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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ID > IDLENESS (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.15:
Understand that work properly apportioned cannot in itself be fatiguing. One should understand how to effect a proper change of the group of working nerves, and then no fatigue can find access. Do not try to find rest in idleness. Idleness is but the microbe of indolence. Muscles may ache after tension, but you have but to plunge into idleness to begin to feel the full pain. Whereas, by calling into action the opposite centers one can completely avoid the reflex of the previous tension. Indeed, implicit herein is a great mobility, which is developed by conscious experience.

New Era Community (1926) - 42:
The gardener knows when it is time to gather the flowers, for he planted the seeds now hidden. Not he who purchased the seeds in the bazaar; not he who in idleness ordered the seeds to be sown, but the gardener of spirit who at the start of bad weather buried the seeds in the spring-time earth.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 268:
268. Life rushes by like a waterfall, but not many perceive its motion. Those who yearn for rest regard life as if it were a tomb. What is rest? This concept is an invention of the dark ones. What manifest timidity people reveal when they speak of rest! For them, rest is idleness. This kind of rest is always an earthbound joy, a joy of doing nothing that is not Ours. Is nature ever idle? We, as parts of nature, are subject to its laws.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 546:
More than once you will be asked where is the nursery that produces the beautiful garden of fiery energy. You will say, "In the joy of Beauty." But learn how to embrace this joy of Light. Learn how to rejoice at each leaf awakened to life. Learn how to respond within your centers to the call of joy. Learn to understand that such joy is not idleness but the harvesting of the treasure. Learn to accumulate energy through joy, for with what else shall we weave the threads of the far-off worlds?

Heart (1932) - 328:
328. The preparation for the higher strata entails first of all the purification of consciousness, and the development of the life of the heart. However, these conditions should be remembered. Usually, people remember about them only during idleness or repose, but when it is necessary to conform to them, they are forgotten and are replaced by irritation, and the stench of irritation is terrible.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 317:
317. Not only is human unemployment reaching dangerous proportions but the idleness of nature must also attract notice eventually. One need only note how quickly flourishing vegetation is replaced by dead sands. The creeping death of Earth's crust should be called suicide not mismanagement. Sands, glaciers, landslides do not presage a brilliant future. It is impossible to hasten the healing of nature, even if people turn to a healthy direction of thought. It will require decades to restore to health Earth's destroyed crust. But for such especially beneficent measures human cooperation is needed. But do we see signs of such mutual labor? Do not destruction and discord prevail in human minds? Is not every effort toward unity met by derision? People do not wish to think of the reality of the future. We speak of the great Agni, yet scarcely a thousand minds dare to think about its undeferrability.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 641:
641. Economy of forces distinguishes him who has entered the current. No senseless dissipation is possible where the value of energy is appreciated. If we have a precious remedy that cannot be replenished, should we destroy it senselessly? One must accept Agni as verily the most precious substance. One must realize the difficulty of developing this energy, and that it is impossible to compensate for the excessive expenditure of it. One must simply guard this Divine Fire with especial care. He who can admit dark whisperers does not safeguard Agni. Even in moments of especial consternation one must preserve self-control, of which We have already spoken. Much has been said, but one should apply it in action. No one desires that time should be spent in idleness, but sleep and the waking state are both parts of the same activity. Thus, in this connection also, one should not judge by earthly measures alone. Let people become accustomed without delay to thought about the two worlds. Thought - one and ever-existing - must not be confined to the earthly plane alone.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 262:
We always stress work, but advise rest during such times of tension. This kind of relaxation has nothing to do with idleness; it is a sharpening of forces. However, understand that We are now talking about great tasks that require complete sacrifice.


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