compared with the conscious work of the mental body. For one's tasks on this planet the mental body need not be released from its shielded condition. But this highest body is needed for interplanetary activity.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 312:
312. One must distinguish between objective difficulties and those caused by lack of skill. Objective difficulties are caused by external obstacles on the higher path, but lack of skill results from one's own mental blindness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 361:
361. There are two kinds of logic: the logic of external reasoning, which one attempts to learn from textbooks, and that of mental synthesis, by which one collects and links the sparks of spatial thought. These sparks may seem to be a happy accident, even though this "accident" may have been ripening in space for an entire century. The broadened consciousness provides the best possibility of grasping the nodes of spatial thought.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 361:
Of course, from the point of view of external reasoning, apparent lapses in the processes of mental synthesis can always be found. As rings of the spiral show to the observer the outer turns and conceal the inner turns, so mental logic proceeds according to the limits of the outer turns while the inner turns are still merged in the streams of collective thought in space. Hence, We take such care about the broadening of the consciousness, in order that union with spatial thought may be approached.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 398:
Observing the psychic energy of humanity is more important than measuring humidity or temperature. Human mental power deserves more careful consideration.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 492:
492. Agni Yoga approaches just in time. Without it, who could say that epidemics of influenza should be cured by psychic energy? Who would pay attention to the new kinds of mental, brain, and nervous illnesses, such as sleeping sickness? It is not leprosy, or the old forms of plague or cholera that must be dreaded; for them, preventive measures already exist. But one must ponder over the new enemies that are created by the conditions of contemporary life. One cannot apply old treatments to them; a new approach will be found through the expansion of consciousness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 50:
When manifesting elements are accepted as the roar of Cosmos, and people are unable to discover a further explanation, then blindness must be removed, for mental reclusion is far from the realization of Infinity. The inceptions are always accompanied by engenderings of that life impulse which moves the hand of a creator, or by the rush of the wind that bears the seed of life which, on finding a fitting soil, can evince the sprout of creativeness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 362:
The Spatial Fire affirms each energy. The luminaries confirm the cosmic source of Fire. I bid you believe in the creative forces of the Agni Yogi. If you could see the work of the spirit and the heart, you would verily see the creativeness of the Magnet. When the consciousness retains the process, which is a mental one, the boundaries between the physical and the astral have been erased. Truly, cosmic creativeness is invisibly beautiful!

Hierarchy (1931) - 99:
99. The chief error of men is that they consider themselves to be outside of all that exists. From this issues a lack of cooperation. It is impossible to explain to the one who stands outside that he is responsible for what happens inside without him. The father of egoism has sown doubt and self-deception in order to sever the current with the treasury of Light. Nobody wants to consider that Light is the effect of thought, but the multitudes that inhabit the interplanetary spaces will willingly acknowledge the power of mental cooperation. They realize cooperation and understand responsibility. One can enroot oneself in a universal thought and thus acquire wings in heaven and on Earth - the foundation. Many valuable reminders about the link with far-off worlds are spread everywhere.

Hierarchy (1931) - 168:
168. There exists a misconception that the dark ones, being the antithesis of Light, are therefore unavoidable - this is erroneous. Darkness, the antithesis of Light, is nothing but unmanifested Chaos. The dark ones denigrate the manifestation of the combat of the creative Light against Chaos. It would be a sufficient task for humanity to make Chaos manifest and in that great battle to cooperate with the Great Spirits. But the dark ones have reduced the mastery of unbridled elements to the egoism of rebels and have begun to call forth Chaos instead of transmuting it into a working force. This crime is great, and the desire to extinguish Light cannot be considered an antithesis. The creative vanquishing of Chaos, or the "Dragon," is a constant achievement. But the battle with the dark ones is only a convulsion, impeding motion. The darkness of Chaos may be considered as a means for mental creativeness. However, the combat with the hierarchy of the dark ones is only a lost date, so needed for construction. Moreover, the dark ones constantly arouse mighty elements, not knowing, of course, how to master them.

Hierarchy (1931) - 330:
330. If one combines the complete responsibility of the physician, judge, priest, teacher, architect, and lawmaker, one arrives at a part of the responsibility of a Hierarch. But just a part. For besides the earthly responsibility, He also belongs to the subtle and mental worlds. We never summon anyone to don the armor of a Hierarch, because only the spirit itself can choose such a responsibility. The seed of the Hierarch is generated according to a certain ray. Verily, the might of ascent has no fear of responsibility before the three worlds. This courage is like a link between the worlds, like the pillar of the Covenant, like the Light, all-penetrating! Thus, facing the throne of responsibility, the wings of achievement glow.

Heart (1932) - 281:
281. Thus, feeling gives birth to energy. Energy can create so-called possessions. How, then, to deal with these possessions? We know about renunciation, but if something already exists, how is it possible to designate it as non-existent? Besides, would this not be destructive? Thus, let us again invoke the Teacher and, in thought, transfer to Him this burdensome load. And He will transfer our mental gift still higher. Thus we solve the problem of possessions. Thus, the very name disappears, and we remain the guardians of the property of the Hierarchy. For we may read the Teacher's books; the Teacher grants us permission to dwell in his house, to admire his things, and to be nurtured by the fruits of his garden. Thus, the name of the Teacher will always be with us, and we shall smile as we dust the objects entrusted to us by the faith of the Teacher. People do not know how to deal with possessions because they do not care to understand the meaning of mental transmutation of the earthly plane into the subtle one.

Heart (1932) - 504:
504. Verily, it will soon be necessary to save ourselves from the chaos of the elements. But even this disaster can be considerably mitigated by the education of the heart. We ask the physicians of various lands to concern themselves with the study of the heart. There are so many sanitariums for all kinds of illnesses, but there is no Institute of the Heart. This is due to a lack of education of the heart. For even ignoramuses do not give second place to the heart. Yet heart ailments outnumber cancer and tuberculosis. It is necessary to have sanitariums for heart ailments, where one could devote oneself to immediate observations. Of course, these sanitariums should be located in various climates and at various altitudes. One can see how an entire legion might be occupied with needed research work connected with mental problems together with agriculture and other specialities.

