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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INTRUDED (2)

Hierarchy (1931) - 430:
430. How much significance people attribute to their ego! How people dread that their personality may be intruded upon by something incomprehensible to their consciousness! How people dread to adhere to the Highest and prefer to remain on the boundary of darkness! Each intention brings one closer to a better decision if the spirit strives toward the Hierarchy of Bliss. Man can ascend each step in evolution if he accepts the Leading Hand and each Command of Hierarchy. History is built by the Hierarchy of life. The best steps of humanity were built by Hierarchy. The best achievements were affirmed by Hierarchy. Thus one can attain only through Hierarchy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 180:
Once a man came to the Thinker and told Him of a strange dream in which he saw a friend who lived far away rearranging everything in the man's home. The Thinker said, "Perhaps he intruded into your house mentally. Indeed, the power of thought can move objects."


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