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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INSTRUCTIONS (34)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 156:
156. You serve a cause beyond the reach even of wealth. The pure offering is returned alive by God to those who bring their offerings in pure faith, just as was offered Isaac upon the altar. And Mount M., which accepts your offering, will guard the offered treasure of the heart. Not a small task have you undertaken. Without pride or self-interest you placed all your possessions upon the altar. Can I, the Truth Bearer, pass silently by those who, amidst cold and storm, brought useful tributes for the coming harvest? In safeguarding My Instructions will you find protection. Need shall not afflict My Manifestations. Calm is found in the light of Truth. The mountain before you is not a test, but a task.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 260:
260. Consider the manifestations of My Shield as predestined. Consider the manifestation of Wisdom in the new generation as happiness. Consider the manifestation of Enlightenment in humanity as a step toward the New World. Consider Our Manifestations as the appointed time of the World Guardians. But observe Our Instructions. Fulfill Our Message. Know to carry the Light. And understand how to manifest the grandeur of Beauty.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 417:
417. I give to you the Teaching, karmic messages, Instructions. The Teaching is intended for the whole world, for all beings. The more broadly you comprehend, the more truly it is yours.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 428:
Should confusion arise in you, raise the shield of devotion; For by it you will be saved. And repeat My Instructions - I say to you - repeat. I have said it.

New Era Community (1926) - 156:
We may give the most arduous instructions, but Our counsels lead to rejoicing!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 273:
On this new level, Our instructions become less frequent and more brief, and one's work depends more on one's ability for independent action. Friends will be few, obstacles will pile up like seemingly unscalable mountains, and achievements will seem insignificant. The influences of the subtlest energies will not be so evident. The intermittent, so-called sacred, pains will torture one. The divisibility and transmissions of the spirit will still be beyond explanation. But above all this will arise the striving to fulfil the desire for the General Good. Spiritual cooperation will grow, unlimited by space. Emulation of the far-off worlds will change one's perception of one's surroundings, and spatial work will cease to be an empty idea. One's assigned tasks will become a joy, as if they were one's own chosen labor. It cannot be otherwise. Of course, this joy is not expressed in goat-like frolics. A true understanding of one's surroundings may provoke a stern face, but one's life is nevertheless transformed, and one can observe the coils of the Earthly Dragon from a higher vantage point. Fearlessness, already sent in the first call, brings one closer to the new waves of light.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 278:
278. Often the Teacher finds himself in a very difficult situation with a pupil. The pupil promises to follow all the instructions of the Teacher, but no sooner is one received than reasons are immediately found to alter it. The Teacher experiences a similar difficulty when He is accused of being inactive. Imagine the situation of an archer when he is tensed for his shot and behind him someone cries, "Why does he not shoot?"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 278:
Small children, even without knowing the reason, tend to obey the guiding hand. But adults often alter the instructions given to them to fit their own moods. They are like people who, when their house catches fire, abandon irreplaceable manuscripts, but save their beloved bedding.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 278:
Whence comes this disrespect for the Instruction? Indeed, from lack of trust. It is amazing how readily gifts from the Teacher are accepted, but how easily forgotten is His best advice. How many carefully planned transmissions are rejected, how many useful actions disrupted, because of people's light-mindedness! Reverence is rendered with one hand, while the other tosses the given pearls over the cliff, forgetting that discarding into space one's personal instructions is a pollution of space.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 278:
When you yourselves become teachers, insist on the immediate fulfilling of your instructions. Do not give orders too often, for then they become commonplace. But if the work requires it, make the instruction concise. Let it be known that your instruction is irrevocable. Put more simply, the student should follow, reconciling his free initiative with cooperation. A distorted instruction is like a derailed train. It is better not to accept the gift than to disrupt the transmitted wave.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 486:
486. At present, people are not aware of the action of metals upon psychic energy, but in antiquity there was a great understanding of this. Magnets, and also alloys made of seven, eight, or nine metals were studied. As you know, many images were fashioned using alloys of metals, and instructions were given to worshipers to touch them with their hands. Thus, under the guise of a reverent act, a beneficial effect on the psychic energy of the worshiper was obtained. These primitive practices are no longer followed, and they have not been replaced by anything rational. Astrochemistry is recognized, radioactivity and magnetism hold the attention, but these are all directed only upon the body, whereas the most essential, psychic energy, is forgotten. Notice how colored glass, used as a filter, acts on the psychic condition. Metals and their combinations will act still more strongly.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 647:
647. The acceptance of Our Advice must be expressed by immediate, undeferrable action. The disciple must not be satisfied with good intentions, knowing that bad results follow inaction. Light-mindedness, negligence, and the demeaning of Our Instructions weigh heavily on the scales. Even the disciple will examine himself three times and say, "I see no mistakes in my actions."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 650:
The power of authority is not demonstrated by a flow of instructions that are pleasing to both the one who gives them and those who receive. The Teacher must be sure that the actions taken lead in the right direction - though they may take manifold forms. Just as a courageous captain can save his ship by jettisoning the cargo, or by cutting down the masts, so does the Teacher with full power of authority lead his disciples to victory.