Heart (1932) - 507:
507. An experienced ruler often lays his hand upon the shoulder or hand of him with whom he converses. Some do this consciously, but the majority do it unconsciously. But even those who do this consciously are not always aware of how to utilize this method. They regard the hand as being sufficient, that the palm of the hand already communicates the power of the thought; but very seldom do people realize that the tips of the fingers have stronger emanations. Hence, if a thought is being suggested, the fingers must be tightened, but if one desires to receive the reaction of one's companion, the tips of the fingers should be separated. Thus, considerable stirring of an entire group of centers is effected. So many possibilities are concealed in each act! It is only necessary to apply them consciously. Consciousness and unconsciousness may be compared to swimming with or without experience. Of course, someone may swim immediately, but this occurs very rarely. Thus, in everything it is necessary to observe Hierarchy, which pervades our consciousness visibly and invisibly. It would be sad if the consciousness represented something abstract and almost supernatural. Each heart beat fills us with a realization of existence, and with a true understanding of Be-ness. Mental fog results only from lack of respect for consciousness. These words should be inscribed in each school. Children may ask, "How is it possible to guard against deadening habits?" Then someone can point out the inscription concerning respect.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 84:
84. Let us not forget that each instant must pertain to the New World. Observe that in enumerating the worlds We seem to omit the world of thought. This is not by accident. The Mental World constitutes a living link between the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. It enters in as the impellent nearest to the Fiery World. Thought does not exist without Fire, and Fire is transformed into creative thought. The manifestation of thought is already understood; let us also realize the Great Fire - Aum!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 143:
143. A headache may have many causes, but it also may come from the non-acceptance somewhere of mental sending; this can also be reflected as needle pricks in the heart. Hence, I am so anxious that this harm should not take place. With some people a routine of negation is formed imperceptibly, and it becomes, as it were, a habit to feel offended. On the basis of these errors, people become impervious to the manifestations of mental sendings. In this state the most benign thought recoils from the obstruction of resentment. Moreover, the thought may return and only cause trouble to the sender. One should urge everyone not to do harm. Besides, a touch-me-not attitude is most petty and is nurtured by an undeveloped consciousness. Thus, in everyday life there exists a routine of resentment. It must be recognized and ejected as a most noxious insect. Petty earthly feelings are turned into a fiery Gehenna.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 146:
146. Also, one should learn not to expend labor unproductively. Mental confusion compels people to neglect primary considerations. See how lacking in the essential are the two letters received by you; I do not blame the writers so much as those who confused them. Such a disregard for the principal issue is an already irreparable harm. The person who disconcerts the consciousness of his fellow man is a corrupter. He brings no joy to himself; on the contrary, his life will be darkened, for his consciousness has digressed from the main issue. To discern the principal issue and to remain on the path to it means to proceed to victory. But to begin by plunging into an abyss of uncertainty, does it not mean being a stone on the neck of one's fellow?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 157:
157. Toward what shall we strive, to the finite or the infinite? The earthly sojourn is of short duration, the Subtle and Mental Worlds are of fixed date, but the Fiery World is beyond dates; this means that one should strive toward it. In the worlds of limited sojourn the fiery armor is acquired. The earthly world is like an impasse - either ascent or destruction. Even the Subtle World will not satisfy a striving spirit; all the other lives are only preparations for the all-encompassing Fiery World. A weak spirit is terrified by the distance to the Fiery World, but the spirits in which ascent is innate can only rejoice. The physical forms are beautiful, but the music of the spheres is incomparable. Yet beyond this subtle illumination is displayed the Fiery Grandeur. Ozone here on Earth appears as a messenger from Above, yet it is the grossest manifestation of the atmosphere. The earthly azure is lofty, but it is like wool compared to the fiery radiance. Those who have entered the Fiery World cannot breathe the air of Earth. Nirvana is actually fiery ascent. In every Teaching we find a symbol of this fiery ascent. St. Sergius received the fiery sacrament. Thus, graphically is the sign of the higher possibility given. The time is coming and is already near when people will not know how to accept the fiery possibilities. In their confusion they will forget that fiery communion has been ordained. They will excel in counteracting, instead of being filled with, the power of Fire. Therefore I reiterate and remind about the necessity of fiery union. Many dangerous chemical combinations will cause consternation. Precisely the encumbrances in the Subtle World can indicate how sick the planet is. Since this danger has become obvious, it is Our duty to forewarn.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 170:
170. Once, after a state council, a certain ruler took an earthenware vase and smashed it before the eyes of everyone. When asked the meaning of his action, he said, "I am reminding you about irreparability." Even when we break the simplest object we understand irreparability, yet how irreparable are thought-actions! We have become accustomed to surround ourselves with crude concepts, and they have thrust out all the higher concepts. If rulers would remind more often about the irreparability of mental decisions, they would forestall a great number of misfortunes. A ruler who is ignorant of the spiritual principle of self-perfectment cannot lead the multitude of consciousnesses entrusted to him. A ruler is a living example. A ruler is one who lays out the paths through all the worlds. He lays the foundation for prosperity, but it will not be prosperity on the material plane alone. Thus, he will be no true ruler for whom Fire exists only at the end of a match. His scope will be equal to that of his concepts.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 242:
242. Light out of darkness - this truth continues to appear to many as a paradox. These multitudes have not seen Light, and do not understand that Higher Light is inaccessible to the eyesight, either earthly or subtle; even its sparks tire the eyes. H. was enwrapped by waves of these sparks, and the eyes of Urusvati were especially fatigued. This enwrapment was necessary for Him, it was an example of mental sending to a great distance. Thus We send indications, but due to various tensions much is distorted. It can be affirmed that irritation requires tenfold energy, and such shafts of sparks can sever one's head. Therefore when I advise you to refrain from irritation, it means We are seeking the best results. Fiery energy surpasses all belief. People oppose this power and thus give rise to many calamities. The manifestation of enwrapment with fiery sparks depends upon many different causes. Fiery armor protects one from hostile arrows.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 244:
244. Creativeness in the Subtle World differs considerably from earthly conditions. One is obliged to become accustomed to so-called mental creativeness. True, thought in its convolutions can produce very dim, flickering outlines. Stable forms depend not only upon the force of the will but also upon former observations. As minerals through a fiery process produce well-formed crystals, so, too, fieriness is needed for creativeness. Like everything else, it is accumulated gradually and it belongs to ineradicable accumulations, therefore it is never tardy in coming.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 295:
295. You know that during suggestion one should not wave the arms or stare at the patient. In general, it is not necessary even to look into the patient's eyes, but one should project the will from heart to heart. Only afterwards should one proceed in applying one's will from the center, in the needed direction. It is absolutely useless for the patient under suggestion to know what is taking place. In fact, the preparations for suggestion often set up an undesirable counteraction. Besides, although the patient may believe that he is ready to submit to the treatment, his Manas will resist the intrusion. The longer both consciousnesses are mutually balanced, the more potent the suggestion will be. However, the experiment should not be announced in advance; each treatment should take place unexpectedly. But physical conditions must be favorable. The temperature should be average, moderate, without the irritation induced by heat or cold. The air must be pure, and it is advisable to have a light aroma of roses or eucalyptus. One should arrange inconspicuously that the patient be comfortably reclining in an armchair. A bed is less suitable. Everything sudden or noisy should be shunned in order to avoid the possibility of a shock. It must not be forgotten that during suggestion the subtle body is in a state of great tension and attempts to leave the body. Therefore, one should with all possible caution forbid its leaving the body. Naturally, all commands should be mental and not oral. Western hypnotists scoff at the idea of a mental command; they think that words and fingers can dominate the will. But let us leave them to their occidental blunders. In certain primitive tribes the patient was smitten on the forehead with a club. Such an act also subjugated the will. But where there is the Teaching of the Heart and of Fire the methods must be different.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 490:
490. It cannot be doubted that the expenditure of inner energy is far greater during mental than during physical labor. This statement should be laid in the foundation of culture. Also, it is time to realize that vitamins and many other substances gain force only when coming in contact with the fiery energy of man. Let this belated discovery also testify to the power of human fiery energy. Striving along the path of discovery of the qualities of human psychic energy will provide the structure of life. One should attentively observe the degree to which man himself transmutes even the most powerful substances. Let us compare the effects of medicine taken with faith and medicine taken with repulsion. We have often witnessed how, under the influence of suggestion, a medicine had an opposite effect; how water acquired the most powerful properties of medicinal compounds. But it was not an outside will that produced these transformations. The will only directed the fiery energy, and in the furnace of Fire the transformation took place. It must be understood that we ourselves affirm our power through the understanding of fiery energy. One cannot express it more powerfully than to say that man is created in the image of the Highest; thus the presence of the higher energies is indicated. But it has not been said that man can make use of these energies only by means of artificial exercises. Energies are inherent in human nature; this means that they must act under the natural conditions of existence. Thus, we return again to the structure of life. If magic denotes artificiality of conditions, it is indeed unsuitable for the regeneration of life. The natural cultivation of the spirit and realization of the Fiery World will be the simplest solution for the aspiration of mankind. It is also said correctly that luxury is the antipode of beauty. Luxury is a form of magic, but where there is beauty no magic is needed.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 546:
546. To give is a divine attribute. The inexhaustibility of giving is found in varying degrees in all of nature. But fire is the element in which giving is most apparent. The very principle of Fire is transmutation and constant giving. Fire cannot exist without the sacrifice of giving; likewise the fiery seed of the spirit exists through giving. But the sacrifice is a true one only when it has become the very nature of a man. A mental and compulsive sacrifice is neither natural nor divine. Only when sacrifice becomes an inalienable attribute of life does it become inseparable from the consciousness. Thus, by its qualities Fire teaches us during ascent. Let each one who wishes to attain cognizance say to himself, "I will be like Agni." One must grow to love fiery sacrifice as the closest means of communion with the Fiery World. Without this self-sacrificial striving it is not easy to rise above the claws of evil. Like Fire, which is elusive, the consciousness becomes mobile when united with Agni. One must approach sacrifice not by the path of despondency but by that of fiery splendor. One cannot define Fire by any other term than splendor. Likewise, the Fiery World cannot be thought of as other than a manifestation of grandeur.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 570:
