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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HA > HAILED (2)

Brotherhood (1937) - 379:
It is right that simultaneously in different countries cooperation is being hailed; such a web will be worthy of the Mother of the World.

Brotherhood (1937) - 483:
483. In ancient communities each one undergoing testing was hailed. He was dealt with solicitously since it was known that it was inadmissible to forcibly interrupt the process of this experience. It was considered that each testing is a threshold to progress. No one could twist the path of effects, but brotherly encouragement enabled him not to slacken his pace, even before the most frightful images. Of course, chaos in its terrible ugliness inevitably tries to impede the path of each one being tested. But let these images be dreadful; the manifestation of the most horrible one will be in itself the forerunner of the end of the test.


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