Heart (1932) - 187:
True, the brain cannot always retain the given instructions, but even where consciousness is dim there nevertheless remains an unusual sensation of disquietude which forces one to think especially about certain dangers. Likewise, one must ponder upon everything connected with the Teaching.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 79:
79. One may warn that every conscious contact with the forces of the Subtle World can be dangerous. When a subtle being seeks instructions from an earthly inhabitant the intentions are questionable, because in the Subtle World it is easy to find lofty Instruction.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 84:
84. The verbal command remains in life, although humanity has at its disposal thousands of written languages. For this there are three reasons. First, the command is not always renderable in writing; second, people pay little attention when relying on writing; third, the manifestation of the Highest Covenants is never recorded in writing - therefore the lips whisper from heart to heart the Highest Ordainments. These considerations, though simple, require recording, for if someone does not know Hierarchy, he will not understand the sacredness of the Command. Many instructions about the laws of Nature are needed, in order to understand the entire beauty of the law of attraction which lies at the foundation of Hierarchy. Ignorant people do not understand that slavery dwells in darkness while freedom dwells in the Light of Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 178:
178. Some may wonder why the signs from the Subtle World are so strange and why they require pondering and interpretation. The reason for this is the law of Karma. Precisely reflection and explication stimulate self-activity, and, thus, they lighten and even do not produce Karma. Consequently, the stronger the attentiveness and resourcefulness, the more easily interpreted are the given signs. The Lofty Beings do wish to give hints toward a great many things, but the mental distraction of people prevents these precious Counsels from reaching them. Not only in sendings from the Subtle World but also in earthly existence, parables have been adopted, as a means of indirect indication. But history sets forth many instances of non-acceptance of the most urgent counsels. Not without reason was attentiveness so developed in antiquity; it even constituted a study in itself. But nowadays not many understand the significance of vigilance; for others guidance is required in the sharpest, and repeated, instructions, which cannot but have an effect on Karma. But only the fiery heart will comprehend the hidden meaning of subtle signs. Let the co-workers grasp the fact that each sign has its destination. So many Lofty Beings send supplications and hope that they will be understood. There have been whole epochs when the subtle understanding was strengthened and sharpened, but later a bloody mist condensed anew, and the refined perceptions became coarse. Just now many attempts from the best Strata of the Subtle World are being rendered futile by the dark forces.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 217:
217. You have been writing today about physical remedies, but for crowds even barrels of the most precious substance will be useless. One may urge all physicians of the World to start upon a mission of spiritualization of the heart. Each physician has access to different homes. He sees various generations, and his words are listened to with attention. When giving physical instructions he can so easily add the most valuable advices. He has the right to be acquainted with all the details of the moral conditions in the home. He can give advice which will compel the occupants to reflect over and above the actions of the stomach. He can even command, for behind him stands the fear of death. The physician is a most sacred person in the household where there is a sick person. And since humanity has taken care to collect a sufficient quantity of diseases, the physician can give many valuable warnings. If we but had enlightened physicians! At present there are so few! The more do We esteem enlightened physicians, since of course they are always under the threat of expulsion from the Medical Societies. Heroism is needed everywhere where the Truth is.

Brotherhood (1937) - 259:
259. Sometimes it may seem that an instruction has not been given clearly enough, but is this really true? Will not some of our transitory moods be false interpreters? In time the mood will disappear and the true features will appear. It will then be possible to recognize that the instructions were unalterable. Thus is forged the approach to Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 442:
442. Without any instructions people know how to care for a beloved object. They will resourcefully discover how to keep it in concealment. They will exert themselves not to break or damage a beloved thing. Someone has said that people are most competent at preserving stones and metals, less so with plants, still less with animals, and least of all with man. You can judge for yourself how just is such an understanding. Man is a most subtle organism, and yet the most cruel treatment falls to his lot. Let us not close our eyes to the fact that the so-called abolishment of corporal punishment is merely a screen for still greater cruelty. When will the abolition of spiritual persecutions finally come! When will people realize that the highest degree of torture is torment of the spirit! As long as they are not conscious of the Subtle World, humaneness will not be realized. Let us not be surprised that some people require the division of the higher worlds into many degrees. Rather, let people, including those who demand the most, understand at least the Subtle World, so that they may know how to enter it worthily. The division will be grasped afterwards when at least the first degree of Infinity shall have been comprehended.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 5:
During Our earthly trips We sometimes transmit Our instructions through a third person who does not know the true meaning of the commission and is only performing his duty.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 21:
Even vivid instructions are seldom retained in one's new bodily sheath, but when a pilgrim has been sent out with Our mission, after having formerly contacted Us, illumination is received even in infancy. He sees the Banners of Light. We come to him in various Images. He hears Our silvery bells, and his silver thread is stretched tautly to Us.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 81:
81. Urusvati is right in affirming the love of motion. Without love, one cannot understand the necessity for motion. One can listen to instructions about the law of universal motion, and can acknowledge that the least suspension of motion will disrupt the entire Universe, but it is impossible to apply this knowledge in one's life without love. Universal motion is not the hustle of the bazaars, or the bustle of the public square, but the nerve of a creative life that propels the consciousness toward perfectment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 105:
People dislike the idea that their overblown earthly concepts are colorless compared with the mental creativeness of the higher realms. This earthly egoism makes cooperation impossible. Yet, without cooperation, how can one hope to learn about the higher spheres? It is essential to recognize the higher realms, and to begin thinking about them, so as to revive the memory of the entrusted grains of Goodness. One should recall that in the early dawn of mankind it was ordained that subtle and beautiful ideas be brought to Earth. Indeed, everyone who is ready to incarnate is instructed to fulfill a task for the Common Good according to his individual capacity. Each one may reject these instructions in the whirlpool of free will, but someday will have to return to pick up the scattered grains.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 142:
Thus you can see what We have to struggle with, yet people never tire of criticizing Us. Not only the fanatics but even good thinkers attempt to correct Our Instructions. May We remind you about a writer who proposed to limit the tasks given by Us, without even taking the trouble to read Our Advice! There were many who tried to hinder the activities of the Brotherhood. Later, some misguided critics repented, but the harm caused by their judgments had to be outlived, and such karmic wounds constitute the most bitter earthly experiences.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 146:
It should be pointed out that the main Teaching was given by Him when He was in His subtle body. This consummation corresponded fully with the brilliant Truth proclaimed by Him. Wisely He gave a simple word to the people regarding the foundations of life. It was possible for only a few followers to be entrusted with the Teaching that came from the Subtle World since, in accordance with tradition, the Teaching was transmitted orally. However, the Apocrypha do not contain His last instructions, which dealt with the power of thought and would not have been understood by the majority of people. The Teacher knew that ignorance could distort Truth and that only harm would result.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 150:
The Great One taught people to pray within their hearts, upon the mountain, amid inspiring summits. It is impossible to grasp the full depth of meaning of the Sermon of the Great One, because He gave instructions for the whole of life in the simplest words. The key to this greatness was in His simplicity, which not only allowed Him to more easily communicate with people, but was a beautiful way of expressing the Highest in the simplest words. One should learn to make the complicated simple, for only in simplicity is kindness reflected. Such was the work of the Great Pilgrim.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 249:
When We speak about unification, We have in mind an important achievement. It is correctly noted that the so-called "complex of immortality" is an equal tension of all energies. It is precisely this unity of energies that creates the highest state. But people do not want to discipline themselves to be freely unified. They consider unity an abstract idea and would prefer that the Teacher give them specific instructions, little understanding that preparation for the unification of energies is a vital necessity that must take place in one's everyday life. The Living Ethics consists of disciplines that enable you to become more conscious in any sphere, but alas, people avoid such daily disciplines. They will often invent an utterly impractical meditation in their attempt to conquer the higher planes, yet neglect their immediate obligations. The Greek philosopher said, "He who knows how to rule his household will also be able to rule his nation." Of course, household duties are not meant in the sense of cooking and cleaning, but rather in the sense of a conscious awareness of general perfectment, or unification.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 303:
One can see how it is possible for the discordant consciousness to be influenced by these three impulses. What kind of power can be achieved with such disharmony? There is an ancient fairy tale about a man within whom lived an angel and a demon. Both whispered their instructions, but only when the fiery spark was kindled by love did the demon leave him.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 371:
371. Urusvati knows that in preparation for Infinity the earthly path is filled with both danger and joy. However, there are three kinds of doubters. The first asks, "And where is the promised joy? So much is said about joy, but now we hear only about endless dangers! After all, it is only because of the promised joy that we pay attention to instructions."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 372:
Also remember that a large number of useful instructions are distorted. Let us take, for example, the question of food. We are decidedly against a meat diet. The normal progress of evolution has been retarded in part because of the eating of meat. Yet there are instances, such as a shortage of food, when dried or smoked meat may be eaten as an emergency measure. We are decidedly against the drinking of wine. As an intoxicant it is inadmissible, but it can be used in the treatment of certain illnesses. We are decidedly against all narcotics, but there may be cases of such unbearable suffering that a physician has no choice but to use them. There are those who may object to this, and ask if it is not possible to use suggestion against pain. Of course, it can and should be used, but it is not easy to find a person with sufficient power of suggestion.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 372:
Our instructions are quite clear, yet there will be people who try to confuse others and cause harm. These troublemakers will assure everyone that We allow the use of wine, narcotics, and meat, and they will demand absolute abstinence. Yet, should they be hungry or ill, they will be the first to accuse the Teacher of allowing them no exceptions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 376:
There is much blasphemy. People hypocritically repeat the words of the Teaching and at the same time think without shame about inadmissible actions. Those of whom I speak should take note. The instructions that are sent can only be applied to life in full measure. Whom then will the hypocrites deceive?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 419:
419. Urusvati knows the many kinds of forgetting. It is good for a person to be able to forget those harmful old rags, malice and revenge, that stand in the way of progress, but this ability is rare. More often man ignores the useful instructions, because they disturb his habits and make him ill at ease.


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