570. Mental sendings ordinarily contain some unusual expressions, which you have frequently noticed with surprise. An unusual expression is sometimes used for the purpose of ensuring better remembrance. This is a very ancient method. It is difficult to retain the usual words, which may slip by instead of penetrating the consciousness. The more unusual, the better assembled, the more definitive such a sending is, the better it is remembered. It is necessary to remind more than once of the far-off thought, which passes over the surface of the consciousness. One ought not reproach oneself for forgetfulness; on the contrary, these sliding thoughts projected from remote distances only prove that they come from outside and not from the inner consciousness. Also, in schools the receptivity to alien thoughts should be cultivated. People know so little how to listen or how to understand what they read that special hours should be assigned to the verification of what has been heard. How can one expect the fiery energy to be noticed if no attention is paid to even a loudly spoken word? More than once we have spoken of the development of the faculty of conscious non-hearing and non-seeing, this is quite different. In our normal state we must be highly receptive.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 646:
646. Churning is a symbol of cosmogony. He who has accepted so simple a process as the symbol of a great action, has verily understood the correlation between microcosm and Macrocosm. On the physical plane spiral rotation is the basis of the accumulation of substance, and thought also acts in an identical way. From the Summits down to chaos, Space is intensified by the spirals of consciousness. Thought spirally transforms itself into substance, permeating all Cosmos. One must understand and accept the transformation of thought into substance. This welding preserves the supply of substance, for thought is inexhaustible. On Earth much benefit may be reaped from the realization of the substantiality of thought. People are especially fearful of overtiring the brain, but this is absurd because thought cannot cause excessive fatigue. Mental disease is caused by numerous other excesses. Smoking, drinking, sexual overindulgence, lack of sleep, overeating, irritation, a wearying depression, envy, treason, and many horrors of darkness cause the overstrain which is ascribed to mental labors. As a prophylactic force, thought not only does not occasion fatigue but contributes to the interchange of higher substances. To blame thought for overfatigue is equivalent to expulsion of Agni from the heart. Both conductors connect humanity with the Higher Worlds; one must value these threads without which one can sink into chaos. In the West, religion signifies the link with God, with the Highest Principle; this means that every tie must be cherished, and the most important intercourse will be through the fiery thought process. Therefore, one must free oneself from the fear that thought can cause fatigue. But if you notice fatigue during the process of thinking, seek other causes; usually they are nearby. Perhaps the cause is not in you. Perhaps poisoned air has entered through the window or the firewood is not pure. Petty causes often produce grave consequences, and it is especially deplorable that a light-bearing thought should be regarded as the source of fatigue. Thought is health, renewal, interchange of substance - thus let us understand the salutary quality of thought.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 47:
47. The application of psychic energy was differently pointed out in various Schools. Some proposed to strain the energy continuously, while others preferred to interrupt this current by repressing the energy into inaction. The two methods in their essence do not differ from each other, if the consciousness is developed. In an exalted state the energy receives continuous impulses, and when it seems to be inactive it is merely submerged into the depth of consciousness. Such seeming contrasts are manifested during inner concentration. Some believe that the uttering of certain words is essential, others directly transmit this mental action into the rhythm of the heart. The two ways are equally useful if the spirit is already elevated. During the elevation of the spirit one must maintain an even warmth of the heart. One must avoid shocks as unnecessary and harmful. One may become convinced that the heart can be in constant service to Hierarchy. With it the heart does not lose its responsiveness to all everyday questions. Such combination of contrasts does not alter the rhythm of the heart. I draw attention to the most everyday conditions because the Leader must deal with every mediator of life.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 178:
178. Some may wonder why the signs from the Subtle World are so strange and why they require pondering and interpretation. The reason for this is the law of Karma. Precisely reflection and explication stimulate self-activity, and, thus, they lighten and even do not produce Karma. Consequently, the stronger the attentiveness and resourcefulness, the more easily interpreted are the given signs. The Lofty Beings do wish to give hints toward a great many things, but the mental distraction of people prevents these precious Counsels from reaching them. Not only in sendings from the Subtle World but also in earthly existence, parables have been adopted, as a means of indirect indication. But history sets forth many instances of non-acceptance of the most urgent counsels. Not without reason was attentiveness so developed in antiquity; it even constituted a study in itself. But nowadays not many understand the significance of vigilance; for others guidance is required in the sharpest, and repeated, instructions, which cannot but have an effect on Karma. But only the fiery heart will comprehend the hidden meaning of subtle signs. Let the co-workers grasp the fact that each sign has its destination. So many Lofty Beings send supplications and hope that they will be understood. There have been whole epochs when the subtle understanding was strengthened and sharpened, but later a bloody mist condensed anew, and the refined perceptions became coarse. Just now many attempts from the best Strata of the Subtle World are being rendered futile by the dark forces.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 256:
256. Prayers often contain the supplications, "Look Thou upon me" or "Turn Thy gaze to me." In such words there is expressed great knowledge of the significance of the look. Precisely a look can change even the composition of the aura. Not only thought, but the very chemism of a glance has a fiery consequence. Those who know this ask the Higher Forces to look upon them, because in this magnetic chemism there is contained all-encompassing benevolence. Let us not forget that each look of a man has correspondingly the same significance; the more saturated with thought, the more powerful the glance. This is not direct suggestion, it is better to call it a saturation of space, for such chemism is disseminated far more extensively than may be supposed. The significance of the gaze can be shown when radiations will be photographed. One will be able to observe then the influence of senseless glances and of mental sendings. It is a joy to see how comforting looks can make the aura healthful. And the steady continuation of such a reaction can bring an enormous amelioration of all existence. Let us not forget that the presence of certain persons brings a considerable improvement in the aura of an entire assembly. They may be called Beacons of Salvation. Even when they are not directing energy their Od nevertheless penetrates the whole surroundings. Such natural agents of good health must be highly valued.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 339:
339. Each good thought is a powerful lever, for the receiver as well as for the sender. People prefer sendings about earthly objects, but they do not realize that earthly sendings can lead both to Light and to darkness. The effects of earthly sendings depend upon the level of consciousness of the recipient. But spiritual sendings cannot lead into error. They have no path to darkness, but through understanding they can have a favorable influence on earthly circumstances. The Teaching especially pauses on mental sendings. As fiery actions they also have a great significance for the equilibrium of spatial fire. The Teaching must forewarn that disorderly thinking cannot bring benefit for the surroundings. But we must take into consideration that the energy should be useful not only narrowly in one direction, but also for the whole spatial dimension. Let us not forget that Fire, as an omnipresent element, transmits vibrations instantaneously. And no one can arrest the spreading of these subtlest energies. So many times one has to reiterate about cautiousness with energies. Let us not judge as do people who are unwilling to think on a level higher than the earth's crust. When we are striving toward the Fiery World, we must recognize the symptoms of such a condition.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 418:
418. Achievement and testing have a deep scientific significance. The fiery element requires pressure; it scintillates during tension, and therefore labor is a fiery action. Indeed, achievement, as the crown of labor, is the most radiant tension of fire. Let us apprehend labor in all its significance, as both mental and physical. Knowing how to respect the degree of each labor indicates a containment which is suitable for the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 95:
95. At the threshold of passage into the Subtle World there occurs a separation of the mental body from the physical. The development of fiery receptivity assists the flight into the Higher Spheres. The separation of the mental body can be clearly realized by the spirit which senses the breaking away from the Earth and aspires into the Higher Spheres; thus takes place a unification of the two Worlds, which liberates the spirit from the physical body. The question of death greatly preoccupies humanity. Precisely it is the transition which frightens people so much. It may be pointed out how wonderfully the spirit which has understood the transitory existence on Earth is impelled into the Subtle World. One should consciously prepare the spirit for the breaking away from Earth. In this manner the affirmed threshold is disclosed to the one newly arrived, in all the Fiery Grandeur. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World one should accustom oneself to the breaking away from Earth.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 297:
297. The bond between the physical and astral centers is saturated by intensified transmutation during life. Functions on both planes manifest unity, the distinction being merely in that independent activity which is manifested by the centers on each plane. The transmuted centers intensify the centers of the subtle body. But at the same time, while the centers are laboring in fiery tension on the earthly plane, the astral centers have an opportunity to propel the subtle body into the Fiery World. A sensation of pains is manifested on the astral plane and on the mental, but only at the beginning of the ascent. After that, each center, while preserving its connection with the physical body, can function by being intensified in other spheres. There follows a separation of the bodies, freeing the subtle body from pains. The physical pains then correspond to the creative tension of the astral centers. Thus do the Worlds act in mutual intensification. On the path to the Fiery World let us be affirmed in fiery transmutation.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 369:
369. Indeed, the abyss of incomprehension is the path by which humanity is now proceeding, Verily, contemporary thinking is the proscriber of psychic investigations. Yet, so much farther and deeper is it possible to go by knowing the division and the connection between the three bodies. Because, if the physical body is already formed, the astral body has been almost formed, and the most subtle, mental, body has been formed only by the chosen ones. But those who have been initiated into higher fiery energies, and who know the fiery transmutation of the centers, can affirm fiery manifestations. All other manifestations must be divided into two categories. The first, when the spirit cannot pass over the abyss because the mental body has not yet been sufficiently formed, so that the spirit cannot appear beyond the limits of the lower strata; the other category, when one center is manifested partially. It must also be remembered that the Fiery World is inaccessible to a spirit so long as the higher centers have not begun to be transmuted. But above all stands the spirit which kindles its own spiritual Fires, for its mental body creates correspondingly. On the path to the Fiery World one must sensitively discriminate in psychic manifestations.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 451:
451. One should not be enslaved by statistics; one can fall into error. It was not so long ago that the mental level was calculated according to the dimensions of the skull. Thus psychic energy has been largely forgotten.

