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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INGENIOUS (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.7:
The hammer is working and the chains are clanking, and grey people continue to find pleasure in the cup of lechery. They do not know that the hands of the clock have moved imperceptibly and that tomorrow the doors will be closed to their ingenious amusements. My gatekeeper will tell them: "At dawn there was erected an altar to the Lord of Wisdom." And the grey ones will depart.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.13:
In keeping with their opinion, scholars have proposed the ingenious consolation: "Man begins to die from the moment of his birth" - a scanty and funereal comfort. But We say that man is eternally being born, and particularly at the moment of so-called death.

New Era Community (1926) - 126:
In connection with the evening gatherings, it is ingenious to note unusual contents of speech or a very strange expression. But reflect - does there not hang on each letter of this expression a great number of lives? To each one must flash the consciousness of the importance of the hour for which he has been called. When long ago light-mindedness was spoken about, it was necessary at once to take into the consciousness the seriousness of the moment and to compel oneself to accept a feeling of responsibility. Outside of current affairs, outside of individual and group achievements, it is needful to sense evolution with all its peculiarities. Thus, think clearly. Strive to improve your gatherings.

Hierarchy (1931) - 232:
232. Even the best friends test each other with some ingenious move at chess or through a dangerous hunt. Even in a besieged fortress the army carries on maneuvers in order that the hands of its members may not grow stiff. And those defeated are not offended, nor do the conquerors boast, since it is only an exercise in resourcefulness.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 594:
594. Even the rays have been discovered which make objects invisible. Is it possible that such a discovery does not call to mind the invisible Subtle World? The smallest discovery could be protracted into Infinity. One can see how such a discovery can alter all earthly life. All state foundations could be unsettled by such discovery. The kingdom of machines can be broken up by one ray. Thus, the most ingenious mechanisms can be stopped by an invisible ray. Some may be fearful of such possibilities but others cover them with a powerful straight-knowledge. Fire of the heart is stronger than such rays.

AUM (1936) - 570:
If people are asked how they picture something of extreme importance, they propound the most ingenious hypotheses, and not one of them touches upon the essence of what is taking place. Such wanderings around the essential nature of things, merely show neglect of the fundamental energy, which can direct the imagination along the right path.


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