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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INTRODUCED (31)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 187:
187. Agni Yoga must be introduced into life, but its bearers must not differ externally from others in life. The Agni Yogi lives unnoticed. He needs no human distinctions. He observes, but will avoid attention from others. For the current of space, the arrows of the crowd's attention are unacceptable, because the work of evolution is not wrought by the crowds. Even the single current at times requires protection from the random arrows of the crowd. This does not mean that there should be even the slightest alienation from life. It is necessary only to evaluate the goal-fitness of one's surroundings.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 188:
188. With each century a special kind of Yoga is introduced, appropriate to the world's condition. The earth element is inapplicable when a fiery cure is required. Nor will water or air serve in place of the wings of fire. Like an inevitable cataclysm that sweeps away continents, so undeferrable is the Yoga of the realization of the fiery power. The ability to recognize the right time for right actions is the mark of an enlightened consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 199:
199. Our Teaching is not strong in the hands of those who do not apply it to life. Tell this to the co-workers in all countries, so that they may immediately find the means to fortify life through the counsels of Yoga. There are too many talkers and too few doers. I see no need for general lectures; but individual conversations are needed. Also, do not hide the difficulties or the advantages of the Teaching. Relate Yoga to world events, because a new system of life must be introduced, without which social movements will be nothing more than a masquerade of old ideas. The severe discipline of freedom can rebuild life only when a new understanding of the conscious use of psychic energy enters into everyday life. Repeat that a new understanding is needed for application in life!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 480:
It can be noticed how certain needed substances are introduced into life when the time is right.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 612:
612. One plays on twelve strings, another produces the same tune on four, and a third limits himself to two, creating just as many harmonies on them. Does it matter how many strings one requires for harmony? The essential thing is that it be created. Let us not wonder at or criticize variety, for we shall not find even two grains of sand alike. On the contrary, let us rejoice at every unusual manifestation. Flowers choose for themselves whatever soil is suitable. Even stones are arranged in a relation one to another. Likewise in the domains of Teros, there will be combinations of elements that are related, despite their seeming differences. The consciousness refined by fire discerns the kindred foundations, and will not reject the true value by appraising only the surface. A countless variety can be expressed on but two strings. However, for this one has to realize how innumerable are the properties of nature, and how those properties are expressed in man. Such considerations are usually considered symbolical, and are not introduced into life. However, to know the Teaching and not to apply it is a sign of complete ignorance. Who has ever told you that one can wander over the Teaching like a fly on sugar, then just as easily dive into dung! One cannot turn one's horses recklessly when on the mountain paths. Knowledge leads only onward!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 372:
372. Each intensified force has its affirmed opposition. Each intensified force has its purpose. The bridges consolidated by the enemy are the best ascent. Only when all adversaries are strained in opposition can the greatest plan be introduced into life. Thus, every foundation employs Tactica Adversa.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 373:
373. The harmonious plan of Cosmos is saturated by various currents. These currents seek contact with the spirit. Only a small quantity of the currents has been assimilated by humanity, and the main channel of vital actions is that of the currents set up by subtle assimilations. Only where there is conformity can the levers be tensed. Only where the Spatial Fire can reverberate to the subtle harmonies can a cosmic concordance be established. Therefore, a step of evolution is introduced into life through the subtle receptivity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 514:
514. The lofty Agni Yoga is given for the affirmation of the great concordance. Vital action is imbued with all fires. Thus is each energy introduced into life, and thus is great Matter united with the spiritual centers. Thus, concordance is enforced by the ray.

Hierarchy (1931) - 85:
85. All religions have introduced special movements and positions of the body that aid the accumulation of the energy and impel one to the Highest. When following Us, achievement may be arrived at through the saturation of one's heart, without fatiguing movements. He who succeeds through this means has an advantage, because the source of the heart is inexhaustible. The Image of the Lord, impressed upon the heart, will not grow dim and at any hour will be ready to help. This way of the heart is the most ancient, but it requires a considerable expansion of consciousness. One should not speak of the heart from the very first conversation, for then one may overburden it aimlessly. It is likewise aimless to speak of love if the heart does not yet contain the Image of the Lord. But the hour strikes when one must indicate the power of the heart. I advise addressing oneself to the heart, not only because the Image of the Lord is already close but for cosmic reasons. It is easier to cross an abyss if the link with the Lord is strong.

Hierarchy (1931) - 137:
Let no one take lightly My warning; when victory is weighed and defined, there can be no excuses or haphazardness. Remember, there is one Anchor, there is one Light! And when the greatest battle takes place, it is unforgivable to disturb the formation. I shall be very severe, because the time is at hand, and already some successes have been postponed. The burden is caused only by you. Guard the foundation! Many fires are introduced into action. Remember, the purple star indicates the highest tension.

