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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HA > HAIL (14)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 301:
301. My mouth shall be speechless, And I shall be unable to comprehend the Shield of Mercy, if love fly from me. I shall be earthbound at morning if my wings weaken during the night. What then shall I outspread to hail the morning sun?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 413:
413. Speak not evil and do not curse. For the hail of curses falls painfully upon the head of him who spouts it. Learn to defend My Name and My Works against traitors. For you will meet with many opportunities to put an end to slander. This is a time for action, and Our Trust is with you.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.11.5:
Be satisfied with the flow of wondrous Benevolence, for hail strikes painfully. It is better to receive My Ray.

Agni Yoga (1929) :
Therefore, we hail the yoga of the past - the Raja Yoga. And we affirm that of the future - the Agni Yoga.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 12:
But the least one of them turned to the shining stars and said, "Hail to you, brothers!" And in this salutation of daring his ego vanished.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 114:
Does the music of the spheres signify the victory of human presumptions? Or does it hail the purification of forgotten Truth? There is a prophecy that reminds us of the condemnation and then the purification of a sacred city.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 43:
43. Hail the triumph of the prophecy of the herald! The victory is proclaimed by fires and by psychic energy. Each century brings forth its pronouncements. He who has proclaimed the victory of Infinity is the carrier of Truth. Like stones on the path lie the derisions, and persecutions grow into impenetrable thickets. We will not destroy these thickets, but the conscious spirit will cover all manifestations of ignorance with its wings. To some, Infinity will seem an impossibility. To some, the thought of death will seem beautiful. To some, the evidence of labor will seem horrible. To some, labor itself will be a terror. To some, the rhythm of endless cosmic labor will seem like an old encumbrance. But the hand of wisdom points to where there is no end; there where all is incombustible, yet where all is both destructible and indestructible; where all is visibly formless yet where all great and beautiful forms dwell.

Hierarchy (1931) - 282:
282. The foundation upon which everything is built must be protected from disintegration. The foundation that upholds everything must be enhanced by all the best strivings; for upon the stones of the foundation stands the structure; for upon the foundation stands each affirmation. How, then, shall people treat the foundations, without realizing that the main thing is the cornerstone? So much has been destroyed by man, because of his failure to appreciate his treasures, and by his exposing the most essential to the hail storm! Thus, humanity must understand the great significance of the power of the foundation and must accept Hierarchy with its whole spirit.

Heart (1932) - 412:
412. Even the Highest Beings must become aflame in spirit in order to act. The expression "to become aflame" is truly exact. Precisely, one must become aflame! This means that one must fill oneself with an abundance of the spirit. But does it not signify that one must enter into contact with Hierarchy? Only in drawing the spirit from the Highest Source do we receive renewal and tensity of the fiery energy. Hence, it is not indicated anywhere that one must isolate oneself in spirit; on the contrary, one must fill oneself with the power of the spirit which leads to Light. You correctly recalled standing at the rim of the precipice, as if at an intensifying boundary. Only these crests of the waves will raise up the spirit and kindle it. But he who thinks of self, of self-affirmation, will never draw from the Eternal Fire. Thus, let us apply our striving toward spatial measures. I can hail you, mighty warriors, who are aware of the Phoenix rising from the ashes.

Brotherhood (1937) - 175:
175. Great Service has called forth everywhere much misunderstanding. To people it usually has the aspect of something unattainable. They hope that responsibility for such Service will pass them by. But let us reflect upon certain great Servitors. Let us see if They were unapproachable supermen. Pythagoras and Plato and Boehme and Paracelsus and Thomas Vaughan were men who bore their lamps amidst their fellow-men in life under a hail of non understanding and abuse. Anyone could approach them, but only a few were able to discern the superearthly radiance behind the earthly face. It is possible to name great Servitors of East and West, North and South. It is possible to peruse their biographies; yet everywhere we feel that the superearthly radiance appears rarely in the course of centuries. One should learn from reality.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 9:
9. Urusvati has been in Our laboratories, and has seen one of the formulas for atomic energy. Her physical memory could not retain it, but the inner receptacle absorbed it. "Atomic atoms!" exclaimed Our Brother during the splitting of the atom. Just as ears of wheat ripen in time for the harvest, so will these possibilities and achievements be preserved until that hour when they are to be given to humanity. It is difficult to make discoveries and then preserve the disclosure until the preordained date. In his madness man would scatter knowledge like hail upon the fields, not caring about the monsters that grow from unbridled passion. Understanding the dates is a great step toward Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 72:
It will be asked what calmness there can be when the world is in convulsion, but it is precisely when the world is in extreme tension that calmness is needed. At such times problems are not solved by usual methods. It is necessary to call forth from the depths of one's accumulations all Primal Energy and all the steadfastness upon which calmness rests. However, there is much earthly impatience, which, like a hail of arrows, shatters the concentration. One must stop to remove these arrows and in doing so diverts one's attention from the most important. At decisive times it is most important to take part in Our Concentration.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 198:
198. Urusvati knows that he who strives forward must face the storm. But people are afraid, and prefer to remain under shelter. There are few who would stand in a downpour of rain or pelting hail even for the sake of hastening their progress!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301:
301. Urusvati knows how even the greatest heroic deeds can be misunderstood. Are there many people who can look at the actions of others without prejudice? Picture a stranger making his way with great difficulty in rain and hail, and mud up to his knees. People watch him from the windows and laugh, wondering why he didn't stay home in the storm.


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