Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 249: 249. About one of the Rishis it was said that even at the mention of evil he felt pain. One should not consider such a Rishi an idler, but rather be amazed at his dissociation from evil. Indeed, each one who realizes Fire feels evil with especial keenness as the direct antipode of his being. One must, I say, one must develop in oneself this counteraction to evil, the opponent of progress. One must, I say, one must recognize this boundary which impedes advance for the good of evolution. One may hear about the complexity of such boundaries, but the manifestation of Fire will reveal where is evolution, and where the decrepitude of decomposition. The Fiery World is a true symbol of uninterrupted evolution. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 81: An idler will not understand the kind of motion We speak of. He prefers inactivity and wishes for the cosmic motion to roll him along like a dead grain of sand. True, we are all less than grains of sand in Infinity, but each movement of the consciousness will be a great cooperation. It is not easy to instill in people a love of motion, but they must remember that We work continuously, and thus manifest the motion of the Universe.