Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.1: 2.6.1. It may now be told why it was decided to renounce the miracles. The way of miracles is most remote from harmony. Either the miracle is lost, and then it is simply harmful; or it jerks a man up to a degree which cannot be maintained under surrounding conditions; or it happens to be seen by envious ones, whereupon it begets evil. Agni Yoga (1929) - 143: 143. We know of entire empires that were built successfully because flexibility was maintained in their planning. For example, those who besieged a stronghold retreated temporarily for reinforcement. And afterward their multitudes became an intimidating army, the very sight of which terrified the seemingly unassailable stronghold. By an irrational, single-minded application of energy, their entire army would have been destroyed, but the introduction of a new current of action provided new power. Agni Yoga (1929) - 206: 206. You have received the signs of Yoga on the heights. You saw for yourself that neither the cold nor the altitude injured your health. How then can one who has not conquered the cold endure the supreme tremor? How can one contemplate the far-off worlds when fearing even the heights on Earth? How can one think himself a freed spirit if any passing sensation of hunger is not conquered? An overfull stomach is a sign of the cessation of ascent, though a right measure of involvement in earthly life must be maintained. Agni Yoga (1929) - 332: Work is felt as a burden only when the forces are distributed incorrectly; but when co-measurement of a direction and its execution is maintained, then even a complicated task will not be beyond one's capabilities. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 91: 91. I affirm that humanity's irrationality is inducing it to amass antagonism which will overtake it like an explosion. You correctly discerned the approaching ominous page. A great reorganization is coming! The scales are now being tipped. In Cosmos there is a most gigantic equilibrium. The power of the equilibrium is maintained through a harmonized psycho-life. The more errors on the one hand, the more enlightenment on the other. And the striving of the awakened spirits increases in proportion with the decline of the general trend of thought. Great is the law of Equilibrium! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 214: 214. In the fusion of elements, so-called, which are in correlation with the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet, it is important that the condition be maintained of as precise identicalness or of a harmonized combination. In the assembling of the new race, the same principle holds primary significance. When the foundation of a race is laid, the assembling is established upon the best principles. The Cosmic Magnet impels the seed, and around it there is developed a powerful monad. Each seed has its cycle, which develops along a general principle. When the dominant element is fiery, the principle of the new race will be built upon Fire. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 399: 399. The ancients knew of the one infinite element. The teachings of Greece and Egypt maintained this truth as the cornerstone of the foundation. The assimilation of this realization issues from an understanding of the principle of an affirmed fire. While the elements of nature do not pass from one state into another, it may be affirmed that the source of life lies in the higher spheres. The disconnected energies are attracted to other combinations. If one would observe the different combinations in Cosmos, one would become convinced of the law of goal-fitness according to which they are combined. Since all planetary combinations of all surrounding energies are gathered under the law of goal-fitness, one may approach an expanded conception of Infinity through the understanding of this great law of reciprocal action. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 27: 27. Cosmos is maintained upon interrelations. The force of attraction is an acting power as well as the power of cohesion. Upon the basis of the manifestation of attraction alone does the great law verily prevail. As material bodies act through the forces of attraction, so the entire spiritual world exists by the same law. Through this alone is life suffused by the creative impulse. The cosmic equation is based upon the equation of the chain of continuity. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 116: 116. Humanity has given great emphasis to the concept of Guardian Angels. When thought can sense the proximity of a spirit from other spheres, why not accept the Image of the One who guides the destiny? When humanity will realize His power, it will cognize the significance of the true Guardians. The Guardian of Spirit, the Guardian of Truth, is the One who directs our steps into the Cosmic Space. Man can think about Guardians. Thus, a spirit close to Us can sense the Guardians in the Cosmic Space. Hence, creativeness of the spirit brings one to the close Guardians. Thus, let the strivings to the Guardians be maintained upon all paths. Sensitive receptivity affords striving to the Guardians. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 125: 125. When the spirit surrounds its own power in the seed by an accumulation of encumbrances, it renounces its striving. So burdensome are the encumbrances that the spirit loses access to the Towers. Hence, those who come to know this advance only through transmutation of the Ego. When the spirit cannot push itself to outlive its encumbrances, it piles up solid obstacles. A balance is maintained between the striving and its result. Thus, the wings of the spirit provide the power of flight into the higher spheres, but the weight of a burden marks the steps of him who strides to the lower spheres. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 144: 144. The magnetization of the space proceeds by means of manifold attractions of fire. The rays of the luminaries are most powerfully affirmed attractions. Besides these forces, magnetization is maintained by mutual attraction. Therefore, the property of magnetization progresses through reciprocal creativity. Thus, in Cosmos all energies create by reciprocal magnetization. The striving and the receiving energies are dependent upon the potentiality of the attraction; and when the affinity is great the combination will be pure. Thus, a receptive spirit imparts to the energy the quality of striving. Only the property of magnetization produces the effect. Therefore, the boundless path is illumined by the power of magnetization. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 254: 254. The entire cosmic creation is built upon the law of striving. The entire structure is maintained upon cosmic attraction. All the consequences engendered by humanity construct their own spheres. Therefore, when Our tensions evoke currents of constructivity, the strain brings into focus currents of identity. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 375: 375. The more attacks there are the more possibilities approach. In cosmic creativity, the balance is thus maintained for the development of new affirmations. The energy which develops a powerful stream strains all impulses. Only the power of cosmic shifting can bring new forces into tension. The power of shifting is so intense that the propelled forces encountered but saturate the striving. Thus, the harmonious order of cosmic creativeness is intensified by cosmic shifting. Hierarchy (1931) - 50: 50. United sendings bring much usefulness when one tone can be maintained, as in a musical key. One may even sound a leading note with a tuning fork. A magnet, a tuning fork, a ring, and many other common adaptations easily enter into the daily life of young yogis. The clearing away of accumulations of dust requires a shovel and broom. One should not avoid common objects - as above, so below! It is wise to become accustomed to there being no rest or end. But a single realization of Our Brotherhood and of Hierarchy, already directs the traveler along the shortest path to Infinity. Hierarchy (1931) - 283: 283. During the hour of human injustice, recall spatial justice. Verily, there exist maps of the highest mountains, but none of the deepest abysses. Even those who are far from flights of the spirit prefer summits to abysses. If a caravan is maintained according to the weakest member, history is based upon the most powerful ones. Thus, let us remember about this wondrous substance which selects that which is most precious for evolution. If we are certain that we serve evolution, we can rely upon the justice of space. Yet the same justice prescribes necessary caution toward the black forces. Usually they do not approach directly; they choose not less than three intercessors. They know their auras can easily be detected, and therefore they choose a consecutive chain of succession, establishing the gradation very subtly. Not casually do We speak of the varieties of treason. Hierarchy (1931) - 414: 414. What thorns people weave into their wreaths of life! What strength people dissipate to counteract those principles upon which life itself is maintained! How many unnecessary thorns surround people, transforming their lives into regress! People will not understand the higher Wisdom if they do not first of all understand the law of Hierarchy - that upon which the entire life is founded; that by which the world progresses; that upon which evolution is built; that upon which the best steps and pages of history have been constructed. Thus, humanity cannot evade the great law of Hierarchy. Self-destruction is the only direction along which those bereft of the understanding of Hierarchy proceed; thus, the thorns directed against Hierarchy turn into a dark path. Thus, the great law of Hierarchy must be safeguarded as a leading principle. Heart (1932) - 74: 74. The concepts about the will must be firmly realized and distinguished. The will of the brain has become the citadel of the West, whereas the East has maintained its stronghold in the heart. In suggestion, the Western hypnotist uses the will, straining the centers of the extremities and eyes; yet this emanation is not only rapidly depleted but brings fatigue and, primarily, acts only over very inconsequential distances. In transmissions of the will spatial attainment is impossible; but the heart of the East does not need any tension of the extremities, does not needlessly exert the energy, but sends out its thoughts without any limits of place. The suggestion from the heart, as a natural channel for communication, does not bring harm to the one who suggests or to the receiver. The Western method is always apparent externally, but the Eastern act has nothing external about it; quite the contrary, the transmitter does not look upon the receiver, for he has the image of the destination in his heart. There are many numerous advantages in the heart activity, but to encompass it it is necessary primarily to realize the significance of the heart. The power of the heart conquers absolutely everything. The heart may know the significance of far-off happenings. The heart can soar, fortifying the needed links. The