Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 106: The curtain is swept aside, and the unknown is made known. The mind comprehends not the ways of the heart, but the heart knows. I speak not of the things of today. The spirit is filled with foreboding of coming events - the currents vibrate. And the happenings of the Universe are interbound with men's lives, and the resounding of Its strings is intricate. The Creator's Manifestations should not put to flight the warriors but should wing them on. Forge your arrows, I send you love. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 497: 497. What monstrous thoughts are speeding through space! What engenderments are obscuring the Voice of Light! Humanity does not ponder upon the thought forms which man himself has to redeem. Space is impregnated by men's thoughts, and everything is being correspondingly attracted. Consequently, the engenderments of thought spin the Karma of humanity, and the quality of action is in conformity with the striving. Thus, humanity must strive limitlessly to redeem itself. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 515: 515. Nations hope to make up for the lack of Agni by crude violence; but no force, crude and low, can kindle the Fire of Light. One can observe an unprecedented obduracy coincident with the decline of Agni in the hearts of men. Is it not apparent that no forces will assist one in finding psychic energy? Moreover, all violence personal as well as national, retards men's discovery of psychic energy. This means that instead of urgent cooperation for discovering Agni, people employ force for the destruction of the planet. This is deplorable and unworthy!