AUM (1936) - 62:
62. If someone maintains within himself a dull negation without any mental construction, such poverty of thought must be looked upon as madness. How many times have you yourselves encountered such madmen! They arouse nothing but pity. As a small shopkeeper calculates the amount of his profit but ridicules higher mathematics, so does the ignoramus make out of a thorn from the crown of great achievement a toothpick for himself.

AUM (1936) - 91:
91. It should not be considered that true science cannot be mentioned in connection with prayer about the Highest Good. Each realization can be very close to the Higher World, yet each one can apply his own observation, and at opposite ends of the world mental currents may be received which by their intersection can create a vortex of new possibilities. Surely, the Higher World is the most beautiful possibility.

AUM (1936) - 146:
146. The light of the Subtle World has no relationship to the earthly understanding of solar light. In the lower strata, darkened consciousnesses create obscurity, but the higher the consciousness and thought, the more luminous is the miraculous radiance. Indeed, the dwellers of the Subtle World see both earth and the luminaries, but the earthly lights are transmuted by their consciousnesses differently. Likewise with the thoughts of the Subtle World; though they are based on the same energy, their process is original. The law of equilibrium normalizes mental excesses.

AUM (1936) - 160:
160. Sometimes you are absent, as it were, from current life. Sometimes you can hear the sounding of the distant worlds. Sometimes you can sense the air and the aroma of remote localities; you affirm immeasurable manifestations amid daily life. Indeed, you do not deceive yourself in sensing these fleeting contacts, which demonstrate how powerful the human being is. One cannot force oneself to sense such calls of Space, they reach only open hearts. Wiseacres attempt to show that such sensations are only autosuggestions, but for each autosuggestion a mental command must be sent in advance. However, you know perfectly well that such straight-knowledge arrives unexpectedly, beyond human imagination. You are transported into remote countries - manifestations of the spirit are swift as light. Thus it is possible to begin to realize the speed of movement in the Subtle World.