heart can unite itself with the far-off worlds. Test it by the transmission of the will alone and you will realize the difference in the will of the heart. Maitreya's is the Age of the Heart! Only with the heart can one evaluate the treasures of Maitreya! Only with the heart can one understand how greatly all acquisitions, all straight-knowledge are needed for the future. Heart (1932) - 525: 525. You know how greatly We oppose any conventional habits, yet one must discriminate between habit and immersion in saving grace. As an example, solemnity combines in itself ecstasy and ascent and a defense against evil and the turning toward Hierarchy. Thus solemnity is a salvation, but it must be absorbed and maintained. In the midst of disintegration and destruction can there be solemnity? But for a solemn consciousness destruction does not exist. It is immediately canopied by a cupola of re-creation, in all its beautiful subtlety. Thus, the reflection of solemnity is justly considered luminous. Before a journey one must take stock of all provisions. Our friends bring to the travelers the best flowers. Solemnity blossoms in purple - thus, we gather the garlands of the heart. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 297: 297. Gypsies usually accompany remedies with an incantation, in the belief that only thus will the remedy be effective. And so Our Himalayan traditions are maintained through many generations of migrants. Truly, if we compare the effect of medicines taken willingly or with repugnance, the difference will be astounding. Even the most potent medicines can produce almost contrary effects if they are accompanied by a corresponding suggestion. One can write a significant book on the relativity of physical reactions. One can gather facts from the various fields to prove that among the decisive factors the physical are the least important. Thus, step by step, one should trace the movement of Agni. One need not enter at once into complex formulas, but can proceed from the striking evidences of each day. If nature healers understand wherein the dominant principle of success is contained, an educated physician should discern even better the determining factors. Upon this path the past and future will meet. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 630: 630. They will ask, "How can we best serve on Earth to effect the utmost benefit at present?" One must restore the health of Earth. By innumerable ways, one must carry out the world task of regeneration. One must bear in mind that people have destroyed the resources of Earth without mercy. They are ready to poison the earth and the air. They have laid waste the forests, these storehouses of prana. They have decimated animal life, forgetting that animal energy nourishes the earth. They believe that untried chemical compounds can take the place of prana and earthly emanations. They plunder the natural resources, unmindful that the balance must be maintained. They do not ponder over the cause of the catastrophe of Atlantis. They do not consider the fact that chemical ingredients must be tested over the course of a century, for a single generation cannot determine the symptoms of evolution or involution. People like to calculate races and sub-races, but the very simple idea of calculating the plundering of the planet never occurs to them. They think that by some act of mercy the weather will clear, and people will become prosperous! But the problem of restoring health does not enter their thoughts. Hence, let us love all creation! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 650: 650. In all Teachings the dark forces are represented as shooting their fiery arrows at the Illumined One. This battle is depicted in beautiful symbols. No less beautifully is it indicated that the malevolent arrows do not reach their target but form a protective net. Let us not regard this heedlessly; this symbol is entirely realistic, even from the viewpoint of modern science. The malevolent flame encounters the great fire of the heart and becomes subservient, only augmenting the Agni of the Great Spirit. Thus, the heart which manifests all its power is invincible. In case of retreat, search nearby. Has the heart maintained all its force? Has not some transitory earthly circumstance interfered? Has not self-pity arisen? Did not a quiver of fear overcast the heart? And did not doubt allow clouds to set in? Verily, where the Agni of the heart is not overcast, there can be no defeat. Often it seems to a man that he has reached his limit, but he is deceived by faulty vision, and a large expanse still lies before him, precisely where victory may come. Prematurity leads to misfortune. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 166: 166. Upon pressing or rubbing of the eyes colors appear which act as crude reminders of the radiance of the centers. If a coarse contact can produce evident illumination, then contact of a higher energy can certainly bring beautiful colors of the spirit. From the gross to the very highest it is necessary to cognize the saturation with spatial Fire. One should become accustomed to conscious acceptance of spatial accessibility. However, one should adapt oneself to such a merging. Let us not forget that ancient revelations were given for the betterment of life, and for the refining of consciousness. Thus the bond with the Higher Worlds was maintained directly. But later, because of the breaking away, quests for mechanical methods began, for the purpose of preventing a complete severance of the communion. It should be born in mind that during Kali-Yuga such methods became