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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IN > INFUSION (3)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 253:
The process of infusion of psycho-dynamics into a new planet may be manifested only through a united Atom. The manifestation of the cosmic basis must be imbued by the all-containing energy. Therefore, We are united in a synthesis of cosmic fusion.

Heart (1932) - 306:
306. The Teacher can point out the direction, sometimes he can forewarn, but many actions must be performed by the disciples themselves. Moreover, it is necessary to manifest these actions voluntarily. In this voluntary striving is contained self-perfectment. Each infusion of self-interest or fear will sever the salutary link.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 81:
Urusvati is right in insisting upon unity. We call unity a healing infusion, a harmony of motion that cannot be summoned or created by coercion. Some people regard advice about unity as fetters. They prefer to evoke the destructive forces of the elements and be trampled, rather than make an effort toward cooperation. We shall not tire of showing compassion to the unwise ones preparing for their own destruction. But is it not clear what has been said? Does humanity learn only from bitter consequences?


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