AUM (1936) - 250:
250. You have already observed how, through a certain straining of sight, it is possible to see faces of former incarnations. One may clearly perceive how a face of the present is reconstructed into an image of a past age. Vibrations and crystal formations indicate the presence of a definite energy. There can be no question of autosuggestion, for neither of the persons participating in the experiment know into what the formations are molded. Often the reconstruction begins, not in alteration of the facial lines, but in some details of headdress or clothing. The very character of the face changes quite imperceptibly, and in the most unexpected features. It may be noted that faces rarely hold to their present type. During all such unexpected metamorphoses, all premeditation is precluded. A very painful tension of the eyes indicates that the process is not a mental one, but that psychic energy is acting through the optic centers. Frequent experiences of this nature can injure the sight, yet the presence of such physical clairvoyance is exceedingly important. There can be clairvoyance under suggestion, but then the psychic energy is acting through the brain, and it is always possible to suspect suggestion on the part of the hypnotist himself. It is far more convincing when psychic energy acts directly. The same directness is expressed also in actions with the pendulum of life. Autosuggestion is not similarly precluded. An honest investigator does not know the results to be received. He is often more astonished than the others present. In both the first and the second case, onlookers are altogether undesirable. There should be nothing in the vicinity which can influence the psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 272:
272. It is vain for some one to affirm that the invisible world does not exist, such a falsehood is equivalent to denying the existence of thought. Thought also is invisible, but only ignorance denies the mental process. Accordingly, it would be possible to begin the rejection of all energies, for they too are invisible. Besides, is the unseen world invisible for all? Let the deniers not judge by themselves. Judging by oneself creates a hotbed of egoism.

AUM (1936) - 275:
275. It is right that you turn your attention to the blows repelled by the aura. Only a few realize such mental assaults. People usually attribute such manifestations to accidental physical causes, but the developed consciousness, even during sleep, will determine the true cause. The consciousness is a faithful shield. The aura and the consciousness form a protective armor.

AUM (1936) - 360:
360. Observe what kind of manifestations are most difficult for people to accept. Among such lawful manifestations, which are especially difficult to perceive, is the timeless speed of thought transmission. Even observations upon the speed of transmission of radio waves do not convince people. They cannot accept the fact that thought does not require time. No one is willing to understand that a mental question can instantly receive a response.

AUM (1936) - 395:
395. One should study mental transmission upon the current of psychic energy. One may not perceive the sending in a verbal expression, but it may be reflected in the rhythm of psychic energy. This is not an interruption, as with a change of currents; nevertheless, the glyph of psychic energy is altered by it; perhaps an ellipse is evident instead of a circle, or the circle itself changes diameter, or oscillations may be evinced - thus one may observe the impacts of thought, if the thought be strong enough. The ancient observers had a name for this, such as "the touch of wings," because thought has always been represented as winged.

AUM (1936) - 404:
Complete abstinence from thought and preconception is already a great mental discipline.

AUM (1936) - 468:
Likewise, they fail to take into consideration that during a prolonged thought a great number of mental sendings of varying degrees are in operation. Amid such prolonged thinking the focal point of the sending is lost. The manifestation of instantaneousness must teach that a short impact of thought will conform to the essential nature of the psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 577:
577. The examiner of psychic energy finds himself in a situation completely different from that of most investigators. The latter can allot a definite time to their studies, whereasthe investigator of psychic energy must devote all his time to observation. He never knows when a noteworthy manifestation is taking place. He cannot leave unattended the mental currents, which may start up at any moment. He must know how to awaken in full consciousness. He must pay attention to the auras of people and objects. He must possess patience and good will. He must not complain and yield to a state of depression. Thus, many qualities such as imagination and straight-knowledge are indispensable for the observer.

AUM (1936) - 588:
I consider that just now it is necessary to remind one about heart striving. Thus, the ancient anchorites, during mental invocations, projected in imagination a straight endless pathway, along which their thought had to strive. There exist many images that assist concentration. But no one suggests that thought should wander in a labyrinth.

AUM (1936) - 591:
591. Descending into a deep cavern, one prefers to have a bright and even-burning lamp, rather than a smoky sputtering torch. It is the same with the quality of psychic energy. The sparks of a smoky flare do not improve a situation. But how to attain an even light? Only by constant meditation about the basic energy. Like a wordless mental process, in the rhythm of the heart the inextinguishable Light is strengthened.

Brotherhood (1937) - 83:
83. People talk much about thought-forms, but not all thoughts can be clothed in a form. There can be mental dust, which not only has been deprived of formation but which is intermingling with other similar dust clouds;. One may begin to sneeze from such rubbish.

Brotherhood (1937) - 139:
139. Let us compare the quantity of mental achievements with those accomplished in earthly action. It is surprising to compare the number of mental solutions with the small quantity of manifested actions. Indeed, each thought directed toward good represents an unquestionable value. However it is instructive to trace how difficult the transmission of thought into earthly action has been made. One may truly be amazed as to why thoughts have been so far removed from action!

Brotherhood (1937) - 144:
Discourses about causes and effects should be introduced in the schools. Let the teacher propose a cause and the pupils think out the effects. In such conversations there will be displayed also the qualities of the students. It is possible to imagine many effects from one cause. Only a broadened consciousness will apprehend what effects will correspond to all the attendant circumstances. One should not be consoled by the fact that even a simple farmer can calculate a harvest. The manifestation of cosmic currents and of mental conflicts is far more complicated. From childhood on, let youth be accustomed to complicated effects and to dependence upon spatial thoughts. It should not be supposed that children need to have safeguards erected against their thinking.

Brotherhood (1937) - 169:
169. Is it possible to understand how much the mental sendings are being intercepted? It is difficult to imagine into what lateral canals energy can be directed. There may be accidental receivers, but evil entities may also draw near. Such interceptors may receive partial thoughts, and one may imagine the resulting frightful confusion of the networks. One should be armed for many eventualities.

Brotherhood (1937) - 179:
179. Even for the earthly ear, it is necessary to listen in order to detect sounds. For the inner hearing more concentration is needed in order that the waves of space be heard. Let it not be thought that mental sendings can reach the destination without acceptance of them. Subtle sense also requires deep perceptions. To those who overconfidently assume that all beautiful birds come flying to them without expecting grain, let us say that each one must sow so that he may reap.

Brotherhood (1937) - 248:
248. People are astonished at the quantity of crimes, but they forget about the incomparably larger number of evil deeds that are never detected. One may be horrified by the countless mental crimes which have not been legislated against, and yet they are destroying the lives of people and the life of the whole planet. One should reflect sometimes how much the fertility of the planet is diminishing, in spite of all the artificial measures taken at times by governments. It is possible to plant a grove of trees and, at the same time, poison and destroy entire forests. People marvel at the remains of primeval forest giants, but they do not ponder whether such giants can grow up nowadays. People strip away the virgin covering of the planet and then are astounded at the spread of sandy wastes. Upon recounting all the species on the planet one may be surprised at how little they are improved. Let us not consider certain peculiar cross-breedings that, like dropsy, can swell the size of certain vegetables. Such experiments have no influence on the general condition of the planet.