ineffectual, and even a mixing with the lower strata of the Subtle World took place. But Satya-Yuga, by its very nature, requires communion with the Higher Worlds. Therefore, in preparing for Satya-Yuga one should turn again to direct communion with the Higher Worlds, by applying true Ethics. This is needed for destined discoveries which cannot be given to an animal consciousness. I will not weary of reiterating it, for each hearth of enlightenment of the spirit is important. Where, then, can be the paths to the Fiery World, if not through the decrees of Ethics? Surely Hatha-Yoga does not lead to the Fiery World. Enough of preparations - one should hurriedly strive toward the Higher Worlds. Let each of our cells contain millions of millions of currents. Not for somnolence have the subtlest apparatuses been given. Not for the sake of doubt are there being made calculations involving such huge figures. They surely remind one about Infinity and the saturation of all that exists. Thus let us be imbued with thoughts about Spatial Fire, about the possibilities of our being. Satya-Yuga cannot draw near without fiery signs. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 45: 45. If humanity would understand evolution, then indeed it would arrive at the comprehension of the Fiery Right. Only the Fiery Right can create cosmically. Thus can be accomplished the steps of a mighty evolution. The entire equilibrium of Cosmos is maintained upon the fiery unification of the First Causes. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 115: 115. However diverse the Worlds are in their spiritual properties and functions, nevertheless it is necessary to become accustomed to think about the bridge to the Fiery World. Everything has its connecting energies. Why then not strive to understand the bridge to the Fiery World. As man reflects all the qualities of earthly life, to the same extent must he be concerned as to how to lay a bridge between the Worlds. Just as the abyss of mankind is visible from the supermundane spheres, so should the Higher World be accepted into human consciousness. The bridge between the two Worlds is maintained in the aspiration of thought. Rightly has it been said about the beauty of thought which reveals all Worlds. Indeed, the bridge between the two Worlds can be made real if the actions are filled with beauty. Truly, not words but actions bring all saturations. The bridge between Worlds will be based upon harmonization of the currents of heart and spirit. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the bridge between Worlds. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 547: 547. It is asked why so much evil is permitted. How conceited are such utterances! Who can judge how much darkness has been burned up the how much help extended You, too, send many good thoughts, and help through them. It is possible to kindle many Fires, not knowing where nor how. It is precisely as when letters addressed to a blind man eventually reach and help some one who can see. One should send arrows of fiery justice. The Fiery World is maintained by justice. AUM (1936) - 148: By Mystery is the world maintained. There is no limit to Infinity. AUM (1936) - 219: 219. Lethargy is a peculiar, undefined state between sleep and death. The heart almost stops, the body is motionless, and an unearthly expression of the face is maintained. Yet the man is not only alive but returns to wakefulness for a reason of his own, which no one understands. The falling of one into lethargy is unexpected, and the circumstances of such a transitory state can never be known to those around him., In Our language this is a protracted extrusion of the subtle body. Such a state is not a sickness, and should be looked upon as an unnatural tension of the organism in relation to the Subtle World. It may be the result of overfatigue, fright, shock by grief, or unexpected joy. Especially noteworthy is the instant of awakening. Usually those present create great harm by their untimely exclamations and questions. Each question of this kind is already a suggestion. One should take the greatest care not to dissipate the retained impressions. Most often, people emerging from lethargy begin to assure us that they remember nothing. Rather, such remembrances have been stricken from their consciousness by some inopportune questions or noise. In such a manner an opportunity of acquaintanceship with the Subtle World is lost. During the awakening, the aroma of attar of roses is very useful. Brotherhood (1937) - 136: 136. Knowing how to deal with people according to their consciousness is a lofty quality. One should not forget that the majority of misfortunes proceed from a lack of such commensurateness. It is impossible to propose even very excellent things if they are above someone's consciousness. It is inadvisable to speak to an unprepared man about harmony or vibrational combinations. Who can foresee what such a man will visualize under the concepts of harmony or vibrational combinations? But he can understand it if told about carefulness toward his surroundings. The simplest concept concerning solicitude will be a firm basis for each cooperation of Brotherhood. It is desirable that every cooperation be a nursery of care. In this is expressed also attentiveness, solicitude, compassion, and love itself. How much strength may be conserved by care alone! So many cosmic reactions of the spirit may be regulated upon the use of the most simple care. It is impossible even to imagine to what an extent the aura of the home is strengthened where solicitude is definitely maintained. In many people the