Agni Yoga (1929) - 556: 556. In Agni Yoga, even the most abstract concepts become tangible and real. Sincerity, usually called honesty, becomes irreplaceable. Test the quality of sincerity in communications to far distances; and then observe the difference when personal feelings of impatience or irritation are allowed to intrude, or, worse, preconceived ideas or deliberate distortions. These deprive the result of its value, and can cause irreparable harm. But true sincerity is a purifier, bringing about a crystal clarity, which enlightens the consciousness just as fuel gives flame. Thus, one can contribute to success by applying what is called honesty. Hierarchy (1931) - 317: 317. The disciples on the path of Service must apply all the best strivings of their spirit and consciousness. While creating, one should understand that only the application of the best actions affords corresponding results. Thus, let us not expect beautiful results where the spirit has not applied its best strivings. Often people wonder why their undertakings are unsuccessful. Let us say then, Did you apply all your best impulses? Did not light-mindedness, the dullness of inflexibility, negligence, and lack of ardor for the Hierarchy intrude themselves? Thus, one may expect correspondence based upon cause and effect. Thus, one must understand that each irresponsible action, each non-goalfitting deed, may bring many unnecessary and harmful consequences. Thus, the disciples on the path must display their best strivings and ardor to the Hierarchy. Heart (1932) - 254: 254. The tower rests upon a firm foundation laid upon a rock. The tower of courage rests upon a firm consciousness, strengthened by the rock of the heart. But by what shall the heart test itself? Only by Hierarchy. Let the heart become accustomed to conversing with the Teacher. Like the ancient wise ones, let the heart know the communion with the Lord, in order that nothing small may intrude during the heart's talk with the Highest. Heart (1932) - 349: 349. The pressure of world events should also be observed. One could compile an unusual, quick progression. The events intrude into the entire life, and it is not, as imagined, the war, as such, but the conflict of all elements which makes it not a fairy tale. It is precisely as it was during former catastrophes, when people did not wish to observe conditions. Heart (1932) - 402: 402. A mantram and all prayers can sustain the outer rhythm and also serve as union with the Highest World. Many people fail to perceive either the outer or inner meaning of prayer. The beautiful hymns of the Rig Vedas died away because they did not penetrate into the heart. This lack of rhythm can be regarded as a sign of the final period of Kali Yuga. It is precisely darkness which will intrude upon each harmony by every means. Dissonance is the distinctive mark of all contemporary arts. It can even be noticed how consonance and the major key seemingly have become a distinctive characteristic of the old-fashioned. One must possess a certain courage to continue to create in the consonance of the major key-maestoso! Thus, along the entire structure of life one must note the deviation from every heroism. And in the entire world cowardly malice distinguishes the adherents of darkness and chaos. But the heart demands construction, for it knows how infectious is chaos. Each decay generates further decay. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 10: 10. Pay attention to the so-called transitory states of the organism. The state between sleep and wakefulness provides a very significant field for observations. One may notice how amidst earthly thinking fragments of thought of a different order intrude, objects seem to vibrate and the earthly perception is altered. Few admit the thought that this different kind of perception is the thinking of the Subtle, and even Fiery World. As the manifested world disappears, one awakens to the voice of the Subtle World. Amidst various transitory states one can notice the lightnings of the Higher Worlds. Thus, one should attentively observe the special resoundings. Amidst earthly conditions one should not merge into these manifestations, because equilibrium is of first importance, but the receptacle of an expanded consciousness must find a place for manifestation of all three worlds. Only thus shall we become accustomed to the understanding of the fiery thought. Fire, as a visible element, often impedes the realization of the fiery thought, but the manifestation of Agni is not a match. Yet every fiery manifestation first of all reflects upon the thinking process. Meanwhile pay attention to the origination of the visible Fire - the bright energy whirls in spirals, so that even in a small flame one may see the process of intervention of an outside energy. The moment of blending of the inner Fire with the outer one can be called resonant in beauty. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 396: 396. I affirm how needful it is to manifest the fiery quality of recognition of merits, for without it the new structure cannot be affirmed. This must be very steadfastly remembered; throughout the entire line of Hierarchy it must be followed. An action of Karma heavily atones for each expression of ingratitude, and even the Forces of Light abandon a spirit to its own resources when these fundamentals are scorned. And up to the highest steps the law is one and the same, for this quality must be attained by inner fire, and the spirit itself must develop this property. We do not intrude into the consciousness when We see the absence of this fiery fundamental. AUM (1936) - 69: Likewise, using the name of God for intimidation is a great blasphemy. Forbiddance to pray in one's own words is in itself an intrusion into the young consciousness. Perhaps the child remembers something very important and extends his thought upward. Who, then, can intrude to smother such a luminous impulse? The first instruction about prayer will be a directive upon the whole path of life. AUM (1936) - 546: Many currents may be sent and received directly. But besides them, extraneous waves may intrude, equal in force and quality - such complex waves need to be studied. Brotherhood (1937) - 149: 149. Continuity is one of the basic qualities of the subtlest energies. People can take example from the higher worlds for earthly existence also. If it is difficult to maintain continuity in work, it can be fully realized in spiritual strivings. We, wayfarers of Earth, can form a link with the higher worlds in spirit; such a bond will permit us to dwell in close union with the invisible worlds. Such unity will teach also earthly unity. Beginning with the higher, let us also be affirmed in the lower. It is not easy to maintain earthly unity. Many petty circumstances intrude and blot out good intentions. Only the testing of forces in a higher application can create continuity of intercourse with the Higher World. Even in sleep it is possible to maintain the bond with the source of knowledge. Thus, even in the earthly aspect one may conform to a quality of the Higher World-continuity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37: 37. Urusvati carries fearlessness in her heart. We affirm that this quality is accumulated through faith and lengthy experience. Upasika was an example of complete fearlessness in life. She was courageous in all circumstances, and no fear could intrude. The life of Upasika was filled with occasions for fear. It was sad to see how many persecutions came together, how her name was slandered. She had no means, and accusers threatened her from all sides. Verily, she was a touchstone of fearlessness! One can cite many such examples throughout the ages. Every one of Us has frequently had occasion to show such fearlessness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 88: Aggressors burden their karma not only by killing but also by polluting the atmosphere, which occurs during war. The poisoning of Earth and of the other spheres is long-lasting. You who intrude into the lands of your neighbors, has no one told you the consequences of your fratricide? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 312: The currents of space are of many kinds and influence human thinking much more than one imagines. Spatial messages could be assimilated in their original form, but because they often intrude forcefully into the consciousness as if in some unknown language, they cannot be understood. Such interruptions do not necessarily mean that a person's thoughts are poor or weak, for spatial currents can pierce even the most powerful thought. Man should understand this and not struggle against it. On the contrary, man can train himself to control the thread of his thought by being aware of the interrupting currents. If he is aware he can instantly make use of his ability to remember and deposit the uncompleted thought into the treasury of memory. Even if he is unable to withstand the power of spatial thought, he can nevertheless protect the current of his own thoughts. He can be like a pilgrim who temporarily uses a shelter during a rainstorm and later continues his journey. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 351: Those of great experience accept the need to adhere to the laws of nature. Only the ignorant think that We need not submit to cosmic laws. It would be sad indeed if We were to unnecessarily intrude upon the karma of countries, peoples, or individuals. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 432: Only in extraordinary cases are We permitted to intrude upon karma and act by earthly means. Let friends remember that even in the higher spheres there exist limitations governed by the Law of Karma. The inhabitants of Earth cannot imagine how difficult it is to approach them with material help. Usually spiritual help precedes, but it is thought to be a mere coincidence and is rarely accepted.