Hierarchy (1931) - 394:
394. The intensification of energy between the disciple and Teacher is analogous to a steam engine - a continuous projection and restitution. Therefore We point out so persistently the necessity of concordance, for benevolence, striving, and gratitude. Only by those means can one develop the dynamics of concordance. A steam engine is provided with fuel, but We have an inexhaustible reservoir of psychic energy. One should not think that the enumerated qualities are needed by Us; on the contrary they are needed by you. Otherwise how will you strengthen the bond with Us? The powerful rhythm of the dynamo of spirit can be affirmed, not by doubt, egoism or self-pity, but only by an indivisible, vigorous striving toward Us. These strivings must be introduced into life. It should be remembered that each physical law must remind of the stability of the laws of the spirit. With such a consciousness one can verily become a co-worker for the transformation of life.

Heart (1932) - 315:
315. Calmness is the equilibrium of tension. The unification of consciousness is, first of all, the preservation of energy. This important rule is usually forgotten. When, instead of limited physiology, psycho-physiology shall be introduced, everyone will be able to understand what significance the economy of energy has.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 37:
37. The so-called herb of truth actually exists. A combination of seven plants unlocks the controlling centers and a man freely utters his thoughts. This is not hashish but an evidence of the most ancient curative factors. It was primarily used for the diagnosis of disease, for no one knows better than the man himself the causes of that which occurs in his organism. But the inner consciousness cannot reveal these secret causes without a special influence. Later, however, rulers and courts of law utilized this as a means of securing evidence, and thereby they introduced the element of compulsion. But everything coercive and artificial is contrary to the fundamentals of Existence.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 69:
69. The quality of observation is one of the principal fiery qualities, but it is not attained easily. It is acquired as slowly as is consciousness. You noted correctly that consciousness is strengthened by life itself; observation is strengthened likewise. There can be no abstract consciousness, nor can there be theoretical observation. But human absent-mindedness is monstrous, it creates a seemingly unreal world. In their egoism people see only their own delusions. In such wanderings there can be no discourse about the New World. Hence, by all means, training in observation should be introduced in schools, even for small children. An hour devoted to observation is a true lesson in life, and for the teacher this hour will be a lesson in resourcefulness. Begin the refinement of observation upon everyday objects. It would be a mistake to direct the pupils too rapidly to higher concepts. If, for a beginning, the pupil is capable of observing the habitual contents of a room, this will already be an achievement. This is not so easy as it seems to an unobservant eye. Later, by a series of experiments we can accelerate the ability to form impressions. We can propose that the pupil pass through an unfamiliar room at a run and yet with concentrated observation. Thus, it is possible to reveal blindness and assert true keenness of vision. It is necessary to outline a program of tests for all the senses. Thus is fiery action expressed in a simple exercise. Children are very fond of such tasks. Such exercises of consciousness carry one into the higher spheres. The most ordinary routines can become the gateway to the most complex. Imagine the exultation of a child when he exclaims, "I've seen more!" In this "more" can be comprised an entire step. The same joyous exclamation will greet the first fiery starlet that is observed. Thus, true observation begins.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 387:
387. System, rhythm, have a determining significance. In biographies one can perceive how rhythm has strengthened the mind and Fire. In fact, at the present time rhythm is much spoken of, but it is not applied in life. Thinking is very chaotic and life is disorderly. The ancients in their pranayama exercises introduced a certain rhythm, but now everything is permitted, and man is the slave of everything. The Yoga of Fire should be another reminder about the significance of man.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 77:
77. In order to stimulate the cognizance of beauty in schools, let there be introduced a study of the beauty of life. The history of arts and sciences will enter into this subject, for it must not only embrace conceptions of the past, but also contain indications of contemporary achievement. The instructor in this subject must be truly enlightened, in order to avoid bigotry, which contains in itself the seed of ignorance.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 97:
97. Surveillance must be very vigilant, but it must not appear as a sign of mistrust. One must transform control into cooperation and reciprocal information. Measures of trust and refinement of quality must be introduced from top to bottom. Many useful measures have been condemned and destroyed only because of hatred of supervision. Of course ignorance is the cause of such lack of goal-fitness. When people will become cognizant of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds, they will comprehend the infinity of relationships. In truth, who is outside of Hierarchy? Only ignoramuses or conscious deceivers can render Hierarchy unintelligible under various names. But they themselves will breathe not the freedom of Hierarchy, but will bear the brand of slavery. One must be cleansed of all covetousness and bondage. From early childhood the freedom of discipline of spirit should be emphasized. One may arouse all dignity and honor. Without honor a man cannot be honest. It should not be thought that slavery can be approved by Hierarchy. On the contrary, the Fiery World seeks not slaves but co-workers. Consider the refinement of the heart as the measure of honor. Thus let us not forget that in the most everyday life are laid the foundations of the world's grandeur.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 274:
274. Excessive emaciation and corpulence are equally harmful for ascent. They equally nullify psychic energy. The middle path foresees the best conditions. Also, instead of a natural striving people prefer unsuitable extremes. The creativeness of the cosmos does not tolerate lack of balance. It is known that chaos yields before the assault of the forces of equilibrium, but the same law must be introduced into all life. We are microcosms and must be subject to all the conditions of the Macrocosm. But few people will even speak about such a condition of existence. Therefore such non-correlation agitates the Earth.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 351:
351. Malice, doubt, unbelief, impatience, laziness, and other inspirations of darkness separate the earthly world from the Higher Spheres. Instead of following the path of good, people attempt to replace ecstasy of the spirit with various narcotics, which give the illusion of the other world existence. Observe that in many religions there were introduced, as later adjuncts, very clever compounds of narcotics for the purpose of artificially advancing the consciousness beyond the earthly state. Indeed the infallibility of such forcible measures is great; they not only do not bring the Worlds closer, they on the contrary estrange and coarsen the consciousness. Likewise, earthly life is filled with continuous poisonings with which people very affably regale each other. Teachers of all times have taught humanity the pure paths of spirit that lead into communion with the Higher Worlds, but only a few have chosen the path revealed by the heart. A special attention must be given to deliverance from poisonings. A considerable part of the Earth's soil is already infected, as is its surface. Besides narcotics, people have invented many obviously frightful substances which instead of being health-giving bring on spiritual death. Masses of poisonous vapors are choking the cities. People devote much thought to the production of many substances which should be considered far more deadly than narcotics. Narcotics bring harm to the addicts themselves, but deadly gases torment everything that lives. One cannot condemn narcotics enough, but also one cannot sufficiently condemn such murderous inventions. People formerly, at times, fell into error for the sake of illusionary ecstasy, but nowadays they are completely unashamed to kill the intellect and spirit of their near ones, calling this killing an attainment of science.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 449:
449. One should observe that during especially grave conjunctions of the constellations strong spirits appear. One may investigate in history how systematically powerful helpers are sent from the Fiery World, who take upon themselves the burdens of the World, and who plant magnets for the future. One must study the history of the planet from all angles, in various branches of knowledge. One should recognize the winding paths of humanity as a science connected with the basic laws of the Universe. The study of the chemism of the luminaries should be introduced without delay. Already much valuable material has been accumulated which once again confirms the bond between all the Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 23:
23. The World is striving for the crowning perfection. Manifold are the paths of the search. The closest to perfection will be the path of Beauty. Religion has given a striving for Nirvana, but it is distorted by misleading concepts. Many quests were deflected by the misunderstanding of the concepts of Karma and Reincarnation. He who sought perfection could have found through Beauty the powerful laws of Being. Yet if one should take all distorted manifestations of life and line them up with Beauty one would find the law of perfection. If we take the unbalanced conditions of all principles introduced into life and line them up with Beauty, we shall arrive at the law of Being. When we observe the life of the planet with all its prejudices, we see that we must inevitably arrive at the victorious crowning through Beauty. One should become accustomed to the realization of the victorious crowning. Such thinking will bring one to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 248:
248. The law of conformity must attract the spirit toward fiery realization. The creativeness of the spirit reveals all the possibilities for communion with the Subtle Worlds. Overcoming coagulated thought will give the tension which will correspond to the formula of the Subtle World. Just as the spirit can refine a condensed thought-form, so can it condense subtle forms. Each concept will actually sound conformably to these refinements or condensations. The spirit can rule its refined aspirations. At first it is necessary to become accustomed to the refinement of one's feelings, in order to saturate the spirit with necessary attraction to the World of Beauty. Thus the conception of conventional standards will be replaced by the true concept of Beauty. The revelation of refinement of feelings must certainly be introduced into life.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 251:
251. The process of building of the New World is confirmed by fiery means. The energies being generated are introduced and gathered together under a manifestation of particular rays which direct those domains which are to be creatively intensified. The creators of the planet fierily propel these energies, and indeed, they will possess the power of condensation and refinement.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 597:
597. It can be observed everywhere how people dismember one concept in their own many ways. Psychic energy is subtle, fiery, divine, Aum. Thus variously is the same fundamental called, and with each variation it is assumed that a better definition is introduced. Doubling our attention, we see that such dismemberments are not useful. It is again time to begin to synthesize. One should strongly affirm the meaning of earthly existence. It is needful to simplify it. Above all cares one should remember that the path is long, and that it will be necessary to be supplied with patience and with the thought about everything useful on the path. But this necessity should be found full of joy for oneself. Without this quality the heart will still be confused and thus weakness brought in. Likewise, one should realize that courage is inseparable from joy. Even the most difficult achievement cannot be low-spirited. A slave can toil in depression, but the fiery spirit transforms everything by very luminous joy. And warmth flows out from joy. But call to mind that joy, warmth, and fire live in the heart. Be not adverse to reminding about such dwellers in of the heart. After all, people do remember about the heart, and each one loves warmth, calling it cordiality. Therefore, know how to speak to everyone about the most joyous, in the simplest words and in the expressions most fitting for all. Thus knock at the fiery door of the human soul.