understanding of Hierarchy is completely obscured, but even in such cases solicitude will help to set the situation right - merely by being solicitous toward each other! This is no great obligation, and yet it is like a cornerstone. Brotherhood (1937) - 246: 246. The same fear impedes recognition of Hierarchy. In justice let us say that Hierarchy is far from any violence. It is ready to help and to send advice, but humanity is ready to suspect each good intention. Without trust there is no cooperation. Let us not forget that lack of trust is a sign of imperfection. A man filled with doubt will first of all not believe his neighbor. Let us not call these reminders moral counsels. Let them be called physical and mechanical laws. It makes absolutely no difference what the fundamentals of Existence are called, provided they be maintained and observed! Brotherhood (1937) - 437: 437. However, not by danger or by terror, but by joy is Brotherhood maintained. In harmony grow superearthly feelings. Whoever has once experienced these exalting sensations already knows the Magnet of Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 505: 505. A union called a partnership, based on trust, requires a very succinct statute, but the Brotherhood cannot have a written code. Brotherhood cannot be maintained by a stipulated constraint. The very word limitation is out of place in the boundlessness of Brotherhood. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 31: You have heard that Our Brothers became ill from contact with earthly disharmony, and often suffered from prolonged human discord. This is why We seldom visit your cities, and stay in them for only a short time. Our appearances are prompted by particular circumstances and are not of long duration. Places can be found in nature where the currents of decay are not as strong. In France and in England there are forests near the cities in which there is enough of the pure air that is indispensable to Us. You must not be surprised that even Our concentrated energy needs pure air. However, you must not think that We are not strong enough to withstand the emanations of crowds. Truly, We can concentrate Our energy to a tremendous degree, but co-measurement and caution must be maintained in everything. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 130: A heroic attitude should be maintained in all circumstances. This is a test that must be passed if true evolution is to be supported. We divide heroes into the unconscious and the consciously determined ones. Those who understand what they labor and suffer for are truly heroic. Knowing the truth of their situation they still do not turn from danger. Amidst the currents of space, amidst evil will, amidst terror, courageous heroes labor and create. Heroes know that their earthly life can end at any moment, but they do not reduce their efforts. They realize that their selfless podvig will continue even under the harshest circumstances. Nothing can stop their will from manifesting itself in any sphere. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 173: 173. Urusvati knows that most people are unable to attain the attitude of alert expectation. The Great Pilgrim taught how to wait without thinking, so that the whole being would be permeated with expectation. With such an attitude, expectation will not be limited by thought. Man knows well enough what he is striving for, and with what his consciousness is joined. Through this awareness the Great Pilgrim maintained His adamantine will. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 217: Equilibrium is maintained by the exercise of one's free will, but people do not want to accept their individual responsibility in this. Infection takes hold not only because of a predisposition to certain ailments, but also because of the loss of balance. A pilgrim without balance will not be able to walk safely through the narrow passage and will be afraid, pursuing his way in great anxiety. Such imbalance will destroy him and infect those close to him with fear. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 287: How then can the transparency of solid bodies be explained? Each body carries the fiery energy within itself, and during extraordinary intensification this energy is kindled and the density seems to disappear. There are two reasons why such a phenomenon occurs so rarely - the quality of the intensification, and the qualifications of the observer. It is difficult to observe such phenomena while in the physical body because the heart can be overstrained, and only one or two observations at long intervals may be permitted. Therefore, contacts with certain spheres must be maintained with caution. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 334: There were cases when magnetized objects fell into the hands of evil people who were then able to use the beneficent energy for evil purposes. In such cases it becomes necessary to cut off the magnetic currents that permeate the objects. The energy should be maintained only where there is a benevolent purpose. This law is of paramount importance. Many previously revered sacred objects can be found for sale, but they are now used for selfish profit. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 399: Later, the original scientific objectives were obscured, the images became the property of the temples, and people began to worship them, having forgotten their original purpose. In ancient times the creation of alloys was studied thoroughly. People desiring to communicate with each other had duplicate images, and they knew that favorable conditions had to be maintained.