Brotherhood (1937) - 301:
301. In view of the expanding growth of the domains of labor, quality has become especially essential. Cooperation of different fields requires an identical lofty quality - this refers both to mental and to physical work. In the province of mental labor a divergence of strivings is noticeable. Opinions may be diverse, but their quality ought not to be ugly. There can be great knowledge and small knowledge, but both can fraternally follow along in perceptive striving. This will not be murdering knowledge. Indeed, such killing is equivalent to taking away life. So many embryos of attainments can be strangled by killers of knowledge.

Brotherhood (1937) - 302:
302. Again let us delve into the concept of mood. During transmission at a distance there is frequently noticed some impeding circumstance, which colors the thoughts and gives them another meaning. The human frame of mind tints all of life in unexpected colors. Our moods are called tacit thoughts. They are not put into words, but they can have an influence upon mental energy. It can be easily shown that both the sender and the receiver are in opposing moods, consequently the transmission of thoughts is not precise. From this it should not be concluded that thought transmission cannot be accomplished; for it can be truly precise when concomitant conditions have been provided against. Mood will be the most manifest of such conditions, but its regulation is entirely possible. Organisms fraternally attuned will resound without superimposed stratifications.

Brotherhood (1937) - 313:
313. There could have been noticed extraordinary spatial currents of such tension that they overpowered mental sendings. This manifestation is rare, and the more should it be noted. Raging spatial currents do not continue for long, therefore it is very instructive to observe them. They cannot be prolonged, or they would produce a catastrophe. Equilibrium in itself can resist them, yet each moment is dangerous. We call this the abyss of vortices.

Brotherhood (1937) - 323:
323. Kriyasakti in all its inexhaustibleness has been known to people from time immemorial. I use the Hindu word to show how long ago people defined this energy with complete precision. Is it possible that present day thinkers will lag behind their forefathers? Right now thought-creativeness is found to be under such doubt that it is included in the humanities, whereas according to contemporary terminology, mental energy ought rather to be a part of the physical sciences. Thus, let those who assail thought-energy find themselves in the camp of the ignorant. Do not think that I am saying anything new; unfortunately, there are too few worthy cognizant ones, and as a result the most natural subjects are left in association with some sort of sorcery. Therefore it is indispensable to dispel superstition and ignorance.

Brotherhood (1937) - 334:
334. It is possible to carry out many observations of radiations. It can be proven that over and above the radiations that are accessible even to photography, there exist still more subtle light waves that can be detected by a more refined apparatus. The effect of the waves spreads over great distances. Moreover, the possibility is explained of tearing away portions of the basic aura within the limits of subtle waves. Though it is rare, yet forceful people can see portions of their own auras. Such manifestations are rare because usually a man does not see his own radiation. It may be pointed out that such sendings of radiation are linked with thought-sendings. Thought, in passing through the aura, carries with it a portion thereof. Particles of the aura can be left on the interconnecting thread. Whoever sends many thoughts tears away a great number of particles from his aura. Therefore such mental labor is truly an achievement. Self-abnegation is also contained in that the pierced portions of the aura are easily subjected to the influence of opposed currents. But the restoration of the tissue requires both time and the expenditure of energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 336:
336. Sometimes one may feel, as it were, vibratory contacts on the skin in various parts of the body, but most of all in the region of the spine; it should be understood that this manifestation is also connected with thought transmission, especially when thought of great tension is under way. Such sensations do not usually draw attention to themselves, but nowadays when thought-energy is under discussion, the physical sensations connected with it ought to be observed especially. A thought that is sent is not always transformed into verbal forms by the recipients, but nonetheless it is imbedded in the mental apparatus and reacts upon the mode of thinking. Such an understanding of thought reception should be noted. Up to this time only thought translated into words has been taken into consideration, but the deepest reaction, outside of words, has remained without attention.

Brotherhood (1937) - 337:
337. In this regard antiquity provides indicative examples. People understood long ago that thought needs not words of a definite language. Mental energy strikes upon the brain apparatus and evokes a sounding understood by the consciousness. Whether such a sounding be composed of words or lies deeper in the consciousness is merely a detail. Through the method of thinking the chief understanding is precipitated.

Brotherhood (1937) - 341:
341. Thought is the law of the world. This law must be understood in all its fullness. Thought is not only verbal expression, the domain of thought is also the domain of mental energy. Precisely this circumstance is lost sight of, and only a small range is allotted for the diffusion of thought. Such limitation prevents from representing thought as beyond the limits of the planet, in other words, it deprives thought of its noble meaning. Thought, just as does thought-energy, actually assumes due significance when it is understood as existing beyond the limits of Earth. It is impossible to limit thought to the earthly sphere, otherwise radio waves could compete with this greatest of energies. Constricting the greatest energy also aids the belittlement of human thinking. Verily, the more man constrains his possibilities, the more does he cut himself off from great cooperation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 360:
360. Transition from the subtle state into the mental calls to mind the change of the earthly body to the subtle one. Not often is it possible to observe the change of the subtle body to the mental. It is especially characteristic that the liberated one wonders what to do with the subtle body. It is not quickly dispersed, and therefore the astonishment at how and what awaits it is understandable. There can be manifestations of this envelope, there can be seizures of it; only the presence of a strong spirit can assist in dissipating the shell without wanderings. Such roaming envelopes are not at all necessary. Vacillations of the consciousness and attachment to the carnate state create these attractions to the earthly sphere. But if a strong spirit can exhort the liberated one and quiet the shell being left behind, then the transition can be a natural one. Thus it has been in a cited case.