AUM (1936) - 176:
176. In psychic investigation one absolutely essential thing has been forgotten - a comparison between the consciousness of the lowest savage and that of the loftiest thinker has never been introduced. Indeed, such a task requires lengthy observations. And the distinction between such consciousnesses will be striking. It will enable one to judge not only the multiple diversities of humanity but it will also direct thought to the consciousness of the animal and vegetable worlds.

AUM (1936) - 179:
179. It is impossible to dwell in malice without poisoning the consciousness. Not only bodily poison but a far worse decomposition is introduced by malice; the majority of cosmic dross originates from it. We cannot view with indifference a malicious destruction.

AUM (1936) - 343:
343. Objects surrounding the experiments have more than once astonished those beginning to study. Sometimes the most everyday object has aided the experiment, while another, introduced after extremely thoughtful consideration, only impeded the current of energy. From this one can conclude how difficult it is to grasp the law of subtle energies. For instance, the fur of animals, because of its peculiar electrical reaction, does not promote the success of an experiment.

Brotherhood (1937) - 144:
Discourses about causes and effects should be introduced in the schools. Let the teacher propose a cause and the pupils think out the effects. In such conversations there will be displayed also the qualities of the students. It is possible to imagine many effects from one cause. Only a broadened consciousness will apprehend what effects will correspond to all the attendant circumstances. One should not be consoled by the fact that even a simple farmer can calculate a harvest. The manifestation of cosmic currents and of mental conflicts is far more complicated. From childhood on, let youth be accustomed to complicated effects and to dependence upon spatial thoughts. It should not be supposed that children need to have safeguards erected against their thinking.

Brotherhood (1937) - 426:
426. A subject must be introduced in schools - the synthesis of the sciences. From it students will perceive how closely connected are many branches of learning. They will see how great is the circle of science! They will apprehend that each scientist is in contact with an entire series of scientific provinces. If he cannot be fully conversant with them, at least he must understand their problems. Through acquaintance with synthesis, students will be able to more consciously select their own scientific activity. Let us not forget that up to the present such choice has been extremely fortuitous, often resting upon vague family traditions. Likewise, the student passed helplessly through disconnected school subjects without understanding precisely why these subjects were necessary. In the study of languages it has not usually been pointed out what are the advantages of each one. Therefore, a dull attitude toward learning has so often been noticed. This has not been laziness, but simply lack of knowledge of the meaning and aim of the subject. Assuming that each scientific subject should have an attractive introduction, the synthesis of science will enlighten even the smallest consciousness and lead it toward labor. It should not be thought that such synthesis can be absorbed only at an adult age. Actually, in their early studies it is especially easy for children to assimilate broad views. Of course, the exposition of this synthesis must be attractive.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 126:
126. Urusvati rightly encourages co-workers to copy paragraphs from the books of the Teaching dealing with Primal Energy. One should gather the pieces of the mosaic into a complete book. At the same time, we must remember that some people complain that the books of the Teaching discuss one and the same thing over and over. These ignorant ones do not read with proper attention and fail to notice that in each approach to an idea We introduce a new detail. That is why extracts must be introduced in sequence; only then can one notice the turns of the spiral of Our Messages. People should learn to enjoy this work, for through such thoroughness they will be able to observe Our methods while gathering together Our Indications and Advice.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 320:
Is not the serenity that is derived from harmonious sounds within the grasp of all? But someone first had to discover ways of attaining peace through music. While many songs were sung in ancient times, it was considered necessary to point out their ability to evoke peace of mind. In this way a new harmony was introduced into the world.


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