Brotherhood (1937) - 372:
372. People inquire if the envelopes left behind by the mental body can be seen? Not only can they be seen but they will be especially attracted to the earthly sphere. The subtle body is drawn to the earthly sphere if the mental body does not attract it to a higher sphere. It is entirely conceivable that a shell left behind by the mental body will be attracted to the earthly sphere. Such phantoms can be especially terrifying to certain people, because in them the rational principle will be absent. And for the shells themselves such wanderings are not useful; drawing near to the carnate stratum reinforces them and prevents their natural dissolution. But all such manifestations respond only to the lower and middle strata of the Subtle World. A lofty condition furthers the speediest decomposition of the abandoned vehicles. Thus when lofty consciousnesses help the one who is passing over, the envelope is immediately consumed. It is exactly the same as in cremation. The complete analogy should not be surprising.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 13:
People find it difficult to become accustomed to the idea of a mental interchange of thought. But among Us such a state is absolutely natural, and serves to simplify Our relations. One thought can often replace an entire exchange of words. Even in daily life, those who have lived together for a long time understand the thoughts of their companions. Certain exercises can, without apparatuses, enable one to understand the thoughts of co-workers. We speak only about what We apply in Our lives.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 18:
18. Urusvati, in her subtle body, continuously participates in Our help to humanity. Through their flights in the subtle body Our co-workers render so much help to people that no records are sufficient to contain it. It should be remembered that We rarely appear at so-called spiritualistic seances, and We consider such gatherings harmful because of the discordant auras of those who attend. Hardly any circle is ever assembled with due consideration of the auras of the participants. One can imagine what kind of entities project and materialize in response to the discordant mental states at these gatherings, and attention has already been directed to the stupidity of answers received in response to questions put by these equally stupid circles!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 62:
The same thing happens with all mental construction, and in the end one must destroy all those ugly heaps. We do not idly advise you to concentrate, to develop thought in life, and to understand the feeling of harmony, so that each spiritual accumulation will prove useful in the Subtle World. We like simple and comfortable garments that do not impede Our work. It would be better if everyone could find a comfortable garment that will be useful in the Subtle World, and it is very sad when unseemly earthly garments are worn. Of course, the Guide will explain their ugliness and lack of comfort, but some people are so dull that they do not understand this advice. They wish to communicate with each other only through words and cannot grasp communication by thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 105:
People dislike the idea that their overblown earthly concepts are colorless compared with the mental creativeness of the higher realms. This earthly egoism makes cooperation impossible. Yet, without cooperation, how can one hope to learn about the higher spheres? It is essential to recognize the higher realms, and to begin thinking about them, so as to revive the memory of the entrusted grains of Goodness. One should recall that in the early dawn of mankind it was ordained that subtle and beautiful ideas be brought to Earth. Indeed, everyone who is ready to incarnate is instructed to fulfill a task for the Common Good according to his individual capacity. Each one may reject these instructions in the whirlpool of free will, but someday will have to return to pick up the scattered grains.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 106:
During unfavorable currents mental messages can be colored by unexpected influences. We are sending Our Discourse at this time under such burdensome conditions. In ancient times it was well known that difficult cosmic periods could be long-lasting, but today, despite the phenomenal progress of science, such cosmic conditions are not taken into consideration. There are still arguments about the effect of sunspots and embarrassed hints about the possible influence of the moon, which is thought to be associated with sorcery. Few scientists have the courage to speak about the moon as it relates to earthly conditions, and they allude timidly to the forgotten Teachings of the East, where the significance of the moon was well-known.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 106:
However, the unusualness of the events does not impress humanity, whose mental confusion was also predicted ages ago. The onset of this important period intensifies the general rhythm of Our Abode.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 107:
Medical authorities believe that infection is transmitted only physically, and they ignore the main cause of infection. The science of thought should be studied in its many aspects. For example, just as radio waves interfere with one another, mental messages can cause a similar confusion. Many such facts still go unrecognized.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 127:
127. Urusvati remembers how, when she met Us for the first time, passers-by seemed to disappear as if they had been dispersed. It would be correct to assume that this was the result of Our mental command, but these are times of such unprecedented tension that no such message can be given. In comparing these times we can see the influence of Armageddon.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 134:
134. Urusvati knows about teraphim. Some may wonder if the idea of teraphim does not contradict the idea of power of thought. If thought is the strongest manifestation, why then would an object be needed to serve as a focus for concentrating it? It is true that teraphim are not needed for a powerful mental message, but they can be used to economize mental power. Each kind of energy must be used intelligently. The object that serves to accumulate energy also serves to multiply it. Such objects preserve the precipitations of energy, which can be gradually intensified. From ancient times teraphim have been regarded as sacred, but today this concept has become a scientific one.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 143:
143. Urusvati knows that psychic energy is subject to many physical influences. We have already mentioned that the currents of space affect the entire human organism, but in fact any physical manifestation of energy can heighten the tension of the centers. For instance, strong electrical energy can be most helpful in the transmission of thought at a distance. This is most evident in America, where electrification is presently more widespread, but people there are not usually aware of how this energy assists their experiments. In advanced stages of development psychic energy is not affected by outer influences, but beginners are greatly affected by them. Every intensification of energy further increases one's powers. One scientist declared that he could think with the greatest concentration in front of a blazing fireplace, and another discovered that he was influenced by the sound of boiling water. A third found that thunderstorms increased his mental faculties. Many examples illustrate that even the most ordinary concentration of such natural energies aids the power of thought. One must learn to observe what it is that particularly increases or decreases the thought energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 154:
If one could see how the Great Teacher related to animals and birds, one would be convinced of the living bond between the kingdoms. He could call a bird to alight on His arm and then send it in a particular direction, or calm an animal simply by a mental suggestion of calmness. The old legends tell us that sick animals would come to Him to be healed, and many true examples could be cited.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 170:
Many of His Teachings were profound, but His listeners could accept them only according to the level of their thinking. The task of the Teacher is the same in all centuries. He must continually deal with the same questions without hurting the feelings of those who ask by telling them that their questions have already been answered in ages past. If one could imagine the mental level of those who questioned Him, one would be amazed at the inexhaustible patience of the Teacher!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 184:
One can imagine the intensity of the messages of the Thinker. Besides the usual conditions, these messages are endangered by the possibility of theft, and attract numerous entities, who do not understand the meaning of the message, but try to feed upon particles of mental energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 204:
People do not understand that each of their light-minded deeds is observed by invisible entities, and that thought should be cultivated under the most favorable mental conditions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 204:
Fools assume that thought can be strengthened by the use of narcotics, but the mental spasms that result do not contribute to evolution. Even the emanations of drugs attract dangerous entities, which pick up fragments of thought and weave harmful tissue out of them. Everyone can remember how their useful thoughts were sometimes distorted. Look for the cause in your surroundings, and you will surely find it.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 208:
The seeming instantaneousness of many visions can be explained by the laws of the Subtle World, where physical time does not exist. The brevity of the visions is only illusory, for man's perceptions are limited by the physical plane, and for him the subtle images come and go quickly. But in the conditions of the Subtle World we enter into the mental spheres, and the events appear to unfold naturally. Thus one can increase his experience in the Subtle World and learn to understand the earthly illusion of instantaneousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 223:
It can be observed that a man who speaks with feeling can overcome natural impediments, but the moment inspiration is gone, his defects return. In the same way, one's mental ardor can become continuous, and like wings will carry one to the Guide. We can work best where there is flame, and therefore warn against fear, depression, and despair, which, like damp coals, cannot produce the needed fire. This comparison came from the Thinker, who possessed a remarkable gift for dispelling depression. The Brotherhood needs such abilities, for both the physical and Subtle Worlds. What We say now has an intimate connection with the life of the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 226:
Through control of thought one can easily realize the conditions in the higher spheres of the Subtle World and overcome time. Intensified thought is the best purifier of the human organism. If you encounter scientists who are in bad health, you would be right to conclude that their thinking is confused, and that their ability to think in the abstract is not equal to other sides of their life. If they could achieve a strong mental life, they would not only enjoy excellent health, but could also overcome the sense of time.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 230:
Thus, life itself gives us examples of the diversity of influences and reactions. Little attention is paid to the role of receptivity in the process of mental suggestion. A short word may have great effect, whereas a torrent of speech may leave no impression.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 268:
Do not imagine that the Teacher remains isolated. Every one of you can sense mental messages, but the Teacher feels them more strongly. We call these perceptions supermundane, yet they include all earthly feelings. We do not separate Existence by conventional divisions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 285:
Indeed, such mental confusion fully corresponds with the end of Kali Yuga, but it was said that if the confusion reaches its climax, the only way to correct the situation will be through fiery purification. The examples from the past are eloquent. People have already begun to speak about Armageddon. A few years ago they would not have thought about the closeness of decisive events, but the Teachings are serving their purpose, and even the skeptics are now aware of the terrors of Armageddon. Thus, the information spreads in its own way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 292:
The Thinker never tired of reminding His disciples about the importance of paying attention to every step and to every mental transmission. He said, "It is not for us to judge what is important and what is unimportant. Therefore, let us be vigilant!"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 294:
Most people do not have the slightest idea of this, and those who do quickly forget. It is not an easy task to dissolve these dark stratifications. As you know, every substance emits and even harbors its own germs. People easily accept the idea that certain objects can be infectious and even poisonous, but refuse to understand that it is their own thoughts that permeate the objects. Indeed, people have a low opinion of the potency of their own thoughts! Likewise, few realize that by surrounding themselves with poisonous objects they put barriers between themselves and the Higher Realms. We suffocate in a polluted atmosphere. It would be wonderful if medical authorities would apply to the mental realm the same improvements they make to sanitary conditions!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304:
Communication in the Subtle World is mental, and there is no need for different languages. It is wonderful to be able to think in one's own language and at the same time be understood by those from other countries. There is no need to impress thoughts on others; on the contrary, the more natural the flow of thoughts, the more easily they are understood. Such communication is supermundane, but it must be realized here upon Earth so that the adjustment to the Subtle World will be less difficult.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 318:
When a person says that he will think about something, he has already thought about it. The fiery decision already exists within him and when he says that he will think, he refers to the act of intellectual deliberation. It is instructive to observe the duel that takes place between mental and fiery decisions. The intellect can often distort a fiery decision, but the fiery seed itself remains intact. It secretes itself in the depths of the consciousness and reappears often. It is lamentable that man stubbornly refuses to accept the various states of consciousness that exist within him. This very awareness would help him to treat the process of thinking with caution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 337:
We do not criticize those who attempt to unify and intensify their thinking, for in their own way they act worthily. But how much more intense would be their transmissions if each of them learned to love communion with Us! Everyone should dedicate at least a little time to mental unification with Us, but only love can be the bridge.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 351:
We can provide an example of information that was prematurely interrupted. Once, We sent a mental message about the sad condition of a certain Western country, but as soon as the first word, "space," was sent, unwanted listeners were discovered and the communication had to be interrupted. In order to fulfill Our intention We used a code word, which was sent at night. We continued with our communication the following night, not naming the country, because Urusvati could then understand the meaning of Our message.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 365:
It is possible to observe a complete materialization or a transfer of objects; rarely however can one witness a manifestation of the earthly voice, for it is far more difficult. True, mental communication is possible, but unfortunately people do not yet know how to use it. So much would be achieved if people could sense the subtle conditions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 367:
367. Urusvati knows how physical and psychic phenomena are intimately linked. For example, because of extreme physical exertion a person may see sparks of light that are similar to psychic phenomena. Therefore We advise calm and concentration of the mind in order to prevent sudden physical shocks. Thought should be directed to Us, but in a state of mental equilibrium. We even advise a partial realization of the Infinite, for nothing contributes so much to one's balance as the sense of Infinity. There are many different methods of acquiring calm, but awareness of the Infinite is the most effective.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 374:
In Our mental Messages We sometimes use just one word. Such a hint is filled with meaning, yet not all who receive such hints pay attention to them. One must acquire experience in concentration in order to become vigilant, especially since the cause and effect are often separated by a lengthy period of time.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 378:
One should not think that crime may be excused because of mental imbalance. We should search more deeply and look for causes rooted in the past. Such a study will clarify the concept of karma. The wise do not fear this law. Generally, humanity can be divided into two groups, those who fear the consequences of karma and those who accept them calmly. Avoid those who fear, for they almost certainly sense the approach of karmic retribution. They may not yet know anything about its effects, but in the depths of the Chalice the long-forgotten viper is rising to the surface.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 388:
388. Urusvati knows that there is a ceaseless struggle between the various strata of matter. The statement, "Light overcomes darkness," has become a truism. Undoubtedly light does overcome darkness, though the complete dispersion of chaos and darkness is a very slow process. There are many gradations between light and darkness. This should be understood where both physical and all mental processes are concerned.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 389:
People assume that in the Subtle World one can always remain in the sphere that accords with one's spiritual affinity, but this possibility is conditional. In truth, everyone is attracted to a certain sphere, but this does not prevent the sending of thoughts into other spheres. These mental bridges can serve as media for new contacts as long as repulsion is not operating. And if the directed thought is clear and kind even this obstacle can be surmounted.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 398:
398. Urusvati knows that in addition to verbal intercourse and instruction there are mental communications of equally deep meaning. Such transmissions of thought require at least as much concentration as is needed for verbal exchange with Us.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 398:
Much has been said about contemplation and concentration in the transmission of verbal messages. But now We speak about an act of mental transmission that is like a lightning bolt, so intense that it is beyond describing in words, when only the most penetrating straight-knowledge is acting. Such straight-knowledge derives its power from the accumulation of consciousness. No time is needed for such communications. They are at the threshold of ecstasy, and an active love is expressed in them. One can understand that words are inappropriate when the essence of thought is aflame. But one must be trained to master these lightning flashes of thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 410:
We take care to speak simply, and when it becomes impossible to convey the more complicated feelings in words, a silent, mental message will be of help.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 424:
The slightest doubt will also decrease one's nervous stamina. Those who doubt cannot sit upon water or walk through fire. It is instructive to observe how the smallest doubt can destroy. This may be so fleeting that one does not notice it, yet it succeeds in disturbing the circulation of the blood. One cannot hope to arrest one's pulse when the attention is divided, but it is not easy to free oneself from divided thought. Frequently thoughts carry along their "mirror images" which weaken the action of the basic thought. These unwelcome companions are the result of insufficient mental clarity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 445:
445. Urusvati knows about the limitlessness of all mental processes, of which the free will is one. By means of the free will people can oppose even cosmic forces. Be not surprised if I tell you that even cosmic laws can be shaken by the efforts of free will, which is why there are so many karmic misfortunes. Instead of following the cosmic way, people provoke great upheavals, and by the insistency of their free will affect the harmony of Cosmos. It not only affects Cosmos, but reverberates increasingly, gaining strength throughout the spheres.


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